Top padding in css. We study text indentation in html. CSS Padding Options

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Welcome to my blog. Css (Cascading Style Sheets) provides a lot of customization options appearance web pages. Today I would like to briefly show how to define in CSS the padding on the top or on any other side for any element.


The margin is set using the margin property. With its help, you can set margins on all four sides at once, or use other properties: margin-top, margin-left, margin-right, margin-bottom, which allow you to make it only on one side.

The margin determines the distance that the selected edge of an element will be offset from other elements on the page. For example, the entry:

Margin-top: 20px;

This means that all blocks and paragraphs will be indented at the top by 20 pixels, that is, their top edge will be moved away from the elements adjacent to it by this distance.

Margins can be written on each side using only one margin property, to which 4 values ​​are written in a row:

Margin: 20px 10px 20px 10px;

The padding will be given from the top, right, bottom and left edges respectively. Since in this case they are equal on opposite sides, we could also write it like this:

Margin: 20px 10px;

The first value is the margin at the top and bottom, and the second is the margin at the sides.


Inner padding works differently - it doesn't move the block away from other elements, but adds that space inside the element, moving the content of the block away from its edges. It's comfortable. Where have you seen a website where the text starts at the very top left of the window?

I haven't seen this because web developers always use external and padding so that the text can be read as conveniently as possible. Internal padding is specified using the padding property, in which 4 values ​​can be listed at once, separated by a space, for all edges, respectively.

Also, similarly to margin, you can add the name of the side and set the distance only for it. For example, top padding can be written using padding-top . In general, the padding property works exactly the same as the margin property.

For example, you can give this piece of code:

Width: 200px;
Padding: 20px;

What do you think the actual width of our element will be? Here you can see that it is 200 pixels, but the paddings add another 20 on each side, for a total of 240 pixels. Take this into account when designing.

I would also like to note that padding is normally given only to block elements; it is better not to give it to inline elements. Margin works fine with any elements.

CSS layout has always been rectangular. Any smooth lines are the competence of the developer. Style rules provide enough options to give the page a smooth shape within the confines of the screen resolution. But any layout element is always a rectangle in which the arrangement of information is governed by CSS rules.

All-side padding is important for every page element when it's absolutely positioned, and CSS top padding is specifically defined because it matters for different elements, especially inline ones.

Basic positioning rules

A block element has a margin rule, a padding rule for the elements inside it, and a border width that can also be used.

The indentation at the top is of particular importance. CSS within a block associates padding rules with rules for absolutely and relatively positioned elements within that block.

A common practice for CSS rules: you can specify the same padding on all sides, in pairs top/bottom and right/left, or for each side separately. For example,

  • margin: 10px;
  • padding: 10px20px;
  • padding: 10px20px30px40px.

In the first case, the indentation of the element from the sides of the outer container in which it is located is set. In the second case, the margins at the top and bottom are 10px, on the left and right - 20px. In the third case, the size of the indents is indicated on all sides: top, right, bottom and left.

In all these cases, the indentation top CSS is 10 px.

Rules that change the position of elements

If a layout element is not positioned absolutely, it is positioned in the general order of page formation.

If we define padding on top CSS in the scCurrInfo element, the goal will be achieved, but if at the li level it will not.

In this example, using the padding rule: 40px; requires an adequate reduction of the width and height rules by 80px. Otherwise, the size of the scCurrInfo block will exceed the boundaries of the outer block.

If we remove the padding rule from the scCurrInfo description, but add it with a value of 20px to the list item style description, we will only get top indent. CSS will not apply this value to other parties.

Naturally, this use of the indentation rule applies to each li element.

General Content Formatting Practices

Some developers achieve perfection by laying out pages using block elements. Apparently, this is a classic practice - to start with tables and end your own educational process with blocks.

The freedom inherent in block layout is fascinating, and the developer’s imagination may not be limited by strict table rules: only rows, only cells, merging only horizontally and vertically. Nothing peculiar to relational ideas.

Meanwhile, tables, in addition to the obvious disadvantages, have many qualitative advantages. When creating padding at the top, CSS takes into account the padding on the left, right (bottom is a special moment). Table cell rules allow you to control both vertical and horizontal alignment. Using row styles and combining them with cell styles, you can create complex views of content.

The usual representation of a page in the form of rectangles does not at all prevent it from being presented in the form of a table. These are also rectangles, but they are also table cells, that is, they have their own rules that complement the rules of blocks.

Absolute positioning

Block with the rule POSITION: absolute ; will be located at a location determined by its coordinates relative to the block in which it is located.

A characteristic feature of CSS rules is "practice - best criterion truth" in most cases, especially when cross-browser compatibility is required and layout is done manually, it is preferable to studying full-fledged manuals on cascading style sheets.

Using tables often results in cell content shifting issues. A similar offset within a block does not always affect all elements. By experimenting, you can achieve the desired result. A trivial task: how removing top padding is not always a trivial solution for CSS.

In some cases, when you have to layout page elements in the bowels of some popular website content management system, you still need to pay attention not only to experimental practice, but also to look at the experience of your colleagues.


Sets the amount of indentation from the right edge of the element. The padding is the distance from the outer edge of the current element's right border to the inner border of its parent element (Figure 1).


margin-right: value | auto | inherit


The amount of right padding can be specified in pixels (px), percentage (%) or other units acceptable for CSS. The value can be either a positive or negative number.

Auto Specifies that the indent size will be automatically calculated by the browser. inherit Inherits the value of the parent.

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Applying the margin-right property

Object Model

document.getElementById("elementID ").style.marginRight


Browser Internet Explorer 6 doubles the left or right padding value for floated elements nested within parent elements. The margin that is adjacent to the parent's side is doubled. The problem is usually solved by adding display: inline to the floated element.

Internet Explorer versions up to and including 7.0 do not support the inherit value.


CSS property margin-top sets the margin at the top of the element. The padding is the distance from the outer edge of the top border of the current element to the inner border of its parent element or to the border of the element above it. Please note that inline elements (display : inline;) can only have left and right margins.

The size of the outer top padding can be specified in pixels (px), percentage (%) or other CSS units. The value can be either positive or negative.

Note: bottom or top margin child element can affect the overall height of the parent element unless it has a fixed height size.

Merge fields

  1. The fields of sister elements located one below the other and located in the document flow are combined into one common one. The height of the resulting field is equal to the height of the larger of the two fields, for example: field top element(margin-bottom) is 10px and the bottom element (margin-top) is 20px , the single margin in this case will be 20px high.
  2. Merging margins of a parent and child element that are in the flow of the document occurs if the parent element has nothing that separates its margin from the child element's margin (border, padding, or inline content). Also, field merging will not occur if the parent element has its overflow property set to hidden or auto . The advantage of this method is that the size of the parent element does not increase.

Block layout is often used when creating a website or blog. As a consequence of this, it is often necessary to indent blocks. For this reason, about how to indent in CSS described in detail in this lesson. To the browser, each tag is a container that has content, padding, outer margins, and a border. In this lesson we will learn how to make internal and external indents, and consider their main parameters.

The figure below clearly shows the block indent parameters:

As you can see, indents can be made in four directions: top indent (top), bottom indent (bottom), left indent (left) and right indent (right). Units of measurement can be pixels, percentages, and other CSS units - learn more about them. This tutorial uses pixels.

Block padding

The property responsible for padding in CSS is padding. So, let's look at an example of setting internal padding for a block:

padding-top: 5px; /*top padding*/ padding-left: 8px; /*left padding*/ padding-right: 8px; /*right padding*/ padding-bottom: 5px; /*bottom padding*/

In this example, padding is set separately for each side of the block. In addition, there are several ways to set indentation in CSS:

margin: 5px 8px 5px 8px; /*top, right, bottom, left margins*/ margin: 5px 8px 5px; /*describes the top, left, right, bottom margins*/ margin: 5px 8px; /*describes the top and bottom, right and left margins*/ margin: 7px; /*describes all internal margins of 7px*/

It's easier to remember the first and last methods. In the first case, the indents are placed clockwise (top, right, bottom, left) - we can specify any amount of indentation; in the latter case, the indents on all sides will be the same.

Block margins

The property responsible for margins in CSS is margin. Examples of margins in CSS:

margin-top: 5px; /*top margin*/ margin-left: 10px; /*left margin*/ margin-right: 10px; /*right margin*/ margin-bottom: 5px; /*bottom margin*/
padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px; /*top, right, bottom, left margins*/ padding: 5px 10px 5px; /*describes the top, left and right, bottom padding*/ padding: 5px 10px; /*describes the top and bottom, right and left padding*/ padding: 7px; /*describes all 7px margins*/

Thus, how to indent in CSS- the question is not difficult, but very relevant. To better understand the information described above, you should remember that there are two properties: padding - internal indents and margin - external indents. Also, as you already know, there are several ways to set indents, you can use them.

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