RAM for a computer: the basics of choosing the right one. Maximum amount of RAM in Windows Computer RAM size

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Almost any computer equipment includes two types of memory. Permanent (non-volatile) memory is used to store MP3 songs, photos, videos, documents and other important files. What is the difference between RAM? What does RAM affect, how many gigabytes does a modern smartphone need? This article will answer all these questions.

Any smartphone consists of many components. The biggest impact on the performance of the operating system is central processing unit (CPU). The second place in this ranking is definitely taken by random access memory (RAM). If this component is very slow, and the free space is very low, then the system and most applications will experience stuttering. As an example, let's remember the very first Symbian-based smartphones, the amount of RAM in which was measured in a few megabytes. On those devices, it was almost impossible to pause music playback to answer an incoming call - when returning to the music player, the track would start over again, since there was not enough space in the RAM to store the current position.

The main difference between RAM and permanent memory is volatility. When the power is turned off, the RAM is reset to zero. But this type of memory is much faster than ROM.

Both then and now, RAM is divided into several conventional sections:

  • System- here is the operating system (Android, iOS), as well as all sorts of service modules pre-installed by the smartphone manufacturer. A branded shell may also be present in this segment. It is the system section that is filled with information first. The faster the memory used in the device, the faster the operating system loads.
  • Custom- this memory is available after the loading of the OS finishes. It is in this section that the executive files of various applications are contained - Internet browser, instant messengers and others. Also here, firmware additions may gradually appear here, released by the gadget manufacturer in the form of updates.
  • Available- a small section reserved by the operating system. This “reservation” is needed to prevent problematic situations and quickly launch new applications.

What does RAM affect?

What benefits does a user get if a smartphone has an increased amount of RAM? On such a device, more applications can run in the background. That is, the Internet browser will not load the page from scratch if you return to it after visiting many other programs. Also, with a large amount of RAM, a huge number of instant messengers, a torrent client and other types of applications can work in the background. But the performance of the operating system itself depends not so much on the volume as on the speed characteristics of the RAM. Affects the operation of Android or iOS OS and optimization of the operating system.

Bill Gates once said that 640 KB of RAM is enough for any computer. Now even a mobile operating system requires approximately 1 GB, and to this you also need to add a proprietary shell and applications that are then installed. And if the code is poorly optimized, then slowdowns and freezes will occur in any case. A good example is Samsung smartphones and tablets released before 2015. There was a sufficient amount of RAM in such devices, but the cumbersome and unoptimized interface literally forced the gadget to slow down from time to time.

The battery life depends on the amount of RAM. Everything here is banal. A large number of background processes loads the CPU quite heavily. And this, in turn, entails increased energy consumption. Smartphone manufacturers are fighting this with a thinner chipset process technology, a larger battery, and better optimization of pre-installed software.

How much RAM does a smartphone need?

As mentioned above, the Android operating system can take up from 512 MB to 1 GB of RAM. Also, RAM is needed for those applications that will be installed as the device is used. This means that now you should not buy a smartphone that contains less than 2 GB of RAM. And this is already the minimum parameter! If you need to buy a device that will definitely not unload recently launched applications from memory, then you need to think about a device whose characteristics include 4 GB or even more RAM.

Please note that you shouldn’t overdo it either. 8 GB of RAM is just a marketing ploy. Android simply cannot yet consume such a huge amount. Only future versions of the operating system will learn how to do this, which, quite possibly, will never arrive on the selected device.

How to free up RAM?

Many smartphone owners think that to free up RAM they just need to open the list of previously running applications and then click “Close all”. In part, this actually helps free up some RAM, which will help, for example, run the game better. But sometimes more effective methods are required.

Many branded shells have built-in tools for freeing up RAM. Applications can be unloaded from it automatically, once every certain period of time. But much more often you have to free up memory manually. Let's consider the user's actions using the example of a smartphone from Samsung:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Click on the item " Optimization».

Step 3. Wait until the device check is completed, then click on “ RAM" Or click on the button " Optimize"if you want to free up permanent memory at the same time.

Step 4. An additional check will be launched in the “RAM” subsection. Then you need to press the button " Clear" The system will first tell you exactly how much RAM will be freed.

On smartphones and tablets from other companies, the built-in optimizer utility may be located somewhere in the menu; in this case, visiting “Settings” is not required. There are proprietary shells without a built-in ability to free up RAM. Fortunately, no one is stopping the user from downloading a special application from Google Play that does the same thing. The site has a separate article about the best optimizers for Android - all you have to do is choose the appropriate option. Let's try to download and install CCleaner.

Step 1. Launch the installed application. When starting for the first time, you will need to press the " Begin».

Step 2. The program may also offer to upgrade to a paid version. It is devoid of advertising and supplemented with some useful features. If you don’t want to spend money yet, then click the “ Continue for free».

Step 3. The main window of the application indicates the filled amount of ROM and RAM. In order for the program to understand exactly how much volume can be freed, you should click the “ Analysis».

Step 4. When you launch it for the first time on the latest versions of Android, you will receive a warning that the utility needs permissions to work with certain sections of the operating system. Click the button Clear" and provide the requested permissions.

Step 5. The analysis can take quite a long time - it all depends on how long ago CCleaner was last launched. When the process is completed, you need to check the boxes next to those elements that can be deleted from permanent and RAM. After this, all you have to do is press the “ Clear».

Step 6. In the future, you can order the program to automatically clear RAM and ROM. This is done in a separate section. However, to activate this feature you will need to purchase a paid version of the application.

Clearing RAM in modern versions of Android is rarely required. Basically, this action may be needed before starting some very heavy game. In general, you don't have to think about RAM if the amount of this type of memory is equal to or greater than 4 GB.


This article made it clear what RAM is in a smartphone. RAM is much faster than flash memory, but it requires a constant supply of energy, without which all information will simply be deleted. We advise you to familiarize yourself with how to increase permanent memory - this article is also very relevant for owners of budget smartphones.

Random access memory (RAM) is computer memory, which is responsible for the rapid exchange of user and system data with the processor. RAM is no less important device in the system unit than the motherboard or processor. Choosing the right RAM is very difficult, since there are many types of them and they have many important features. That is why in this article we will try to tell you everything you need to know to choose the right RAM.

RAM Features

What is RAM needed for?

The purpose of RAM is to store information currently being used by the user or programs. RAM communicates with the processor directly or through the cache. The speed of RAM is tens or even hundreds of times higher than the speed of a hard drive. Let's give an example: the operating speed of DDR3 is 12800 Mb/sec, when the HDD speed is 80 Mb/sec. In this case, the difference is 160 times, which you will agree is very, very significant.

One of the features of RAM is its volatility, that is, it is capable of storing information as long as the power is on; when the computer is turned off, all information is erased. There is really one exception - sleep mode, in this case all information from RAM is written to a special temporary file on the hard drive. Therefore, when you wake up your computer from sleep or standby mode, you can see applications, videos, music, documents that you haven’t closed and continue working from where you left off.

Why is the amount of RAM important?

The amount of RAM directly affects the performance of individual programs and the system as a whole. The larger the amount of RAM, the less the system will have to access the hard drive, and accordingly there will be no freezes or slight slowdowns.

In practice, RAM plays the role of a kind of buffer between the hard drive and the processor. For example, you decide to play a game. When the game has loaded, you see the game menu, which means that the data from the HDD has been transferred to RAM. Now you are working directly with RAM. Next, the game levels and your profile are loaded - this is also uploading data from the HDD to RAM. The gameplay itself is the interaction of RAM with the processor.

The same thing happens when you work with programs. The amount of RAM will determine how many documents you can work with at the same time, how many browser tabs you can open without freezing. If you have a large amount of RAM, then you can open all of the above together with the game, and you can also watch a movie in a small window in the corner of the screen. A large amount of RAM allows you to watch high-definition movies without freezing, as well as use various graphic effects.

Selecting RAM

RAM type

When choosing the type of RAM, be sure to pay attention to the features of your motherboard, since it is this that will dictate the conditions for you. Usually on the manufacturer's website you will find comprehensive information about what type of RAM the motherboard supports and its other features for which the memory will be selected.

All modern motherboard models support DDR3 RAM type. It is important to note that RAM is divided into: computer and laptop. That is, long panels are used for a computer, and short ones for a laptop, so they do not fit each other.

What amount of RAM to choose

If we are talking about a desktop computer, then today the most optimal amount of RAM is 8 GB. In tandem with well-balanced components, they are quite enough for most games, not to mention various programs and working with multimedia content.

A limitation in choosing the amount of RAM may become, since not all of them support large amounts of RAM. This is exactly what you need to find out first of all in the characteristics of the motherboard.

As for the laptop, first study its parameters: the number of RAM slots and supporting capacity. Thus, you should also find out whether there are free slots on the motherboard for installing additional RAM panels, and whether the motherboard will support this amount of RAM. For most laptops, 4 GB of RAM will be sufficient.

Also, when choosing RAM, remember that 32-bit operating systems do not support more than 4 GB of RAM, or even less. Therefore, there is no point in increasing its volume. It is worth buying larger RAM if you install a 64-bit operating system, which supports up to 64 GB of RAM. But for this you must have a powerful computer.

Number of slats

Computers in which the total amount of RAM is divided into an equal number of sticks for the slots available for them are the best option. Two 4 GB sticks are better than one 8 GB stick. The fact is that motherboards support two or more channel modes of working with RAM. In theory, by activating this mode, throughput increases by 2 times. In practice it is a little less, but it is quite noticeable. Therefore, try to distribute the total amount of RAM among the slots, but be prudent at the same time.

Sooner or later, you will need to upgrade your computer, so give yourself the opportunity to increase the amount of RAM in the future. For example, if you have 4 slots for RAM, buy two 4 GB panels, in the future you can buy 2 more 4 GB each - and thus correctly increase the volume. If you buy slats of a smaller volume, then later you will have to put them in a box and buy new ones, since they will be of no use. More RAM is welcome, but illogical.

RAM sticks can be sold individually or as a set. Buying RAM in a set is more profitable than buying one at a time.

Clock speed, bandwidth and supply voltage

When you select RAM, make sure that the clock speed, bandwidth, and supply voltage are supported by the motherboard. By the way, the higher the value of the listed parameters, the more powerful the RAM.


Website experts strongly recommend giving preference to RAM models with a heatsink. The RAM heatsink is a metal plate that is located on the socket chips. Radiators are used to improve heat transfer, mainly in models operating at high frequencies.

Which company is best to buy RAM?

The company that produces the RAM is also very important. Today, RAM sockets from such manufacturers as:

  • Corsair;

  • Kingston;

  • Hynix;

  • Patriot Memory;

  • Transcend.

When choosing RAM, try to ensure that all available sockets are not only from the same company, but also from the same model and with the same parameters, for high-quality and synchronous operation.


RAM in comparison with other components, such as: motherboard, and others, is quite cheap. A pair of 4 GB DDR3 sticks (with a total capacity of 8 GB) costs from 2500 to 3000 rubles. If you buy the strips separately, they will cost a little more.

There is no need to buy the newly released RAM models (for example, 32 GB DDR3). Firstly, on average, one megabyte of memory in this case costs more, and secondly, you are unlikely to find a way to use the entire amount of memory. As a rule, 8 GB of RAM is enough for any user to work comfortably.

Those users who have at least once experienced the delight of increasing the size of their computer's RAM by two or more times are sure that the more memory, the faster the computer works. However, the rule “more memory - faster computer” does not always work. After a certain value, the effect decreases and then disappears altogether. Now let's try to figure out how much memory can theoretically be installed in a computer, and how much is actually needed for optimal operation of applications and the operating system.

How much memory can I install?

The theoretical limit for 32-bit systems is a little over 3 gigabytes. A 64-bit system could theoretically handle 16.8 million terabytes!

Today, when programs are optimized for working with large amounts of memory, the RAM disk is losing some of its attractiveness. And if you consider that all the data on it will be lost during a power failure, then the idea of ​​​​creating such a virtual drive at home loses its relevance.

So, the optimal amount of memory for a home computer is 8 GB. In this case, the memory sticks will justify the money you invested in them.

And the best answer to the question “What should I do with free memory?” sounds like this for modern operating systems: “Don’t interfere with your work!” Those. just leave the memory alone - the system itself knows how best to use it, just work with programs and games.

Be sure to pay attention to the article, which reveals many points on how memory works.

If the amount of RAM allows you to simultaneously use a large number of programs, this is great, because you can quickly switch between them without having to close programs.

Due to the rise in price of flash memory on the market, many buyers have a question when assembling a new PC - do they need that extra 8 GB stick of RAM? Is 4GB not enough? How much RAM do you need in 2017? Let's try to figure it out, starting with one and multiplying by two.

Up to 4 GB RAM

1 GB is an archaism that belongs in the dustbin of history. The build is ten years old, new OSs don’t work, old ones suffer. Option only for bank terminal or super retro station.Habitat: museums, landfills, tombs of ancient programmers.Personal experience - this is how much it cost on an old PC with Windows XP, which could barely run DOOM 3 on minimum graphics settings.

Multiply by two, we get 2 GB - not enough, 70% percent will be gobbled up by the already unoptimized Windows 10, and since after using 50% of the RAM, the system begins to connect a slow paging file, wait for the brakes. 2 GB - uhthen the minimum volume for Windows 10, that is, for exclusively office work in Word, Excel and a browser with a maximum of two open tabs.

The habitat is cheap Chinese analogues of the Compute Stick, the Compute Stick itself and the most inexpensive Windows 10 tablets, like the Teclast X80.My personal experience is not particularly familiar, because 2 GB was only on the old LG G2, all computers had either a gigabyte of RAM, or three, or four.


This is the minimum acceptable volume, as for me. For everything about everything, we still have about 2.5 GB of free memory, which should be enough for web browsing, and for working in Photoshop, and for video rendering. One by one, of course.

Habitat - almost everywhere, this is one of the most popular options for Windows tablets and budget PCs. The volume is enough for the smooth operation of the operating system, launching undemanding browsers and playing old games in parallel on alt-tab - one of my favorite ways to complete some projects. If you need to have a bunch of open, say, messengers, then this is a living wage. Plus - the same swap file, the brakes will be frequent.

My personal experience is, since a 4 GB Goodram DDR3 die was installed on my first personal PC, which had not been upgraded for about two years. And this is not enough for a gamer.


Optimal volume for work and 99% of games with the browser closed.Habitat - everywhere, this is a very quickly gaining popularity option. But contrary to what Linux users who sit on 6 GB and use their computer once every five years may tell you, you won’t live long on 8 GB. At maximum graphics settings, Watch Dogs 2, for example, consumes 6200 megabytes of RAM, at minimum - 4200, and the total system consumption does not hit the ceiling only starting from 12 GB of total memory. So 8GB is enough for basic work and gaming, but won't last long.

Personal experience - 8 GB is enough for many things. Very many. You can write an article by periodically alt-tabing on some DOOM from 2016, while keeping the Google Play player running. But in new games this is no longer enough.


This is the most adequate volume for games and entry-level workstations. Enough volume so that you don’t have to worry about it for another three years, opening ten tabs in Chrome in parallel with Photoshop in RAW format and Battlefield 1 on alt-tab.The habitat is suitable PCs, not budget ones, but not ultra-powerful ones either, workstations for serious designers and video editors of average seriousness. Unlike the situation with 4 GB, where there were a bunch of open messengers, in the case of 16 GB and more we will be dealing mainly with one demanding program.

Personal experience - it’s not enough, since I upgraded my PC with an additional eight relatively recently, but I will say that it’s simply gorgeous. The swap file is silent, any of the games available to me on Steam/Origin does not clog the system even by 50%.

More than 16 GB RAM

From 32 to 64 GB - workstations of variable power, gaming PCs with a couple of Titan or GTX 1080 Ti in SLI and RGB backlighting under each screw. Most often, RAM for such purposes is purchased with backlighting, which will cost money separately. If you want such a computer for yourself, then you already know everything in advance and don’t need my advice.Habitat - the chambers of gamer enthusiasts, who, for example, .Personal experience - no.

128 GB is the maximum capabilities of a standard consumer at the moment. Practical application is possible only on test benches with the most powerful equipment, including server equipment for exorbitant prices.Habitat: Linus Sebastian's office, servers of major players, like Facebook (probably).Personal experience - no.

256 GB and above are the capacities available on hand-built motherboards with multiple processors. To work with this amount of RAM, you need a Windows Server operating system, plus the system starts in about two minutes, even if you use an SSD.Habitat: secret headquarters of oil and gas field explorers. Maybe.Personal experience - 50% sweet dreams, 50% terrible nightmares due to the fact that I imagined the amount of RAM and was scared - what if even a terabyte of DDR4 is not enough, and what to do next?

But will DDR3 be enough in 2017?

When the choice concerns DDR3 and/or DDR4, the most important factor here is the memory frequency, which increases with overclocking and new versions. It is logical that the more expensive the PC, the better the RAM should be, but this is not only logical, but sometimes even necessary. For example, Ryzen processors, due to their design features, are very fond of high-frequency RAM, namely from 2400 MHz. Such frequencies are most accessible on DDR4; the previous standard has to be overclocked.

The high frequency of RAM for Ryzen allows you to fully realize the technical features of the new processors, significantly increasing performance in games, in the system, and for content creation. However, I take the position that volume is more important than frequency. Is there a difference in how fast your program will run if you can't switch from it to the desktop or browser without crashing/auto-closing?


Now let's sum it up. 4 GB is an adequate option for a purely office PC. 8 GB is an average figure, more or less universal. 16 GB is the most sober and future-proof option. Less than 4 GB is archaic and insufficient, more than 16 GB is a specialized purchase for connoisseurs. In total, 8/16 GB of RAM will be enough for most consumers for 2017, and even 2018, unless there are force majeure, or Chrome does not consume even more memory.

How much RAM is there? - the question is not entirely correct, because the required quantity depends on many indicators - the available processor, motherboard and other components that make up a single integrated system.

In light of the latest reviews of Chinese smartphones with up to 6GB of RAM, which even now is not so common on modern computers, the question of expanding the capabilities of your machine naturally arises.

In this review, we will highlight all the nuances that will help you choose the right RAM for your computer.

Determining appetites

How much RAM is required?

1-2Gb. The required minimum for running office applications and viewing pages in a browser.

4Gb. A budget home version that allows you not only to work in a text editor and the Internet, but also to watch movies in high quality and work in a graphics editor.

8Gb. Advanced configuration - supports many modern games in basic settings, allows you to easily work with video files, test applications during programming, and much more.

Above 8Gb. Option for powerful PCs and laptops - allows you to run all modern games in high quality. The average user does not need this amount.

As you can see, there is no clear answer to the question “how much RAM do you need?” - it all depends on the operating mode you choose.

If you really don’t have enough RAM, we will tell you how to choose the right RAM.

More memory!

If you do decide to increase the amount of RAM, carefully consider the parameters of your computer: Windows system configuration, type of RAM slots, processor clock speed and motherboard voltage. These parameters are displayed in the specific CPU Z program - all parameters and system components are displayed in one window.

  1. Windows configuration. The system you are using also consumes some amount of RAM. If you have the WinXP version, adding modules is almost useless. 32-bit systems simply do not see more than 3 gigabytes. With later versions it is more difficult - starting from Win8.1 you will already need 8GB.
  2. The type of RAM slots installed on your motherboard is an important aspect when choosing a module. It would be a shame to purchase the latest DDR4 and realize that the motherboard does not support this type of bracket and categorically refuses to work with it. Any board supports only one type of RAM. If you have DDR2, then only DDR2 can be used and nothing else.
    Only the latest generation motherboards can support DDR4 memory, and if you really want to, you can take the opportunity and build a new computer.
  3. CPU. Processor manufacturers take care of their users - on official websites there are usually compatibility tables with models and types of RAM sticks. For example, you can easily find the answer to which types are compatible and suitable for the Intel i5 processor - a list of models and configurations that it should support and that will keep the computer running like a clockwork, well-synchronized mechanism.

Market and assortment - the name matters

The main manufacturers of RAM modules at the moment are several leading companies:

  • Corsair
  • Crucial
  • Samsung

When purchasing, you will overpay for the name, but at the same time you will receive a high-quality, proven product without unnecessary risks.

Types of RAM, fundamental differences

Today there are four generations of RAM. The most common modules are DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L and DDR4. So, how are RAM modules different?


The very first models of RAM. They were characterized by low performance (volume up to 512Mb and frequency up to 400MHz), high voltage (2.2 - 2.4V). Still used in very old computer models.


The second generation, also gradually becoming a thing of the past. Motherboards that support this type of RAM sticks are no longer in production, as are the modules themselves. Compared to its predecessor, this type consumes an order of magnitude less energy (1.8-2.1V), and the frequency and volume have increased significantly: 800-1000 MHz and 1-8 GB, respectively. The number of contacts also increased from 184 to 240.

This is what a DDR2 bar looks like


The most popular memory module today is DDR3, which is used by many modern machines. The frequency of the RAM module reaches 2800 MHz, but the number of timings in these types has also increased. But still, DDR3 has higher performance compared to its predecessors. There is also another type of this platform - DDR3L gives a more interesting energy saving indicator (1.35V compared to 1.5V in the basic configuration).


If you decide to build a new computer, it is advisable to put it on a more modern platform with DDR4 RAM slots. With each generation of modules, the voltage decreases (for DDR4 this parameter has a value of 1.2V, which affects the overall power consumption of the computer), the frequency increases (this configuration has a maximum frequency of 4200 MHz) and data transfer speed. The latest generation of RAM operates at speeds of up to 3200Mbps, while for DDR3 the limit is 2133. At the moment, DDR4 has the fastest data transfer speed and maximum performance indicators, at the same time, due to its low voltage requirement, it is practically warming up.

For comparison, one DDR4 2133 MHz CL 15 stick is enough to replace two new identical DDR3 2400 MHz sticks with the same amount of processor-related data transferred.

Types of RAM

RAM is a recording device designed to store and read data when a PC is running. RAM modules, differing in external and internal characteristics, are also classified according to other parameters.

RDIMM is register memory. This marking indicates that buffer registers are installed between the data bus and memory, which perform an additional function of monitoring data integrity.

LRDIMM is non-buffered memory. These are DIMM modules with reduced bus load due to an additional chip.

UDIMM is the type most commonly used in desktop and laptop computers. Unlike the previous two, it is less stable, since it is neither register nor buffered. However, on the scale of one PC this circumstance does not play a special role.

SODIMM is a compact version used in laptops and some types of office equipment. The fundamental difference is the form factor. The length of the SODIM bar is only 67.6 mm, while the other configurations measure 133.35 mm.

Main characteristics of RAM - what to look for

RAM voltage is a parameter that characterizes the RAM's need for electricity for normal, stable operation.

Many advanced users manually change the voltage supplied from the motherboard in the BIOS in order to increase performance. Without knowing some aspects, it is not recommended to perform this technique - you risk burning the module without achieving anything. Without knowledge of the BIOS, it is better not to touch it - the voltage will be set when installing the appropriate drivers. If you are in doubt, visit the manufacturer’s website and get parameters and recommendations for your device type.

The frequency of RAM is an indicator on the value of which the data transfer speed directly depends. It is important to note that the operating frequency of the RAM stick must match or be less than the clock frequency of the motherboard. Otherwise, you will observe a sad result - the system will fail. Also, the optimized operation of the computer is facilitated by the ideal match of the data transfer speed between the processor and the RAM strip.

The main factor when choosing RAM is frequency, but you shouldn’t chase numbers. The clock speed of the board should not exceed the processor frequency. The main mistake of users is that very often, in pursuit of hertz, they completely ignore this parameter. As a result, this nonsense threatens not only a bad mood, but also damage to the entire system as a whole.

RAM capacity is a characteristic that shows the amount of data that the module can hold. When choosing this indicator, you should focus on the type of activity you perform at the computer.

I hope this article was useful and you figured out whether it’s worth upgrading your RAM and how to do it correctly.

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