Opening cases in World of Tank

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Please note: more than 50 new stores have already been added to the list of partners. Find your store on !

Dear players!

Welcome to the new service for virtual tankers - . Make your everyday purchases and return part of the amount spent (cashback) in the form of in-game gold. Get more for the same money!

Now you can make purchases and receive a “golden” bonus in more than 100 major online stores. Among them:

  • AliExpress,
  • Lamoda,
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A complete list of stores can be found on the website. The amount of cashback depends on the conditions provided by a particular store.

And this is far from the limit! We are actively working to attract new partner stores, and their list is constantly expanding.

How to get cashback

2. Click the button To come in in the upper right corner and log in using your ID account information. If you are already logged in to Wargaming resources, you will be logged in automatically.

3. Select the store you are interested in (you can immediately see the amount of cashback in game gold) and go to its page.

4. Just shop! Information about the amount of cashback and the timing of its accrual to your account will not appear in your Personal Account.

The timing of accrual depends on the conditions of the store and relevant legislation and can range from 10 to 90 days.

We buy with double benefit!

And it’s even more profitable to pay for purchases through WG Cashback with a World of Tanks card from Alfa-Bank, because the bonuses add up!

This User Agreement has been prepared and developed in order to regulate the relationship between Users and the Site Administrator, determine the mutual rights and obligations of Users and the Site Administrator, including the legal status (position) of the latter, the conditions and grounds for their liability, the conditions and grounds for exemption from it, and also the procedure for applying appropriate sanctions for violations of the rules of use of the Site.
This User Agreement is recognized as a public offer addressed by the Site Administrator to an unlimited circle of fully legal and capable individuals (citizens) - Users, to enter into an agreement for the provision of entertainment services provided for in this Agreement and defined by the functionality of the Site, on the terms and in the manner established in the Agreement .
Acceptance of this Agreement is the performance by the User of actual (implicit) actions indicating acceptance of the terms of the Agreement, in particular such actions include Authorization of the User on the Site and payment for the services of the Site Administrator.
Acceptance of the User Agreement means the User's familiarization and agreement with its terms, as well as the User's obligation to comply with all provisions and rules established in the text of the User Agreement.
The Site Administrator and the User are collectively referred to in the text of this Agreement as the “Parties”, and individually as the “Party”.


1.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

1.1.1. Website– a result of intellectual activity, which is a composite work located on the Internet under a specific network address, consisting of web pages that include and contain computer programs (software) that ensure its technical functioning, graphic solution (design), content , namely test information, photographic images, pictures, videos, etc., intended to provide entertainment services to Users of the Site. In the text of this Agreement, the Site refers to the Site located on the Internet under the domain name (address) – www..

1.1.2. Site administrator- a person who has the rights to own, use and dispose of the Site legally and provides the Site for use to Users in order to provide the latter with entertainment services provided for in this Agreement and determined by the functionality of the Site.

1.1.3. User– any individual (citizen) who has passed the Authorization procedure on the Site and uses the Site in accordance with its main purpose and functionality, in particular to receive entertainment services provided through the Site, and moral and psychological satisfaction from using the Site.

1.1.4. Authorization on the Site– individualization and identification of the User, carried out by assigning the latter a unique name on the Site, carried out through the User’s account (based on account data) in the multiplayer online game “World of Tanks”.

1.1.5. Coin– the internal currency of the Site (unit of calculation) used by Users to receive certain entertainment services provided through the Site.

1.1.6. Bonuses– the number of Coins provided by the Site Administrator to the User for using the Site services.

1.1.7. User Account– the User’s personal card on the Site, reflecting the information:

  • about funds received from the User for the purchase of Coins;
  • about the number of Coins spent by the User to receive certain entertainment services provided through the Site;
  • about the number of Bonuses provided to the User by the Site Administrator for using the Site’s services;
  • about the balance of unspent (unused) Coins by the User;
  • about other data and operations at the discretion of the Site Administrator.

1.1.8. Website Service– a block, a set of services defined by a single meaning and meaning, provided by the Site Administrator to Users.

1.1.9. Electronic mail (E-mail)– a special technology that ensures the sending and receiving of electronic messages, letters, files, documents, etc. through the use of the Internet.

1.1.10.User Account– a special virtual space on the Site, allocated (provided) to the User after Authorization on the Site, containing certain information about him, including the User Account, and necessary for using the Site in accordance with its main purpose and functionality.

1.2 The Agreement may use terms not defined in clause 1.1. present agreement. In these cases, the interpretation of the terms is made in accordance with the text and meaning of this Agreement. If there is no clear interpretation of a term in the text of this Agreement, you should be guided by the interpretation of the terms: first of all, as defined on the Site specified in clause 1.1.1. of this Agreement, and secondly, in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1 Use of the Site is permitted only by persons who have passed the Authorization procedure on the Site. The use of the Site by persons who do not have full legal capacity in accordance with the laws of the User’s country of residence is prohibited.

2.2 Use of the Site is permitted exclusively for non-commercial purposes aimed at satisfying the personal emotional and psychological needs of the Users, improving the moral and psychological state of the User, etc.

2.3 Authorization on the Site is carried out through the User’s account in the multiplayer online game “World of Tanks”. The Site Administrator, at his own discretion and sole decision, may determine the procedure and information necessary for User Authorization on the Site.

2.4 When Authorizing on the Site, its use, as well as upon appropriate request, the User is obliged to indicate (including in his Account) and provide the Site Administrator with complete and reliable information, in particular about his name, surname, patronymic, Email address, contact mobile number phone, etc.

2.5 The Site Administration has the right to block and/or delete the User’s Account on the Site if the User, for 3 (three) months in a row, does not use the Coins in the User’s Account to receive entertainment services from the Site, in particular services provided in accordance with section "ARTA". In these cases, the balance of Coins located on the User's Account is irrevocably canceled and is recognized as the User's payment to the Site Administrator for using the Site in terms of familiarization with the information located on the Site. Blocking and/or deletion of the User's Account is simultaneously recognized as termination (termination) of this Agreement.

2.6 After termination of the Agreement, the User has no right to make any claims or demands against the Site Administrator, including, but not limited to, demanding payment of funds, return of Coins, their transfer, etc.

2.7 The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that the posting of information on the Site, as well as its transfer to the Site Administrator, including his personal data, is carried out by him independently, voluntarily and at his own personal discretion. By posting his personal data on the Site, the User confirms that he does this voluntarily, and also that he voluntarily provides it to the Site Administrator for processing. The User hereby confirms that the provision of information in the manner established in this Agreement is carried out solely at the independent discretion and will of the User.

2.8 The User hereby consents to the processing of his personal data. The Site Administrator has the right to use the User’s personal data for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement, in particular to provide entertainment services to Site Users.

2.10 Information about Users is obtained by the Site Administrator from the following main sources:

2.10.1. Information communicated and/or indicated and/or posted by the User on the Site as part of its use, in particular:

  • data about Users specified and determined during Authorization on the Site, in particular first name, surname, gender, email address, nickname, password and other data about Users, determined at the discretion of the Site Administrator;
  • data about Users posted by them in their Accounts on the Site;
  • data about Users posted and/or indicated by them in their email messages;
  • data provided by Users at the motivated request of the Site Administrator. It is hereby established that the Site Administrator has the right to request from Users any information necessary for the Site Administrator to fulfill its obligations to provide the User with access to the Site, as well as to fulfill its other obligations to Users. At the same time, Users are responsible for timely and reliable provision of relevant information to the Site Administrator.

2.10.2. Information received automatically from software services used by Users when using the Site, in particular:

  • data about the hardware stationary device used by the User when visiting the Site, including the brand (model), operating system and its version, unique device identifier;
  • data about the mobile communication network, model (brand) of the phone, the location of the User, if a mobile device is used to enter the Site;
  • data recorded in server logs, in particular information about User search queries, cookies, IP address, system failures, etc.;
  • information about the domain of the User's provider, country of location, etc.

2.11 The Site Administrator does not verify the accuracy of the information provided or received from Users and does not exercise control over their legal capacity and legal capacity. The Site Administrator assumes and assumes that the User, in all cases without exception, provides complete and reliable information about himself, and keeps this information up to date.

2.12 Considering that personal data with the consent of the User is publicly available, however, the Site Administrator, when processing personal data of Users, undertakes to take all organizational and technical measures to protect them from unauthorized access in a manner not provided for by the Site. However, it is possible that as a result of a malfunction of the Site, a virus or hacker attack, technical malfunctions and other circumstances, the User’s personal data may become available to other persons. The User understands this and agrees that he will not make claims against the Site Administrator in this regard, given that he makes his personal data publicly available.

2.13 The Site Administrator will strive to avoid actions on the part of third parties aimed at obtaining, changing, blocking, destroying, distributing, or copying personal data of Users.

2.14 By virtue of this Agreement, by indicating his personal data on the Site, the User unconditionally agrees:

  • with the provision of personal data to an unlimited number of persons using the Site;
  • with the processing of personal data by the Site Administrator;
  • with the dissemination of personal data using the Site;
  • with other actions of the Site Administrator in relation to such data in connection with the operation of the Site.

2.15 The User undertakes to store data for using the Site in a place inaccessible to any third parties, and not to disclose or provide relevant information to third parties. The user bears full responsibility and risk of all possible potential and actual negative consequences associated with failure to comply with this rule.

2.16 The Site Administrator processes only the User’s personal data that was posted by him on the Site. The User's personal data is processed using software, hardware and technical means of the Site.

2.17 The User undertakes not to post the personal data of other persons on the Site, and not to use the personal data of other Users in any way that does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, for illegal or illegal purposes, for the purpose of profit or any other purposes that are not consistent with the purposes of creating the Site. .

2.18 The user has the right to demand exclusion (deletion) of information about him from the database generated on the Site. To do this, the User must send a corresponding notification to the Email address of the Site Administrator indicating the Email address of the User whose information is to be deleted.

2.19 As a general rule, the Site Administrator does not have the right to transfer information about Users to third parties, except in cases where such transfer is necessary for the Site Administrator to fulfill its obligations to Users, as well as in the cases specified in clause 2.20. Agreements.

2.20 Cases of transfer of information about Users that do not require their prior consent:

  • state bodies, including bodies of inquiry and investigation, prosecutors' offices and local government bodies upon their motivated request;
  • on the basis of a judicial act;
  • to third parties upon their reasoned request in the event of a violation or alleged violation of their rights and interests;
  • in other cases determined by current legislation.

2.21 The Administrator does not bear any obligations to the User to protect the User’s personal data, except for the cases expressly stated in this Agreement.

2.22 Since the Site and World of Tanks are different resources managed by non-affiliated persons, and since World of Tanks does not transfer (access) the User’s personal data to the Site, possibly indicated by the latter when registering for World of Tanks, the Site is not responsible for the way in which World of Tanks and other resources cooperating with World of Tanks collect, store, process, change, and destroy User data.


3.1 Within the framework of this User Agreement, the Site Administrator provides Users with services for providing the Users with the technical capabilities of the Site established by its functionality, and the User undertakes to pay for the Administrator’s services in the amount, manner and on the terms established by this Agreement.

3.2 The provision of services by the Site Administrator is aimed at ensuring the opportunity for Users to spend leisure time, entertain Users, etc. without providing the opportunity to receive material winnings using the services of the Site, in particular the ARTA service.

3.3 Users using the services are prohibited from attempting to collude and interact with each other in order to influence the results of the provision and provision of these services in the interests of one or more of such Users. Identification of such facts by the Site Administrator will serve as grounds for prohibiting the User’s access to the relevant services of the Site or to the entire Site in general.

3.4 The services provided by the Site Administrator are spectacular and entertaining (graphics/animation presented on the Site). The Site's services are conceptually related to the theme of multiplayer online games. The services provided by the Site Administrator are aimed at satisfying the personal emotional and psychological needs of Users. As a result of using the services, the user can experience emotional satisfaction from receiving the appropriate services.

3.5 The services provided by the Site Administrator are not services for organizing and conducting risk-based games, i.e. are not gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes and are not other services in which the User bears any material risks. That is, the services are not processes in which the User enters into a risk-based agreement to win. The services provided by the Site Administrator do not contain elements of gambling, do not contain elements and signs of a risk-based agreement to win (risk-based games, risky games).


4.1 The Site Administrator provides entertainment services to Users by providing the “Arta” Site service for use. As part of the use of the relevant Service, the User is provided with entertainment services in the form of viewing virtual graphic animation in the form of a shot from a tank across cells (fields).

4.2 The selection of the cell (field) on which the virtual graphic shot from the tank will be fired is carried out directly and independently by the User. The user selects 2 (two) cells (fields) from 9 (nine) proposed by the Site Administrator.

4.3 For receiving these entertainment services in the form of virtual graphic animation in the form of a shot from a tank across cells (fields), the User contributes Coins in an amount determined at the discretion of the User.

4.4 If in the first (one) of the cells (fields) selected by the User there is another virtual animation-graphic tank, then the Site Administrator provides the User with a Bonus in the form of the number of Coins contributed by the User for receiving this service, multiplied by two . If in both cells (fields) selected by the User there is another virtual animation-graphic tank, then the Site Administrator provides the User with a Bonus in the form of the number of Coins contributed by the User for receiving this service, multiplied by five.

4.5 The corresponding number of Bonuses provided to the User by the Site Administrator is fixed (credited) to the User’s Account and added to other Coins available on the User’s Account.

4.6 The user independently and by his own will determines and selects a cell (field) on which a virtual graphic shot from the tank will be fired. At the same time, the User absolutely clearly and accurately understands, acknowledges and agrees that:

  • The Coins contributed by the User are payment for viewing the corresponding virtual graphic shot from a tank;
  • Nothing in this section of the Agreement and in the Agreement as a whole guarantees the User a theoretical or actual (real) opportunity to receive Bonuses. The User may not receive any Bonus despite making a payment;
  • making payment for using the services of this Service does not entail granting the User any additional rights, advantages and privileges;
  • the technical functionality (system) of the Site can automatically set the minimum and maximum number of Coins required to receive the services of this service, indicated and generated directly on the Site;
  • The determination of the cell (field) in which other virtual animation and graphic tanks will be located is carried out by the Site system automatically through random selection.

4.7 General instructions for using the Arta Service:

  • Specify the number of Coins to be deposited;
  • Select 2 (two) cells (fields) where, in your opinion, the tanks are located;
  • Wait for aiming at the target and shots;
  • Find out the result of your shooting.


5.1 For the provision of services provided for in this Agreement, the User undertakes to pay the Site Administrator a remuneration in the amounts and manner specified in the text of this Agreement or in the relevant services of the Site.

5.2 Payment for the Administrator's services is carried out by debiting the appropriate number of Coins from the User's Account as payment for services for using the Site services provided by the Site Administrator.

5.3 Methods for replenishing the User Account and the payment systems used are determined at the discretion of the Site Administrator and are implemented into the technical functionality of the Site. As a result of payment of funds, the User’s Account is credited with a number of Coins corresponding to the amount of funds paid by the User to the Site Administrator. The appropriate ratio of the amount of funds and the number of credited Coins is determined in accordance with the data of the multiplayer online game “World of Tanks”.

5.4 Commissions associated with payment for the services of the Site Administrator (with replenishment of the User Account) are paid by the User independently.

5.5 Refunds of funds received from the User and converted into Coins are not made under any circumstances.

5.6 Withdrawal of Coins located on the User's Account is possible exclusively to the User's account in the account of the multiplayer online game "World of Tanks". The minimum number of Coins for withdrawal is 200 (two hundred) Coins. The withdrawal period is within 3 (three) working days from the date the User submits the corresponding withdrawal application.

5.7 For withdrawal of Coins from the User's Account, a commission is charged in the amount of 5 (five)% of the number of Coins withdrawn from the User's Account. The specified commission is similarly recognized and considered the User’s payment for using the Site, its technical capabilities, for familiarizing with the information located on the Site, etc.


6.1 For violation of the conditions established by this Agreement, the User and the Site Administrator are responsible in accordance with current legislation.

6.2 For violation of this Agreement, the Site Administrator has the right to apply the following measures to the User:

  • block the User's access to his Account for a certain period or without a period limitation;
  • cancel (deactivate) the User Account;
  • limit the scope of the User’s possible use of the Site for a certain period or without defining a period.

6.3 The Site Administrator is not responsible for losses and expenses incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Site, in particular:

  • losses and expenses caused by the use of information posted on the Site.
  • losses and expenses caused by unauthorized access of third parties, including other Users, to the User Account.
  • losses and expenses incurred by the User in connection with non-receipt of the Bonus, receipt of a Bonus that does not correspond to the desires and intentions of the User.
  • losses and expenses associated with problems on the side of the multiplayer online game “World of Tanks”.
  • losses and expenses caused by problems beyond the Administration’s control, disasters and force majeure factors.

6.4 The Site Administrator is not responsible for the refusal of the multiplayer online game “World of Tanks” to credit Coins withdrawn by the User from the User’s Account to the User’s account in this game.

6.5 The Site Administrator is not responsible for the User’s failure to receive moral and psychological satisfaction, as well as for failure to satisfy the User’s personal emotional and psychological needs as a result of receiving services provided through the Site.

6.7 The User undertakes not to make any demands or claims against the Site Administrator related to the failure to provide the User (refusal to provide the User) with Bonuses, or the provision of Bonuses to the User that do not correspond to the desires and intentions of the User.

6.8 The Site Administrator is not responsible for possible failures and interruptions in the operation of the Site and the loss of information caused by them.


7.1 The Site Administrator and the User hereby have established a pre-trial claim procedure for resolving disagreements and disputes arising from the application of this Agreement. The period for responding to a submitted claim is 10 (ten) working days from the date of its receipt.

7.2 The User is obliged to inform the Site Administrator about all problems and shortcomings related to the functioning of the Site, as well as the fulfillment of obligations, no later than within 24 hours from the moment the relevant problems and shortcomings are discovered.

7.3 If no agreement is reached on controversial issues, the dispute arising from this Agreement shall be subject to judicial review in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the location of the Site Administrator.


8.1 This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet on the Site specified in clause 1.1.1. present agreement.

8.2 This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and loses its force if it is canceled by the Site Administrator.

8.3 If changes are made to the Agreement, such changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Agreement is published on the Site, unless a different date for the entry into force of the changes is additionally determined upon their publication.

8.4 The User undertakes to independently monitor changes to the provisions of this Agreement and bears the responsibility and negative consequences associated with failure to comply with this obligation.

8.5 1.1.If you disagree with the relevant changes, the User must stop using the Site. Otherwise, continued use of the Site means that the User agrees to the terms of the Agreement as amended.

8.6 The current version of the Agreement is located on the Site at: https://site.

8.7 This Agreement has been drawn up in Russian. If there are any inconsistencies between the version of the Agreement drawn up in Russian and the version of the Agreement translated into another language, the provisions of the Agreement drawn up in Russian will take precedence and direct application.

It's no secret that almost all people, especially users of various online video games, love freebies. Of course, World of Tanks players are no exception. Many tankers will not refuse to get a brand new premium tank or a bunch of game currency without spending large sums of money and a lot of time on it. Many users, overwhelmed by this desire, often stumble upon all sorts of scammers.

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World of tanks roulette for free has gathered a wide variety of opinions from users, both those using this service and third-party observers and analysts

Of course, with the advent of roulette, there immediately appeared those who became victims of deception, or even screamed “scam”, without even trying, but based only on personal opinion. There are also those (and there are quite a few of them) who share their victories: winnings of currency and premium equipment.

In order not to fall into the first category, you should always very carefully choose sites and resources that provide this kind of gaming services. You should only play roulette through the official website of the game in order to maintain the guarantee of receiving your prize if you win.

One of the most common misconceptions of users is that absolutely all roulettes are nothing more than fraud. No, of course, there are also those lovers of freebies who are trying to make money by unfair means, but there are enough resources that have been tested by time and quality. When choosing a roulette, it is very important to pay attention to the period for which it operates and the agreement that you give during registration on a particular resource.

Use the roulette called and try your luck; in addition, when you first register, a gold rush is activated, in which coins fall at a certain frequency. In one hour, people in the VKontakte group are informed before the rain of money.

Also, do not forget about existing promotional codes from wot leader ru, for example:

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VKGRGF— Increases the balance replenishment amount by 5%. validity period 1 hour.

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