Diode marking with colored stripes calculator. Radioelements. Where to start reading diagrams

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Resistors, especially low-power ones, are quite small parts; a 0.125W resistor has a length of several millimeters and a diameter of the order of a millimeter. It is difficult to read the digital denomination on such a part, and they are marked with colored stripes.

The calculator allows you to calculate the resistance and resistance tolerance of resistors with color markings in the form of 4 or 5 colored rings. The resistor must be positioned so that the rings are shifted to the left edge or the wide strip is on the left.

The main task of any resistor is to linearly convert current (amps) into voltage (volts), limit the current, weaken the power supply and absorb electricity. Resistors are used in all complex circuits and for the operation of complex semiconductors. Given the small size of the element, it is impossible to apply readable alphabetic or numerical designations, so color marking is used. In this article we will look at what the colored dots and lines mean, their color, and explain how to choose the right resistor.

Input data

First, let's turn to Wikipedia, which gives a clear understanding of what any resistor is. Literally translated from English, the term means resistance. Indeed, the purpose of resistors with constant or variable value– linear conversion of current to voltage, voltage to force, etc.

The marking color, order and encryption of digital codes in resistors are determined by GOST 175-72 in accordance with the requirements of Publication 62 of the International Electrotechnical Commission. According to these standards, rings are used for identification, the color and quantity of which are clearly regulated

The stripes are always offset relative to one pin, and are read as in Arabic writing - from left to right. If the size of the passive element does not allow the beginning to be visually noticeably marked, the width of the first stripe is made approximately 1.5-2 times thicker than the others.

On resistors with a minimum tolerance value (up to 10%), 5 rings are applied, of which:

  • 4 – multiplier;
  • 5 – maximum permissible deviation.

With a permissible deviation of 10% there are already four bands, where:

  • 1, 2, 3 – resistance coefficient, units. Ohm;
  • 4 – multiplier.

Resistors with a tolerance of 20% have only 3 bands, where the deviation is also not indicated, but only the first 2 rings are allocated to the resistance coefficient.

The power of a resistor can be determined by its dimensions.

Infrequently, you can also find 6-line markings, where:

  • 1, 2, 3 – resistance value, units. Ohm;
  • 4 – multiplier;
  • 5 – regulatory tolerance;
  • 6 - temperature coefficient of change

The last (sixth) band is needed to understand how much the resistance will change if the body of the passive element starts to heat up.

VIDEO: How a resistor works

Why are identification marks needed?

The smallest resistors with a power of 0.125 wt are only 3-4 mm long and 1 mm in diameter. It’s difficult to even read any information on such a miniature, let alone apply it. You can, of course, write the current strength, for example, 4K7, which corresponds to 4700 Ohms, but this information is extremely insufficient.

Color coding of resistors is much more practical due to the following:

  • very easy to apply;
  • easy to read;
  • contains all the required information about the nominal parameters;
  • remains intact and visible throughout the entire period of operation.

Also, by counting the number of stripes, you can determine the accuracy of the parameters:

  • 3 – error 20%;
  • 4 – 5-10%;
  • 5-6 – 0-0,9%

In order to find out exactly which resistor is needed and with which strips, you can install it yourself using the table or use the online calculator (at the end of the article).

Universal table:

Using these table values, you can quickly determine the rating of the passive element, and the value is the order of the strip or dot, which allows you to obtain numerical data.

The colors represent different data - the mark number, the multiplier and the permissible deviation.

Using a universal table, we will read what is hidden on a given element. So, we have 4 stripes:

  • brown,
  • black,
  • red,
  • silver

Black, gold and white colors are never marked first.


  1. The first place is occupied by a brown stripe, which denotes both a digital symbol (1) and a multiplier (10).
  2. Black (0) - with this combination, the electrical resistance means 1 kOhm - 1K0.
  3. Red – multiplier, equal to 100.
  4. Silver - designation of the maximum permissible deviation, which here is 10%. The same data can be obtained by simply counting the number of stripes.

How to “read” wirewound resistors

The same GOST 175-72 and IEC Publication 62 apply to this type of passive elements, respectively, the colors, number of stripes and order are similar to the “barrels”, but there are certain nuances:

  • the widest stripe is white, unreadable and only indicates the type of element;
  • more than 4 decimal indicators are not applied;
  • The last stripe in the row determines the distinctive properties, often fire resistance.

Taking into account these features, it is better to compare the data with a summary table of wire samples.

Foreign products

And although our standards are fully consistent with international ones, and Publication 62 is an imperative standard, some companies have their own striping and color selection rules that must be taken into account:


It has its own standard of symbols and colors, according to which, along with the nominal values, the resistor conveys information about the production technology and characteristics of the components.

CGW and Panasonic

Use additional colors to indicate additional properties of passive circuit elements.

In general, all markings coincide with the previously given values ​​and tables, only these companies have further simplified the task of identifying the denomination. At the same time, the resistors are interchangeable and neither Philips, nor CGW and Panasonic make any demands regarding the original.

In order to understand exactly what performance characteristics are required and what resistors should be purchased for a specific purpose, use the simple service

By entering the initial data, you can obtain information for each marking color that corresponds to a specific digital code.

VIDEO: Calculation of resistor resistance

– electronic components assembled into analog and digital devices: TVs, measuring instruments, smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets. If previously parts were depicted close to their natural appearance, today conventional graphic symbols of radio components on the diagram, developed and approved by the International Electrotechnical Commission, are used.

Types of Electronic Circuits

In radio electronics, there are several types of circuits: circuit diagrams, wiring diagrams, block diagrams, voltage and resistance maps.

Schematic diagrams

Such an electrical diagram gives a complete picture of all functional units circuits, types of connections between them, the principle of operation of electrical equipment. Schematic diagrams Typically used in distribution networks. They are divided into two types:
  • Single-line. This drawing shows only power circuits.
  • Full. If the electrical installation is simple, then all its elements can be displayed on one sheet. To describe equipment that contains several circuits (power, measuring, control), drawings are made for each unit and placed on different sheets.

Block diagrams

In radio electronics, a block is an independent part electronic device. A block is a general concept; it can include both a small and a significant number of parts. A block diagram (or block diagram) gives only a general concept of the structure of an electronic device. It does not display: the exact composition of the blocks, the number of ranges of their functioning, the schemes according to which they are assembled. In a block diagram, blocks are represented by squares or circles, and the connections between them are represented by one or two lines. The directions of signal passage are indicated by arrows. The names of the blocks in full or abbreviated form can be applied directly to the diagram. The second option is to number the blocks and decipher these numbers in a table located in the margins of the drawing. Graphic images of blocks can display the main parts or plot their operation.


Wiring diagrams are convenient for creating an electrical circuit yourself. They indicate the location of each circuit element, communication methods, and the laying of connecting wires. The designation of radioelements on such diagrams usually approaches their natural appearance.

Voltage and resistance maps

A voltage map (diagram) is a drawing in which, next to the individual parts and their terminals, the voltage values ​​characteristic of the normal operation of the device are indicated. Voltages are placed in the gaps of the arrows, showing in which places measurements need to be made. The resistance map indicates the resistance values ​​characteristic of a working device and circuits.

How are various radio components indicated in the diagrams?

As previously mentioned, there is a specific graphic symbol to designate radio components of each type.


These parts are designed to regulate the current in the circuit. Fixed resistors have a certain and constant resistance value. For variables, the resistance ranges from zero to the set maximum value. The names and symbols of these radio components in the diagram are regulated by GOST 2.728-74 ESKD. In general, in the drawing they represent a rectangle with two terminals. American manufacturers designate resistors on diagrams with a zigzag line. image of resistors on diagrams
image of resistors on circuit diagrams

Fixed resistors

Characterized by resistance and power. They are indicated by a rectangle with lines indicating a specific power value. Exceeding the specified value will lead to failure of the part. The diagram also indicates: the letter R (resistor), a number indicating the serial number of the part in the circuit, and the resistance value. These radio components are designated by numbers and letters - “K” and “M”. The letter “K” means kOhm, “M” means mOhm.

Variable resistors

image of variable resistors on diagrams. Their design includes a moving contact, which changes the value of resistance. The part is used as a control element in audio and other similar equipment. In the diagram it is indicated by a rectangle indicating fixed and moving contacts. The drawing shows a constant nominal resistance. There are several options for connecting resistors:
resistor connection options
  • Consistent. The end lead of one part is connected to the start lead of the other. A common current flows through all elements of the circuit. Connecting each subsequent resistor increases the resistance.
  • Parallel. The initial terminals of all resistances are connected at one point, the final terminals at another. Current flows through each resistor. The total resistance in such a circuit is always less than the resistance of an individual resistor.
  • Mixed. This is the most popular type of connection of parts, combining the two described above.


graphic image capacitors in diagrams A capacitor is a radio component consisting of two plates separated by a dielectric layer. It is applied to the diagram in the form of two lines (or rectangles for electrolytic capacitors) indicating the plates. The gap between them is a dielectric layer. Capacitors are second only to resistors in terms of popularity in circuits. Able to accumulate electric charge with subsequent return.
  • Capacitors with constant capacitance. The letter “C”, the serial number of the part, and the value of the nominal capacity are placed next to the icon.
  • With variable capacity. The minimum and maximum capacity values ​​are indicated next to the graphic icon.
In circuits with high voltage in capacitors, with the exception of electrolytic ones, the voltage value is indicated after the capacitance. When connecting electrolytic capacitors, polarity must be observed. To indicate a positively charged plate, use the “+” sign or a narrow rectangle. If there is no polarity, both plates are indicated by narrow rectangles. Electrolytic capacitors are installed in power supply filters for low-frequency and pulsed devices.

Diodes and Zener diodes

graphical representation of diodes and zener diodes on diagrams Diode is a semiconductor device designed to transmit electric current in one direction and creating obstacles for its flow in the opposite direction. This radio element is designated in the form of a triangle (anode), the top of which is directed in the direction of current flow. A line (cathode) is placed in front of the vertex of the triangle. A zener diode is a type of semiconductor diode. Stabilizes the voltage of reverse polarity applied to the terminals. A stabistor is a diode to the terminals of which a voltage of direct polarity is applied.


Transistors are semiconductor devices used to generate, amplify and convert electrical oscillations. With their help, they control and regulate the voltage in the circuit. They differ in a variety of designs, frequency ranges, shapes and sizes. The most popular are bipolar transistors, designated in diagrams by the letters VT. They are characterized by the same electrical conductivity of the collector and emitter.
graphic representation of transistors on circuits


Microcircuits are complex electronic components. They are a semiconductor substrate into which resistors, capacitors, diodes and other radio components are integrated. They are used to convert electrical pulses into digital, analog, analog-digital signals. Available with or without housing. The rules for conventional graphic designation (UGO) of digital and microprocessor microcircuits are regulated by GOST 2.743-91 ESKD. According to them, the UGO has the shape of a rectangle. The diagram shows the supply lines to it. The rectangle consists of only the main field or the main one and two additional ones. The main field must indicate the functions performed by the element. Additional fields usually decipher the pin assignments. Primary and secondary fields may or may not be separated by a solid line. graphic representation of microcircuits

Buttons, relays, switches

graphic representation of buttons and switches on a diagram

relay image on diagrams

Letter designation of radio components on the diagram

Letter codes of radioelements on circuit diagrams

Devices and elements Letter code
Devices: amplifiers, remote control devices, lasers, masers; general designation A
Converters of non-electrical quantities into electrical ones (except for generators and power supplies) or vice versa, analogue or multi-digit converters, sensors for indicating or measuring; general designation IN
Speaker VA
Magnetostrictive element BB
Ionizing radiation detector BD
Selsyn sensor Sun
Selsyn receiver BE
Telephone (capsule) B.F.
Thermal sensor VC
Photocell B.L.
Microphone VM
Pressure meter VR
Piezo element IN
Speed ​​sensor, tachogenerator BR
Pickup B.S.
Speed ​​sensor VV
Capacitors WITH
Integrated circuits, microassemblies: general designation D
Integrated analog microcircuit D.A.
Integrated digital microcircuit, logical element DD
Information storage device (memory) D.S.
Delay device D.T.
Various elements: general designation E
Lighting lamp EL
A heating element EC
Arresters, fuses, protection devices: general designation F
fuse F.U.
Generators, power supplies, crystal oscillators: general designation G
Battery of galvanic cells, batteries G.B.
Indicating and signaling devices; general designation N
Device sound signal ization ON
Symbolic indicator HG
Light signaling device H.L.
Relays, contactors, starters; general designation TO
Electrothermal relay kk
Time relay CT
Contactor, magnetic starter km
Inductors, chokes; general designation L
Engines, general designation M
Measuring instruments; general designation R
Ammeter (milliammeter, microammeter) RA
Pulse counter PC
Frequency meter PF
Ohmmeter PR
Recording device PS
Action time meter, clock RT
Voltmeter PV
Wattmeter PW
Resistors are constant and variable; general designation R
Thermistor RK
Measuring shunt R.S.
Varistor RU
Switches, disconnectors, short circuits in power circuits (in equipment power supply circuits); general designation Q
Switching devices in control, signaling and measuring circuits; general designation S
Switch or switch S.A.
Push-button switch S.B.
Automatic switch SF
Transformers, autotransformers; general designation T
Electromagnetic stabilizer T.S.
Converters of electrical quantities into electrical ones, communication devices; general designation And
Modulator ive
Demodulator UR
Discriminator Ul
Frequency converter, inverter, frequency generator, rectifier UZ
Semiconductor and electrovacuum devices; general designation V
Diode, zener diode VD
Transistor VT
Thyristor VS
Electrovacuum device VL
Microwave lines and elements; general designation W
Coupler WE
Koro tkoea we ka tel W.K.
Valve W.S.
Transformer, phase shifter, heterogeneity W.T.
Attenuator W.U.
Antenna W.A.
Contact connections; general designation X
Pin (plug) XP
Socket (socket) XS
Demountable connection XT
High frequency connector XW
Mechanical devices with electromagnetic drive; general designation Y
Electromagnet YA
Electromagnetic brake YB
Electromagnetic clutch YC
Terminal devices, filters; general designation Z
Limiter ZL
Quartz filter ZQ

Letter codes of the functional purpose of a radio-electronic device or element

Functional purpose of the device, element Letter code
Auxiliary A
Counting WITH
Differentiating D
Protective F
Test G
Signal N
Integrating 1
Gpavny M
Measuring N
Proportional R
State (start, stop, limit) Q
Return, reset R
Memorizing, recording S
Synchronizing, delaying T
Speed ​​(acceleration, braking) V
Summing W
Multiplication X
Analog Y
Digital Z

Letter abbreviations for radio electronics

Letter abbreviation Decoding the abbreviation
A.M. amplitude modulation
AFC automatic frequency adjustment
APCG automatic local oscillator frequency adjustment
APChF automatic frequency and phase adjustment
AGC automatic gain control
ARYA automatic brightness adjustment
AC acoustic system
AFU antenna-feeder device
ADC analog-to-digital converter
frequency response amplitude-frequency response
BGIMS large hybrid integrated circuit
NOS wireless remote control
BIS large integrated circuit
BOS signal processing unit
BP power unit
BR scanner
DBK radio channel block
BS information block
BTK blocking transformer personnel
BTS blocking transformer line
BOO Control block
BC chroma block
BCI integrated color block (using microcircuits)
VD video detector
VIM time-pulse modulation
VU video amplifier; input (output) device
HF high frequency
G heterodyne
GW playback head
GHF high frequency generator
GHF hyper high frequency
GZ start generator; recording head
GIR heterodyne resonance indicator
GIS hybrid integrated circuit
GKR frame generator
GKCH sweep generator
GMW meter wave generator
GPA smooth range generator
GO envelope generator
HS signal generator
GSR line scan generator
gss standard signal generator
yy clock generator
GU universal head
VCO voltage controlled generator
D detector
dv long waves
dd fractional detector
days voltage divider
dm power divider
DMV decimeter waves
DU remote control
DShPF dynamic noise reduction filter
EASC unified automated communication network
ESKD unified system of design documentation
zg audio frequency generator; master oscillator
zs slowing system; sound signal; pickup
AF audio frequency
AND integrator
ICM pulse code modulation
ICU quasi-peak level meter
ims integrated circuit
ini linear distortion meter
inch infra-low frequency
and he reference voltage source
SP power supply
ichh frequency response meter
To switch
KBV traveling wave coefficient
HF short waves
kWh extremely high frequency
KZV recording-playback channel
CMM pulse code modulation
kk frame deflection coils
km coding matrix
cnc extremely low frequency
efficiency efficiency
KS deflection system line coils
ksv standing wave ratio
ksvn voltage standing wave ratio
CT check Point
KF focusing coil
TWT traveling wave lamp
lz delay line
fishing back wave lamp
LPD avalanche diode
lppt tube-semiconductor TV
m modulator
M.A. magnetic antenna
M.B. meter waves
TIR metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
MOP metal-oxide-semiconductor structure
ms chip
MU microphone amplifier
neither nonlinear distortion
LF low frequency
ABOUT common base (switching on a transistor according to a circuit with a common base)
VHF very high frequency
oi common source (turning on the transistor *according to a circuit with a common source)
OK common collector (switching on a transistor according to a circuit with a common collector)
onch very low frequency
oos negative feedback
OS deflection system
OU operational amplifier
OE common emitter (connecting a transistor according to a circuit with a common emitter)
Surfactant surface acoustic waves
pds two-speech set-top box
Remote control remote control
pcn code-voltage converter
pnc voltage-to-code converter
PNC converter voltage frequency
village positive feedback
PPU noise suppressor
pch intermediate frequency; frequency converter
ptk tv channel switch
PTS full TV signal
Vocational school industrial television installation
PU preliminary effort
PUV playback pre-amplifier
PUZ recording pre-amplifier
PF bandpass filter; piezo filter
ph transfer characteristic
pcts full color television signal
Radar line linearity regulator; radar station
RP memory register
RPCHG manual adjustment of local oscillator frequency
RRS line size control
PC shift register; mixing regulator
RF notch or stop filter
REA radio-electronic equipment
SBDU wireless remote control system
VLSI ultra-large scale integrated circuit
NE medium waves
SVP touch program selection
Microwave ultra high frequency
sg signal generator
SDV ultralong waves
SDU dynamic light installation; remote control system
SK channel selector
SLE all-wave channel selector
sk-d UHF channel selector
SK-M meter wave channel selector
CM mixer
ench ultra-low frequency
JV grid field signal
ss clock signal
ssi horizontal clock pulse
SU selector amplifier
sch average frequency
TV tropospheric radio waves; TV
TVS line output transformer
tvz audio output channel transformer
tvk output frame transformer
TIT television test chart
TKE temperature coefficient of capacitance
tka temperature coefficient of inductance
tkmp temperature coefficient of initial magnetic permeability
tkns temperature coefficient of stabilization voltage
tks temperature coefficient of resistance
ts network transformer
shopping center television center
tsp color bar table
THAT technical specifications
U amplifier
UV playback amplifier
UVS video amplifier
UVH sample-hold device
UHF high frequency signal amplifier
UZ recording amplifier
Ultrasound audio amplifier
VHF ultrashort waves
ULPT unified tube-semiconductor TV
ULLTST unified lamp-semiconductor color TV
ULT unified tube TV
UMZCH audio power amplifier
CNT unified TV
ULF low frequency signal amplifier
UNU voltage controlled amplifier.
UPT amplifier direct current; unified semiconductor TV
HRC intermediate frequency signal amplifier
UPCHZ intermediate frequency signal amplifier?
UPCH intermediate frequency image amplifier
URCH radio frequency signal amplifier
US interface device; comparison device
USHF microwave signal amplifier
USS horizontal sync amplifier
USU universal touch device
UU control device (node)
UE accelerating (control) electrode
UEIT universal electronic test chart
PLL phase automatic frequency control
HPF high pass filter
FD phase detector; photodiode
FIM pulse phase modulation
FM phase modulation
LPF low pass filter
FPF intermediate frequency filter
FPCHZ audio intermediate frequency filter
FPCH image intermediate frequency filter
FSI lumped selectivity filter
FSS concentrated selection filter
FT phototransistor
FCHH phase-frequency response
DAC digital-to-analog converter
Digital computer digital computer
CMU color and music installation
DH central television
BH frequency detector
CHIM pulse frequency modulation
world championship frequency modulation
shim pulse width modulation
shs noise signal
ev electron volt (e V)
COMPUTER. electronic computer
emf electromotive force
ek electronic switch
CRT cathode-ray tube
AMY electronic musical instrument
emos electromechanical feedback
EMF electromechanical filter
EPU record player
Digital computer electronic digital computer

click on the picture to enlarge

In practical work related primarily to the repair of electronic equipment, the task arises of determining the type of electronic component, its parameters, location of pins, and deciding on direct replacement or using an analogue. Most existing reference books provide information on individual types of radio components (transistors, diodes, etc.). However, it is not enough, and this reference guide is a necessary addition to such books. The book presented to the reader on the marking of electronic components contains, in contrast to previously published similar publications, a larger volume of information. It provides data on the letter, color and code marking of components, on the code marking of foreign semiconductor devices for surface mounting (SMD), data on the marking of some previously unexplained types of foreign components is provided, recommendations are given on the use and testing of the serviceability of electronic components.


1. Resistors
1.1. General information
1.2. Designation and marking of resistors
Marking of domestically produced resistors
Marking of foreign-made resistors
Marking of resistor assemblies
1.3. Technical data and marking of unpackaged SMD resistors
General information
Marking of SMD resistors
1.4. Features of the use and marking of variable resistors
Variable and trimming resistors from BOURNS
1.5. Resistors with special properties
2. Capacitors
2.1. General information
2.2. Designation and marking of capacitors
Domestic designation system
Capacitor markings
Coded digital marking
Color coding
2.3. Features of marking of some types of SMD capacitors
Ceramic 5ME capacitors
Oxide SMD capacitors
Tantalum SMD capacitors
Marking of TRES electrolytic capacitors
Capacitors from HITANO
Tips for practical application
2.4. Trimmer capacitors from foreign companies
2.5. Other types of capacitors
3. Inductors
3.1. General information
3.2. Inductor markings
Surface Mount Inductor Markings
3.3. Chokes series D, DM, DP, DPM
4. Marking of quartz resonators and piezofilters
4.1. Marking of resonators and filters of domestic production
4.2. Features of marking resonators and filters of foreign production...
4.3. Features of marking filters produced by Murata
5. Marking of semiconductor devices
5.1. Domestic and foreign labeling systems
semiconductor devices
Marking R-MOS transistors Harris (Intersil)
Marking IGBT transistors Harris (Intersil)
International Rectifier transistor markings
Marking of semiconductor devices from Mo1o1a
5.2. General purpose diodes
Housing types and diode pin locations
Color marking of domestic diodes
Color marking of foreign diodes
Color marking of domestic zener diodes and stabilizers
Color marking of domestic varicaps
Alphanumeric code marking of foreign SMD diodes
Color marking of SMD diodes in SOD-80, DO-213АА, DO-213АВ packages
Features of code and color marking of domestic transistors
6. Marking of semiconductor SMD radio components
6.1. Identification of SMD components by markings
6.2. Types of SMD transistor packages
6.3. How to use the system
Equivalents and additional information
7. Features of testing electronic components
7.1. Capacitor testing
7.2. Semiconductor Diode Testing
7.3. Transistor testing
7.4. Testing of unijunction and programmable unijunction
7.5. Testing of dinistors, thyristors, triacs
7.6. Determination of the structure and location of transistor pins,
the type of which is unknown
7.7. Testing MOSFETs
7.8. LED testing
7.9. Optocoupler testing
7.10. Thermistor testing
7.11. Zener diode testing
7.12. Transistor pin locations
Appendix 1. Brief reference data on foreign diodes
Appendix 2. Brief reference data on foreign transistors
Appendix 3. Types of microwave transistor housings

When manufacturing radio-electronic devices, novice radio amateurs may have difficulty deciphering the symbols on the diagram of various elements. For this purpose, a small collection of the most frequently encountered symbols radio components. It should be noted that only the foreign version of the designation is given here and differences are possible on domestic diagrams. But since most of the circuits and parts are of imported origin, this is completely justified.

The resistor in the diagram is designated by the Latin letter "R", the number is a conventional serial number according to the diagram. The resistor rectangle can indicate the rated power of the resistor - the power that it can dissipate for a long time without destruction. When current passes through the resistor, a certain power is dissipated, which leads to heating of the latter. Most foreign and modern domestic resistors are marked with colored stripes. Below is a table of color codes.

The most common designation system for semiconductor radio components is European. The main designation according to this system consists of five characters. Two letters and three numbers - for wide application. Three letters and two numbers - for special equipment. The letter following them indicates different parameters for devices of the same type.

The first letter is the material code:

A - germanium;
B - silicon;
C - gallium arsenide;
R - cadmium sulfide.

The second letter is the purpose:

A - low-power diode;
B - varicap;
C - low-power low-frequency transistor;
D - powerful low-frequency transistor;
E - tunnel diode;
F - low-power high-frequency transistor;
G - several devices in one housing;
N - magnetodiode;
L - powerful high-frequency transistor;
M - Hall sensor;
P - photodiode, phototransistor;
Q - LED;
R - low-power regulating or switching device;
S - low-power switching transistor;
T - powerful regulating or switching device;
U - powerful switching transistor;
X - multiplying diode;
Y - powerful rectifier diode;
Z - zener diode.

Program Color and Code is intended to determine the brand of a radio component by color or code marking. After determining the brand, the program displays the main characteristics of radio components. Color and Code has a built-in reference for radio components.

Has the following functionality:

Supported definition:

Zener diodes
Chip components

Characteristics output:

the program has its own database of characteristics, and after determining the type of element (transistor, diode...) its characteristics are displayed.


if you know the type of element, you can call up the directory and, by switching through the element database (transistor, diode...), find the element you are interested in and view its characteristics.

In addition, the directory can work both in the mode of displaying the overall dimensions of housings (for example, TO-220 ...) and in the mode of displaying functional diagrams (chip database).

Reference system:

the program is equipped with its own help system, which contains a description of the program, radio elements, training examples, etc.

Visual set:

To make it easier to determine the type/value of an element, a visual set has been implemented, i.e. The required sign/color is drawn/painted on the sample.

Additional features:

The program is equipped with removable toolbars (for each type of element, only its labels remain, which does not clutter the interface and allows you to quickly navigate the program)
- there is a “Calculator” module containing a series of electrical calculations;
- if you are a developer, use the "Merge databases" module;

The program does not require installation or registration, it works immediately after downloading

Platform: Windows 7, Vista, XP
Interface language: Russian, English
Medicine: Not required
Size: 12.82 MB

Download Color and Code 6.8 (Portable)

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