How to make a Wi-Fi hotspot from a Windows computer. Laptop as a Wi-Fi access point - complete instructions for setting up the adapter Creating a Wi-Fi access point

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Not only a router can have the function of distributing a WiFi signal. A laptop or modern computer must have a built-in module. If you don't have one, you need to purchase a special USB adapter. Otherwise, the computer will not be able to work as a WiFi access point.

In any case, the adapter will not be superfluous and will not take up much space. A laptop as a WiFi access point can be useful on business trips, as well as for creating an additional workspace in the office or at home. This option will be useful if you have a large apartment and the signal from the access point does not fully cover it.

Where to begin?

It is necessary to say a few words about WiFi adapters. In 90 cases out of 100 you will need it, since the built-in module, if present, gives a very weak signal. You can find many different devices on sale. The standard kit looks like this: the adapter itself, an antenna, an extension cable with a USB cable, and a disk with drivers. This device is suitable for home use. The second type is an adapter in the form of a flash drive. One move and the laptop will start working as a WiFi access point. It will be especially useful when traveling.

After connecting the WiFi adapter, drivers are usually installed automatically. You can also find them on the device manufacturer's website. After the adapter is working, you need to configure access. You can do this like this:

  1. By changing connection parameters through the Control Panel. Set up two network connections and open access to them. Connect the client device.
  2. By installing a special application, such as Connectify.
  3. Via the command line. This method is not at all as complicated as it seems.

Setting up Virtual WiFi in Windows 7

Using Windows 7 as an example, let's look at setting up a WiFi signal from a laptop. It should be noted that a virtual WiFi access point is provided by default on Windows systems older than the "seven". But in order to set it up, you will have to work hard. Go to the "Start" menu - "Control Panel" - "Network and Sharing Center". You can also go to the network settings via the tray icon.

First, change your sharing settings to disable any running network discovery features. Next we create the connection. Select "Set up a new connection or network". Essentially, we are creating a wireless connection of the “Computer - Computer” type, so we select the appropriate sub-item. In the dialog box that appears, click “Next”. So we need to create a new wireless network. First of all, we call it. The network name may also appear in the settings of different systems as an SSID.

Encryption settings and password

Let's choose the security type. If you decide to leave the network open, select No Authentication (Open). This option is suitable if you are opening the network for a short period of time. When a network is being built for long-term use, it makes sense to encrypt it.

The type of security depends on the type of encryption supported by your wireless devices (WPA2 or WPA). As a rule, the type is already automatically set in the settings - WPA2, the most modern method of data encryption, which is also the fastest. All you have to do is check to see if all your wireless devices support it. After the security parameters are set, all that remains is to set a password so as not to leave the network open.

Setting up sharing

  1. The laptop uses only a wireless connection.
  2. A wired connection is used.
  3. A modem is used, including 3G and 4G.

In any case, we continue creating. The WiFi hotspot is almost ready. Go to the “Network and Sharing Center” again. Finding an external connection to the Internet. For example, "Wireless network connection". Click the "Properties" button. In the dialog box that opens, find the item “Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection,” as well as “Allow other network users to manage shared access to the Internet,” and check the boxes. Save the changes.

An important stage is the creation of a bridge. You will need it so that Smart TV and game consoles can easily connect to your access point. In the Network and Sharing Center, select two network connection icons at once. Right click on them. The “Create Bridge” sign will appear. We confirm the action. The WiFi access point via the laptop is ready.

After successfully creating the network, we configure WiFi on the client device. In the smartphone settings, find our network by name and connect. After a lot of effort, you now have a WiFi hotspot. You will learn how to connect it faster in the next section.

Working on the command line

Most modern WiFi adapter models support the creation of a virtual access point. This makes setup much easier. If you purchased the adapter a long time ago, just in case, update the drivers on the manufacturer’s website. If you already have your WiFi adapter enabled and configured, you can create a wireless network using the command line. To enter it, select “Run” from the “Start” menu and enter the “cmd” command. In the window that opens, write: “netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="Point name" key="Enter password" keyUsage=persistent", where "ssid" is the name of our access point, "key" is the password for connecting the network.

That's it, the virtual point has been created. You must enable public access to the external network through the control panel. You can also manage the virtual point from the command line. The syntax is as follows:

  • netsh wlan start hostednetwork - start the access point;
  • netsh wlan stop hostednetwork - stop;
  • netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow - remove the point permanently.

The commands are easy to use, without wasting time opening the control panel.

Setting up an access point on Windows XP

This operating system does not have the Virtual WiFi function. To make your laptop work as a WiFi access point, you can use the Ad-hoc method. It will allow you to connect two computers to each other via a wireless network. On a device with Internet access, you will need to install a special proxy server program.

Judging by user reviews, this setup will take a lot of time and effort. Try the same using the command line. It is useful to write a boot file with a bat extension. Open notepad. Save the new file. It will have only 3 entries:

  • netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow;
  • netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="MS Virtual WiFi" key="Pass for virtual wifi" keyUsage=persistent, where we indicate our network name and password;
  • netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

Change the file extension from txt to bat and save it. Right-click on the new file and select "Create Shortcut". In the "Start" menu - "All Programs" - "Startup" copy the shortcut to the bat file. Now with every boot you will have an access point enabled.

The program can do the same. WiFi Access Point (XP) is launched using Virtual Access Point. Installation is carried out with the Internet running. After entering the key in the menu, select “Share my Internet”, find your external network and click on it with the Select button. The keys and network name are set by default. The access point is started with the Start Sharing button.

If you have Linux

There are special applications for Linux operating systems, such as KDE Network Manager. In Linux mint, it is possible to configure the WiFi adapter in the network settings by setting its properties to “Use as Hotspot”. The settings are different in some versions. You can also specify the creation of an access point using commands.

Laptop as WiFi hotspot using Windows 7, 8 apps

There are quite a lot of similar programs.

  • Connectify utility can be downloaded from the official page of the service. When installing, leave all settings as default. You will need to enter the name of your network, the password for the WiFi connection and select the network through which you can access the Internet. To organize a connection, simply click on “Start Hotspot” and after 5-10 minutes the connection from mobile devices will become available.

  • Switch Virtual Router- this program not only allows you to start and turn off the virtual point, but also displays a list of networks. A few simple steps and your laptop is a WiFi hotspot. The program has a user-friendly interface. Quick installation is available even for beginners.
  • Virtual WiFi Router- a compact program with convenient and quick installation. Allows you to track connected devices. In your arsenal you will not only have a laptop as a WiFi access point, but also a full report on the activities of your guests. The network opens in a matter of seconds. Interface in English.
  • Virtual Router Manager- utility for Windows 7. The application is free, supports all types of connections and types of client devices. After a simple installation, even the printer will work via WiFi. In your firewall and antivirus settings, be sure to add the application to exceptions.

Programs with additional features

  • HotSpot Shield- The Internet connection through this program will be secure, since the data is transmitted via the Https protocol. The application works with wired and wireless networks. In addition, the program has other useful features. You can hide your IP address and also access a site that is prohibited by censorship. Red color - direct connection. Yellow - protected. Before proceeding, you should choose a notification method if you suspect an unsafe site. The application does have some disadvantages. Due to encryption, the connection speed will decrease slightly. The application also takes up PC resources. After installation, you can select the mode in which you want to work.

Programs that do not require installation

Although it is still necessary to change these parameters, all that remains in the setup is to select the network (if there are several connections). If all parameters are set, all that remains is to launch the application with the "Start" button. The program uses any type of Internet connection, except WiFi connection via the same adapter.

Program selection

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar city where there is no WiFi network, you will need a portable program with which you can set up WiFi in a matter of minutes. For those who like to delve into the depths of the Internet for intriguing information, an application that provides a secure connection is suitable.

Whatever program you choose, do not forget about the security of your computer. Carefully study the system requirements and instructions. Your laptop will work as a WiFi access point without the help of a computer technician.

How to create a WiFi access point using Windows 7. Instructions, step by step with illustrations. Although people are mostly interested in the question of how to make a laptop a wifi access point, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a laptop or a regular desktop computer. Creating a wifi hotspot is the same in both cases.

Similar articles for other operating systems:

How to create a WiFi hotspot on Windows 7

We need to create a software wifi router based on Windows 7 that will receive the Internet in some way and be able to distribute this Internet via wifi.

What do we need?

  • Windows 7 Basic or higher. Windows 7 Starter (initial) will not work. More precisely, on Windows 7 Starter you will have to solve the routing issue using a third-party program ( for Windows 7 Starterseparate note at the end of the article).
  • Old wifi adapter. For example, the TP-Link TL-WN722NC USB wifi adapter was used for this article.
  • Internet connection. For this article, a GSM connection was used through the MTS operator (MTS USB modem). But it can be any connection - PPPoE, VPN, Dail-Up, Ethernet, WiFi.

The first step is to install the wifi adapter, if it is not already installed, and make sure that it is turned on and working.

After this, you need to check whether the “WLAN AutoConfiguration Service” service is running. Usually its launch mode is “Manual”, which means it can be stopped. If you plan to use the created access point constantly, then it is better to switch this service to the “Automatic” startup mode.

You also need to check that the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service also has an Automatic startup mode.

These checks are done through "Control Panel - Administration - Services".

After this, you need to open the Windows console (cmd.exe) with administrator rights. This can be done through the menu "Start - Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt", then right mouse button and "Run as administrator".

In the console, type and execute the command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="winap" key="123456789" keyusage=persistent.

Instead of winap And 123456789 enter your access point name and password:

Note. Important! The password must be at least 8 characters long, this is a requirement for the WPA2 security type that is used in Windows when creating an access point. It is better not to use the Cyrillic alphabet in your password. Letter case matters - A And A These are different symbols!

Next, check that the connection for the access point has been created. Open "Start - Run - ncpa.cpl" and after opening the "Network Connections" window, in this window find the wireless connection for which the physical adapter is not specified:

Right-click, then "Properties" and look there - it should be "MicroSoft Virtual Miniport Adapter":

At the same time, you can remove unnecessary connections and protocols.

Immediately rename this connection in ncpa.cpl - for example, to “winAP”:

Next, here, in ncpa.cpl, you need to share (enable Windows ICS) the Internet connection. Select this connection, right button - “Properties”, “Access” tab. Enable ICS and specify the connection to which the Internet will be distributed - to the wifi connection of the access point ("winAP"):

Now you need to connect to the Internet. Or reconnect if the connection was established previously.

After that, type and execute the command in the console:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

That's it, the access point should already be working. Now you can connect the client to this access point (this illustration is from the client’s computer):

How to connect a wifi client to:

  • Laptop (or computer) under Windows - Setting up WiFi in Windows 7.
  • Laptop (or computer) running Linux - Laptop (or computer) running Ubuntu.

Client connected:

On the computer where the access point is running, you can check its status. To do this, enter the command in the console:

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

It can be seen that one client is connected.

Stopping an access point with a command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Complete destruction of the access point by command netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow

If you want the access point to turn on automatically when Windows boots, then the start command needs to be added to autorun. It's about the team netsh wlan start hostednetwork. The command can be written into a cmd script; you must specify “Run as Administrator” in the properties of this script. Then include the script in autorun.

It is necessary that the connection to the Internet is also established when Windows starts. Otherwise, you will have an access point, but there will be no Internet through it.

Of course this is a very simple access point. But everything is at hand. No third party programs needed. Just Windows 7. And everything can be configured in a couple of minutes. Yes, there are programs like Connectify and Virtual Router. However, you need to understand that they only do the work that is done by two commands in the Windows console. These are just add-ons to the functionality of Windows 7. It’s easier to write two commands in the console than to download and install some gadgets.

Some may say that this option does not have many of the capabilities that an access point should have. Well yes, that's true. Only this is an option when you need to make a wifi router very quickly and without problems. And Windows 7 provides just such an opportunity - with a minimum of body movements, what is called “on the knee,” to create an access point.

And if your needs are broader and deeper, if you need an access point for every day, or in complex configurations, then you don’t need to use Windows, but buy a decent, or even good WiFi router. A decent WiFi router now costs less than a thousand rubles. And in such a situation, sculpting a design based on a computer and Windows is somehow absurd.

It’s another matter if you need an access point once a month, for a day or for a couple of days. Or on a business trip. Or on vacation. This is where Windows helps us out. You can quickly distribute the Internet via WiFi from a laptop to a tablet, smartphone or other laptops.

But if there is a need to make a permanent access point on a computer, then it is better to do it under Linux. This is how this is actually implemented in WiFi routers. For example, as in this article - Access point on Ubuntu.

Hotspot on Windows 7 does not work

There is no need to swear at Microsoft, at Windows - in general, look for the guilty on the side. The problem in such cases Always on your own computer (or laptop). It could be:

  • Drivers for the WiFi adapter on which you are creating an access point.
  • The WiFi adapter itself.
  • You did something wrong.
  • Any "left" services or drivers/programs that use the WiFi adapter or USB port (if your adapter is connected via USB).
  • You have Windows 7 Starter.
  • One of the necessary services has stopped, for example, see the article “Windows 7 Routing and Remote Access Service Stops”.

For example, during Windows startup, the WiFi adapter driver can put the adapter into standby mode. And when Windows starts the service hostednetwork the adapter does not wake up.

With a normal WiFi adapter and if you haven’t messed up your Windows with crooked programs and drivers, everything will work fine.

In general, always look for the source of the problem on your computer.

WiFi network protection

Access point on Windows 7 Starter (initial)

Microsoft did something weird with it. ICS is blocked on it, but you can create an access point as such. Paradox. Why do you need a hostednetwork mechanism if there is no routing? Be that as it may, you can make a wifi access point on Windows 7 Starter. You just need to find a program with which to perform routing between the Internet and winAP interfaces. There are many options here, for example you can use a proxy server, like 3proxy.

Ivan Sukhov, 2013, 2014

Sometimes situations arise when you need to connect a tablet, smartphone, game console or TV to the Internet, but there is no router at hand. This doesn't matter if you have a laptop, netbook or ultrabook at hand. The main thing is that it has a working wireless network module. Thanks to the ICS function built into Windows, you can turn your laptop into an access point and distribute the Internet via WiFi.

The only significant limitation is that you must have Internet access either via a network cable (ethernet) or via a 3G/4G modem. You will not be able to distribute Wi-Fi from your laptop and use it at the same time. It is for this reason that this method can only be used as a temporary one. It is not suitable as a permanent one and it is better to buy, albeit inexpensive, but still a router.
There are two ways to set up distribution - simple and more complicated. I'll start with the simplest and fastest.

WiFi distribution program

This option is “for the lazy,” that is, for those who don’t want to bother with Windows settings and parameters, but just run the program and enjoy life.
You can find many programs on the Internet that allow you to turn your laptop into a Wi-Fi access point. The most famous of them is Connectify. It was one of the first and therefore remained paid. That's why it doesn't suit us - we love free software! Of these, I was previously most impressed by the mHotspot utility. But recently, a bunch of unnecessary rubbish has been built into the installer, which is installed on the computer and then difficult to remove.
Recently, on the advice of a good person, I came across an excellent program for distributing the Internet via a wireless network - OSToto Hotspot. This is the simplest utility, and it’s also completely free!

You just need to launch the application and the hotspot will automatically deploy a WiFi network. In the main window you can see a list of connected users and, if necessary, you can send any of them to the “Blacklist”. If you need to change the network name “SSID” or the default password, click on the word Edit and these fields will become available for editing.

The utility's settings are sparse, but for most cases they are quite sufficient.

Here you can enable autostart and automatically turn on the access point on your computer. You can also change the operating mode, allow or disable hibernation, and hide the icon in the system tray.

Built-in Windows Hotspot

For their work, the programs described above use a special mechanism built into the operating system by the developers. It first appeared in Windows 7 and from there it smoothly migrated to all subsequent versions, right up to the most modern one today - Windows 10. To configure this function manually, you need to right-click on the “Start” button. In the menu that opens, select “Command Prompt (Administrator).” In the black window of the Windows Command Console that appears, enter the command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Set-Os key=121223344

In it, SSID is the name of the access point being created, and key is the Wi-Fi password.

Click on the “Enter” button. The parameters are registered, now you need to start the wireless network with the command:

The command should run without errors.

With this we configured and launched a virtual WiFi access point on the laptop. Another icon will appear in the list of Windows network connections - “Wireless Network” with a number. This is number 3 for me.

But this is not enough - now we need to force the Internet to be distributed, that is, in essence, to make a full-fledged router from laptop. To do this, you need to open network connections (press Win+R and enter the command ncpa.cpl). In the list of available connections, select the one through which you are connected to the Internet. In my example, this is a local network connection:

Right-click on it and select “Properties”.

Note: If your provider uses the PPPoE or L2TP protocol, then you need to select the high-speed connection icon.

In the properties window that appears, open the “Access” tab:

On it, check the box “Allow other users to use this computer’s Internet connection.” Below you will see a list of home network connections. In it you need to select the created wireless network and click the “OK” button.

Now your laptop works as a WiFi access point and can distribute the Internet like a regular router. All the best!

A laptop, computer or tablet with Windows 10 can be used as a Wi-Fi router that distributes the Internet to other wireless devices. Such a software Wi-Fi access point can be used to organize a local wireless network or share the Internet connection (wired or mobile 3G/4G connection) available on a Windows computer with several devices (phones, tablets and other devices). In the first releases of Windows 10, it was possible to create and manage such an access point only from the command line. Windows 10 1607 introduced a simple graphical interface for creating an access point - “Mobile Hotspot”.

So, today we’ll look at how to create a virtual access point based on Windows 10 without using additional third-party programs. We assume that your computer has two network adapters: a wired Ethernet adapter (connected to the network of the provider through which you access the Internet) and a wireless Wi-Fi adapter. We want a computer with a Wi-Fi network card to be able to be used by other devices as a Wi-Fi hotspot and share its Internet connection.

Advice. Instead of a wired connection, a 3G / 4G connection via a USB modem or phone can be used to access the Internet.

Checking support for Ad-Hoc mode by the Wi-Fi adapter driver

Before you start creating an access point, you need to make sure that the driver of your Wi-FI adapter can operate in virtual access point (Ad-Hoc) mode. To do this, run the command on the command line:

netsh wlan show drivers

The command line will display information about the Wi-Fi adapter driver used and supported technologies (more information about supported Wi-Fi driver standards in the article). Availability of line Hostednetworksupported: Yes ( Hosted Network Support – Yes ) , indicates that this driver supports operation in access point mode. Otherwise, try updating the driver version or installing a different Wi-FI adapter.

Mobile hotspot in Windows 10

Window 10 1607 (Creators Update) and higher introduced a simple graphical tool for distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi. This function is called " Mobile hotspot"(Mobile Hotspot). The function is located in a separate section Options -> Network and Internet -> Mobile hotspot. On this tab, with just a couple of clicks, you can launch an access point on your Windows 10. All you need to do for this is to turn on the switch “ Allow the use of my Internet connection on other devices" The name of the new Wi-Fi network and password will be generated automatically (you can change them) and select the Internet connection to which you will provide access to other devices (list Internet connection sharing). If your computer has only one Internet connection, it will be selected automatically.

Limitation. This way, you may not be able to share all types of connections. For example, a PPPoE connection cannot be distributed this way.

The same window will display a list of devices that are currently connected to your access point. The device name and MAC address are displayed, as well as the IP address assigned to it. As you can see, up to 8 devices can be connected to the access point on Windows 10 at the same time.

Common Windows 10 errors when creating a mobile hotspot

In the event that an error appears when trying to create an access point ‘ Cannot configure mobile hotspot. Turn onWi-Fi‘, try updating the driver of your Wi-Fi adapter and/or removing the Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter according to (it is through this virtual adapter that the Internet is distributed). After that, restart your computer and try turning on the mobile hotspot again.

Another common mistake is ‘‘. Try simply restarting your Internet connection.

Another error: ‘ Could not set up mobile hotspot because the computer is not connectedEthernet,Wi-Fior connection to a cellular network‘. Most likely there are problems with your Internet connection (no network). Check the connection. This error also appears if you are connected to your provider via PPPoE; this type of connection is not supported by the mobile hotspot.

Create a virtual Wi-Fi network from the command line

Let's look at how to create a virtual Wi-Fi access point from the command line.

Let's say we want to create a wireless network called Hotspot(this is the network SSID) and connection password 3 i3iPass. Open a command prompt (with administrator rights) and run the following command:

If everything is correct, the command will return the following text:

Hosted network mode is enabled in the wireless network service.
The hosted network SSID has been successfully changed.
The hosted network user key passphrase was successfully changed.

This command will create a new virtual Wi-FI adapter in the system, Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter, which will be used by other wireless devices as an access point. Now let's enable the created virtual adapter:

Line Thehostednetworkstarted(Host Network Started) indicates that the software Wi-Fi access point has started successfully.

A new wireless connection named Hotspot.

Other Wi-Fi devices can now see and connect to the created access point. Within such a network, devices can use shared documents and peripherals, but access to the Internet through such an access point is not yet possible.

Allow connected devices to use the Internet connection

Now let's allow all devices connected to our virtual Wi-FI hotspot to use a wired network connection to access the Internet. To do this, in the Network and Control Center, click on the name of the network adapter through which you can access the Internet. In our example, this is a connection named Ethernet.

In the network adapter statistics window, click the button Properties.

In the network adapter properties window, you need to allow general Internet access through this connection. To do this, go to the tab Sharing(Access). Check the box next to " Allowothernetworkuserstoconnectthroughthiscomputer'sInternetconnection» (Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection), and in the drop-down list, select the name of the virtual adapter that we created earlier.

Save your changes. In the Network and Sharing Center window, the Hotspot network type will change to Internet, which means that this network (and all devices connected to it) now have access to the Internet.

Now all devices connecting to the Windows 10-based access point we created gain access to the Internet through the external network interface of the computer. Try connecting to the created hotspot from your phone, tablet or other laptop.

View current virtual access point settings

You can view the current settings of the access point you created using the command.

Netsh wlan show hostednetwork

The command will display the name (SSID) of the network, supported types of authentication and encryption, the maximum number of devices that can simultaneously use this access point (Max number of clients) and the current number of connected clients (Number of clients).

The following command displays your Wi-Fi hotspot's various security settings and connection keys:

Netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security

The access point on Windows 10 cannot work in hidden SSID mode.

Possible errors and solutions with a Wi-Fi access point on Windows 10

Question. After restarting Windows, the Wi-Fi access point does not turn on.

Answer. To restore the wireless network, you need to start the hosted network with the command
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
There is no need to re-enter the network name and password.

Question. When trying to start a hosted network, the error “The Wireless AutoConfig Service (wlansvc) is not running. The hosted network couldn’t be started.”

Answer. Start the service WLANAutoConfig(Wlan AutoConfig Service) from the services.msc console or from the command line:
net start WlanSvc
and restart the virtual access point

Question. When starting a Wi-Fi network, the error “The hosted network could not be started. The group or resource is not in the correct state."

Answer. Check if your Wi-Fi adapter is turned on. Then open device Manager, on the menu View select item Show hidden devices. In the network adapters section, find MicrosoftHostedNetworkVirtualAdapter and turn it on (Engage). If it doesn’t help, run the commands sequentially:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow

Then recreate the access point:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot key=3i3iPass
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Question. How can I view the status and settings of the access point?

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

Answer. You can stop the access point with the command:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

The access point is deleted (the SSID and network password are deleted) like this:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow

Question. The device has connected to a Wi-Fi access point, but the Internet does not work on it.

Answer: Check whether your device has received the DNS server settings (try manually specifying the Google public DNS server address - in your client settings. Also try restarting the Internet Sharing Service (ICS), or disabling and re-enabling sharing for the adapter through which your computer / laptop with Windows 10 connected to the Internet.

A few more common problems due to which your access point may not work on Windows 10:

What is it for?
This solution is ideal for those who plan to connect a mobile gadget or any other device (for example, a TV, game console, etc.) to the Internet at home.

What do we need for this?:
1. Personal computer/laptop equipped with a Wifi module and connected to the Internet;
2. Windows operating system;
3. Straight arms!

So let's get started!

Open the command line file cmd.exe in any available way. For example, you can type cmd into the search bar located in the Start menu:

Now let's create our access point. Copy the code into the command line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=access point name key=access password (right-click in the cmd window field and select the “Paste” function).

Attention! You must replace the “access point name” and “access password” with your data.

For example, let's create an access point with the name sm and password 1231231. To do this, we will need to enter the command into the command line:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= sm key=1231231

That's it, the Wifi access point has been created! All that remains is to launch it.

To do this, enter the command on the command line netsh wlan start hostednetwork . This procedure will need to be performed every time you restart the computer.

Let's automate this operation a little. To do this, create a regular text file and copy the text netsh wlan start hostednetwork into it. Save and close the file. Now we rename its resolution to *.bat (instead of *, enter any name). This file can be added to the startup list and then the Wifi access point will start automatically (or you can independently launch the *.bat file every time you need to connect your gadget to the Internet).

Attention! In order to change the file permission, you must perform the following operation:
1. While in the folder where you created the text document with the contents netsh wlan start hostednetwork, click on the alt button. A menu list appears below the folder address bar.

2. Select “Tools -> Folder Options”.

3. In the window that opens, go to the “View” tab and uncheck the “Hide extensions for registered file types” checkbox.

And the last step! It is necessary to share the access of the main connection to our access point. To do this, go to “Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings.” Next, right-click on the main connection (in my case it’s Beeline) and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Access” tab, check the box next to “Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection” and in the drop-down list select the access point we created (in my case it is Wireless Network Connection 2 named sm).

So, the access point has been created, but after connecting to it, you discovered that the Internet does not work? In this case, I have only one recommendation: disable all firewalls (both standard Windows and antivirus). If after this the Internet works, then add this connection to the firewall exceptions.

In the case of NOD, everything is very simple! Go to “advanced settings” and set “Filtering mode” to training.

If, after all the steps taken, the client device cannot connect to the access point you created, then your Internet-distributing laptop/computer does not have a DHCP server that provides IP addresses. In this case, you will have to assign IP addresses yourself. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow these instructions exactly.

Go to “Network Neighborhoods” and right-click on “Wireless Network Connection” (not the one we created, but the one that was originally) -> Properties -> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) -> enter the following values :

IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:

Now go to the properties of the virtual access point we created (“Wireless network connection”) -> Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) -> enter the following values:

IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
Preferred DNS Server:

And at the end of the article, a couple of useful commands:
netsh wlan show profiles- view the names of all previously created points;
netsh wlan delete profile name="ProfileName"- deleting a previously created wireless access point profile (instead of ProfileName, of course, you need to put the name of your access point);
netsh wlan show profile name="ProfileName" key=clear- shows the security key of the specified access point;

tell friends