Accelerometer: what is it and how can it determine the tilt of the body. What is an accelerometer in a smartphone? What does an accelerometer mean?

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(the difference between the absolute acceleration of an object and gravitational acceleration, more precisely the acceleration of gravity). There are three-component (three-axis) accelerometers that allow you to measure acceleration along three axes at once.

Some accelerometers also have built-in data acquisition and processing systems. This allows you to create complete systems for measuring acceleration and vibration with all the necessary elements.


The accelerometer can be used both to measure the projections of absolute linear acceleration and for indirect measurements of the projection of gravitational acceleration. The latter property is used to create inertial navigation systems, where the measurements obtained with their help are integrated, obtaining the inertial speed and coordinates of the carrier; when recording amplitudes above the natural resonant frequency, the accelerometer’s own velocity can be measured directly.

Electronic In the control devices of game consoles, the accelerometer, together with the gyroscope, is used to control games without using buttons - by turning in space, shaking, etc. For example, the Wii Remote and Playstation Move controllers have an accelerometer.

Accelerometers are used in hard drives to activate a mechanism to protect against damage caused by impacts, shocks, and drops. The accelerometer reacts to sudden changes in the device's position and parks the hard disk heads, which helps prevent disk damage and data loss. This protection technology is used mainly in laptops, netbooks and external drives.

An accelerometer in industrial vibration diagnostics is a vibration transducer that measures vibration acceleration in non-destructive testing and protection systems.


The main parameters of the accelerometer are

  • Threshold sensitivity (resolution) is the value of the minimum change in apparent acceleration that the device can detect.
  • Zero offset - instrument readings at zero apparent acceleration.
  • Random walk is the standard deviation from the zero offset.
  • Nonlinearity - changes in the relationship between the output signal and apparent acceleration as the apparent acceleration changes.



  • Using an analog accelerometer as an inclinometer

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Accelerometer” is in other dictionaries:

    Accelerometer... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    - (from Latin accelero accelerate and...meter) a device for measuring acceleration (overload) of aircraft, etc.... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACCELEROMETER, a device used to measure acceleration. The simplest example is a lead weight suspended from an object falling with acceleration, the angle of its deviation from the vertical is proportional to the acceleration. A more complex device... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    - (from the Latin accelero I accelerate and the Greek metreo I measure) a device for measuring the acceleration of moving objects. A. is widely used on aircraft. The operating principle of A. is based on the use of the laws of inertia. A. are distinguished for measuring ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Noun, number of synonyms: 5 accelerograph (3) accelerometer (1) gyro-accelerometer ... Synonym dictionary

    Device for measuring acceleration. On aircraft, surface ships and submarines it is used in EdwART inertial navigation systems. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 ... Marine Dictionary

    accelerometer- a, m. accéléromètre lat. 1888. Lexis. tech. A device for measuring accelerations occurring on airplanes. spacecraft, rockets, etc., as well as when testing machines, engines, etc. Krysin 1998. Lex. TSB 3: accelero/meter... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    accelerometer- A measuring device designed to measure accelerations. [GOST 18955 73] Topics accelerometers EN accelerometer ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (from Latin accelero I accelerate and...meter), a device for measuring accelerations (overloads) of aircraft, etc. * * * ACCELEROMETER ACCELEROMETER (from Latin accelero I accelerate and Greek metron measure, metreo I measure), a device for measuring accelerations... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. accelerare accelerate + ... meter) a device for measuring accelerations (overloads) occurring on airplanes, spacecraft, rockets and other moving objects, as well as in testing machines, engines, etc. New dictionary... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Modern technologies allow a person to largely experience the superiority of the present time in the materialized dreams and assumptions of the past, which are most clearly manifested in devices so familiar to us today as mobile phones.

Turning fantasy into reality

Accelerometer on a phone - what is it and what is it for? It is this necessary function that will be discussed in this article. Today, no one will be surprised by the compact dimensions of an ultra-thin laptop or cell phone, the body of which is only a few millimeters thick. For most of us, the incredible technical capabilities of individual electronic devices are an obvious fact. Today, we humans operate with truly fantastic amounts of data, and the speed of information transfer has long surpassed the “light” mark. But these abilities hide the completely understandable nature of the device, the properties and functionality of which depend only on the level of technology used. A rather complex mechanism that measures gravitational acceleration, the accelerometer, has found its purpose in electronic devices. One of these devices is the modern mobile phone.

The magic of movement

So, the accelerometer in the phone - what is this device? There is a simple answer to this question: it is a sensor that determines the spatial position of the object in which it is embedded. The shape and type of information displayed by the phone display depends on the position in which the device is located. For example, a picture can change orientation relative to the X and Y axes. Due to physical influence - rotation, impact or shaking - a functional algorithm can activate one or another software process. When using a pedometer or a gaming application, the principle of measuring gravitational acceleration remains unchanged.

Accelerometer in a phone - what is this device and what are its advantages?

The versatility of the phone's spatial position sensor greatly simplifies the process of controlling a gaming application. During the game, the user moves the device relative to two planes, thereby influencing the overall process of the program being executed. It is worth noting that the speed at which the gamer changes angles also has a mathematical value, which is a factor in the required reaction. Of course, the accelerometer has significantly expanded the functionality of a modern mobile phone. Thanks to this orientation device, using a compass, GPS navigation and electronic toys has become much easier and more convenient.

Overview of the "utilities" of the spatial controller

Let's look at a few benefits when using the basic functionality of the accelerometer:

1. When jogging, it is advisable to use a pedometer. By exercising control through this application, you will always have information about the number of steps taken, which will become a kind of incentive to improve the results of your training and qualitatively influence the overall progress of sports.

2. The accelerometer sensor in the phone eliminates the sometimes complex, but at the same time time-consuming process of controlling the game, bringing the user closer to an understanding of absolute comfort. Natural body movements allow the gamer to get maximum pleasure. The effectiveness of the impact does not depend on the force of pressing or the correctly selected button, but solely depends on the choice of the optimal amplitude of movement and the accuracy of the positioning process. The ease and ease of the gaming moment allow us to consider the accelerometer an undeniable advantage in managing the gaming scenario.

3. When you need to take a comfortable position, say, lie on your side, and the phone is still needed for use, the device’s spatial position sensor will turn the device’s interface upside down, making it easier to perceive the visually displayed information. Games with an accelerometer installed on the phone have now gained total popularity not only among teenagers... It has been noticed that in the circles of the older generation there has also begun to be a certain trend of passion for applications that use spatial positioning technology.

4. Watching videos will become more acceptable if the screen of an electronic device is turned to landscape format, which will also have a beneficial effect on viewing photos, email, or writing short messages. Working with graphic tables and editing articles when using the accelerometer function also results in more efficient performance.

Device reliability issue

The accelerometer in a mobile phone is becoming an integral part of the hardware capabilities of a modern device. The relative simplicity of the structural elements of the spatial sensor allows it to meet a high level of reliability. Judge for yourself, technology by definition is designed to work under extreme operating conditions. Aircraft manufacturing and astronautics made it possible to bring the device to technical perfection. Indeed, in these areas of application, the technology for determining and measuring the acceleration of the spatial position of an object is an obligatory element that determines the pinpoint accuracy and correct operation of on-board control systems. Of course, a mobile phone is not an extremely reliable product. Serial production and automation of the conveyor manufacturing process often allows for defects.

What if?..

Do not shake, beat or rub the phone if the sensor suddenly stops functioning. Shamanic dances with a tambourine and reading magic mantras will also not have the desired result. The problematic situation when the accelerometer does not work can be solved in only two ways:

  • Software repair (setup, firmware and phone software update).
  • Hardware restoration of the spatial sensor (replacement of the control module, maintenance).

Moreover, the second option is the prerogative of electronics specialists.

However, let's look at a few more important arguments in favor of such an important device.

Station wagon is always in demand

Using a special “level” application, you can easily determine the evenness of walls and slopes or the correct installation of the cornice. It is worth noting that the presence of an accelerometer in a mobile device can significantly simplify the search for the desired object within a populated area, and will also provide invaluable assistance on a hike, when the use of a compass becomes a vital means of orientation. The curious aspects of using the acceleration sensor will be fully satisfied when the user wants to know the actual acceleration parameters of the vehicle. Again, exciting races downloaded from the Internet to a phone with an accelerometer can add variety and relieve boredom in unexpected moments of anticipation. The versatility of use and the breadth of incredible possibilities of the spatial device cannot be reflected in full within the framework of this article. Therefore, you will have to experience the exciting surprise and fascinating process of learning the large-scale purpose of the electronic “vestibular” more than once.


So what is an accelerometer on a phone? What is this - a new control system or a device for measuring physical parameters? I hasten to please you: both. This is another achievement of technical progress, allowing a person to feel additional comfort and increase the efficiency of using an object with the applied technology.

Thanks to the development of technological progress, people have the opportunity to use a fairly large set of tools, while carrying only one smartphone. However, there is a small detail without which the use of this device would not be so convenient - the accelerometer. What is it and why is it so important?

The main function of this device is to measure the acceleration of ground vehicles, aircraft, rockets and other equipment. It first appeared at the end of the 19th century. The device was installed on trains and cars to be able to track the speed at which they were moving.

The scale displayed all possible and maximum permissible values ​​for a specific type of transport. This structure made it possible to prevent exceeding the speed limit and prevent engine destruction. But this assistant also had one drawback. What is this? The accelerometer was extremely bulky. So subsequently the design changed all the time.

The first such devices came to Russia as part of Ford and Mercedes-Benz cars. They also went along with steam locomotives made in Germany. There was just one problem. The problem was that these accelerometers could not withstand cold climates. Therefore, Russian transport engineering enterprises had to develop their own models.


There are the following types of accelerometers:

  • Capacitive. Monitors the change in capacitance between static and dynamic states.
  • Piezoelectric. The device works due to the effect of the same name (depending on the pressure on the crystals, an electric potential appears).
  • Piezoresistive. Measures electrical resistance as a function of applied mechanical pressure.
  • Hall effect device. Measures changes in voltage that occur due to changes in the magnetic field around the device itself.
  • Magnetic resistor. Detects changes in the magnetic field. Unlike the previous one, it measures resistance.
  • Heat transfer device. Depending on the acceleration, it measures changes in heat transfer.

New time

In the photo above you can see a mobile application that simulates an accelerometer.

The modern design of accelerometers allows them to be connected to on-board computers in cars, trains, airplanes and rockets. Thus, an absolute integral system is obtained. Its main task is to analyze the measurement of the acceleration indicator. Subsequently, the computer gives the appropriate command to adjust the work, and the speed of movement increases or decreases.

At this point, the use of accelerometer sensors has expanded beyond the transportation industry. This device has also begun to be installed in mobile phones, but in a slightly different form. It is the modern variation of the reduced device that will be discussed further.

Mobile industry

It has already been said above that an accelerometer is a device that allows you to measure and regulate changes in vehicle speed. However, today it can also be found in cell phones.

First device

The first mobile device to receive an accelerometer was the Nokia 5500. In such a small body, it was not possible to use the device in its original form. Because of this, it was decided to use a miniature chip. There was an inert mass inside it. A reasonable question arises: what function did the first accelerometer in a phone perform? What was it? The same thing that is extremely popular now in various fitness bracelets and other devices is a pedometer.

How it works

The general operating algorithm is not too different from the original device. The chip was embedded according to the principle of a fixed structure with attached conductors. The inert mass located inside, undergoing acceleration, changes its location in space. Thanks to this shift, the device receives data about all location changes. The conductors extending from the device were located between the contacts that took meter readings.

Due to the extremely small size of all chip parts, production of parts is carried out without human intervention - only automated conveyors.

It is worth noting that the accelerometer in a smartphone is a part that allows you to save important data. For example, when the device is in flight (falling or being thrown over), the device detects this state and issues a command to block the most fragile parts responsible for recording data. For example, this happens with the recording head of a laptop hard drive.

However, in modern gadgets you can find not only an accelerometer, but also a gyroscope.

What is a gyroscope?

In the photo above you can see a rotary gyroscope. This is a device that responds to changes in the angle of inclination relative to the Earth's surface. The simplest example is a spinning top. It was invented in 1817. Its advantage was the ability to work in rather poor conditions, such as:

  • low level of visibility;
  • presence of electromagnetic interference;
  • surface shaking and many others.


At the moment, there are two main categories of these devices.

By degree of freedom:

  • two-degree;
  • three-degree.

Based on the operating principle:

  • optic;
  • mechanical.

First appearance in the mobile industry

The very first representative of this field to receive a gyroscopic sensor was a smartphone from Apple - iPhone 4. This function made it possible to change the orientation of the phone from portrait to landscape, depending on its position in space.

This innovation was extremely popular among buyers, and therefore other mobile device manufacturers quickly picked up the idea and began installing this element in their own phones. It is worth noting that all subsequent iPhone models included this feature on a mandatory basis.

However, Android devices do not always have a gyroscopic sensor. Therefore, before purchasing a device with this operating system, you should inquire about the presence of a gyroscope in the device. It can be done:

  • by finding a list of characteristics on the Internet;
  • ask a consultant at the store.

The first is preferable, since consultants are not always aware of the features of a particular smartphone model.

How to determine the presence of a gyroscopic sensor in a device?

As mentioned above, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the phone on the website of the manufacturer or store that sells it. Most often, the presence of this element is required.

Another option is to check on a 360-degree video. If, when viewing it, there is a function to rotate the image in any valid direction, then the sensor is present.

And the last option is to check with the AnTuTu Benchmark application. It conducts a complete diagnosis of the smartphone and necessarily indicates the presence of this component.

Calibrate your phone's accelerometer

The presence of such an element in a modern smartphone is extremely important. It allows the device to perform a number of extremely important functions:

  • display rotation;
  • performing actions when shaking the screen;
  • ensuring the operation of the pedometer;
  • demonstration of the present position in space.

Below is an example of how to calibrate the Xiaomi accelerometer. This instruction is suitable for both mobile devices of this manufacturer and for many other smartphones on the Android platform. It is quite simple and does not require a lot of time and knowledge about working with phone functions. To start screen calibration, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • select the “settings” menu;
  • go to the “display” item;
  • Click on the “accelerometer calibration” function. Next, she herself will configure the correct display of the image on the screen in various positions.


Despite the fact that the accelerometer and gyroscope appeared as devices for use in the field of mechanical engineering, today no smartphone can be considered complete if these components are missing. The above functions make its use as comfortable as possible. Therefore, before purchasing a phone, be sure to check their availability among the list of its main characteristics.

Accelerometer - what is it and why is it needed?

Our life consists of everyday little things that in one way or another affect our well-being, mood and productivity. I didn’t get enough sleep - my head hurts; I drank coffee to improve the situation and cheer up - but I became irritable. I really want to foresee everything, but I just can’t. Moreover, everyone around, as usual, gives advice: gluten in bread - don’t go near it, it will kill you; A chocolate bar in your pocket is a direct path to tooth loss. We collect the most popular questions about health, nutrition, diseases and give answers to them that will allow you to better understand what is good for your health.

Thanks to the development of technological progress, people have the opportunity to use a fairly large set of tools, while carrying only one smartphone. However, there is a small detail without which the use of this device would not be so convenient - the accelerometer. What is it and why is it so important?

Definition and history

The main function of this device is to measure the acceleration of ground vehicles, aircraft, rockets and other equipment. It first appeared at the end of the 19th century. The device was installed on trains and cars to be able to track the speed at which they were moving.

The scale displayed all possible and maximum permissible values ​​for a specific type of transport. This structure made it possible to prevent exceeding the speed limit and prevent engine destruction. But this assistant also had one drawback. What is this? The accelerometer was extremely bulky. So subsequently the design changed all the time.

The first such devices came to Russia as part of Ford and Mercedes-Benz cars. They also went along with steam locomotives made in Germany. There was just one problem. The problem was that these accelerometers could not withstand cold climates. Therefore, Russian transport engineering enterprises had to develop their own models.


There are the following types of accelerometers:

  • Capacitive. Monitors the change in capacitance between static and dynamic states.
  • Piezoelectric. The device works due to the effect of the same name (depending on the pressure on the crystals, an electric potential appears).
  • Piezoresistive. Measures electrical resistance as a function of applied mechanical pressure.
  • Hall effect device. Measures changes in voltage that occur due to changes in the magnetic field around the device itself.
  • Magnetic resistor. Detects changes in the magnetic field. Unlike the previous one, it measures resistance.
  • Heat transfer device. Depending on the acceleration, it measures changes in heat transfer.

New time

In the photo above you can see a mobile application that simulates an accelerometer.

The modern design of accelerometers allows them to be connected to on-board computers in cars, trains, airplanes and rockets. Thus, an absolute integral system is obtained. Its main task is to analyze the measurement of the acceleration indicator. Subsequently, the computer gives the appropriate command to adjust the work, and the speed of movement increases or decreases.

At this point, the use of accelerometer sensors has expanded beyond the transportation industry. This device has also begun to be installed in mobile phones, but in a slightly different form. It is the modern variation of the reduced device that will be discussed further.

Mobile industry

It has already been said above that an accelerometer is a device that allows you to measure and regulate changes in vehicle speed. However, today it can also be found in cell phones.

First device

The first mobile device to receive an accelerometer was the Nokia 5500. In such a small body, it was not possible to use the device in its original form. Because of this, it was decided to use a miniature chip. There was an inert mass inside it. A reasonable question arises: what function did the first accelerometer in a phone perform? What was it? The same thing that is extremely popular now in various fitness bracelets and other devices is a pedometer.

How it works

The general operating algorithm is not too different from the original device. The chip was embedded according to the principle of a fixed structure with attached conductors. The inert mass located inside, undergoing acceleration, changes its location in space. Thanks to this shift, the device receives data about all location changes. The conductors extending from the device were located between the contacts that took meter readings.

Due to the extremely small size of all chip parts, production of parts is carried out without human intervention - only automated conveyors.

It is worth noting that the accelerometer in a smartphone is a part that allows you to save important data. For example, when the device is in flight (falling or being thrown over), the device detects this state and issues a command to block the most fragile parts responsible for recording data. For example, this happens with the recording head of a laptop hard drive.

However, in modern gadgets you can find not only an accelerometer, but also a gyroscope.

What is a gyroscope?

In the photo above you can see a rotary gyroscope. This is a device that responds to changes in the angle of inclination relative to the Earth's surface. The simplest example is a spinning top. It was invented in 1817. Its advantage was the ability to work in rather poor conditions, such as:

  • low level of visibility;
  • presence of electromagnetic interference;
  • surface shaking and many others.


At the moment, there are two main categories of these devices.

By degree of freedom:

  • two-degree;
  • three-degree.

Based on the operating principle:

  • optic;
  • mechanical.

First appearance in the mobile industry

The very first representative of this field to receive a gyroscopic sensor was a smartphone from Apple - iPhone 4. This function made it possible to change the orientation of the phone from portrait to landscape, depending on its position in space.

This innovation was extremely popular among buyers, and therefore other mobile device manufacturers quickly picked up the idea and began installing this element in their own phones. It is worth noting that all subsequent iPhone models included this feature on a mandatory basis.

However, Android devices do not always have a gyroscopic sensor. Therefore, before purchasing a device with this operating system, you should inquire about the presence of a gyroscope in the device. It can be done:

  • by finding a list of characteristics on the Internet;
  • ask a consultant at the store.

The first is preferable, since consultants are not always aware of the features of a particular smartphone model.

How to determine the presence of a gyroscopic sensor in a device?

As mentioned above, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the phone on the website of the manufacturer or store that sells it. Most often, the presence of this element is required.

Another option is to check on a 360-degree video. If, when viewing it, there is a function to rotate the image in any valid direction, then the sensor is present.

And the last option is to check with the AnTuTu Benchmark application. It conducts a complete diagnosis of the smartphone and necessarily indicates the presence of this component.

Calibrate your phone's accelerometer

The presence of such an element in a modern smartphone is extremely important. It allows the device to perform a number of extremely important functions:

  • display rotation;
  • performing actions when shaking the screen;
  • ensuring the operation of the pedometer;
  • demonstration of the present position in space.

Below is an example of how to calibrate the Xiaomi accelerometer. This instruction is suitable for both mobile devices of this manufacturer and for many other smartphones on the Android platform. It is quite simple and does not require a lot of time and knowledge about working with phone functions. To start screen calibration, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • select the “settings” menu;
  • go to the “display” item;
  • Click on the “accelerometer calibration” function. Next, she herself will configure the correct display of the image on the screen in various positions.


Despite the fact that the accelerometer and gyroscope appeared as devices for use in the field of mechanical engineering, today no smartphone can be considered complete if these components are missing. The above functions make its use as comfortable as possible. Therefore, before purchasing a phone, be sure to check their availability among the list of its main characteristics.

Accelerometer (from Latin accelero - I accelerate and Greek metréō - I measure)

a device for measuring acceleration (overloads) occurring on spacecraft, rockets, airplanes and other moving objects, when testing machines, engines, etc. A. are distinguished: depending on the type of movement - linear and angular; according to the operating principle - mechanical, electromechanical, etc.; by purpose - measuring acceleration as a function of time or path and maximum, measuring the moment an object reaches a given acceleration value or the maximum acceleration value in a fast process, for example during an impact. A. with a recording device is called an accelerograph.

Acceleration is perceived: in linear (with one degree of freedom) mechanical A. ( rice. ) - a pendulum device in which, under the influence of acceleration, a deviation of the pendulum from the equilibrium position occurs (the size of the deviation is shown by an arrow on a scale calibrated in acceleration units); in electromechanical A. - Load cell ohm , changing its electrical parameter (resistance, inductance or capacitance) depending on mechanical deformation proportional to acceleration; at maximum A. - either by a pendulum device that breaks the contact in the electrical circuit when the object under study reaches a given acceleration value, or by a piezoelectric sensor (See Piezoelectric sensor) , generating electrical voltage during mechanical compression under the influence of inertial forces. In electromechanical and maximum accelerations, accelerations are recorded on the screen of an oscilloscope, which, after amplification, receives electrical signals from devices that perceive acceleration.

For small ones (up to 10 Hz) vibration frequencies of machine parts or moving objects, mechanical measurements are used to measure large accelerations; at higher frequencies - electromechanical A.; for vibration measurements of accelerations in the frequency range 10 Hz - 20 kHz - maximum A. Maximum A. allow you to measure accelerations from 1 cm/sec 2 up to 30 km/sec 2(0.001 to 3000 g, Where g- acceleration of gravity).

In gravimetry (see Gravimetry), when determining the acceleration of gravity at sea and in the air, three-component antennas are used, with the help of which the accelerations caused by the rolling of a ship or aircraft at the installation site of the gravimeter are recorded and taken into account. pendulum device. A. used in gravimetry are designed for an acceleration measurement range of several hundred cm/sec 2 and have an accuracy of order 1 cm/sec 2

Lit.: Fridlander G. O. and Seleznev V. P., Flight gauge instruments, compasses and auto navigators, M., 1953; Iorish Yu.I., Vibration measurement. General theory, methods and instruments. M., 1956.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what “Accelerometer” is in other dictionaries:

    Accelerometer... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    - (from Latin accelero accelerate and...meter) a device for measuring acceleration (overload) of aircraft, etc.... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACCELEROMETER, a device used to measure acceleration. The simplest example is a lead weight suspended from an object falling with acceleration, the angle of its deviation from the vertical is proportional to the acceleration. A more complex device... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    - (from the Latin accelero I accelerate and the Greek metreo I measure) a device for measuring the acceleration of moving objects. A. is widely used on aircraft. The operating principle of A. is based on the use of the laws of inertia. A. are distinguished for measuring ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Noun, number of synonyms: 5 accelerograph (3) accelerometer (1) gyro-accelerometer ... Synonym dictionary

    Device for measuring acceleration. On aircraft, surface ships and submarines it is used in EdwART inertial navigation systems. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 ... Marine Dictionary

    accelerometer- a, m. accéléromètre lat. 1888. Lexis. tech. A device for measuring accelerations occurring on airplanes. spacecraft, rockets, etc., as well as when testing machines, engines, etc. Krysin 1998. Lex. TSB 3: accelero/meter... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    accelerometer- A measuring device designed to measure accelerations. [GOST 18955 73] Topics accelerometers EN accelerometer ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Diagram of a simple accelerometer. The weight is attached to a spring. The damper suppresses load vibrations. The greater the apparent acceleration, the more the spring is deformed, changing the readings of the accelerometer device (lat... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin accelero I accelerate and...meter), a device for measuring accelerations (overloads) of aircraft, etc. * * * ACCELEROMETER ACCELEROMETER (from Latin accelero I accelerate and Greek metron measure, metreo I measure), a device for measuring accelerations... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. accelerare accelerate + ... meter) a device for measuring accelerations (overloads) occurring on airplanes, spacecraft, rockets and other moving objects, as well as in testing machines, engines, etc. New dictionary... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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