Controlling torpedoes in world of warships. Torpedoes in World of Warships. Ways to dodge torpedoes

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Greetings, brave commanders and readers of our blog. Our next article is devoted to perhaps the most dangerous weapon in WoWS, namely torpedoes. These deadly shells pose a threat not only to paper destroyers, but also to armored battleships. And today we will talk about how to launch torpedoes in World of Warships and disable enemy ships with well-aimed hits. By studying our guide to controlling torpedo equipment, novice players will be able to significantly improve their shooting efficiency.

From this article you will learn:

What are we dealing with?

A torpedo is a self-propelled underwater projectile that can carry from 200 to 750 kg of explosives. When it hits the side of a ship, it creates a hole, which leads to flooding. One successful torpedo salvo can disable several ships at once. Even if they do not sink, the hole will significantly slow down their progress, negating combat activity and resistance.

In WoWS, only commanders of destroyers and cruisers can use torpedo tubes, since they are not installed on battleships. These giants already have enough heavy weapons to effectively attack the enemy. Aircraft carriers can also launch a torpedo strike - but with the help of aircraft.

The WoWS developers managed to significantly simplify the torpedo attack so as not to create unnecessary problems for players. Captains need to select only the required salvo width and relate it to the expected movements of enemy ships.

Main characteristics

To fully appreciate the combat capabilities of a ship, it is necessary to upgrade it. Or there is another option: buy an already upgraded elite ship in a premium store. How the purchase is made and where the player can get the game currency can be read in our article “How to get doubloons in World of Warships.” It is worth noting that the determining factor for torpedo armament in WoWS is not only the number of torpedo tubes on board, but also the technical characteristics of the shells themselves.


This characteristic to some extent limits the firing of torpedoes. At the first levels it does not exceed 4.5 km. Thus, torpedoes may not even reach ships located too far away, and while you are creeping up to the enemy at the required distance, you can be destroyed by fragmentation and armor-piercing shells. Therefore, in this situation you need to approach enemy ships by hiding behind islands or under a smoke screen.

Many beginners mistakenly assume that the closer they get to the side of the enemy ship, the more effective the torpedo strike will be. However, here it is worth paying attention to the fact that it takes several seconds after the descent to switch the fuse. That is why it is impossible to fire torpedoes at point blank range. The minimum launch distance for them is indicated by the sight line closest to the ship.


In the early stages of the game, torpedoes move quite slowly. Their speed does not exceed 49 knots, which cannot be compared with any other projectile. Therefore, it will not be difficult for an enemy who has a torpedo in his field of vision to dodge it. Especially if we are talking about a high-speed cruiser or destroyer. In this case, the cost of a miss will be significantly higher than when firing from artillery guns.

Weighty torpedoes, the length of which can reach seven meters and the weight of two tons, significantly delay reloading. It takes from 20 seconds to 3 minutes. In this situation, it would be best to concentrate on a slow target and attack battleships and aircraft carriers that are incapable of agile maneuvers, as well as ships that are caught up in a firefight. At the highest levels, with a torpedo range of up to 20 km, their speed can reach 70 knots. But even with such characteristics, the success of shooting depends on how well the moment is chosen.

How to shoot torpedoes

To switch to the torpedo armament control mode, you must press key 3. After this, a sight will appear on the screen, which has a rather unusual appearance in the game. Sectors colored dark green show the firing radius from both sides. The bright green sector shows the direction and width of the torpedo fan. When the devices are reloaded, the sight turns yellow.

To effectively control the movement of torpedoes, it is necessary to remember that after firing they disperse through the water not parallel to each other, but in the form of a fan. The WoWS developers have given players the ability to control the angle of dispersion of projectiles. It can be wide or narrow. Switching between the two options is done with the 3 key. The narrow angle is suitable for shooting at short range, when the torpedo can almost certainly hit the target. With a wide dispersion radius, the chances of hitting the enemy with at least one projectile increase. However, the danger of accidentally attacking allies also increases.

Finding the right lead for firing torpedoes can be quite difficult. To make the task easier for commanders of warships, the creators of the game added a function to demonstrate lead for the selected target. To turn it on, you need to move the cursor over the enemy ship and press the X button. After this, another sector of the sight will appear, colored gray. To increase the probability of a hit, you need to combine it with the bright green sector and press the left mouse button.

Dropping torpedoes from an aircraft has a different specificity. By default, they are launched by homing in a wide fan. However, if the enemy ship suddenly changes course, the shells may miss. Therefore, in most cases, when firing torpedoes from an aircraft, we recommend using manual release. It is activated by pressing the Alt button. In this mode, the player himself chooses the release point and the direction of movement of the projectiles, which are launched in a narrow fan.

The most popular tactic for torpedo firing from an aircraft is the “hammer and anvil” technique. The enemy must be surrounded with the help of two squadrons of torpedo bombers, which enter from the front and side. The group located on the side is the first to release torpedoes. When the enemy ship begins to turn to avoid the shells, it is attacked by a squadron coming in from the front. Her fan enters the side of a maneuvering enemy and inflicts serious damage on him.

Several rules for using torpedoes

As you have probably already understood, torpedo firing has many nuances that affect its effectiveness. To learn how to use this type of projectile correctly, the player will have to practice. And to increase the efficiency of using torpedoes, captains of warships should adhere to several rules:

  • The torpedo needs to be cocked. Take this fact into account when shooting at point-blank range. If the projectile took less than a second to reach the target, it will not explode on impact.
  • Under no circumstances should you launch torpedoes while in the second line. If your ally is on the line of attack, he can make a maneuver at any time and get shot.
  • To quietly get close to the enemy for a torpedo attack, do not use artillery and turn off air defense so as not to attract attention to yourself.
  • The bulk is concentrated in the ship's citadel - i.e. in its central part. Therefore, you need to aim exactly there.

To avoid being hit by enemy torpedoes, you must constantly maneuver and study the environment. If a destroyer or cruiser armed with torpedo equipment is heading towards you, turn bow or stern towards it. This will reduce the likelihood of torpedoes hitting the side of your ship.

As mentioned earlier, torpedoes are the most powerful weapons, capable of virtually eliminating the enemy with one strike. But it is also necessary to use other types of weapons. Realize your ship's combat potential to the fullest and remember its strengths and weaknesses. This is the only way you can succeed in World of Warships. Subscribe to our blog updates and learn a lot about your favorite games. See you soon.

Destroyers and some cruisers are armed with torpedoes in World of warships. The torpedo is a very formidable weapon. In order to sink an enemy destroyer, one torpedo hit is usually enough. To destroy a heavier ship, a battleship or an aircraft carrier, it will take three to four torpedoes to hit.

To get started aiming with torpedo weapons in World of warships you need to press button 3.

Green sectors The area of ​​permissible torpedo aiming is shown; if the target does not fall within this area, turn the ship.

Bright green sector shows the current aiming of the torpedo tube, by moving the mouse you can change this aiming. Since the torpedo moves much slower than the projectile, choosing the right lead will not be easy, and the cost of an error will be high, because torpedo tubes take a long time to reload.

In order to help the player, the World of warships developers added a hint to the game. Gray sector indicates on the screen where the torpedo needs to be aimed so that it hits the target if it moves at the same speed and in the same direction as when the torpedo was launched.

During reloading, the sector of action of torpedo tubes is colored yellow.

The further the distance from your ship to the target, the more opportunities the enemy has dodge a torpedo. It is easier for a light, maneuverable ship to dodge torpedoes, so it is not easy to hit such a ship, but it is unlikely that a heavy battleship or aircraft carrier will be able to quickly maneuver and dodge torpedoes.

Changing the divergence angle of torpedoes in World of warships

Torpedoes in World of warships fan out after launch. Players can change the torpedo divergence angle(wide or narrow) by pressing key 3.

Wide divergence angle increases the probability of being hit by at least one of the fired torpedoes; this angle should be chosen when attacking a target at a long distance.

At narrow divergence angle the torpedoes will move more closely, so either most of them will hit the target, or all of them will miss, this angle should be chosen at a short distance from the target.

Be careful when launching torpedoes, because If you hit an ally, you will cause huge damage to him. You should not launch torpedoes if allied and enemy ships are moving closely on the same course. It is also dangerous to launch torpedoes in areas where allied ships are concentrated.

Maximum range of torpedoes

Limited torpedo action maximum distance, study the characteristics of the ship to know at what distance from the target you can launch torpedoes. For the same reason, it makes no sense to launch torpedoes at the very beginning of the battle; they will not reach the enemy, but they can sink allies.

Minimum range of torpedoes

Torpedoes have not only a maximum, but also minimum range of action. This radius in World of warships can be seen when aiming with torpedo tubes. Please note that the green sector does not start from the ship itself, but at a certain distance. This distance is the minimum range of torpedoes.

The most dangerous weapon in the game is torpedoes. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), not many people know how to properly use these carriers of deadly “gifts.” Torpedoes flying at your unmaneuverable ship make you panic, therefore, even in order to properly evade them you need to be able to use them yourself.

In this article you will learn the following information: World of Warships how to launch torpedoes correctly. The game's mechanics for releasing torpedoes are quite realistic. It is also worth noting that almost all ships have such weapons (except for battleships). Only two or three torpedoes are enough to completely destroy a ship.

So, let's look at the mechanics of torpedoes. First you need to select torpedoes on the ship. After you select torpedoes, the view will be changed - “fans” of torpedo launches will be visible around the ship.

The bright green sector of the “fan” is the guidance zone. You can change it using the mouse. It can also be narrowed by pressing button 3.

Wide torpedo fan

First of all, in order to learn World of Warships how to launch torpedoes, you need to know that there are two types of torpedo “fans” in the game - wide and narrow.
The wide fan sends torpedoes in a wide radius, as the name suggests. This increases the possibility of hitting at least one torpedo. And the narrow fan sends torpedoes straight along a narrow radius - good if you are point-blank to the enemy. It’s easier to miss with a narrow fan, due to the fact that the torpedoes come in a cluster.

Narrow torpedo fan

If an enemy ship appears in your visual range, press the X button - this will bring up an additional gray zone, which serves as a hint for forming the correct lead.

Simple rules for launching torpedoes World of Warships

Remember simple principles - if the enemy is far away, it is easier for him to dodge a torpedo. And fast ships can go off course in a matter of seconds, so choose your targets wisely.

The Japanese have a higher torpedo firing range than the Americans. Carefully study the performance characteristics of ships. Also be careful when shooting at long distances - you might hit your own people.

The team of the gaming platform RBK Games has tried to put together a collection of the most important tips for you, after reading which you will learn to shoot accurately and efficiently:

  • before installing weapons, decide on its type, power, caliber;
  • firing torpedoes will not bring results without an accurate calculation of the launch trajectory;
  • learn to shoot from a torpedo ship with different types of fans - narrow and wide, depending on the situation;
  • Take into account the presence of obstacles on the way.

To the question: “How to fire torpedoes in World of Warships?” The answer is simple: you only need to use 2 keys – “3” and “X”. Using the “3” key, you select the desired projectile, and the “X” button allows you to keep the enemy in sight.

Not every projectile is effective

Shooting from a torpedo cruiser is not an easy task, especially if your ship is using the wrong ammunition. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, timely assess the situation on the battlefield (this will help you learn how to install torpedoes in World of Warships):

  • if you are, it is best to use anti-ship torpedo weapons;
  • special anti-submarine varieties have been developed for battles with submarines;
  • when it is necessary to fire torpedoes at different targets, it is better to use universal models.

And remember that installing powerful weapons is one thing, but using them effectively is another. Together, these two points will give you a real chance to emerge victorious from a brutal and bloody battle. Now you know how to use torpedoes in World of Warships.

Did you know that during World War II, torpedo weapons were the main type of weapon on submarines and special boats? Unfortunately, only 60% of them reached their goal. It is not enough to simply throw a torpedo from a ship; it is important to know all the intricacies of the process.

You need to know about this

There are two main ways to throw a torpedo:

  • the first - narrow fan technology;
  • the second is a wide fan.

A narrow fan means that the projectiles are placed close together, so the blow is as powerful as possible. But if you need to hit a small target, it is better to launch projectiles in a wide fan - there is a greater chance of hitting.

How to launch a torpedo in World of Warships and not miss? The secret is in pressing the “X” button in a timely manner. If a target appears on the horizon, immediately press the X button and you will see a gray sector indicating the direction of launch. If the gray sector exactly matches the green one, then the result will be 100%. Launching projectiles at distant targets is risky, as the enemy may dodge. Here you need to think through the enemy’s tactics and see his actions several steps ahead, but this will only come with experience.

Let's not break the rules!

After reading these rules, you will know how to fire torpedoes in World of Warships:

  1. Calculate the exact meeting place and torpedoes, especially if the enemy is moving at high speed.
  2. Learn to fire projectiles with the required salvo width by analyzing the distance between objects.
  3. Accurately determine the presence of obstacles between you (this could be a shoal, an island, marine equipment).
  4. Remember to think like a strategist, this will help you throw projectiles accurately at the target.

We wish you good luck and new victories!

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