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Nowadays beauty and a healthy lifestyle are in fashion-and this, in essence, is even good. But the industry adapts to every fashion: we are offered sports supplements and special nutrition for health and maintaining the desired shape. Opinions are divided on whether it is worth using supplements: some consider them an imposition, others-important and necessary for achieving sports results, and some-and completely dangerous. the site understands how the situation really is: what sports supplements are, why they are needed and whether there are any side effects from them.

What are sports supplements

Sports supplements are intended not only for professionals, but also for amateur athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle. Additives function- improve athletic performance, support the body and improve health. Supplements help achieve different goals: increase strength and endurance, accelerate muscle growth and increase their volume, normalize metabolism.

Most often, sports supplements use basic nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

Why take supplements

Main Purpose of Supplements-balance your diet. They will not replace a good and high-quality diet, but they will help to “correct” it so that you receive the substances in the required quantities. For example, if you want to build muscles, then you will need building material for them-proteins. Consuming them from regular food is not always effective: drinking a protein shake is easier and more convenient than eating several chicken breasts or packs of cottage cheese. In addition, supplements use forms of substances that allow them to be quickly absorbed. Overall, less effort-more results.

Sports nutrition-This is an accurate calculation of nutrients and increased caloric content that are needed to achieve sports results. If you are not actively involved in sports or do not set any goals for which it is important to strictly follow your diet, then you do not need supplements.

What are sports supplements?

There are many supplements, which ones to take-depends on the goal. Let's figure out what the main popular supplements are and how they work.


What is this: concentrated protein.

Release form: powder.

How it works and why it is needed: to make up for insufficient protein in the diet.

The daily protein intake varies depending on gender and individual needs, but on average-this is approximately 60-80 grams for an adult. If your goal-To build muscle mass, this requires a lot of protein: approximately 2 g per kilogram of body weight. That is, even with an average weight of 70 kg, you will already need 2 times more protein than normal. To get the right amount, you can use protein powders. They are different, depending on what they were made from: there are casein (from milk), egg, and beef.

Proteins come in different structures, which determine the rate of their breakdown and absorption by the body. Conditionally,- these are "fast" and "slow" proteins. Protein powders use both. They are needed for different purposes, and which ones to drink depends on the training program and goals.

"Fast" Protein powders are labeled whey and are called whey. They have a very simple structure. The simpler the structure of a protein, the faster it breaks down into its component parts.-amino acids. Amino acids are absorbed by the body and then used for the body's needs. From amino acids, for example, proteins are built again, which are needed to build muscle mass.

Amino acids

What is this: constituent elements of proteins.

Release form: tablets or capsules.

How they work and why they are needed: to make up for insufficient protein in the diet, sometimes to increase endurance, speed up recovery and for other purposes.

Amino acids - the constituent elements into which proteins break down when they enter the body. From these, the body then builds new proteins or uses them for other purposes. Supplements come from one specific amino acid or from a complex.

Complex - for example, BCAA, - Most often used just to replenish protein and build muscles. Various singles-depending on the goal: to increase endurance in long-term workouts, speed up recovery after them, or achieve a fat-burning effect.


What is this: combination of carbohydrates and proteins.

Release form: powder.

How it works and why it is needed: to make up for the insufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates, increase the caloric content of the diet, sometimes to increase endurance, speed up recovery and get a surge of energy before training.

Proteins and carbohydrates in gainers can be in different ratios, but"classic" - 3 parts carbohydrates and 1 part protein. Everything is clear with protein: it is a building material for muscles. Main function of carbohydrates-energy.

Carbohydrates are also conventionally divided into"fast" and "slow" , depending on how they break up. Gainers usually use both. This way the athlete will get a burst of energy immediately before training thanks to"fast" carbohydrates, and then slowly begin to disintegrate"slow" , the body will again receive a portion of energy-and it will increase your endurance.


What is this:

Release form: powder, tablets, capsules.

How it works and why it is needed: to increase endurance, get a surge of energy, accelerate muscle growth.

Creatine is involved in energy metabolism in muscle and nerve tissues. The supply of creatine allows you to maintain the amount of ATP and ADP at the proper level, during the breakdown of which energy is released. In addition, creatine has a precursor- creatine phosphate.

Reatin phosphate triggers glycolysis in the body - the process of glucose oxidation, during which energy is also formed and stored. Therefore, it is advisable to use creatine together with a gainer: carbohydrates from the gainer break down into glucose molecules, creatine phosphate triggers glycolysis and turns them into energy.

In addition, creatine phosphate neutralizes acids that form in muscles during exercise and cause muscle fatigue. Creatine promotes muscle growth due to the effect of increasing body weight and also by helping to create new muscle proteins.

L-carnitine (levocarnitine)

What is this: a substance involved in energy metabolism.

Release form: tablets, capsules, ampoules.

How it works and why it is needed: to increase endurance, accelerate fat burning.

Levocarnitine is found in muscles and liver, and is involved in energy metabolism: it supports the activity of coenzyme A (CoA). CoA is involved in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids. That is, under load, it actively oxidizes fatty acids, which means-facilitates the fat burning process.

When fats are oxidized, energy is released, plus levocarnitine itself is found in muscles-this works to increase endurance.

True, there is a caveat with levocarnitine: some research show that if there is already enough of it in the body, then it will not have an effect and will not improve athletic performance. Nevertheless, it continues to be used: some athletes say they see a tangible effect from it. Like all supplements, it affects everyone's body differently.

Are there any side effects?

Sports supplements-it is not harmful or dangerous, because these are the same substances that we already get from food. The stereotype about the harm is most likely due to the fact that many confuse them with doping-substances that forcibly increase the physical and psychological activity of the body.

There is also an opinion that sports supplements are harmful because they are not natural, but chemical. This opinion has no confirmation: firstly, most supplements are made from natural products, and secondly, specific substances are important to our body, but where and how they came from is not so important. The protein that is ultimately digested from chicken is functionally no different from the protein that is digested from an egg or a protein shake.

It is important to understand that side effects from supplements can still occur if you take more than the recommended amount. For example, increased levels of creatine in the body contribute to the development of kidney failure. Therefore, it is important to consult with a trainer or doctor and follow the recommendations for supplement use. It is also important to monitor your well-being: no one has canceled the individual reaction to supplements.

And remember that no supplement can compensate for the effects of poor nutrition, lack of sleep and technical errors during training.

Alginate masks became popular several years ago, but some girls still don’t know what they are for. It’s not only the purpose that confuses, but also the method of use, which is reminiscent of a complicated procedure for applying a regular film mask. If you calculate the dosage incorrectly, the mask will turn out to be too liquid and will not dry on the skin or will harden so much that you will not have to “remove it with a stocking,” as the instructions say, but break it off from your face in small pieces. We asked expert cosmetologists at the Daviani salon to reveal the secrets of the use and purpose of alginate masks for our readers.

What is an alginate mask?

Alginate masks are powders made from very finely ground algae, called alginates. Alginates can absorb huge amounts of moisture, which can significantly exceed their own volume. This results in a gel-like alginate mask, saturated with liquid.

Alginate masks: what's inside?

Alginate masks contain many microelements, vitamins and active ingredients. The mask has a gel texture, and this gel penetrates deeply into the smallest wrinkles. Alginate masks fill the entire microrelief of the skin and, when hardened, form a film on the face. Under this film, all layers of the skin are saturated with moisture and metabolic processes in cells are actively launched.

How are alginate masks prepared?

To prepare a mask for the face and décolleté, you will need approximately 30 grams. alginate. The mask can be enriched, for example, with inulin, a polysaccharide that has an active moisturizing effect, or with another active substance selected according to the type and condition of the skin. The binding ability of an alginate mask is capable of accepting an additional active substance in dry form and one in liquid form, for example, glycerin. The alginate mask may also contain essential oil and, of course, water or other liquid to achieve a gel consistency.

How do alginate masks work?

The alginate mask hardens very quickly. It is usually applied in a thick layer so that it can be removed in one layer. It is best to do this lying down in a cosmetologist’s office so that the lifting result appears. Alginate masks cleanse skin pores and help them breathe, remove toxins and harmful substances from tissues. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, spider veins disappear.

Additional advantages of such masks

Among other things, alginate masks can multiply the effectiveness of active substances that are applied to the face under the mask. The skin actively absorbs everything that was applied under the alginate mask. That is why it is especially effective to use a moisturizer or, for example, a vitamin serum with hyaluronic acid under an alginate mask.

Alginate masks: how often can you use them?

Leave the alginate mask on the face for about 10 minutes until it hardens, otherwise it will be difficult to remove later. We recommend performing this procedure 2-3 times a week in a course of 6-10 procedures. By consolidating success after each procedure and creating a cumulative effect, you can get a long-term, pronounced result - moisturized, smooth and radiant skin!

Alginate masks: what are they for and how to use them? was last modified: October 21, 2017 by Nastasya Garina

Almost every religious tradition has techniques for repeatedly repeating the names of the Lord or glorifying the Almighty with the help of various hymns and prayers. This practice has significant spiritual benefits, and Christianity also has techniques for repeated and prolonged prayer. To count the number of repetitions, Orthodox beads are used; how to use this device correctly.

Nowadays, various religious movements are actively spreading throughout the world; countries are not as closed as before. Many details are known about other religions and cultures.

Almost everywhere in spiritual practices there is a monotonous prayer:

  • mantras in Buddhism and Hinduism;
  • recitation of suras from the Koran in Islam;
  • dhikrs in Sufism;
  • rhythmic breathing and repetition of sounds in shamanism.

Many can even remember the peculiar “prayer books” of the times of communism, which were repeated at party meetings and glorified the leaders and theoreticians of communism.

Thus, it is easy to draw a general conclusion from here - these prayers have an effect and allow you to work with consciousness in a certain way and strengthen faith. You just need to imagine what these practices are for. After all, much depends on whom they glorify and to whom they direct the consciousness of the believer.

Simply put, a communist who appealed to Marx throughout his earthly journey is unlikely to be helped by Marx to ascend, while an Orthodox Christian who prayed to the Savior and the Mother of God has much more favorable prospects.

Although some may not realize this or simply not pay attention, in Orthodoxy unceasing prayer is generally prescribed for all believers. It is not only hesychasts or monks who need to pray unceasingly. Ideally, even a simple person, going about his worldly affairs, can mentally say short prayer phrases (for example, the Jesus Prayer or “Hail to the Virgin Mary”) and thus work not only with his body, but also with his soul, performing simple worldly affairs.

Using Tools

Continuous prayer, for one reason or another, is not accessible to everyone. All that remains is to set aside some period during the day to read a certain number of prayers, and for this you need a rosary in order to count. For example, Seraphim of Sarov advised his spiritual children to recite (in addition to the morning and evening rules) 150 times “To the Virgin Mary”; of course, it is inconvenient to count such a number in the mind; some additional tool is required.

It is more convenient to use a rosary to measure the number of prayers said during the day. For example, some people read a certain number of “circles” throughout the day, when they can find privacy.

Note! You should not place excessive emphasis on the rosary, in particular, on the beauty of this object and some aesthetic functions.

Of course, you need to choose an accessory according to your own taste, so that it is pleasing to the eye and puts you in a positive prayer mood. You should never “show off” your rosary, consider this item as some kind of nice toy or something similar to a fashionable element of your wardrobe. This attitude is completely unacceptable; it is necessary that this object does not distract from prayer, but, on the contrary, serves as a kind of spiritual staff that helps in the prayer path.

Useful video: Orthodox rosary, why are they needed?


Some ascetics do not see any special need to use any object at all, because, as they say, there is no need for rosaries other than those given by the Lord, that is, their own fingers. And, indeed, if you count each phalanx on one hand, and each phalanx on the other hand, then for the “circle” completed on the other hand, such “rosaries” give 144 prayers - a quite convenient option for use. Therefore, in the absence of an additional object, there is always the opportunity to use your hands.

Your own rosary (which is not yours) own hands), may also be useful. They are a religious item and can bring inspiration and help strengthen faith.

All that remains is to choose the Orthodox rosary according to your own taste, and there are many options offered:

  • Brojanica - most common in Serbia and other Balkan countries, are part of the Orthodox tradition, resemble a rope with 33 large knots that fit tightly to each other, the result is a kind of bracelet, in addition to the knots, in one part there is an equilateral cross made of precious metals with the image of a small icon , which is a separate central bead, looks quite nice in the photo;
  • rope - also made of fabric or rope, most often from thick wool, knots are tied, between which larger knots are tied at a certain interval (10, 25) or beads are inserted, in the upper part there can be a tassel with a central bead or cross, the number of knots not regulated, but, as a rule, it is 25, 33, 50, 100, some are especially long with 1000 knots, in principle, it is not difficult to make such rosaries with your own hands, you only need a small rope;
  • ladder (ladder) - most often considered Old Believers, but even now in use throughout the monastic community, they look like a piece of material, on one side of which there are tubercles tightly pressed to each other, which symbolize, as it were, a step of this ladder, under such tubercles are often rolls of fabric are inserted for hardness and strength, sometimes the Jesus or other prayer is written on these rolled up rolls, the number of “steps” is 33, the symbolism of the number does not require explanation.

Which Orthodox rosary to choose depends on personal preference, but is not essential. It is not the object itself that is valuable, but the regular and sincere prayer of the believer to whom it contributes. In addition to these options, it is quite possible to choose any other that is comfortable to hold in your hand and that better suits your practical and spiritual needs.

In the Orthodox tradition there is no such concept as correct and incorrect rosary beads. Initially, nothing is said or given in the scriptures about this subject. Rosaries appeared later as an auxiliary tool, and all their variations are inventions of monks or ordinary believers.

How to pray the rosary

Now you need to figure out how to use this “tool” in the process of prayer. In churches, as a rule, they do not carry rosaries with them, but pray as part of the service; they simply place a candle in front of the icons and say petitions or prayers in a quiet voice a small number of times.

For the most part, Orthodox rosaries are used for cell prayer as part of individual spiritual practice. It is in the process of solitude that the believer can better tune in, disconnect from the rest of the world and spend a significant amount of time on repetitions. Moreover, in private work one should not pay attention to others and one’s own appearance.

Note! Most often, the rosary is worn on the main hand, that is, on the one with which it is fingered.

It is not particularly customary for Orthodox Christians to wear this item in public. Therefore, even if they take the rosary with them (for example, as a bracelet, so that they can always pray), they wear it under their clothes, without exposing it to other people’s eyes. After all, prolonged prayer can cause, for example, tears or great joy of tenderness. In public, such behavior is not entirely convenient, but when you pray separately, you should not worry about it.

Informative! When they read from the desecration of women

From the main point about how to read prayers correctly, the following should be noted:

  • choose a private space so that no one disturbs or distracts;
  • choose the optimal prayer, figure out why the words used in it are needed, understand their meaning, feel and accept with all your soul;
  • choose a certain number of repetitions, but do not chase the quantity, strive for mental “work”, and not for automatic repetition;
  • Prepare yourself before practice, and in the process try to cultivate faith and pray sincerely.

If we are truly sincere, then over time how to pray the rosary will become clearer and more understandable. This practice brings spiritual results, but one must constantly try and avoid in every possible way the sin of scolding, that is, mindlessly repeating words.

Useful video: priest Maxim Kaskun on how to use the rosary


So, no matter what version of the rosary an Orthodox person chooses for himself, the basis always remains faith and prayer. This is what spiritual practice is based on, and the rosary simply helps, as a kind of support that allows you to progress further and further.

In this sense, the most striking image is the Old Believer ladder, symbolizing the steps along which the believer, as it were, climbs to the Lord. Each step, that is, a spoken prayer, detaches the reader from the worldly and temporary, bringing him closer to Heaven.

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