Removing a Windows 7 user account. Obtaining administrative rights

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Windows is a multi-user operating system. Two or more users can work on one computer at once. Sometimes it becomes necessary to delete an account. Deleting a user account is quite simple. However, not everyone knows how to delete or hide the local administrator account in Windows 7. This is the issue that this article is devoted to.

How to hide an account

Deleting the basic Administrator account can seriously complicate your work with Windows. On behalf of this user, the system is managed and its configurations are changed.

To hide your account, you can use the Windows command line. To do this you will need to do the following:

After completing the steps, restart your personal computer to confirm the changes made. Now the Administrator user account will not be visible in the system management interfaces and the list of accounts available for login.

Deleting a user

You can delete a user from any account that has administrator rights. This can be done through the Control Panel:

Restart your PC to correctly save changes to the registry. However, if you try to delete the admin account in this way, you will not succeed. The required button simply will not be in the list of available operations.

Removing an administrator

To delete the Administrator account, you can use a special service interface, which can be launched through the “Run” dialog. In order to successfully carry out this operation, follow the instructions:

How to delete a user or administrator account in windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system is multi-user. This means that several different accounts can be created on the computer for each user. And it may happen that you need to remove one or several of them at once. It is not difficult to perform such an operation. And there are even several ways to perform this procedure, which will be presented in this article. The only thing that can interfere is the rights of the user who deletes the accounts. He must have local administrator rights.

Method number 1. Removal via "Control Panel"

Method number 2. Removing through the Computer Management console

Method No. 3. Removal via account manager

Method number 4. Removal through the Windows system registry

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Removing unnecessary accounts in windows 7

Windows 7 is a multi-user system that allows you to create multiple accounts on one computer. This is a very convenient opportunity - everyone uses their own “account”, has a separate folder with documents, and their own desktop. On the other hand, each profile takes up a certain space, so sometimes it becomes necessary to delete an account in Windows 7.

Deleting accounts

Important! To manipulate other Windows 7 profiles, you must have local administrator rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to change or delete other user accounts.

But what if there is no administrator profile in the list of accounts?

  1. Launch windows command prompt. This can be done through the “Run” menu (command “cmd.exe”) or using the search found in the “Start” menu.
  2. Type the command “net user Administrator /active:yes” (for the Russian version of Windows) or “net user Administrator /active:yes” (for the English version).
  3. Go to the Start menu and click Change User.
  4. In the account selection window, click on the “Administrator” profile that appears.

With administrator rights, you can configure Windows 7 by disabling unnecessary services and optimizing the operation of this system.

Control Panel

First of all, try to get rid of the account through the “Control Panel” - this is the simplest and most convenient method that almost always works.

You will be prompted to save the user data stored in the account you are removing from your computer. If there was some important information that you do not want to lose, click the “Save Files” button. As a result, a folder bearing the name of the remote profile will appear on the desktop. If there is no need to save data, select “Delete files”. After selecting the actions that need to be performed with the files, you will only have to confirm your desire by clicking the “Delete” button again.

Computer Management Console

A warning about the consequences will appear on the screen. If you are confident in your decision, click the “Yes” button to get rid of the account.

Account Manager

System registry

Launch the system registry by typing “regedit” from the Run menu.

Just in case, create a backup copy of the registry so that, if necessary, you can correct errors that lead to unstable system operation. To make a backup copy, open the “File” menu in the Registry Editor and select “Export”.

In the menu on the left, follow the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

Now you need to check all sections whose names begin with “S-1-5”. Expand the sections one by one and look at the “ProfileImagePass” parameter, which indicates membership in a specific profile.

The parameter value must correspond to the path to the user directory in the “Users” folder on the system drive.

After finding the desired partition, you need to delete it and at the same time erase the user directory, which is located in the C:\Users folder. After this, you need to restart your computer.

Even if you accidentally delete the wrong entries, you can always restore the Windows 7 registry. However, there is one condition - you must have a backup copy of the registry, which you previously saved as a file with the *.reg extension.

As a last resort, you can use automatically created backup files, which are stored in the “Regback” folder (windows\System32\Config).

How to delete an account on Windows 7?

Some time ago I talked about how to create a new account in Windows 7. Today I would like to talk about how to delete this account if, for example, it is not used.

Click on the "Start" button and select "Control Panel".

The computer settings window will open. Here you will see a large list of various subsections. Select "User Accounts".

A new window will allow you to make changes to your account. But since we are not interested in this now, we click on the “Manage another account” item.

When a new window opens, you will see a list of current accounts. Choose the one you need.

A page with settings for the specified entry will open. To delete it, click “Delete account”.

Before deleting it directly, the system will prompt you that it can automatically save the contents of some account folders on the desktop. In addition, you can save this data yourself by clicking on the “Save files” button. If you do not need any files from this profile, simply click on the “Delete files” button.

Now we confirm the deletion of the “account” by clicking on the “Delete account” button.

The account has been deleted.

How to remove administrator in windows

The administrator account is a profile that is automatically created when the OS is installed on the device. It is not recommended to delete the administrator account, as this can cause many difficulties in working with the PC. After all, all work with the system, changing configurations and making other changes are performed on behalf of this profile. But it may be necessary to do this for various reasons. Before deleting, you must ensure that the other user of the device has administrator rights.

  • Call up the “Run” window. To do this, you need to press the Win+R button combination.
  • In the window we write the control userpasswords2 directive. Press Enter.

  • A window with accounts will appear before your eyes.
  • Select “Administrator” with the mouse.
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  • Click on the “Delete” button.

  • After this action, the administrative profile will be automatically deleted.

Such actions should only be taken as a last resort, as this will not lead to anything good. If there are fears that someone could harm the PC by using the administrator’s “account,” then it would be easier and more reliable to simply hide the profile so that it is not visible in the list of accounts that are available for use on this device.

You can hide your profile by following these steps:

  • You need to open the “Run” window (press the Win+R buttons together).
  • In the window, enter the cmd directive and press the Enter button.
How to completely remove from your computer

  • The console will appear.
  • There you must carefully enter the following line: net user administrator /active:no.

  • After this, you can reboot the system. This action will confirm the firmness of intentions.
  • Then you can check that the Administrator’s “account” cannot be seen in any list of available PC profiles, as well as in the OS management interfaces.

Of course, it would be best to hide the profile rather than resort to radical deletion. This procedure is absolutely safe and quite effective in ensuring the safety of your PC from outside interference.


Although it is customary among most users to call electronic computers personal computers, a PC with the Windows 7 operating system is often used by several people at once. Moreover, each user can create multiple accounts in the system.

A significant number of profiles that are no longer used not only take up hard drive space, but can also create confusion.

Below is a guide about one of the methods for managing profiles in the OS, namely, methods for deleting users on a computer running Windows 7 are described.

Basic removal methods

The Seven has all the necessary tools to solve this problem. If there is an unused account in the system, you can quickly get rid of it.

However, if the PC is in a domain, then only the local account will be deleted, and domain records will remain untouched. It is necessary to take into account that files that were created under the account being deleted will also be erased from the PC.

Method 1. Through the control panel (CP)

You must log in with administrator rights and perform the following sequential steps:

As you can see, the technique is simple and the vast majority of people will not have any difficulties. The only difficulty that a beginner may have is logging into the system with extended privileges. Therefore, below is a brief instruction on how to solve this problem.

How to get extended powers?

The above technique started with the fact that it requires administrator rights to perform it. To obtain them, you must complete the following sequential steps:

Method 2. Using an account manager (AM)

If, due to problems in the system, the profile that is planned to be deleted has been damaged, then the first method will not solve the issue, but will need to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the MUS. This method, just like the first, is carried out with extended rights.

The following steps need to be followed:

Note: This technique allows you to delete unnecessary accounts, but the folders will not be erased from the system volume, so if necessary, you will have to remove them manually later.

Method 3: Through PC Control


Method 4. Using command line capabilities (CL)

You will need to do the following:

Note: In the command, instead of “Hope”, you should write the specific username that is to be deleted.

7. Click “Enter”;

Method 5: Adjusting entries in the Registry Editor

You need to do the following:

How to delete a guest account?

An account called “Guest” cannot be deleted, but it can be disabled. To this end, you need to do the following:

Deleting a profile may be necessary when deleting old users whom we removed from access to the computer, but files and settings remained on the system after the last login, or when the profile was damaged by a virus and needs to be quickly cleaned.

Important!!! When deleting a user profile, the "Documents" and "Desktop" folders will also be erased, without the possibility of recovery. Don't forget to save them in advance.

Previously, I wrote how to delete a profile manually, and what errors appear in the system when doing so. (Error 1530 User Profiles Service, deleting a user profile manually) Where to start, now in detail.

There are several options, I will describe the shortest one. Let me remind you that all actions are not done from the user’s profile, which we will delete (the System will not provide the opportunity to cut the branch on which the User sits).

  • You need to open system properties; previously in Windows XP the window was called “My Computer Properties”. Open " Start"/"Computer"(right-click to open the context menu)/" Properties"
  • In the open window we will see the system properties in a simplified form, but we need to select the item " Advanced System Settings" (it will require Administrator rights) in the left column.

  • In the window that appears, we select the tab " Additionally" and in the section " User Profiles"press the button" Options..."

  • Next, select the user profile that needs to be deleted and press the button " Delete". We agree with our actions and the profile of the user we have selected will be deleted.

Now, when a user whose profile we deleted logs in, a new one will be created without errors in the Windows system logs, as was the case when simply deleting the user’s directory from the hard drive. This feature was available in early Windows operating systems, since the identifier was stored only in a file NTUSER.DAT the profile itself and was not duplicated in the registry.

When deleting a user profile in this way, we correctly delete only his data from the hard drive (permanently) and certain branches in the registry that signal the presence of a profile in the Windows system. Please note that when you delete a profile, you do not delete the user account itself, but only its files and settings. I guess that's all.

To delete a user account, I will write a little later, with pictures.

And in this article we will talk about how to delete a user in Windows 7. Deleting a user is even easier than creating it. This can be done through the Control Panel or the Command Line. In this material we will look at both of these methods of deleting users in Windows 7.

To remove a user, open the Start menu and go to Control Panel. If you want to delete a user in Windows 8, then check out our article about.

Once you are in the Control Panel, click on the link “Add and remove accounts”

After this, the operating system will offer two options for deleting the user: with deleting files and with saving files. To select one of the options, click on one of the buttons.

If you click on the “Delete files” button, the user will be deleted along with all his files. If you select the “Save files” button, then all files will be saved on the administrator’s desktop in a folder with the user name.

After this, the operating system will ask you to confirm the deletion of files again by clicking on the advising button.

This completes deleting a user in Windows 7.

How to delete a user in Windows 7 via command line

You can also use the command line to remove a user from the Windows 7 operating system. To do this, enter the following command:

  • net user username /delete

For example, in order to delete a user with the nickname “test” we need to enter the command net user test /delete.

As you can see, deleting users in Windows 7 using the command line is much easier than using the Control Panel. All you need to do is launch a command prompt with administrator rights and enter the desired command.

Windows 7 and all other modern operating systems were designed to be multi-user. That is, you can create your own account, as well as a profile for your mother, brother or someone else. This is very convenient, because now you don’t have to constantly look for where to hide your personal files from those who are also sitting at the computer. Setting a password provides even more security for anything you don't want anyone else to see.

However, sometimes you may need to delete someone's profile. For example, after purchasing a device that is not new, you want it to be clean of other people’s information. Therefore, all excess “garbage” from the previous owner should be destroyed.

How to destroy a recording

Today, there are several simple ways to remove a user from a computer on which Windows 7 was installed. All of them are quite simple and do not require special training or knowledge of the computer. The only thing you need:

  • The account of the person who deletes someone's profile must be an administrator account.
  • A little patience and desire to understand the computer.

First way

To apply it, you need to log into the Control Panel. This is done easily and simply - first open a convenient tool called “Command Line” (you need to press two Win + R buttons on the keyboard at the same time) and enter the word control into it.

The next step is to select the “User Accounts” section. Among all the abundance of management functions, you will have to find the inscription “Manage another account”.

Here you need to select which user to delete. To do this, click on his name with the mouse. After this action, a new window will appear in which there is a line “Delete account” - exactly what we need to achieve the goal.

After clicking on this function, Windows 7 will ask if you want to save existing personal files from your account. If they can still be useful to the owner, you should click on “Save files”. All files will be transferred to the administrator's profile (they will be stored on the Desktop in a separate folder under the name of the remote account). Otherwise, click on “Delete”. Then confirm the decision to get rid of the profile by clicking on the “Delete account” button.

Method two

You can also use the Computer Management console to delete someone's account on your computer. To open it, you need to find a frequently used icon on the Desktop named “My Computer”, and then use the right mouse button to open the usual menu, in which you need to select “Computer Management”. In the new window, you need to find the list on the left and in it click on “Utilities”. In the next sub-list, find “Local users or groups”. And then click on “Users”.

In the main work field, a list of all profiles created on this computer will appear a little to the right. You need to select the one you need and click on the red cross on the left of the toolbar. Or you can simply and simply right-click on the line you need and select “Delete” from the menu. And then confirm your decision in a new window.

Method three

In order to remove an unnecessary user from the Windows 7 operating system, you can use the special “Account Manager” tool. To enter it, you need to call the Command Prompt, and then enter the command control userpasswords2, and then press Enter. In the window that appears after this, you need to select the user who needs to be removed from the Windows 7 system, and then click on the “Delete” button.

Then you will need to confirm the action by agreeing to the deletion.

Obtaining administrator rights

Each of the steps that may be required to remove someone's profile from a PC requires administrator rights. The owner does not always have them by default, so you need to get them.

First, you need to open the command line using the Win + R key combination, then enter the control userpasswords2 command in the new “Run” window. A new window will open, where you need to go to the “Advanced” tab, and then find and click on the button with a similar inscription.

You will automatically be taken to the “Manage local users and groups” section. Here you need to select the folder marked with an arrow and quickly double-click on the user called “Administrator”.

A new window will open with the properties of this account, where you can enable it. You need to uncheck the selected item, and then save the changes.

A reboot will be required for the changes to take effect.

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