Who is an SMM manager: signs of professionalism, sources of knowledge. What kind of profession is an SMM manager and why is it needed? What is a Social Media Manager?

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SMM stands for Social Media Marketing or social media marketing. An SMM specialist or SMM manager promotes a company, its brand, products and services on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, Telegram and others.

The profession of an SMM specialist involves complex, multi-purpose work - writing posts, maintaining public pages, advertising, communicating with visitors and clients, launching activities for users and other tasks. This kind of work requires constant communication and being online. You need to prepare for this psychologically.

To better understand who an SMM specialist/manager is, I will describe what he looks like from the outside:

Artem, my “workshop” colleague, did not work at his desk, but sat on the sofa all the time. He had a laptop on his lap, an iPhone on his left, a notebook and a tablet on the coffee table. Something was constantly beeping, buzzing and vibrating. He regularly picked up the phone, looked, laughed, pointed and moved his finger across the screen and whispered something with his lips. Nobody called him, but they wrote and liked him a ton, and he kept track of everything and responded to everything.

Places of work

SMM managers work in online agencies, digital agencies and in companies that build sales and promotion through social networks.

Tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager are:

Requirements for an SMM specialist

As a rule, an SMM manager is required to:

  • Competent communication (oral and written). Ability to write interesting texts.
  • The ability to develop communities and attract subscribers without promotion or direct purchase.
  • Experience in conducting targeted advertising. Knowledge of programs and services that automate and simplify work (for example, Cerebro Target or Pepper.ninja).
  • Knowledge of web analytics Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica).

Sometimes the requirements for an SMM specialist include:

  • Work experience and portfolio of completed projects.
  • Knowledge of graphics packages for photo processing, creating pictures and infographics.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Experience in organizing events.
  • Knowledge of marketing and ability to promote products and services in the market.

The first way to become an SMM manager is through self-study and freelancing. Development of your public pages and blogs (for example, about a hobby or an interesting topic), freelance work with orders entry level in six months to a year it will give you practical experience and allow you to develop a portfolio. This, in turn, will give you a chance to get a job in a digital agency and grow into a professional. This is one of the shortest routes into the profession, but it requires self-discipline.

The second way to become an SMM specialist is to get a higher education in the field of PR, journalism, marketing, or take courses in SMM and find a job in promotion on social networks. Even an entry-level position is suitable - an assistant to an SMM specialist or a copywriter. In the process, you can quickly gain experience, grow and start leading serious projects.

SMM specialist salary

Market analysis shows that SMM specialists earn approximately 30 to 90 thousand rubles per month. The higher the salary, the closer the SMM manager is to marketing and the more serious the problems he solves.

Who is an SMM manager?? The profession of SMM manager is one of the most popular and promising in the IT industry. Moreover, this profession requires constant dynamic learning to keep up to date with the latest trends and knowledge in the field.

Thus, he is a universal specialist whose activity is the professional management of people and processes within the brand’s social platform.

Publishes interesting material results of an on-line survey of the site MediaJOBS.RU.

Results of the on-line survey “About the work of an SMM manager according to the SMM managers themselves” published the portal MediaJOBS.RU, the leading Russian specialized resource about work and professions in media and advertising.

317 people took part in the survey. These include both users of the MediaJOBS.RU portal itself and specialized groups in social Facebook networks and VKontakte.

Three main questions were asked:

  1. The job of an SMM manager: what qualifications are required first of all?
  2. Where do they provide quality training for working as an SMM manager?
  3. Your advice on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager.

The following emerged as leaders qualities of a successful SMM manager such as an understanding of the promoted brand, a sense of humor, as well as knowledge of the laws of marketing in SocialMedia and the social base of the audience. Only a little more than half of respondents (54%) consider literacy an important quality of an SMM manager. 51% of respondents are confident that social media workers require the ability to quickly search and process information and analytics. 39% of respondents indicated that for SMM campaigns to be successful, a manager needs to work beyond time (it would be interesting to know how many of them are really willing to work long hours for the sake of results). A third of survey participants noted the need to work with graphic packages and knowledge of design. And one in five said knowledge of SEO basics would be useful.

As for the professional training of an SMM manager, according to the majority of survey participants, a person working in social media gains 50% of their experience independently, through their own trial and error; the rest helps by participating in conferences on SMM, monitoring foreign resources upon request, reading books on general marketing , advertising, consumer psychology, as well as publics and communities on the topic.

During the survey, it was noted that there are several good courses in Russia for beginners to work in SMM. Among them, respondents indicated such courses as IKRA, Center for Online Education “Netology”, School of Social Media “Involve”.

Among the authors of specialized courses and seminars more often than others, survey participants named Igor Ashmanov, Damir Khalilov, Dmitry Sidorin. In addition, the courses were noted Natalia Odegova, Ilya Balakhnin, Dmitry Rumyantsev and Alena Lenskaya.

At the same time already increased criticism towards to the “founders” of SMM “generation SMM-next”. “Some “gurus” remained in the time when they themselves first looked into social networks, and social networks have already left and turned aside along the way. Yes, there is still enough trail of the past “guru”, but there is no desire to learn in the dust of the past. And what “funny” accounts the teachers themselves have! Come in and laugh. What can people teach who don’t know how to keep their own company page interesting?” noted one of the respondents.

“We need to communicate and read those who truly run client and brand publics and receive these rights not because of a kickback. The pros are Fedyunin Sergey, Malikov Sergey, the guys from the RIA Novosti team, someone from Apostol, those who lead groups of all sorts of complex goods and services (pumps, windows, cars), which are difficult to attract an audience to,” points out another of young SMM managers.

There are many tips on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager. Among Western sources, “Social networks” were noted as the most interesting. An Instruction Manual by Mike Dalworth, Marketing in the Age of Like by Dave Kerpen, and the work of Odden Lee.

Among the most interesting resources, which help to “understand” the profession are called, likeni.ru, cossa.ru, smm2.ru, seopult.ru, ingate.ru, socialbakers.com, lifehacker.ru, advertology.ru, adindex.ru, netology.ru , fb: SMM 100% , fb:ideablog , vk: SMMers , vk: Online magazine about SMM, twitter: SMM News.

However, there is currently nowhere to get a systematic and high-quality education in this area. “But getting a job for a beginner is a pain,” say SMM managers.

The editors of MediaJOBS.RU asked leading experts to comment on the results and answer pressing questions from SMM managers themselves:

Katya Tulyankina, Head of SMM and Reputation Management Department of the Internet Marketing Department, Ashmanov and Partners company

“I think about a sense of humor that it is important in any job. But whether it is good or not is not the most objective concept. Rather, it is important for an SMM specialist to be on the same page with the team. As for education, I personally can only single out Damir Khalilov and his school; everything else, in my opinion, is a way of making money. It is ideal when the educational base of an SMM specialist is a higher marketing or psychological education, and everything else comes with experience.

The three most important qualifications of an SMM manager today: understanding the basics of psychology and audience behavior social networks, strategic thinking, easy-going.

We accept people into our team, first of all, based on an intuitive feeling of whether this field of activity is suitable for the applicant and whether he will join our team. The internal atmosphere in each project team is the key to successful project implementation. We will never accept a person into our team who does not understand the goals and objectives of his actions. That is, in my opinion, a good SMM specialist should be a good analyst, be aware of the performance indicators of each SMM tool, be able to predict the achievement of indicators, and promptly adjust the direction of his activities if the result does not live up to the forecast.”

Ekaterina Rukavishnikova, SocialMedia manager at Beeline

“The main qualification requirements for an SMM manager are the highest degree of responsibility (social networks are not just a public space, they are a hyper-public space where you need to monitor your every move). Ideal literacy, knowledge and understanding of the stylistics of the Russian language. It is also important to understand the specifics of the promoted brand and its target audience on social networks.

A candidate for our team must have one or two years of SMM experience. Plus, I would add stress resistance and the ability to quickly gather in an emergency situation, and correctly prioritize when dealing with a large number of tasks. We will never hire a person as an SMM manager who still believes that the job of SMM is to post once a day over a cup of coffee and engage the audience with cats. More seriously, a person who cannot clearly define the line between a joke and harsh banter, which can be very dangerous for the brand.”

Alina Bazelyuk, editor-in-chief of COSSA

“One of our goals is to train new people in the industry. It’s great that, judging by the polls, we are succeeding. By the way, materials on SMM are some of the most read and commented on Cossa). Sometimes such interest is even frightening: do readers need anything besides social networks?!

At the same time, we are not an agency, we do not have the position of SMM manager, social networks are handled by editorial staff. We formulated the basic principles of running social networks for ourselves as follows.

User, not page. A social network is not a mirror of a website, it is a separate territory, one might say, an independent mini-publication. We strive to not only announce our main materials, but also to use the features of the platforms: we communicate with users, look for new topics in the dialogue, discuss news, materials from colleagues, posts from readers. We strive to behave on social networks like a “who” and not like a “what” - a user, not a page.

Dialogue and self-criticism. We try to answer questions and comments and “get in touch.” It is not always possible to do this without emotion, especially when you need to respond to a remark: the reader loves to grumble, and not always to the point. But criticism can also be fair, and it is important to accept it with dignity and extract a lesson, benefit, or even material for a future article from the comment.

Time and immersion. Practice shows that social networks cannot be dealt with sporadically - the reader notices this. You need to be there constantly to promptly offer news and be a participant in communication. This is perhaps the most difficult thing.”

Kristina Mikheeva, managing partner of the MediaJOBS.RU portal and expert recruiting agency States.RU

“The results of the survey on qualifications in the work of an SMM manager, in my opinion, demonstrated the obvious “maturing” of this profession. It is important that the functionality is structured - at least in the profession of SMM manager there is an SMM analyst, marketer and editor. The majority of survey participants already working in SMM recognize the need for a serious background: marketing, branding, Public Relations and journalism. Plus psychology is desirable. In addition, cases of internal self-restraints and responsibility for SMM activity have been developed, which always indicates that the professional group as a whole is emerging from a childish state.”

The profession of “SMM specialist” has been conquering the market in the last few years. Why? This can be explained very easily - companies began to look towards social networks as a source of additional customer flow for their products.

But despite such popularity of this profession, many still do not know or do not understand who he is and what he does.

In this article I will give a complete answer to such a question as “SMM specialist - who is he, what does he do and how to become one.” But I will share with you not some theoretical knowledge, but my experience in this profession.


SMM specialist - who is he?

Before we move on to the analysis of this profession, let's first get acquainted with the abbreviation SMM.

SMM (SMM) derived from English words Social Media Marketing, which translates to “social media marketing.”

SMM specialist or SMM manager is a person who develops and promotes an account on social networks, attracts and engages subscribers, and also creates a positive image of the company on the Internet.

In essence, an SMM manager is a link in the chain: business – social network – client – ​​sales.

Thus, the profession of “SMM specialist” involves comprehensive work on the promotion strategy and positioning of the company on social networks, such as VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Odnoklassniki and others.

Responsibilities of an SMM specialist

Despite the popularity of this profession, employers, and even the specialists themselves, cannot clearly define the scope of what an SMM manager should do. Let's look into this issue.

An SMM specialist, according to the employer, is a man-orchestra who must set up advertising, write posts, hold competitions, take beautiful photographs, look for new clients, increase sales, and much more interesting things. Here is a typical vacancy for the position of “SMM Manager”:

  • Creating and posting quality content
  • Development of an online advertising company (target)
  • Competitive market analysis
  • Maintaining pages on all platforms
  • SRM work
  • Setting up targeted and contextual advertising.
  • Conducting advertising campaigns different platforms
  • Work on Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct. Social network
  • Drawing up a content plan (Instagram)

But should an SMM specialist really have such skills? In fact, yes and no at the same time.

So, in order to avoid falling into the trap called “what should I do,” I want to tell you what an SMM specialist should really do. For convenience, I divided the entire range of his responsibilities into several blocks:

Block one: planning

Planning is the first thing an SMM specialist begins his work with. This block is responsible for the path of business development in social networks. Conventionally, we have point A - this is where we are now and point B - this is where we want to go, and planning is the path between these two points.

Let's now look at what exactly is included in this block:

Collection of information

This is the first thing an SMM specialist starts with. In order to plan steps to promote a business, the SMM specialist must understand what the company does, what its target audience is, what price range products, how business is developing on the Internet, whether there are large and well-known competitors, etc.

In general, in this block of SMM, a specialist must clearly understand what kind of market it is, who the potential clients are and what place a particular company occupies in the niche.

Drawing up a portrait target audience

From collecting information we smoothly move on to detailed elaboration, and the first is the target audience. The SMM specialist carefully develops a “client portrait”, which includes a list of the client’s problems, desires, pains, dreams and a description of how a specific product can solve or fulfill them.

This stage is very important, since the success of future business promotion will depend on it, because the SMM manager will already clearly understand to whom and what he is offering.

The SMM specialist also develops a strategy for business development in social networks: what result should it achieve, in what time frame, what tasks should we complete, what methods and techniques will we use, what resources will be used, what is the budget, etc.

In general, a development strategy in SMM is a general plan for promoting a business over a long period of time, identifying specific tasks.

Drawing up a content plan

The last task in the planning block is, which includes a list of specific topics for publications for a certain period, for example, a week, a month, a quarter, six months or a year.

Essentially, this is what the SMM specialist will broadcast on social networks.

example of a finished content plan

Block two: working with content

After the strategy has been developed, deadlines and tasks have been determined, the SMM specialist proceeds to the next part - this is working with content for social networks. This block includes both textual and visual information.

Working with text content

An SMM specialist must have the skill of writing selling, engaging, informational, educational and other types of texts for various social platforms. After all, do not forget that the main channel for communication with the audience is text. But this does not mean that you cannot find a professional copywriter for your team;)

Working with visual content

In addition to text, an SMM manager must have a good understanding of visual design for text content, that is, find interesting pictures, catchy videos or photos. Of course, an SMM specialist does not have to be a designer, but working skills in graphics programs will be a definite advantage.

Block three: working with the audience

Planning and content are just the preparatory part; the main work lies in working with the audience. All interaction with potential clients can be divided into two directions: attraction and involvement.

Attracting an Audience

The main task of this direction is to gather a new target audience using various communication channels:

  • advertising: The social media manager must be able to find opinion leaders or bloggers who have a target audience;
  • mutual PR: this channel involves an agreement with a blogger, businessman, opinion leader or other participant in the social space on two-sided advertising on free of charge, that is, you will talk about him in your community, and he will talk about you in his;
  • viral content: creating content in a group that quickly spreads among a wide audience or touches on a trending event in the world.

Audience Engagement

The main task of this block is to work with the existing audience, maintaining activity and interest using the following tools:

  • communication: creating group surveys, answering customer questions, voting, Feedback, collecting reviews, opinions, etc.;
  • cleaning from bots, swearing and unnecessary comments: You will agree that it is more pleasant to read a feed where all the answers are “to the point” and from real people, and not constant spam or bickering “like in the 90s.” Plus, if you have order in your comments or discussions, this will create a positive image about your brand;

  • processing objections: This is a very important block for working with engagement. After all, our clients are not always happy with everything: some are not satisfied with the price, others with the terms of delivery or payment, and the SMM specialist must competently handle these objections so that the person has a positive impression of the company, that is, basic sales skills will be completely not superfluous;
  • creation of active events: holding competitions, marathons, sweepstakes, flash mobs, promotions, etc.

Block four: analytics

Now we have come to the final block - statistics. An SMM specialist must be able to analyze the results of his activities and make the necessary adjustments, for example, to the content plan, advertising campaigns or work with objections to achieve greater efficiency.

These are the duties that an SMM specialist should perform. Please note that there are tasks that are performed at the beginning of work, there are those that are performed at the end, but most responsibilities are Full time job SMM specialist. Now let's look at how much an SMM manager can earn.

How much does an SMM specialist earn?

Work for hire

As for the regions, the salary of an SMM specialist varies from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Example of a vacancy for an SMM specialist in the city of Lipetsk

As for Moscow and the Moscow region, wages there start from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Example of a vacancy for an SMM specialist in Moscow

Freelance work

If you want to work “for yourself,” that is, to independently look for clients for SMM promotion, then the price for such services starts from 5,000 rubles per client to infinity, since everything will directly depend on your skills and portfolio.

An example of a price list for one of the SMM specialists on the freelance exchange

How to become an SMM specialist from scratch and for free

If you decide to master this profession, then you can do this in six ways: specialized courses, books on SMM, free projects, internship in marketing agencies, maintaining your account and freelance exchange. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Specialized courses

I won’t go into too much detail on this point. All you need to do is search for “SMM courses” or find marketers who specialize in this area and choose the course that suits you. In addition, there are now a lot of free courses, marathons or webinars, so you can find training for every taste and color.

Books on SMM

If you don’t yet have the time or funds to purchase courses, then books can be excellent guides to the world of SMM.

Here is a selection of books that will help you get a high-quality theoretical basis in this area:

  1. Instagram administrator. Earning Guide
  2. Hard SMM. Making the most of social media
  3. Targeted advertising. Right on the bull's eye
  4. SMM FROM ZERO. Secrets of promotion on social networks
  5. Social Media Marketing
  6. SMM for beginners
  7. SMM Training. Principles of making money on Instagram
  8. Guerrilla marketing on social networks. SMM manager operating instructions

Free projects

If you have already received the theoretical part or want to see all the intricacies of SMM immediately in practice, then free projects will be an excellent start for you, where you can gain experience and get material for your portfolio.

For example, you can find such projects in groups on VKontakte by searching “looking for an admin”, “group administrator”.

An example of a recruitment announcement for a group development project on VKontakte

Internship in marketing agencies

Many agencies or companies want to independently develop their own SMM specialist. And this is a great chance for beginners to get their first experience, but, however, for minimal pay in this area.

In order to find such employers, go to any website where vacancies are posted, enter “SMM specialist” in the search and set the “no experience” filter.

Example of vacancies in SMM for beginners

Maintaining your account

Yes, don’t be surprised by this point, because your social media account is an excellent platform for gaining experience in writing content, placing ads or working with an audience.

The main thing is to choose your niche, draw up a portrait of your target audience and post content regularly.

Personally, when I studied the field of SMM, I started with this method - I kept my Instagram account as a blog about making money remotely on the Internet. And I received offers to manage other accounts.

An example of one of the proposals for maintaining an account on Instagram

Freelance exchanges

Freelance exchanges are a field where you can find your first customers. But you shouldn’t count on huge amounts of money right away; remember, first you need to gain experience and build a portfolio.

Select an exchange, register on it and take on any orders for SMM or maintaining accounts on social networks.

Let's sum it up

After reading this article, I think that the question “Who is an SMM specialist” no longer arises in your mind. Now you know what kind of profession this is, what skills you need to have, how much he earns and how you can master this field of activity for free.

Yes, indeed, now a social media specialist is a very popular profession, but there are still few good specialists in it.

And if you decide to plunge into the world of SMM, then my advice is to start with courses or books, and then gradually move on to practice, for example, find a project or manage your account. At first it will bring minimal income, but as your competencies grow, you can earn from 50,000 rubles per month.

The profession of SMM manager was finally formed only in 2010, when social networks took a strong position as a platform for business promotion. SMM specialists are responsible for promoting brands, products and services on social networks, and the scope of their responsibilities greatly depends on the concept of the project. For example, for one project you can do YouTube channel design, and for the other setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte.

Everything that an SMM manager does is aimed at making a profit from social networks. The specialist attracts traffic, works with the audience, and shapes their opinion about the brand.

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager include:

  1. Strategy Development company presence on social networks. A specialist usually forms a clear promotion goal: increasing the flow of customers, increasing brand loyalty, setting oneself apart from competitors, and so on.
  2. Creation and design thematic communities, groups, pages, publics.
  3. Drawing up media plans and content plans.
  4. Content generation– both with and without the involvement of “contractors” (designers and copywriters).
  5. Promotion groups, pages, publics and so on. This includes creating and setting up advertisements, holding competitions and attracting traffic by any other available means.
  6. Analysis conversion indicators and adjustment of advertising campaigns depending on the results.
  7. Communication— creating responses to negative and positive user messages.
  8. Making report and analytical work.

These are the main responsibilities of an SMM manager. Depending on the project, its functions may expand or, conversely, narrow. For example, it is often practiced to promote groups by a team in which one is responsible for content, another for advertising, a third for design, and so on. Many professionals provide additional training to their assistants.

Each project usually has a clear job description for specialists.

Key skills of an SMM manager

Important skills of an SMM manager, without which his services will not have the desired effect, are:

  • communication skills: a specialist must be able to communicate with different audiences in their language;
  • equilibrium: it helps to get out of unpleasant situations with dignity;
  • responsibility: the specialist is obliged to finish what he starts and not abandon the project halfway;
  • stress resistance– without it it is impossible to resolve force majeure situations;
  • resistance to criticism– without it it is difficult to see and correct mistakes made.

These requirements are often found in job vacancies. Some companies are ready to provide training to beginners, while paying the minimum salary if they have good personal qualities.

How to find a job as an SMM manager?

An SMM manager must be able to independently search for orders. Many specialists work as freelancers and are looking for new clients with the help of:

  • social networks– you can create a working page and publish cases, tips, your thoughts and other content interesting to potential clients there;
  • mailings resumes for vacancies on various sites such as HeadHunter, Avito, Rabota.ru and so on;
  • KP mailings– commercial offers – for different companies that have no open vacancies, but their presence on social networks is minimal;
  • publication of resumes on special portals such as Avito and other well-known resources;
  • freelance exchanges type Kwork, fl.ru, freelance.ru and so on.

Over time, many specialists are approached by recommendation, and then the SMM manager is not looking for a job - it “floats” into his hands. True, this only applies to those who really know their business well and increase company profits through their development on social networks.

How much does a specialist earn? The exact amount depends on the scope of responsibilities, region of promotion, company budget and other factors. For example, the average salary of an experienced specialist in Moscow as of May 2016, according to HeadHunter, amounted to 60,000 rubles. Statistics were collected based on 220 vacancies.

Today, Instagram is breaking all records for popularity among all social networks. More than 90 million active users from various walks of life create all the prerequisites for successful business. But in order to make money on Insta, you need to competently present and convey information about your product, product, service or brand to a potential client. From this publication you will learn what SMM promotion on Instagram is, get acquainted with its main stages, learn about methods of paid and free promotion your profile in this social program.

Defining the concepts

First, let’s figure out what SMM promotion is. SMM is an abbreviation for Social Media Marketing. Translated into more clear language SMM stands for Social Media Marketing. The main (and only) task of this mechanism is to attract the interest of social program participants to an account, resource, product or service.

The stages of SMM promotion on Instagram are as follows:

  1. Determining the target audience (TA), studying its interests, exposure to marketing influence.
  2. Creation of interesting, useful and viral content, as well as a schedule for its publication.
  3. Carrying out a set of measures to increase the size and involvement of the audience.
  4. Creating a positive image of a seller, supplier of goods or services, brand, etc.
  5. Analysis of promotion results based on statistical data.

It should be understood that only the main stages of promotion on Insta are described. The list of events may vary depending on the company’s objectives and its interests on the social platform.

Why is it so important to identify your target audience?

Determining the target audience is the most important preparatory stage before starting to promote a company on Insta, as well as any other social network. Why is this necessary? Everything is simple here: any business is focused on a specific group of people (TA), whose representatives are potential consumers of the product or service. The success of business development depends on their interest in your offer.

The more you know about your target audience, the better you can tailor your offer to their interests, requirements and needs, which will ultimately give you a significant advantage over your competitors, namely:

  • the ability to personalize an offer based on gender, age, and interests of the target audience;
  • increasing consumer loyalty;
  • creating a positive image and improving reputation;
  • significant budget savings on creating advertising campaigns.

In other words: understanding the characteristics of your target audience will allow you to plan your work to promote your company (account) in such a way as to use only the most effective SMM promotion methods.

Competently designing your profile before starting promotion

SMM promotion on Instagram begins with the correct profile design (see article “ “). Your profile is the first thing that greets a person who visits your Insta page. After reading the information specified in your profile, the user can become your follower or leave your account forever without even reading the content.

In addition, the information in your profile helps people find you in searches, and therefore (purely theoretically) affects the attraction of subscribers. Also, the profile provides the only place where you can insert an active link to a third-party resource, be it your company’s website, a product catalog, an account in another social program, or a sales (landing) page on the Internet.

When creating a profile, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Come up with a nickname. It should reflect the essence of your activity, but at the same time be simple and memorable.
  2. Fill in the “Profile Name” field. Please note that this information indexed by Insta search. To make it easier for a potential client (customer, subscriber) to find you, create a profile name in the form of a high-frequency query. For example: “Sale of wedding bouquets in ....”; “Nail extensions in...” etc.
  3. In 150 characters, try to include the main type of activity, information about what a person can get by subscribing to your page, free (alternative) methods of communication, for example, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype, insert a link to a third-party resource if you have one Yes (if not, then do it).

To attract attention to your profile, use unusual fonts, centered text alignment and other tricks of experienced SMM specialists.

Content comes first

Whatever you say in your profile description, “the content will speak for you.” If the photos are unique, interesting and high-quality, and the description under them is carefully crafted, then the subscriber will “follow” your page. A mandatory element of SMM promotion on Instagram is a competent description of each post using hashtags.

Ideally, a combination of 5% high-frequency, 40% mid-frequency, 35% low-frequency and 20% highly specialized hashtags will be used under each post. Please note that the description should not consist of tags alone. Convey in a nutshell what you wanted to say with this photo and be sure to add a call to action.

Ways to promote for free on Instagram

The next stage of Instagram SMM promotion after you start publishing content is attracting followers to your account.

To attract new subscribers, use the following tips:

  • Come up with and use several highly specialized (unique) hashtags that reflect the essence of your activity. Use them in post descriptions. This way you can attract your target audience and new followers.
  • Comment on the content of other users, preferably from the list of successful accounts of your competitors. If you comment, they will comment on you, this is an axiom.
  • Use the mass following method. Typically, about 30% of the people you follow will follow you back (see “ “).
  • Please "like" it. People whose content is liked often reciprocate, which increases activity on your page, and hence your ranking in the Instagram popularity rankings.
  • Place geolocation tags on published photos. This will help attract your “countrymen” to the page, which is very good for business, especially if it is tied to a specific area.

Another effective way of SMM promotion on Instagram is mutual PR or exchange of advertising posts with account owners on related topics.

Ordering advertising as one of the ways to promote

Not free, but very effective way business promotion on Instagram is the creation advertising campaign.

  1. Targeted. This option is available to all business account owners, so if you have not yet switched to a business profile, then go and promote your products or services through official advertising in the application or through the Facebook advertising account.
  2. Advertising in well-promoted public pages. This type of advertising campaign creation is the most budget-friendly.
  3. PR in the accounts of TOP bloggers. The cost depends on the popularity of the “star” and her “appetites”.

Paid services for account promotion

All of the above activities to promote your Instagram account can be carried out independently, but this requires a lot of time. If there is none, you can entrust the promotion of the SMM page to a specialist, or automate promotion methods by using paid functionality. Next, we will briefly consider several of the most popular resources that have received the maximum number of positive reviews from domestic Instagram users.



– a convenient online resource that allows you to automate the main SMM methods: mass liking, mass following, auto-commenting, etc. There is a free trial period.


In this publication, we tried to explain in as much detail as possible what SMM promotion of Instagram is and highlight the main stages of promoting an Instagram account. As you can see, you can independently promote your business on this social platform, and all the tools for this are implemented. Let us recall only the main points: identify your target audience, pay attention to correctly filling out your profile, prepare and start publishing quality content. To attract attention to the page: order advertising and use the capabilities of integrated promotion services on Instagram. Difficult, but interesting!

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