End screen for a YouTube video. Intro for YouTube videos How to remove end screens on YouTube

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Hello again, friends!

We will be finishing a series of articles about video design, and today we will talk about the end screen for a YouTube video. We'll tell you what an end screen is, what it's for, and how to make it correctly.

What is an end screen?

Most likely, you have long noticed that after completely finishing watching any video, YouTube will immediately offer another one, similar in topic and content. With certain settings, the proposed video will play automatically after a short pause. In most cases, such a transition to another video automatically means the viewer leaves for someone else’s channel.

To retain each individual representative of the target audience, YouTubers have to resort to tricks.

Over time, all these methods and tricks “evolved” into the form of an end screen, which took the form of a kind of hybrid of a background screen, graphic elements and annotations with links to videos or third-party resources needed by the channel author.

So, the bottom line is that the task of the end screensaver for a YouTube video is to push the viewer, who has watched the video to the end, to take some action - subscribe to the channel, familiarize yourself with other content of the channel, etc.

A well-designed end screen has a positive impact on viewer retention rates, as well as the average duration and depth of video viewing. And these are vital points for promotion.

The end screen can prompt the visitor to:

✔open playlists;

✔buy a product or order a service;

✔find out details about a special offer, last minute promotion, competition with valuable prizes, etc.

Below you can see how this all roughly looks in practice. All “talking” elements are clickable.

The appearance of the end screen for your video is not particularly limited - you can use text captions or graphic elements. You can do the latter yourself or order from a specialist, for example, on a freelance exchange.

How to create an end screen for a YouTube video?

Previously, you could only make a functional end screen manually using annotations. Relatively recently, YouTube began testing a new feature called “ End screens" We will look at both methods and take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages.

Method 1: Using Annotations

So, the manual way to create an end screen is based on using the annotation capabilities. We described how to create and configure them in one of the previous articles.

Create and embed " smart» You can add an ending at the stage of editing the video, or after uploading the video to YouTube, using the built-in editor.

First, choose a picture or collage in the style of your channel that will serve as the background. The image resolution should match the video resolution - in most cases 1280x720 will do.

This picture should contain backgrounds for future buttons and “ motivating» inscriptions. If you plan to place excerpts from other videos on the end screen, just leave empty spaces in the right places on the background image.

You can and should choose music for the screensaver, and it is desirable that this be the same track for all videos on the channel or at least for videos in a certain category. This will maintain a unified style and increase the recognition of your videos and the channel as a whole.

Of course, instead of music, you can use any audio design you like, for example, calls from the announcer to subscribe and like, wishes, anything useful to increase audience loyalty.

Next, the final image and audio need to be embedded in the video so that the splash screen appears from 5 to 30 seconds. You can set the screensaver display time at any time, but the 5-30 seconds we specified are optimal for most types of content on YouTube.

Now upload the video to your channel, after which you can start setting up annotations:

· Login to " Creative studio»;

· click " Change» next to the corresponding video preview;

· Choose a section " Annotations» in the top tab;

· make the planned changes and settings.

This method has its drawbacks - changing the screensaver later will be quite difficult, and such a screensaver will most likely not be displayed on wearable devices. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the second method.

Method 2: Using a built-in function

The method of designing the end screen using the built-in YouTube function partially repeats the manual method. That is, one way or another you will need to make the final picture with background music or voice accompaniment.

During editing, this final image should be separated from the video itself by a short pause, since the function in its current version only allows you to directly apply buttons to the video sequence.

This method has advantages over the manual one:

· the screensaver will be visible on wearable gadgets;

· buttons can be easily and quite conveniently edited without rewiring;

· You can link to playlists within a channel.

· Separate statistics will be kept on the screensaver in YouTube Analytics, which can be tracked and conclusions drawn on the further promotion of the channel.

Tools for creating an end screen are in the same section as annotations.

The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of simultaneously using annotations and a built-in end screen in a video. You will have to choose one thing. Partly for the same reason, these tools are located in the same section.

That's all for today. We wish you all good luck, inspiration and a quick increase in popularity for each of your new videos on YouTube.

In the following publications we will learn how to shoot videos, upload them to the channel and optimize them.

If you have any questions, welcome to the comments!

In this article we will talk about the so-called outro, which is also the end screen after a video on YouTube. When adding or editing a video, in YouTube itself, it is possible to customize the outro. Next, I’ll tell you how to set up outro and provide you with a ready-made template in PSD format.

Outro or end screen for YouTube videos.

As I wrote earlier, in YouTube it is possible to customize outro(the end screensaver in the video), if you discard the beautiful effects (music, background, etc.), then you can simply display at the end of the video, from a certain moment, our outro with the data we need.

We can add only four elements to the end screen. IN outro can enter:

  • channel subscription;
  • video;
  • advertising on another channel;
  • link to a third-party resource (from September 27, 2017, only affiliate program participants can add links to verified sites YouTube).

Add a simple outro.

First let's add to the video end screen. To do this, we need to go to the creative studio of our channel YouTube or you can immediately start editing the video you are interested in. When we get to editing the desired video, we need to select the “End screen and annotations” item

Here we can add the necessary elements, click “ Add element“. I chose " Subscription" And " Video or playlist“.

We can arrange them as it suits us, the element “ Video or playlist” can be stretched. Also, when selecting an element with a video, you can select which video you want to display, there will be three options:

  • Latest- V will always insert the video that was most recently uploaded.
  • Most suitable- P select for each viewer separately.
  • SelectedAlways promote the same video or playlist.

When selecting the item “ Channel” you will be asked to provide a name or link to a third-party channel and the option to enter a message.

It is also possible to use ready-made templates outro with various elements prepared by ourselves YouTube. Just press “ Use template” and choose the one you like.

There is another great advantage: if you have already used a template you like in another video, you can copy it. Just press “ Import from video” and select a video where you have already used outro.

All that remains is to choose the time when our end screen. You can set it so that the elements appear one by one or all at once, everything is up to your taste.

PSD outro template for YouTube.

Appearance end screen It’s just that the background of the video is not always beautiful and does not attract attention. Therefore, you can insert a picture at the end of the video that will highlight the elements we need. During the final processing of the video, we added 10 seconds, and during this interval we added our template (picture). It turns out that the main video has already ended and we have 10 seconds for our outro. All that remains is to adjust the template a little end screen when editing our video on YouTube.

As a result, our end screen will look like this:

When final gluing the video, you can add music and various effects, it all depends on your capabilities and desires.

Well, in conclusion, I prepared a ready-made template outro in PSD format, it is adjusted to our scheme, that is, it has two videos on the sides and a subscription. All you have to do is put the elements in the right place.

I didn’t put much effort into the template, it was meant to roughly understand the placement of the elements. And then modify it as you please!

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How to use YouTube end screens in videos?


Do you have your own YouTube channel and are you promoting it? Do you want to get more activity in the form of likes, views, comments, right? YouTube has met you and introduced a new tool called “end screens”, with which you can significantly increase audience engagement on your channel.

In this article, we will look at how to create YouTube end screens, as well as how you can use them in your videos to attract new customers to your business.

What are YouTube end screens?

End screens are a new way to grab the viewer's attention. The main feature is that they are shown both on computers and on mobile devices. This didn’t work with annotations (they didn’t show up on mobile phones).

With a video end screen, you can:

  • recommend watching a video, playlist, or channel on YouTube
  • suggest to subscribe to your channel
  • make a call to action (visit your website, purchase a product, participate in a survey, participate in a fundraising project

The end screen appears at the end of the video and can last from 5 to 20 seconds. You can add up to 4 elements to it with the content you need (in the screenshot only 1 element was added - another video).

If you hover over this element, detailed information will appear. On a mobile device, just click on the desired element.

How to make an end screen for a video?

The first thing you need to do is go to the section Creative studio, select video in the section Video Manager and press the button Change.

Now you can add the components you need to the video. Click on the button Add element and select the required item.

In some cases, you will need to provide additional information. For example: if you select the Channel goal, you will need to fill in the name, give a link to the channel, and write a message.

4 Ways to Use YouTube End Screens

You can use end screens to attract customers using YouTube. For example: drive traffic to a sales page or landing page. If you really want to impress the viewer, then follow the tips below.

Best experience with end screens on YouTube:

  • Always direct the viewer somewhere after watching the video. Even if it's a different video. After all, the longer he stays on your channel, the better your videos will rank. Remember: YouTube wants people to stay on its platform as long as possible
  • Show only relevant end screens. If you transfer the viewer to the site, then it must be consistent with the content that was mentioned in the video. If the video does not correspond to the site, then it is better to send him to watch another video.

Send the viewer to the next video in your video series

If a person is already subscribed to your YouTube channel, then in most cases they will receive a notification when you upload a new video. This makes YouTube the best platform to engage the viewer in a series of episodes where you have to watch each part (series).

Use YouTube end screens to send the user to watch the next video (or a playlist of other videos). This will help you get more views on all your videos.

GoPro's “Searching The Maya Underworld” video uses 2 strategies in 1 video. At the end trailer they promote the rest of the videos.

The first screensaver directs the viewer to watch the next video in the series. The second screensaver sends the user to watch the entire playlist at once.

Send a viewer to someone else's video that mentions your product

Imagine that at the end of the video you send a person to a completely different video (not yours), where some authoritative blogger or just an ordinary YouTuber mentions your product in his video, or simply leaves a review on it.

This works really well when you use an end screen at the end of your video to show social proof of your product. As a result, you sell your product without making a sale.

Ask to take a survey

Use polls in videos to engage the viewer. This will allow you to decide on the topic of the next video and understand what is really interesting to viewers.

Make a donation to charity

In Russia this is not very developed, unlike in the West. Therefore, this method of use is not popular. However, for large channels that are actively developing their presence on YouTube, this will come in handy.

An example of such a channel (English) is VlogBrothers, which at the end of the video adds a call to donate to one of the non-profit organizations.


Today, in social media, interactive content becomes necessary for use. End screens on YouTube allow the viewer to be involved as much as possible.

Whatever you implement at the end of the last 20 seconds of the video: a link to the site, a call to watch other videos/playlists, subscribe to the channel, it will be better than just the empty end of your video.

My personal opinion is that in some videos it is better to use end screens, but in others it is better to still leave annotations, because... they can be distributed throughout the video (although they will not be visible on mobile phones).

As usual, thanks to the blog for the material provided. SocialMediaExaminer, which I read regularly. The only thing is that we have to adapt the content to our realities 😉

Write in the comments: Have you tried using end screens yet? How is it going?


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An intro at the beginning of your video is good for branding, increases your credibility as an author, and adds memorability to your YouTube channel. Therefore, its use undoubtedly gives a positive result.

But how to make such a screensaver? And we have 3 solutions to this question. Let's look at them right now.

  1. Do it yourself.
  2. Order online.
  3. Download the finished template.

In this article we will look at several of these options. If you still have a young YouTube channel that is not generating income, then it may not be worth investing in an intro just yet. Therefore, let’s learn to do everything with our own hands, sometimes it’s for the better.

Download intro for YouTube videos in Minecraft style and without text

Without knowledge in video processing, it will be very difficult to make any changes to the screensaver. For this reason, we invite you to download a selection of ready-made screensavers in a general style, in the Minecraft style and without text.

Minecraft video screensaver on a green background – Download.

Video screensaver in Minecraft style against a brick wall background – Download.

General content splash screen (colored lines) – Download.

End screen for your video with a call to action - Download.

How to make your own intro for YouTube videos

Having knowledge of video processing in at least one of the programs: After effects, Cinema 4D, Vegas Pro and the like, making your own screensaver will not be difficult. Most often this turns out to be the best option. Since you can always change your screensaver, make a new one or correct an existing one. We present you a video tutorial to familiarize yourself with the process.

Music for YouTube intro

With music on YouTube, not everything is so simple; the fact is that some compositions have certain restrictions, which are not recommended to be violated. Otherwise, your video may be banned, or your video will play without sound.

But, YouTube also provides a huge database of music that you can use both in your videos and in the screensaver. We wrote more about this in the article -. We recommend that you read through it so that there are no misunderstandings later.

Here we just remind you, to find out what music (tracks) you can use, go to Creative studio, then click on Create in the menu on the left and select Music Terms of Use. In this section, next to each piece of music, the conditions that must be observed are indicated.

Recently a new feature was introduced on YouTube - End Screens. They appear on both mobile devices and desktops and are intended to eliminate annotations that only appear on desktops.

At the moment, the End Screen is only available for the white list of channels. When you go into the video manager, you may see an "End Screen and Annotations" option instead of "Annotations."

When you switch to a new feature, you will be notified that this is a new way to promote content.

  • Screensavers look equally good on both computers and mobile devices.
  • 5 types of screensavers: video, playlist, subscription, channel, link.
  • Auto-capture and grid features for easy editing.

Annotations can still be made, but not in conjunction with end screens. Either one or the other.

By clicking “Add element” you can add a video or playlist, subscription, channel, or website link.

You can add a video or playlist:

  • Latest video. Thus promoting your new video in this video.
  • The most suitable. A suitable video is selected for each user, taking into account his interests. I think on the same principle as. It is also not known whether only videos from your channel will be offered or from others as well.
  • Selected. You will set the video you want to recommend to viewers.

You cannot use both annotations and end screens in the same video. That is, if you want to add an annotation to the video, the bed headers need to be removed.

Annotations are not visible on mobile devices. Use Hints or End Screens.

There is also a downside to these final tips for now (they are not shown if there are violations on your channel).

End screens visible:

  • when viewing from a computer
  • in the application
  • in the YouTube app version 11.03 and higher on iOS 9
  • in YouTube app version 11.09 for iOS 8

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