Which search magnet is better, single-sided or double-sided? How to choose a search magnet - TOP tips for treasure hunters. Use in difficult conditions

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In recent years, it has become increasingly popular use of search magnets. Indeed, the range of their applications is quite wide. Having such a useful thing as search magnet can bring pleasant variety to our hobby. And the choice provided to customers is impressive. In most cases, magnets are used to search in all kinds of bodies of water, although of course there are other possible applications. What can a magnet do?

The fact that they can lift all sorts of interesting things from wells, lakes, rivers and streams is understandable, but magnets differ in their maximum lifting force and how to do it right choice? Here, in general, the advice is simple; if you do not have any specific tasks, then the most optimal would be a magnet with a pull-out gain of 300 to 600 kilograms. As far as I remember, search magnets appeared for diggers not so long ago, in 2007-2008, there wasn’t much variety then. However, progress does not stand still and, based on requests, manufacturers have launched the production of the most popular products. No one will dispute that for some tasks much weaker magnets, for example 120 kilograms, are quite sufficient, but I repeat, time has shown that search magnets from 300 to 600 kilograms per pull are the most universal. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the maximum tearing force is achievable on a clean, flat, steel, polished surface without dirt, scale and chips. Now imagine where and how treasure hunters use magnets. As a rule, it is unknown, in the case of underwater searching, which part of the plane the magnet will catch the prey. So a certain margin of safety is necessary, not to mention what the weight of the object itself will be, how tightly it is embedded in the soil or silt and what condition it is in.

Neodymium magnets made of very high quality and enclosed in a reliable case, in no way stamped, only turned with an anti-corrosion zinc coating, the same coating on the magnet itself. Thanks to the presence of a zinc coating, the search can be safely carried out in both fresh and sea water.

All search magnets are equipped with eye bolts and have through holes for removal using the same eye bolt (mechanical separation).

On sale you can find both double-sided search magnets and single-sided ones. This is a matter of choice and personal preference, but lowering a magnet into a well or trawling a river with it, and throwing it into the same river, are very different things.

If we talk about purposefully collecting ferrous metal for sale, then double-sided, it seems, will be more catchy. But many people pay off their travel costs by collecting CherMet. A little about the land use of magnets. I have one friend (a foundation worker) who prefers to clean his area of ​​activity from metal debris with a search magnet. He really likes it.

It is clear that when the floors are removed and you have to work in the underground space, preliminary cleaning with a magnet will not hurt at all.

By the way, just for those places where you can’t get to with a regular magnet there is search magnet "Rod".

I saw it on sale and Neodymium magnets not inserted into the body at all.

In general, such a thing as a magnet can be useful under a variety of and often unexpected circumstances, and not necessarily related to a cop.

I'd like to mention a couple more things.

Magnets began to be counterfeited much earlier than metal detectors, so be careful.

In MDRegion stores, there is usually a printout like this attached to the stand with search magnets. I highly recommend it, don’t be lazy to read it.

The title speaks for itself.
Magnets are not toys!
Make sure children do not play with magnets.

I will not list here everything that is written there. Just one example. Being somewhere on the bank of a river with a powerful magnet in my hands, it never occurred to me to ask the comrades about this topic: did any of them have a pacemaker?

Here's what I read on this piece of paper:
- Magnets may affect the operation of the pacemaker.
- The pacemaker may go into test mode and cause illness or death.
- The cardiac defibrillator may stop working.
- If you wear these devices, keep a sufficient distance from the magnet.
- Warn people around you who may be using these devices.

People who are passionate about archeology and simple search enthusiasts may have a question: which search magnet to choose? To answer this question, you need to accurately define for yourself the tasks that you are going to solve with the help of a search magnet. The nature of the tasks will determine how much magnet power you need.

Selecting a search magnet.

If you do not set yourself any specific tasks, a one-sided magnet with a pull-off force of 300 – 600 kg will suit you (a spare one won’t hurt). If you clearly understand the range of tasks that you have to solve (the nature of the search, the weight and size of the searched objects) using a search magnet, you can more accurately determine its power. The weight that a magnet can hold is indicated in the name of the model: for example, in the F300 model, the number 300 indicates the force of separation of this magnet from a flat surface.

As an example, let's look at the situation with a well, let's say you dropped a bucket there - for this it is quite possible to use an F100 brand magnet. Another example, you need to get out of some hard-to-reach place a key or other small metal object that has fallen there, you can safely choose a search magnet of the F80 brand: this is a compact magnet with great adhesion force. To clear an area of ​​small metal objects, it is better to choose a double-sided search magnet - it is more suitable for such tasks.

Which search magnet to choose

Search magnets with a pull-out force of up to 150 kg are mainly intended for field work. Their main function is to search and lift metal objects from the bottom of reservoirs. Powerful neodymium magnets are used: to detect and lift metal objects from the bottom of deep crevices, holes, reservoirs, craters. If you plan to carry out search operations in the conditions described above, you should choose search magnets with high adhesive force, for example, F400 and higher. As a rule, objects that have lain in water are covered with a layer of rust and dirt, and this significantly weakens the adhesion to the magnet. When choosing a search magnet, you need to take care of a large power reserve.

What to look for when choosing a search magnet.

When deciding which search magnet to choose, you should pay attention to the reliability of the fastening and the shape of the magnet. As a rule, a search magnet has a steel body and a neodymium magnet built into it. The gap between the housing and the magnet is filled with epoxy glue. A search magnet usually has a special eye bolt to which a cable or rope is attached. This design of the search magnet has a sufficient margin of safety. IN

Despite the fact that today it is quite affordable to purchase multifunctional metal detectors, magnetic search has not lost its relevance. The scope of its use is very wide. In everyday life, it is used to collect small metal objects: pins, fasteners, etc. And if you go into nature, you can use it to find real treasures in the sand or reservoirs. Search magnets are also used to clean wells from objects that have fallen there. Since there are so many areas of application, the choice of magnets must be approached with great care.

Basic requirements and technical characteristics

Each search magnet is a disk made of neodymium magnetic alloy, glued into a steel casing. Redmag magnets are zinc coated for use in water and have an eye bolt (double-sided magnets have two eye bolts).

To begin with, it should be noted that searching with a magnet is usually carried out in those areas where, for one reason or another, the operation of a metal detector is difficult or its purchase is impractical. Accordingly, the basic requirements for magnets were developed. They should be:

  • . small weight and size;
  • . with reliable fastening;
  • . capable of lifting objects whose mass is many times greater than their own.
It is not surprising that neodymium products are the most popular. Considering that operating conditions can be quite difficult, the neodymium core is placed in a durable metal case. To protect against corrosion, the metal is coated with a protective layer. Another feature is the presence of an attachment for a rope or halyard. For this purpose, a bolt with a ring-shaped head is installed in the upper part of the product or on the side. In some cases, a mechanism is provided to simplify the detachment of metal objects.

Which search magnets to buy?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because it all depends on the purpose of the acquisition. So, for example, such products could be:

It is advisable to purchase the latter in cases where there is work to be done in reservoirs, for example. But for vertical searching or for everyday use, the first option is more suitable. The choice also depends on what can be found with a search magnet. For fairly large and heavy objects, it is necessary to choose products with a sufficiently high ability to lift loads. The f400 search magnet can lift loads up to 400 kg.

However, we should not forget about the fact that the higher the load capacity, the higher the price. Therefore, fairly powerful devices with a tearing force exceeding one hundred kilograms should be purchased only in cases where you need to detect metal in the ground, crevices, etc. It should be taken into account that uneven surfaces, dirt and corrosion reduce the adhesion force. Therefore, it is desirable to have a certain reserve of carrying capacity.
It is also important to choose and buy a rope for a magnet. We recommend reliable "climbing" ropes made of synthetic materials.

Each of us, when choosing a search magnet, asked the question: “Which search magnet is best suited to our needs?” Manufacturers of search magnets have provided us with a wide choice and now we ourselves need to decide which search magnet we should buy. First of all, you need to decide on the tasks and purposes of purchasing a magnet. It’s one thing to buy a search magnet for household needs, or handy tool into the garage and quite another as a tool for searching and lifting heavy metal objects from rivers.

Let's start with the hardest one, but... Perhaps of all search magnets, this is the most highly specialized tool. It's all about its weight - 4300 grams. Such a magnet is difficult to throw far and pull out manually; such a magnet is difficult to hold in your hands when doing some work in the garage or at a construction site. But such a tool is perfect for loading and unloading steel sheets, barrels, channels, etc. If you find old rails and want to load them, this magnet will be a great helper for you.

However, you will also be great at lifting weights. This magnet is much more versatile. This is the most popular instrument for searching in wells, reservoirs and swamps for search engines. Possessing enormous power and relatively low weight (2200 grams), a 2x400 kg search magnet can be thrown far, and very heavy objects can be pulled out. This magnet is ideal for those who purposefully hunt for ferrous metal. Working like a small trawl, due to its own weight, a search magnet of 2x400 kg is strongly pressed to the bottom and easily overcomes vegetation for days. In addition, such a magnet is much more convenient for use in a garage or on a construction site.

It can be described as a universal tool of wide application. This magnet is great for searching in rivers and ponds. The weight of the magnet is 1900 g, which allows you to throw such a magnet far. A lifting force of 50-57 kg is quite sufficient to pull a drowned boat motor, gun, knife, etc. out of the river. This magnet is also suitable for swamps and ponds with sediment. The weight of the magnet allows you to throw it for a long time without getting tired. This magnet will be a great addition for picking up tools in your car or garage. It can be used to fix small dents on the car body.

One of the most popular is a lightweight and affordable search magnet for universal use. It is easy to take with you (1000 grams of weight) even on a hike, and it is interesting to walk with it along the banks of rivers and lakes. The power of such a magnet allows you to lift about 35-45 kg of metal. Depending on the thickness of the metal, the strength of the magnet’s magnetization also depends - the thicker the metal, the stronger the magnet’s magnetization.

A small one is perfect as a fastener collector, for searching for lost things in the grass, dry leaves, etc. In everyday life, with such a magnet you can easily find a needle, or pick up a bucket that has fallen into a well.

We continue to disassemble the treasure hunter's equipment and today we will pay attention to this interesting thing, like a search magnet. What is this thing, how to use it, what can you find, show a video, how much it costs and which models are the “coolest” according to reviews from searchers - read in this article.

So, search magnets are designed to search for metal objects, most often with such a magnet they are searched in places that cannot be reached with a metal detector, for example, in wells, in water and other places where searching with a conventional metal detector is impossible for a number of reasons (it is dangerous to climb into an abandoned well or there is no metal detector - amphibians like, to search under water). Although I will immediately note that searching with a magnet is not a safe activity, just look at the first photo.

The search magnet is made of a special alloy of three elements - the main one is neodymium, also iron and boron. Most often, familiar searchers ask and want to buy neodymium search magnets. The magnet itself is hidden in a durable metal case (the case is galvanized so that it does not rust); for attaching a rope or halyard, there is a special bolt in the form of a ring at the top of the magnet or on the side (depending on the model). You attach a magnet to it and throw it into the water in the hope of finding something valuable. Just like in a fairy tale - and the grandfather threw a search magnet into the water and it caught a broken metal trough)) This is exactly how they work - they throw metal objects into the water and take out metal objects, which are then handed over to the ferrous metal or, if they are valuable, they are sold at a higher price as valuable items , having value. So if you are searching on a river or pond, it is better to take a magnet with a bolt fastening on the side, since you will be “dragging” the magnet along the bottom and it will go along the bottom with its entire surface. By the way, magnets can be single-sided or double-sided.

There are a lot of ways to use a search magnet; I have even heard of cases where metal modern money was taken out of fountains using such a search magnet. After all, a magnet is a magnet because it can only hook products made of metal or a metal alloy; to be precise, such alloys are called ferromagnetic. For example, modern metal 10-ruble coins are made of steel in a non-ferrous metal shell, they cling perfectly to a magnet and you can catch a lot of them if you sit in right place)) If you want some advice, go to the beach, take a search magnet in your hand and move it over the sand - you will attach so many modern little things that after a couple of trips you will pay for such a magnet and still have enough left for beer.
So people who buy magnets make money by finding ferrous metal and other metals that are magnetic.

Another way to use a search magnet is perfect for attic search lovers. If you’ve ever tried to look for coins in powder, you know that there’s so much metal there that you’re simply blown away by the squealing of the detector. Therefore, in order to at least slightly reduce the amount of left-handed metal in the powder and prepare the soil-powder for searching with a metal detector, first walk through the powder with a search magnet. Be sure that you attach so many rusty nails and other iron that searching later with a metal detector will become much easier. Here's tip number 2 for using a magnet.

This strategy is also applicable for loose soil; I already talked about sand when searching on the beach. But sand is not only on the beach, there are fields where you dug for coins and the soil there was sandy. So use a search magnet there too.

Types of search magnets

The most important characteristic of a search magnet is its carrying capacity. if you were interested in them, then you know that they come in sizes of 200, 300, 400 and more kilograms. This means that the magnetization force is such that you can lift through the air a weight equal to the carrying capacity of the magnet. However, you should not think that if you threw a magnet into the water and hooked a powerful piece of iron at 300 kg, you will not be able to lift it with a magnet at 300 kg for a number of reasons - the first is that lifting a weight through the air is one thing, and the second is that pull it along the surface, where friction is also involved. This time. Secondly, if the iron is rusty, then it magnetizes much worse than new one. So it’s even more difficult to pull out rusty iron, and if the magnet is also low-power, then it’s a pipe altogether.

Next, it’s worth saying a few words about safety precautions, because some treasure hunters are so preoccupied with their hobby that they completely stop thinking with their own heads. Well, you have to come up with this - put your fingers between the search magnet and the iron pipe. The pipe could be magnetized and hit with such force that your fingers break once or twice. Therefore, think with your head about what you are doing and do not put your fingers or other parts of your body (think about your future children)) between the surface of the magnet and the metal object.

Also, when you carry a search magnet, stay away from iron objects, and in particular your car. Otherwise, if you are magnetized to it with such force, you will twist your hand (if you are carrying it by the bolt and inserted your finger into the ring) and put a big dent on your favorite car.

Manufacturers also say that the magnet affects Cell Phones and other electronics, and electronics influence them. So, away with cell phones when you are “fishing” with a magnet.

If you buy a high-quality search magnet with a reserve of power and carrying capacity, follow safety rules and “fish” in promising places, then searching with a magnet will be no less exciting than searching with a metal detector. It’s really interesting when you throw it in, you feel it “takes the bite” and you drag it away, not knowing what you got there. Adrenaline is also present))

Among the most popular, it is worth noting the F series models from the city of Kaluga.

Price for search magnets

F 120 - for 120 kilograms, costs approximately 1300 rubles. There are also models for 150, 200, 300, 400 and 600 kg. The price is roughly like this:
150 kg - 2000 rubles
200 kg - 2700 rub.
300 kg - 3500 rub.
400 kg - 4300 rub.
600 - 6400 rubles

As you can see, the more powerful the magnet, the higher its cost. Therefore, buy search magnets according to your ideas; if you decide to “catch” small things on the beach, then the cheapest one will do; if you are looking for treasure, then take it with a reserve of at least 400 kg. Good luck with your search, colleagues.

And finally, a video of how people “catch” rifles and other joys of war diggers with a magnet.)) Yes, they catch everything that is made of metal, starting from ordinary pieces of iron and ending with the echo of war - grenades, mines, cartridges. So be careful out there people and good luck. As fishermen say - no bite, no catch.

And here they coolly picked up an old iron)) And then a grenade nahh..))

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