How to create video teasers to increase views? How to make a YouTube channel trailer. Basic requirements for a trailer How a trailer works

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Trailer YouTube channel is a tool with which you can increase the number of subscribers on your channel. It is the trailer (which plays automatically) that users see when they visit your YouTube channel.

Thanks to the trailer, in the first seconds of the user’s acquaintance with the channel, you can tell him what your channel is about and what benefits it will bring to the person if he subscribes. A properly made trailer will significantly increase the percentage of subscribers to the channel. Accordingly, it will go much faster.

A high-quality YouTube channel trailer must meet several requirements:

  1. In the first 15 seconds, you must interest the user and prevent him from leaving your channel or pausing the video.
  2. In the trailer you should tell what your channel is about and what information you provide in your videos.
  3. You must tell why the user should subscribe to your channel.
  4. Trailer should not be longer than 1 minute.

And you don't need to worry about the quality of the video. The trailer does not have to be professionally filmed or luxuriously mounted. You can simply film yourself on camera or webcam. Or even just make a small slide show. The main thing is that the trailer contains information that corresponds to the above points.

Now let's move on to installing the trailer on the YouTube channel.

Watch a detailed video tutorial on how to make a YouTube channel trailer.

Hi guys. In today's short lesson we will show you how to make a channel trailer on YouTube and all the basic components of a good trailer.

In general, this is an optional element and you can insert any interesting video that your audience will like instead. target audience. But, if you shoot and put on a cool video about yourself and your project, then this will be a big plus, and you are guaranteed to get more subscribers. It’s not just that such a function appeared on YouTube.

The goal of any trailer is to get the person (new viewer) subscribed to your YouTube channel. We need to try to interest him as much as possible in this video.

For a person to subscribe, after watching the trailer it must be clear to him what the channel is about and what he will get by subscribing to it. Moreover, you need to try to convey information visually, and not just standing against a wall and telling something.

So what am I talking about? If your channel is about dancing, sports, travel, etc., then in the video you should try to make as many inserts as possible of you dancing, various types sports, juicy moments from travel and more. This way, the visitor will build trust in you, that you understand this and can solve some of his problems.

My two channels on YouTube also don’t have trailers yet, but we have started working on it, and will soon finish filming, editing and inserting it.

How to embed a trailer on YouTube?

Let's figure out how to embed a trailer on YouTube. If you have absolutely new channel and you haven’t watched the lesson about that, then you first need to enable the “Overview” page view. To do this, click on the gear icon next to the subscribe button and drag the slider, as in the screenshot.

Step 1. In order to make a trailer, we first need to upload the required video to the channel in the usual way. Here are the instructions on how to download the video (link will come later).

Step 2. After downloading the video, we return to our channel and under the “Home” tab, switch to the “For new viewers” ​​tab. A window will open where we click on the “Channel Trailer” button.

Step 3. Select from the list the video you need or enter the URL of the YouTube video. Now I’ll choose any video as an example.

I will temporarily stage, which we filmed in January 2015. Click “Save”.

That's it, the trailer is done, now you can turn on the "Watch as: Guest" view next to the channel name and see how it will be shown home page channel to new guests.

The trailer turns on automatically.

To change or delete a trailer, go back to step 2 and on the right top corner, where the description of the video is shown, the settings pencil will pop up. Click on it and select another loaded trailer.

How does the trailer work?

As you already understood, it will only be shown to those who are not subscribed to your channel. Once a person subscribes, they will be shown a selection of other videos that will not be included automatically.

You can also customize this setting by clicking the pencil in the corner of the Subscribers tab.

There you can select individual videos or a playlist, or have new videos displayed.

Next, the user who gets to the trailer watches it, after it ends, YouTube itself will offer to subscribe to the channel. This button is actually very good at converting viewers into subscribers. The main thing is to make a person watch the entire video to the end.

It is clear that such a long film that I staged is unlikely to be watched to the end by a random guest; it is better to make the trailer short, like films of 2 - 5 minutes.

  1. Say hello to the audience.
  2. Tell us and Show, what is the channel about?
  3. Make the video interesting and dynamic.
  4. Offer to subscribe directly in the video.
  5. Don't advertise anything else.
  6. Give the video a good title.
  7. Make a nice description to the right of it.
  8. Don't make the video too long.
  9. Captivate the viewer from the first seconds.

And I don’t recommend uploading other people’s videos as a trailer, this will have a bad effect on your channel, and advertisements may appear in it if the author monetizes it. It's better without him than with someone else.

Make high-quality trailers and send your examples in the comments to this article. Let's move on to setting up playlists and displaying them on the main page.

Do you want to increase the number of viewers of your video?

Have you thought about creating special teasers?

A video teaser works the same way as a book cover, meaning it sells your video to potential viewers. A beautiful, eye-catching teaser greatly increases the likelihood that people will click and watch your video.

In this article, you will learn 9 tips on how to create video teasers to increase views.

  1. Use a close-up of the face

Both online and offline, we like to seek connections with other people. When choosing a video teaser, focus on an image of a face making eye contact with the viewer. This subtle visual technique attracts people and makes them feel more involved. Once this connection is made, the person is more likely to watch the video.

  1. Choose an image that shows emotion

We are intrigued by strong emotions. A teaser of someone screaming or angry is more likely to grab our attention than someone staring blankly into space.

If your video contains people, choose the most emotional moment for the teaser; this will keep the audience interested.

  1. Write a short but precise and understandable text

Teasers don't allow you to write a lot of text. To take full advantage of the allotted space, write something that will definitely make the user click on the video.

Your copy needs to evoke emotion, make you curious, and you need to be informative to achieve your goals.

  1. Select an image that matches the video content

The teaser should make sense to the user. For example, if the purpose of your video is to provide information, the teaser must clearly show this.

Do not post meaningless images or those that violate the rights of viewers. If the teaser is not related to the video and seems ill-conceived, you will lose the trust of users.

  1. Choose a bright background

While watching a video on YouTube or another video channel, viewers focus their attention on those videos that attract their attention. For this you can use a bright background.

Bright colors give your video an edge over others.

  1. Insert your logo

A logo helps differentiate your brand from competitors' brands and also helps establish your position in the market. Most effective method using a logo - placing the latter in the lower left corner of your teaser. Make sure that the logo does not cover the entire screen so that you can properly manage the space of the teaser.

  1. Use complementary colors

When looking for colors that go well together, use complementary colors. These are exactly the colors that are opposite each other on the color panel. For example, if the background is yellow, keep your choice of purple in the foreground.

Also experiment with colors that are close in shade and are next to each other on the color panel. When using these colors in a teaser, place them side by side.

remember, that visual effect plays an important role in attracting the viewer's attention.

  1. Use the same style

It is important to have a consistent, distinctive image style for brand recognition. Choose a teaser design so that viewers can easily recognize it.

To create a similar design, place your logo in the same place, choose the same color schemes and font. It is important to have some “tricks” that distinguish you from your competitors

  1. Design for all screen sizes

Due to the small size of the teaser, you have few ways to get viewers to pay attention to your videos. It's important to remember that your teaser should look good on any screen size, so make sure the text is readable and the image is clear even when the size is smaller.

Create several teasers of different sizes to choose the one that suits you best. For example, for YouTube apps on a smartphone, the teaser should be the size of a postage stamp.

If you know that users most often use mobile applications, make sure the teaser data is clearly visible on smaller screens.

In conclusion I would like to say...

The video teaser makes the first impression on viewers, and if they find it interesting, you are guaranteed to get the attention of more people.

Creating the perfect teaser takes time, but it's worth it. Instead of your competitors' videos, viewers will prefer a bright, attractive teaser and as a result click on your video.

Experiment with the above points and understand what exactly attracts your viewer. There is no need to apply every step, just by using some special techniques, you will begin to increase the number of views on your video.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so make your teaser meaningful.

What do you think? Have you already used any of the suggested tips? What are your favorite ways to optimize teasers?

I look forward to your thoughts and comments.

Then he sailed to the neighboring islands for 4 days, where he took a complete break from work. Now I’m getting into the mode again and getting to work. I am in good spirits and still have the desire to work.

Today I’ll write about a new monetization tool from one of my favorite software programs – TeaserNet.

Throughout my time working with Tizernet, I have written more than once about the innovations and development of this teaser network (although, taking into account all advertising formats, this is no longer just a teaser network). In general, now you can monetize a site “to the fullest” using only Teasernet.

On March 20, the network launched the long-awaited advertising format - Flash Player.

This especially pleased all webmasters who have video materials on their sites. WITH using Flash Player can now monetize absolutely any video.

The idea is simple - the visitor watches the video and at a certain moment teasers are shown to him directly in the player.

In order to start making money from your video, you need to set the settings in the admin panel and install the code on your website.

There are two accommodation options:

1. Insert one of the three system players (3 different skins). Installation instructions.

All player settings are set in the admin panel:

There are 4 types of blocks available for display here:

You can select all types of blocks or just one.

2. Insert embed script. As a result, the advertisement will be shown in the player that is on the site. Instructions.

Fast and convenient. Fast and convenient. But when using an embed script, the player will only have one option for displaying advertising - overlay.

With the help of the new format, you can now make good money on video sites. Here is a screenshot of the statistics of one site on which embed was embedded.

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