How to make the Yandex home page the starting page. Yandex - setting up the main page, registration and login, as well as the history of the formation of the Yandex company main page mobile version

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you are not familiar yet, then I would like to introduce you to one of the most popular online services on the RuNet called Yandex. It has existed since 1996 and at the dawn of its formation it was exclusively .

Let’s put aside the question “what is Yandex today” for a moment, and let’s talk about where such a strange name came from. Why Yandex? There are several interpretations on this matter and they all answer the question posed.

True, only one of them reflects the real train of thought of the author of this now super-popular word, who was one of the founding fathers of this search engine - Ilya Segalovich(unfortunately, he left us in the middle of last year).

Why is Yandex called Yandex?

In the above photo he is on the far left. Standing next to him is his comrade-in-arms and the second fundamentally Yandex - Arkady Volozh. Well, on the right are Sergey Brin and Larry Page - . This photo was taken at the beginning of this century, when Google planned to buy our domestic search engine and its executives came to Russia for negotiations, but the deal never took place.

So, Ilya was faced with a difficult task - choose a name for the future search engine(not yet available at that time via the Internet) and at the same time not lose face in the dirt. The keyword index for the search was taken as a basis (read about how important the index is for them, and what it even is).

It was decided that the word-forming phrase would be “yet another indexer,” which translated means “another indexer.” In general, quite modestly and without any claims for future stunning success. The English language in Russia at that time was “” and, naturally, the search engine was originally named in the Latin alphabet: YANDEX(Yet Another iNDEXer).

However, the main feature of Yandex at that time (and even now) was that it searches for answers on the Internet. Besides him, at that time the only one doing this was , which is now no longer a full-fledged search engine. In general, the founding fathers decided that they needed to add the Russian letter I at the beginning instead of the English Y and it turned out YANDEX. This could already be interpreted as a Language INDEX.

At that time, its home page looked like this (design by Tema Lebedev):

In 2008, the fashion for writing company names in Latin letters came to an end and YANDEX began to be called simply Yandex.

There are several other interpretations, why Yandex is called Yandex, and despite the fact that they are quite logical and concise, they appeared after the official name was approved. I have already mentioned one of them - Language iNDEX.

Well, the second one says that if you take the first letter “I” and “I” in the word index, then you will get the pronoun “I” - hence YANDEX. The version is beautiful, but somewhat different from what happened in reality.

What is Yandex and what does it represent today?

As I already mentioned, at the dawn of its formation, this online service was exclusively a search engine. He still is, and his share of the RuNet market is very significant and amounts to more than sixty percent.

But time passed and everything changed. With each new year of its existence, Yandex acquired more and more new services and opportunities. Some of them have reached our time unchanged, some have changed, merged or even closed, such as.

Now, if you are looking for a product, you probably turn to to find the store that is optimal in terms of price and reviews. If you are going somewhere, then go to the one that displays the road conditions (traffic jams).

For many, this online service has become the portal from which they start surfing the Internet every day. This is especially convenient because, like the desktop in Windows, it has the ability to add widgets, customize the appearance through the use of themes, and all other services of this mega-portal are available from it.

So what is Yandex? You can’t answer in one word. Let me list all the services collected under his wing, which I had the opportunity to write about in detail. It will probably be much simpler and more visual.

  1. — unlike Google, the RuNet mirror initially decided to use its main (start) page for the convenience of users.

    Well, by analogy with, a Passport was introduced, which is valid throughout the entire territory of all the possessions of this search engine.

  2. - the place where all site owners add their resources to monitor their indexing and visibility in this search engine.

  3. - probably the second most popular payment system in RuNet. Although, if we take into account, it turns out that it is the third.

  4. — here you can order advertising of your products or services on search pages (advertising is displayed at the top or bottom of the search results).

  5. is a very popular service among Russians, because it provides information about traffic jams, allows you to plot routes and create your own (folk) maps.

  6. — this is the flip side of Direct. The fact is that Yandex has a well-functioning system for working with contextual advertising, so why should it limit itself only to its own search results (search results page)?

    In general, if you have your own website with daily traffic greater than or equal to 300 unique visitors per day, then register with Profit Partner (the official YAN partner service center) and earn money, receive prizes and affiliate rewards. Without any nonsense, this is .

  7. - a system that differs from a similar Google tool (Analistics) in that it has an intuitive and elegant interface, and is also easy to learn.

  8. — in the Runet market it successfully competes with, and also attracts some users from Jimail.

    In terms of functionality, the new incarnation of Yandex Mail is not much inferior to the latter, and in some aspects it is even superior. For example, there is a free opportunity to obtain, which in Google now costs a small penny ().

  9. - file storage, which is intended to become a real alternative to Dropbox (read about that) or.

  10. - a new service offering users a fresh selection of materials on topics of interest to them. The selection is generated automatically based on the preferences of each individual user. Read more about the service at the link provided.
  11. - the search engine of any SMS on which your site will work will always be worse than this tool. Therefore, do not install it, or its equivalent from Google.
  12. - these are not services, but important tools with which the company evaluates the static weight of all indexed documents, and ordinary users can estimate at what price it is worth selling or buying links from certain sites (read about, eternal links or)
  13. — deceased in God (or rather in Yukoz) free designer of popular sites. Previously, it was possible to create free websites or store and transfer files (the latter function was taken over by the Disk described just above)
  14. is a fairly popular add-on for browsers, which, however, is much more necessary for the search engine itself than for users (setting a default search, home page, collecting user preferences, etc.).

    Yes, all this is not implemented as aggressively as in , but there is something in common.

  15. — previously there was a similar thing in Opera (express panel), but thanks to our hero, now these bookmarks can be used in any browser (installed).

  16. - made on the same engine as Google Chrome, but has a number of individual features that competitors do not have.

  17. — a set of buttons for adding announcements of articles on the site to popular social networks. The statistics of this block can be tracked in Metrica.

  18. - this is not a service or a tool, but simply a statement that this search engine is not yet capable of real-time and updates search results discretely at certain unequal time intervals, which are usually called up.
  19. - can search not only by words or phrases entered into the search bar, but also by searching, which you download from your computer or specify its location on the Internet.

  20. - an online service similar to .
  21. - well, of course, this is still far from Google translate, but it also gives a very good translation, albeit into a much smaller number of languages.

  22. — will help you measure the speed of the Internet channel you are using.
  23. — the service is very convenient and quite claims to be the best in RuNet.

  24. - the most popular directory of sites in the entire RuNet, but, unfortunately, not everyone manages to get there even on a paid basis.
  25. - the first assistant to those who have already mastered them, because it allows them to collect them and then write articles about them.
  26. - a very specific thing that cannot be explained in a nutshell, but you can read the article given at the link.

I think that now, at least in general terms, it has become clear to you what Yandex is and how big and powerful it is. Thank you.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Text font

    The font on the banner should not exceed the height and width of the capital letter "F" font "Arial Bold", i.e.:

    • font size for one line - no more than 36 points (one character must fit into a square with sides of 26 pixels);

      font size for two lines - no more than 25 points (square with sides 20 pixels);

      font size for three lines is no more than 20 points (a square with sides of 15 pixels).

    The minimum font size is 11 points (for logos, messages, illustrations, warnings). The exception is photographs of packaging and products, as well as screenshots.

Text position

The distance from the edge of the banner to the text must be at least 10 pixels.


The requirement does not apply to the location of the age limit.

Logo size

The logo of a brand, product or technology should occupy no more than 10% of the banner area.

Background color

    Text on a too colorful background with small elements. The text should be contrasting with the background and easy to read.

    Yellow background, as this color is used for standard Yandex page design elements. Acceptable yellow color is #F0E5AD and lighter.

Mandatory frame

There should be a continuous contrasting frame 1 pixel thick along the contour of the banner. The most suitable color is #DADADA.

Animation duration

    The banner or its individual elements should not blink, distracting the user.

    The permissible frequency of changing elements on the banner is no more than 1 time in 2 seconds.

    Animation in a banner can be cyclical. Duration of one animation cycle - no more than 18 seconds, break between cycles - no less than 60 seconds. A control button can be added to an HTML5 banner Watch again, clicking on which causes the script to be restarted. The HTML5 banner itself can be interactive and respond to mouse movement or clicking on the banner, changing the image depending on the action.

Readability of mandatory information

Interface elements on a banner

    The banner should not be disguised as user interface elements - for example, a Windows system window.

    You should not use yellow in interface elements, since this color is used for standard Yandex page design elements. Acceptable yellow color is #F0E5AD and lighter.

Age tag

If the banner requires an age restriction, then:

    It should be placed in the upper right corner of the banner.

    Font - “Arial Regular” 12 points.

    Color - #DADADA.


    If the gray color limit is not readable, for example due to a variegated background, it should be placed on a white background.

App store button/badge

    The maximum dimensions of a button or badge are: height - 40 pixels, width - 140 pixels.

    The app store badge has the same requirements as the logo.

Font readability

90% of refusals during moderation occur due to poor readability of the font.

Do not use effects or decorations

Decoration of fonts and solids (shadow, stroke, volume) can complicate the perception of the message.

Reduce the number of fonts

    Use no more than two fonts and styles.

    Use no more than three colors in fonts.

These two requirements do not apply to:

    logo of a brand, product or technology;

    warnings or mandatory legal information;

    age label font;

    font that is part of the illustration.

Now many users prefer the Yandex service - the main page, which you can make the start page on your computer, will save you a lot of time to manual transition. You can work on setting up the start page in different ways. Let's consider them further.

In order for the Yandex home page to open on your computer, make it the start page and save it automatically. Several simple methods will help you.

  1. Just download Yandex browser. You can do this for free, will help you. In the upper left corner there will be a Make Start icon.
  2. You can open and download the application to your computer from the website We launch and change the start page in all browsers that your computer has.
  3. In certain cases, it is not currently possible to make Yandex the start page automatically. At this time you should configure the browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome?

To go to settings at the Opera, define the button "Tools" and click on it.

Select from the drop-down list “Settings” - “General settings”. In this part of the algorithm we find a window with a tab "Basic". Your required inscription - "At startup". And opposite it is a drop-down list from which we select "Start from the home page." We find the inscription "Home" and type in the address bar. We press the treasured button "OK" and restart the browser.

When installing the Yandex start page in Mozilla Firefox you need to find the orange button in the upper left corner. Next we go to the point "Settings". We are almost there. Finding the mark "When Firefox starts" and choose "Show home page". Opposite the inscription that we so need ( "Home page"), we put the address we already know. And restart the browser. You can use it.

And we can’t wait to talk about Google Chrome:

  1. We look at the browser and find in the upper right corner button. Click to open a new tab.
  2. We have an option "Settings" and then our required command "Manage Google Chrome".
  3. We just have to pay attention to the button "Options"- that’s exactly what we need. More precisely, we need to select the function " Basic" And "Home page".
  4. Place a check mark next to the item "Open this page". After all that has been done, according to tradition, we write our favorite address - and finish everything with a button "Close".

Video: make Yandex your start page

As you can see, through simple combinations, provided you carefully search for all the necessary options, setting up the Yandex start page is a very exciting experience. Now you can quickly find the information you need or proceed to use programs and options.

Hello friends. Today I will show you how to make the Yandex website the start page of your browser. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to implement this feature, many novice Internet users do not know where and with what help this is done.

Most people who speak Russian use Yandex as a search engine. This search engine has many advantages - good quality search results, a pleasant appearance, a large set of related services, and a convenient home page.

In general, the Yandex start page compares favorably with its main competitor Google in its information content. From the page it is easy to get to all search engine services; it is complemented by various widgets and modules that provide quick reference information. In addition, these blocks can also be customized according to your desires and preferences.

For example, I also use Yandex as the start page of my browsers. One of the widgets that I added to myself is a random aphorism, sometimes it is interesting to read something unusual. I also installed a module from Yandex.webmaster, checking fines and others.

I will show you how to add these blocks at the end of the article, but now let's move on to.

Application for installing start page

The easiest way to make Yandex your start page is to use an application developed by Yandex itself. You can download the application on this website -

It automatically replaces the home page of all your browsers with the Yandex one. No hassle or manual settings required.

If for some reason the application did not work or you do not want to use it, then we can make the necessary settings manually in each browser separately. I'll show you how to do it.

Setting up the start page in Mozilla Firefox

I'll start with this browser, since I use it most often. The entire setup procedure will take 20 seconds. To do this, you need to open the browser itself. Next, in the upper right corner we find the “open menu” icon (in the current version it looks like three horizontal stripes). Click on this button and look for the gear-shaped icon in the drop-down menu - these are settings.

There are many sections in the settings menu, the very first of which is “Basic” (looks like a light switch). This section contains what we need. In the “When Firefox starts” line, select “Show home page”. In the “Home Page” line, you must enter the address of the site that we want to make the starting site (in our case, Click the “OK” button and that’s it – the operation is completed.

Setting Yandex as the start page in Google Chrome

Setting up your home page in Google Chrome is just as easy. Open the browser, in the same upper right corner we look for a button in the form of three horizontal lines with the name “Setting up and managing Google Chrome”. In the drop-down menu that appears on the screen when you press the button, find the “Settings” item and go to the appropriate section.

On this page, look for the “Appearance” section, check the box next to the item – Show “Home Page” button. In order to set or change the address of the main page on Yandex, you need to click on the “Change” link and, in the window that opens, indicate the address you need.

How to set the start page in Internet Explorer

As in all previous cases, setting up the home page in the Internet Explorer browser is very simple. Open the program, find the gear-shaped icon in the upper right corner and select “Browser Options” from the drop-down list.

In the browser properties, we will open the “General” tab and at the very top of this tab there is a field for start pages. In the box, enter the address –, put a dot next to “Start from the home page” and click the “Apply” button. If you need to set a different start page, then repeat the procedure, indicating a different address in the box.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

Let's move on to one of the most popular browsers. Opera has many fans and it wouldn’t hurt for them to know about the settings of their favorite web browser. To configure, launch the program, go to the browser menu (the button with the inscription Opera and a large red letter O in the upper left corner) and in this menu select “Settings”. You can make the transition to the settings a little faster by using the Alt+P hotkeys.

The second item in the settings menu is “At startup”. At this point we need to select the next option - “Open a specific page or several pages.” In order to specify a specific address for opening, click on the “Set pages” link. In the window that appears, indicate the address of the site that should open when you launch the browser.

Start page in Yandex browser - change with cunning

I admit frankly, I don’t use this browser, since my experiment showed that it works much slower than its competitors (I wrote about this), and in appearance the Yandex browser is no different from Google Chrome. But for this article, I installed it and am reviewing it along with other popular Internet programs.

Despite the fact that the Yandex browser is based on the Chrome engine, it does not allow you to create a start page using standard methods. It allows you to either show the start page with bookmarks, or open the tabs left over from the last time and, only if they are not there, automatically loads the Yandex search engine (without the ability to select another).

There is a way to set up a starter site by manually changing browser files, but I would not recommend that unprepared people go there.

We'll go the other way - use a little trick, which will allow you to make any website your home page.

To make it work we need to do the following:

1. Configure the display of a quick access page when opening

Open the program, in the upper right corner we find the “Yandex Browser Settings” button (three horizontal stripes). Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

The first thing that is written in this paragraph “Where to start?” We need to put a dot in front of the point about opening a quick access page. Here everything is saved automatically, you don’t need to press any buttons.

2. Set up the Yandex browser start page

Open the site that we want to make the home page ( Right-click on the tab of this site in the top panel of the Yandex browser. In the drop-down menu, click “pin tab”.

That's all. Now, every time you open your browser, you will see the tab that you pinned.

If you want to delete the home page, then also right-click and select “unpin tab”. To install a new page, repeat the entire procedure described in this section.

Customizing a Yandex page

Not everyone knows that you can customize the main page of this search engine to suit yourself. Now you will know it, and hopefully use it.

This setup is done in 2 steps.

Step 1. Account in Yandex

You need to create an account in this search engine. This is done by opening the mailbox. The mailbox address will be your login for all services, and the password, accordingly, will be your password.

All our settings will only apply when we are logged in to the system.

Now you can move on to the settings.

Step 2: Settings

There are several sections there.

"Put a topic"– the name corresponds to the function performed – you can apply a unique design for the Yandex website by choosing the appropriate one from dozens of possible options.

"Add widget"– this is the function I talked about at the beginning. information block that you can place on your page. There are a lot of widget options.

"Set up Yandex"– this item allows you to move the widgets you use around the page, arranging them as you see fit.

"Change City"– most often, the search engine automatically determines the region in which you entered the Internet, but this is not always convenient (that in different regions different sites are returned for the same requests). You may be in Saratov on a business trip, but want to view information about your native Khabarovsk - enter the desired city and enjoy.

"Other settings"– it contains a few more points that you can adjust to suit yourself, for example, choose a different language.

Well, this concludes today’s article, I hope you have found the answers to all your questions and now you can easily make Yandex the start page of your web browser.

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