How to use search: Search tools. Three tips for creating a “Nothing Found” page - Sibiriks Nothing was found for your request

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If a site produces a null search result, this increases the chance of failure (that the user will leave the site). But paying a little attention to the small details of the design can turn this potential disaster into an advantage.

Today it is very rare for a user to stumble upon zero search results, no matter how strange his query may be. There are many “global” search engines, with teams of ultra-professional developers working on them, and they are constantly improving the search engines so that high-quality results are found for every query. However, with local site search, things are completely different. Every user has probably seen the “nothing found for your request” page.


If a user entered a query and received a page with zero results, there could be at least two reasons for this. First, it really isn't on the website. The second is that it is on the site, but for some reason it is not displayed. this request. And unfortunately, the “nothing found” page is often the last thing a confused and disoriented user sees on your site.

Both ideally and in reality

And ideally, everything should work like this: even the most verbose query should be “understood” by the search engine and returned to the user with correct results. In reality, even the smartest search sometimes fails, so here are some tips on how to organize a page with zero results without losing the user.

When you accept a design layout or a finished site, always pay attention to how the search results page (and lack of results) looks. At a minimum they should be there. The same applies to the 404 page - without such seemingly trifles, you can easily give the user the impression of a broken site.

In any self-help book you will find advice like “the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is a problem.” Everything is exactly the same here. A page with a null result should make it clear what happened and why.

A fatal mistake on many sites: the user lands on a page with missing search results and does not even realize that nothing was found.

Why? Because most have formed a stable idea of ​​what search results should look like: a list formed from headings various pages, which you can scroll while looking for what you need.

Now think about what will happen if you make a page like this (yes, oddly enough they still do this):

  • Search field.
  • A line of plain text indicating that nothing was found for your request.
  • Block “recent search queries” (or, alternatively, “popular queries”).
  • A Google search results block with links to other sites.
  • Tips for changing the query itself.

The user will simply “jump” through logical text directly to search results and “recent queries” - because those attract more attention. The result is that you force the user to delve into links that he obviously does not need. Another option is to give the user to a competitor site (thanks, Google). There is a great initiative to offer the user options for “similar queries”. But again, they must remain in a visible place.

Most users understand basic principles how to search on a website: you need to come up with a combination of words to search for, enter it in the field, and click “Find.” But few people understand the complex logic of search algorithms. Therefore, if the user’s request “failed”, he needs to suggest auxiliary paths:

  • Reformulate the original request.
  • Display a search field with the original question inside it for quick editing.
  • Suggest similar queries for which there are results.
  • Automatically correct spelling (while leaving a way to search for the original query).
  • Advise using different words or fewer words.

A fatal mistake on some sites: on a page with a zero search result, they leave only a meager line of text stating that “nothing was found,” without any alternatives or hints. Or, as an option, they display a hint in an unpredictable place - for example, above search field. While the message about the lack of results will be under field.

Don't laugh at the user

For some brands, humorous illustrations and language help engage audiences. But use extreme caution when introducing humor into your search results page (or other error pages).

Think about the context: users see these pages right after they have failed at something. Humor can help alleviate frustration or embarrassment, but it can also be misunderstood—a particularly sensitive area on the web, where intonation and other “emotional” nuances cannot be conveyed. The user may simply not understand when you laugh together with him, and when above him.

Good zero result pages turn lemons into lemonade

So, when creating a “nothing found” page, you need to follow three simple rules: be clear, offer help, and respect users. And the “dead end” will turn into another tool that works on the usability of your site.

A valid search query usually consists of several words. It is difficult for a search engine to understand what you want to find based on one word you enter.

Typing hints

By typing the first letters of your search query into the search bar, you can see a list of tips drop down.

For example, typing Act(the first three letters of the word activation), you will see a list of query suggestions that you probably want to enter into the search bar that will drop down.

How to use search: Search results

searching results

In the list of results, the article number and its title are highlighted in large font.

Under the title of each article there is a fragment of text with the occurrence of a word or phrase of the query (typed in black font). The words included in the request are highlighted in bold in the title and text fragment.

Under the text fragment, the address of the section in which the article is located is indicated in gray. For example, in the screenshot below the address Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 > Technical articles means that article 4643 is located in the heading Technical Articles product Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011.

By default, search results are sorted by relevance(degree of compliance) with your request. You can also sort the results by date, for example, to display the most recent results at the top.

Information blocks

The search results for important search queries are accompanied by information blocks.

To let us know if there is an empty search result for a query you entered, click the green Leave Feedback button attached to the left side of the page. In the text field, describe the problem (for example, Empty results for "error 666")" and press Send.

Your feedback helps us make the support site more informative and easier to use.

To resolve your problem related to Kaspersky Lab products, you can also send a request to the Technical Support Service through the My Kaspersky service.

Happy searching!

How to use search: Search tools

How to find an article by its number (ID)?

Each article on the support site has a unique ID number. You can enter the article number in the search bar. After sending a search request (by clicking the Search button or the Enter button on the keyboard), a page with the article you need will open in the browser.

The law “on oblivion” has so far only brought additional headaches to Internet search engine operators

On January 1, 2016, the so-called law “on oblivion” came into force. According to this law, Russian search engines, upon requests from citizens, must “forget” links to pages containing false information about them. remembered how it all started and what problems it has already turned into.

EU vs Google

The issue of the relevance of data in search engines surfaced relatively recently - in 2009. The Spaniard Mario Costeja Gonzalez discovered that using a search engine Google systems On the website of one of the newspapers you can find an announcement from 1998 about the seizure of his property for debts. The citizen demanded that the information be removed as outdated, but the newspaper refused to do this, citing the fact that the publication was made by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

Then the Spaniard made a similar request to the search operator. Who also refused to satisfy the request. In 2010, Costeja Gonzalez contacted the Spanish office for the protection of personal data (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, AEPD), which, after considering the case, denied the claim against the newspaper, but fully satisfied the complaint against Google.

A year later, the Spanish court referred to the European Court a case that combined about 180 similar proceedings. As a result, the EU Court assessed that the processing of information on the Internet by search engines may affect personal data, which means that this process needs to be controlled. This trial prompted the development of the Personal Data Protection Act, adopted in 2014, which gave citizens the right to demand that search engines remove links to resources containing false information.

Echo in Moscow

After some time, Russian legislators also started talking about the right to be forgotten. Moreover, they themselves, like many Russian businessmen, definitely have something to hide and prevent their opponents from remembering. They got down to business quite actively: from the moment the idea itself arose until the adoption of amendments to the law “On Information, information technology and on the protection of information” a little less than a year has passed. The speed with which decisions were made almost led to disastrous results for the entire industry: in the first version of the “forgetting” law, the definition of a search engine was too vague, and all sites on the Internet that contained the line search.

Director of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) Sergei Plugotarenko recalled this at the Cyber ​​Security Forum 2016. According to him, if legislators had not been able to convey the opinion of a circle of companies whose work is in one way or another affected by the bill, they could have been subject to the law “on oblivion.” would even get into internal corporate search systems. Despite attempts by RAEC to delay the date of entry into force of the law by at least a year to allow search operators to adapt to new conditions, the changes came into force at the beginning of 2016.

What can be removed

You can use the “right to be forgotten” only if the applicant is a citizen of the Russian Federation, links to information are available only to users of the Russian segment of the Network, and the data themselves contain irrelevant, unreliable or lost (for the applicant) information. In this case, links to information about crimes or data about outstanding criminal records cannot be deleted. Complaint consideration period search operator should not exceed ten days.

The main problem with the implementation of the law is that the search engines themselves are forced to verify the accuracy of the facts listed in citizens’ appeals. For each request, the company must conduct a small investigation on its own to determine the legality of the user’s requirements.

For this search system has the right to request information such as the applicant’s passport details and documents confirming the illegality of specific information. Given the relatively short time allotted for consideration of a complaint, the workload at the “check the validity of the complaint” stage can be quite serious.

“It would be very comfortable for Roskomnadzor to receive all initial requests, understand their adequacy and interact with users, ask them clarifying questions […] and after the initial investigation, send (the request - editor's note) to the search engines systems,” said Plugotarenko.

The companies themselves that provide search services are not too willing to comment on the consequences of the entry into force of the law “on oblivion.” For example, the Yandex press service told the portal that “there are not enough statistics yet to generalize the situation. …Requests to remove links are reviewed by our support service together with the company’s lawyers; the new law allocates ten working days for the analysis of each application. Based on the results of the review, the response will be sent to email address, which the user indicated in his request." Other market players offer similar answers.

Not all search engines are search engines

Considering the novelty of the law, most Internet users still do not really understand what specific criteria information must meet in order to be removed from search results. In addition, few people know that not every search engine is a search engine. For example, Rambler uses Yandex search technology. So you won’t be able to find a form for filing a complaint on the resource pages.

Another incomprehensible point in this story is foreign search engines that do not have representation in Russia and, thanks to the amendments, receive advantages over domestic search engines. There are no mechanisms to get them to remove links. According to experts, thus, thanks to the law, these resources received advantages over domestic systems.

Will this work

How well the law will work and how many people will want to exercise the right to be forgotten is difficult to predict. It is not yet known how many complaints will be satisfied by search engines. One thing is certain: “universal oblivion” will still not come, thanks to fairly clearly defined criteria. In addition, according to the head of the Roskomsvoboda project Artem Kozlyuk, it follows from the law that the search system has the right not to satisfy a user’s complaint without a court order. So those same politicians or businessmen will still have to sue for their reputation.

A bailiffs website with a database of enforcement proceedings may be useful, for example, in the following cases: How to find out a debt through the FSSP website? 1. To find out the debt from the bailiffs, go to the website indicated above. In the lower left corner there is a button “Database of Enforcement Proceedings”, it is worth clicking on it.

To attract attention, the bailiffs even made this button jump and fly, so you are unlikely to recognize it.

Will we find out if they will let us go abroad?

We check the debt to the FSSP by last name

Date of Birth; In a minute the system will display information about you. If you see the message “Nothing found for your request” on the screen, then you are not on the list of debtors.

Otherwise, the system will indicate all your debts. What to do if you have debts and bought tickets? You should not immediately, after paying off a debt of over ten thousand rubles, go abroad.

If, for example, you are planning a vacation in France in 3 days, then it is better to wait more than a week until the information about payment of debts reaches the bailiffs and the above document is generated.

Debt to the bailiff service

If no measures have brought the desired result and the debtor does not want to pay, the case is referred to the judicial authorities. Most likely, the court will make a decision not in favor of the debtor. The maximum he can help is to fix the amount of debt.

That is, fines, penalties and penalties will no longer be assessed on her.

After a court decision is made, the debtor has a period to appeal it.

The list of bailiff debtors is in a single database and you can request data on the debt on the bailiffs website, knowing only the first and last name of the debtor. That is, both the debtor himself and anyone can find out information about the debt.

How to do this, how to check the presence of your own, or not your, person in the debtor database? To do this, you need to visit the bailiffs website using this link:

Nothing was found for your request

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Tula Region ( there is a database of enforcement proceedings, which allows you to find out information about debtors, both individuals and legal entities Oh.

To work with the bank, you should select the “Search by individuals” or “Search by legal entities” subsection in the “Search” section.

Date of birth for individual is not required to be filled out.

If the data matches, for more accurate identification, you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

If you have information about the number of enforcement proceedings, it is possible to obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of enforcement proceedings”.

If the search result is the line “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that you are not currently a debtor.

The application is easy to find and install on appropriate systems from the application “store” Google Play, from App Store on iPhone by typing “fssp” in the search.

In the additional section of the application, citizens can obtain information on the procedure for contacting the FSSP of Russia.

The website of the Federal Bailiff Service was disabled for non-payment

Official representative of the department Oksana Pulina explained that the site was unavailable due to a failure related to the work of the contractor. She told RBC about this.

The site has now been restored.

The message was left on behalf of the domain name registration center Ru-Center.

Company press secretary Egor Timofeev told RBC that the domain was not paid for on time. He added that after paying for the domain, it took some time to update the information on the servers necessary for the site to work.

“This is standard procedure.

At 00:59 we sent a command to the registry to remove the domain delegation (suspend work).

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Tula Region ( there is a database of enforcement proceedings that allows you to find out information about debtors, both individuals and legal entities.
This service was developed in accordance with Federal Laws dated July 11, 2011 No. 196-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” and Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Bailiffs” and dated July 27, 2006 No. 152 “On Personal Data” " It allows you to find out information about debtors, both individuals and legal entities.
To work with the bank, you should select the “Search by individuals” or “Search by legal entities” subsection in the “Search” section.
The date of birth for an individual is not required to be filled out. If the data matches, for more accurate identification, you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
If you have information about the number of enforcement proceedings, it is possible to obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by number of enforcement proceedings”.
The Federal Bailiff Service recommends that citizens and representatives of legal entities who find themselves in the data bank of enforcement proceedings contact directly the bailiff department at the address and telephone number specified in the data bank of enforcement proceedings in order to obtain information about the taken and possible enforcement measures, such as, for example, a temporary restriction on traveling outside Russian Federation.
If the search result is the line “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that you are not currently a debtor.
It should be noted that in order to increase the accessibility of citizens to information about the presence (absence) of debt under enforcement proceedings, the amount of this debt, details of enforcement proceedings, the Federal Bailiff Service has developed an application to the database of enforcement proceedings for the following mobile devices: Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.
The application is easy to find and install on appropriate systems from the “store” Google applications Play, from the App Store on iPhone, by typing “fssp” in the search.
The application allows you not only to obtain information about the presence of debt in enforcement proceedings, but also to subscribe to receive this information. By subscribing, a citizen will receive notifications about the appearance of a new debt or about changes in an existing one.
In the additional section of the application, citizens can obtain information on the procedure for contacting the FSSP of Russia.
The use of these applications will allow users of mobile devices to timely repay debts under enforcement proceedings, thereby eliminating the risks of the bailiff imposing restrictions on the right to travel outside the Russian Federation, restrictions on property and taking other enforcement measures.

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