HTML templates c. HTML templates for the IT sector. New HTML5 tags

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In the modern world, sometimes having your own website is as important as, for example, having a phone number or email address. Unfortunately, not everyone can create a beautiful professional website on their own, and sometimes it doesn’t even work out. Ordering from programmers is also not an ideal solution, since not everyone can afford it.

Free HTML website templates will help you get out of this situation. An HTML website template is a set of ready-made static pages for a website on a specific topic. Using this template, you can create a simple website in just a couple of hours, provided you have basic knowledge of HTML markup. In the HTML section, you will gain this knowledge if you spend a couple more hours studying, and if you take the time to study the CSS section, you will be able to fully control the design of HTML website templates and customize them completely to suit your needs.

Another undeniable advantage of website templates is that in most cases they are written by professionals. A professional website template means not only a beautiful and modern design, but also the way the code is written. Search engines look at how your website is written, whether the code is SEO optimized or not, and based on this they lower or increase your position in the search results. Therefore, a good website should not only be beautiful and modern, which is important, but also correctly written in terms of code.

Download free HTML website templates and create your projects in no time.

In the modern world, sometimes having your own website is as important as, for example, having a phone number or email address. Unfortunately, not everyone can create a beautiful professional website on their own, and sometimes it doesn’t even work out. Ordering from programmers is also not an ideal solution, since not everyone can afford it.

Free HTML website templates will help you get out of this situation. An HTML website template is a set of ready-made static pages for a website on a specific topic. Using this template, you can create a simple website in just a couple of hours, provided you have basic knowledge of HTML markup. In the HTML section, you will gain this knowledge if you spend a couple more hours studying, and if you take the time to study the CSS section, you will be able to fully control the design of HTML website templates and customize them completely to suit your needs.

Another undeniable advantage of website templates is that in most cases they are written by professionals. A professional website template means not only a beautiful and modern design, but also the way the code is written. Search engines look at how your website is written, whether the code is SEO optimized or not, and based on this they lower or increase your position in the search results. Therefore, a good website should not only be beautiful and modern, which is important, but also correctly written in terms of code.

Download free HTML website templates and create your projects in no time.

In order to start making money on the Internet, it is not at all necessary to be able to create your own unique and high-quality websites with exquisite content. It is enough to download a completely finished website, place advertising on it and receive money for displaying it. There are now all the conditions for this: there are advertisers, there are contextual advertising systems (Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, Begun, etc.) that provide services for advertisers and advertising platforms (sites). And there are ready-made sites. All you have to do is choose a ready-made website template (design and content), place it on some inexpensive hosting and attract visitors to the site. Approximately 5-10% of visitors will “click” on advertiser links posted on the site and for this you will receive income. The amount of income will depend on the price assigned by the contextual advertising system and the advertiser for each “click” and on the number of “clicks” on your site. It should be noted that an income of $10 per day can be obtained by quickly creating and hosting 20 sites generating $0.5 income per day. Or you can - by creating and promoting 1 website to an income level of $10. But the second path is many times more difficult and longer. In addition, if the contextual advertising system considers some of your actions to be incorrect and disables the site, then in the second case you will lose all income, and in the first case - only part of the income.

Now you can find several advertising services that work with sites on free hosting and pay out even the smallest accumulated amounts. For example All you need to make money is to register in the services, place an advertising code on your sites and attract visitors to your sites. And here, ready-made websites, the design and content of which are carefully optimized for effective promotion, will save you a lot of time and effort. And don’t be confused by the laconic design - such sites load faster for users in the “outback” via slow channels. Don’t be confused by the fact that such sites can have several owners - the site’s content is constantly being processed and optimized, new elements are being introduced to improve site indexing in search engines.

This archive contains sites whose initial versions showed the greatest effectiveness. Site content and some graphics have been changed to improve indexing efficiency and to avoid the effect of "mirroring" sites. If you use any of these sites as the basis for your resource, post the site archive on it for downloading (by placing a link to your site). This will popularize your site even more.

Helpful advice. Never register your sites in the search engines Yandex, Google or Rambler directly. Direct registration always arouses increased interest among directory moderators. Enter the search string “Site announcements” on any search engine. Look at the links found and place links to your sites in announcements. Search engines themselves will find your sites using them and index them. In the meantime, you can register sites in directories, a list of which is attached to each archive.

30-40 created sites can easily reach a total traffic of 500-1000 hosts per day. Site traffic begins to increase approximately 1-1.5 months after it is indexed in a search engine (2-3.5 months after registration in directories). Minimum attendance site on free hosting, provided it is registered in only 3-4 directories, there will be 10-20 hosts per day. If you try a little, you can get 70-150 hosts per day per site. This is quite enough, because at the same time, the most profitable amount of effort is provided in terms of each attracted unique visitor.

Here you can download real websites used as support sites for free. Periodically, the entire archive undergoes modernization: some of the text and HTML code are changed, and archive sites are changed. This is aimed at improving indexing, introducing proven new developments, and also to avoid “duplication” of sites on the network.

Free website- a completely finished website design with original content on a very popular topic - " construction of country houses". The layout is done using DIVs,
A set of optimized graphic elements was used to design the website, which speeds up its loading.
The site consists of one main page (index.htm)
The selected site theme, title, tags, keywords, HTML code, content of text blocks and comments are optimized for “promotion” and the real website easily achieved more than 100 unique visitors per day, regardless of the chosen hosting.

Visual Basic Programming Tutorials" - this topic is very popular among students and VB programmers, especially beginners.

Minimum used to design the website graphic elements , which speeds up its loading. And the main page (index.htm), although it has a significant amount of code, is divided into small tables, which significantly speeds up the display of the website on the screen.
The selected site theme, title, tags, keywords, content of text blocks and comments are optimized for “promotion” and easily allow you to achieve web page traffic in
100-150 hosting. However, it should be noted that there is a “seasonal” dependence of website traffic on the topic programming. The highest attendance is in the fall and winter during the season of preparing and submitting coursework by students. In summer and on New Year's holidays, site traffic may decrease by 30-40%.

Completely finished website design with original content - " Online web design tutorial for beginners".
All graphic elements, used in the design of the website, are small in size. And the main page (index.htm), although it has a significant amount of code, is divided into several small tables, which significantly reduces the time it takes to load the “picture” onto the site visitor’s screen.

The selected site theme, title, tags, keywords, content of text blocks and comments make it relatively easy to achieve web page traffic in 200-300 unique visitors per day even on free hosting .

Completely finished website design with original content - " Free Website Templates".
All graphic elements, used in the design of the website, are small in size. The main page of the site (index.htm), although it has a significant amount of code, is divided into several small tables, which significantly reduces the time it takes for the “picture” to load onto the site visitor’s screen.

The selected site theme, title, tags, keywords, content of text blocks and comments are carefully optimized and allow you to achieve web page traffic in 100-300 unique visitors per day even on free hosting. Theme "Free Website Templates" or "Free Websites"is one of the easiest to promote and seasonally stable. A slight decrease in traffic occurs in the summer months, when the total number of Internet visits decreases.

One of the effective ways to get visitors to website(promotion) is registration site V catalogs. I recommend not to get involved with available free services for automatic registration of sites in dozens (and even hundreds) of directories at once. The effectiveness of such auto-registration is negligible. To achieve good results in promotion, do everything yourself, manually. Registering a site in directories requires specific and non-obvious knowledge, some of which is published here.
There are many subtleties associated with registration in catalogues. If you look at you can find large lists of directories to add. Moreover, many of those listed as “white” still require a return link. And what’s interesting is that after downloading such a directory database and adding your website to 50-70 directories, you can be surprised to find that after two months, instead of 10 people per day, only 20 people started visiting you. Why? For example, because you put backlinks to the directory, but your site was not added to the directory. Or they added it, but the links to your site from the catalog are not direct. Or the catalog is not indexed by Google or Yandex at all. How to determine this? Go to the catalog, to any section and select any site. Copy his address in the format into the ADVANCED search bar of Google or Yandex.
For Google - - in the "Domain" field enter the address of the directory in question, and in the "with exact phrase" field the address of the selected site ( Start your search. If Google found something, then the sites included in the proposed catalog are indexed and you can register your site. Similarly for Yandex - advanced search - In the "located on the site" field - the directory address. In the “similar to page” field - the address is And be sure to track the entry of your site. Search for it using the specified method in Google and Yandex. And if you don’t find anything, feel free to delete the backlinks - it will only be useful for promotion, and add the catalog to your personal list of hacks.

Periods of mass vacations and holidays have a serious impact on website traffic and, accordingly, your income. Two periods can be distinguished - “winter holidays” (from approximately December 15 to February 1) and “summer holidays” (from May to September inclusive). During these periods, the total number of site visits decreases by 2-2.5 times.
During these periods, you need to take a more differentiated approach to the process of registering your sites in directories, message boards, etc. Directory administrators and moderators are also on vacation, and therefore your sites included in the registration forms may remain without consideration for 1 to 3 months. During this time, more than one hundred applications will accumulate in the queue of sites for verification. And it’s not at all necessary for a well-rested administrator to understand them. There is a possibility that only recent additions will be considered, and those that have accumulated will be ignored.
Therefore, during such periods of “quiet” it makes sense to register your sites only in those resources where administrator verification is not required- most guest books, message boards, blogs, some forums. By adding your links to them, do not be lazy to make a quality review in a blog, guest book or forum. Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself.

Ready web website- completely ready website with original content - " Comics ".
All site It has very compact dimensions, which ensures fast loading even on slow channels.

To ensure the most effective indexing, use the following techniques: always write the site title in a very large font size - up to 28-32 pt. Be sure to include tags in the website text



. The text in them should contain the keywords of your site.
Specify not many keywords for the site - from 4 to 6. Try to highlight them in the text with tags . To prevent them from standing out too much from the rest of the text, set a small font size, for example font-size: 9pt.

Option of a ready-made website design from 05/06/2008 - " Review of technology - videos, photos, phones, computers" - a completely new design with completely new illustrated content.
The site is very convenient for displaying contextual advertising (for example,
Yandex direct . The site theme will allow you to display advertisements for the sale of electronic equipment and related stores and companies. Such advertising pays good dividends.
The site is carefully optimized for effective indexing in search engines. Some useful tips are given in Description.txt. More detailed information can be obtained from the promotion guide (address provided).

How to choose paid hosting

If you live in a major city and there are local hosting sites, consider them first. If you are planning a complex website using PHP scripts and a MySQL database, then most likely you will have to communicate with technical support, resolving issues of ensuring the functionality of the site. If there is little traffic to the site, you can get by by communicating by mail. But with a number of visits of 2-3 thousand unique visitors per day and income from advertising of $20-30 per day, technical support needs to be resolved over the phone. And here long-distance calls can be quite expensive.
If there is no hosting in your city, choose large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg). There are already large companies in them that provide a serious level of service. The sites already host a significant number of sites and therefore the services provided will not be expensive. Again, through such companies it is much easier to register a domain name in the .COM and .WS domains, etc.
When you decide on a site, you will need to choose a tariff plan. Choose a tariff plan that allows you to create subdomains for your domain. For example, your website is Then you can use 3rd level domains, such as,, http:/ /, etc. This is significant. You will be able to create websites on 3rd level domains and register them in directories as independent resources! Those. in the same directory you can register your site on a second-level domain (only once) and many, many sites on 3rd-level domains.
Please note how much server disk space is available for the selected tariff plan. If something is around 100 MB, then see if you can register one or two more second-level domain names and “link” them to the same location on the disk. It is very convenient to pay for hosting for three sites once. Moreover, each of these sites can have subdomains that can be registered separately. You will receive your entire pool of links from sites to each other.

September 26, 2013

When HTML5 began to be supported by modern browsers, it began to be used in almost all modern websites. HTML5 in conjunction with CCS3 provides enormous opportunities for creating amazing, functional and user-friendly websites.

In this collection, I tried to collect the highest quality responsive website templates built on HTML5 and CSS3. Even though they are free, you can see that most of these templates look like premium templates.

5. SquadFree – Free Bootstrap HTML5 Template

Squad Free - responsive bootstrap template

6. Pluton – Free Bootstrap HTML5 One Page Template

Pluton - Free Bootstrap HTML5 One Page Template

9. E-Shopper - free template for an online store

E-Shopper - free template for an online store

10. AdminLTE - admin control panel template

AdminLTE - admin control panel template

11. Magnetic - free template for a photographer’s website

Magnetic - free template for a photographer's website

12. Mabur - responsive portfolio template

Mabur - responsive portfolio template

13. Moderna - responsive website template on Bootstrap

Moderna - responsive website template on Bootstrap

14. Sport Here - minimalistic website template

Sport Here - minimalistic website template

15. Crafty - responsive corporate website template

Crafty - responsive corporate website template

16. Infusion - One Page Portfolio Template

Infusion - One Page Portfolio Template

17. Yebo – HTML/CSS website template in flat style

Yebo - Flat Style HTML/CSS Website Template

18. Twenty - HTML5 template with parallax effect

Twenty - HTML5 template with parallax effect

19. Urbanic - Bootstrap template

Urbanic - Bootstrap template

20. Calm - Portfolio Template

Calm - Portfolio Template

21. Mamba - one-page template

Mamba - one page template

23. Brushed - one-page responsive website template

Brushed - one-page responsive website template

24. Big Picture - HTML5 website template

Big Picture - HTML5 website template

25. Tesselatte - free responsive website template

Tesselatte - Free Responsive Website Template

26. Overflow - responsive HTML5 website template

Overflow - responsive HTML5 website template

27. Runkeeper - mobile application website template

Runkeeper - mobile application website template

28. Pinball - Responsive Blog Template

Pinball - Responsive Blog Template

29. Bak One - one-page responsive website template

Bak One - one-page responsive website template

30. Andia - free website template

Andia - free website template

31. Produkta - 4 HTML templates in one

Produkta - 4 HTML templates in one

33. Studio Francesca - responsive website template

Studio Francesca - responsive website template

34. Prologue - HTML5 website template

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