If you use the phone while charging there are consequences. Can I use my phone while charging? Using a power bank

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5 myths about charging your smartphone battery

First myth: Using third-party chargers harms the battery

In fact: Chargers from third-party manufacturers can be used, but counterfeits that copy appearance the original should be avoided.

The Lifehacker portal conducted an experiment in which it compared adapters from the manufacturers themselves, third-party offers from companies like Belkin, and cheap Chinese counterfeits.

As it turned out, the original does its job best, the options from Belkin and KMS do the job, but not as well, and cheap copies They can barely cope and can fail at any moment.

Second myth: The phone cannot be used while charging

In fact: By using the official adapter, you can use your smartphone whenever you want. However, this will make the “feeding” process itself longer.

Moreover, users of Apple's third-generation iPad may notice how charging literally stops when using the device: the tablet receives as much from the network as it spends. The following models solved the problem.

There have been several cases in the news headlines when a smartphone exploded or electrocuted its owner while charging, but it was always about third-party adapters.

Third myth: Overnight charging kills the battery

Fact: This misconception remains popular, although smartphone manufacturers have long ago solved the problem. When the device is completely saturated, it automatically stops charging and then only occasionally recharges to maintain the charge at 100 percent. This is why the adapter and smartphone will most likely be completely cold in the morning after charging overnight, and no one will get hurt.

However, this does not mean that you need to constantly leave the phone “powered” all night. It is more beneficial for the battery to recharge from 40 to 80 percent than from 0 to 100.

Fourth myth: You can never turn off your phone

Fact: Even high-tech devices need a break from time to time. Apple Genius experts advise sometimes turning off your smartphone at night or at other appropriate times. To extend battery life, this should be done at least once a week.

Fifth myth: The battery should not be charged until it is completely dead

In fact: It is better to constantly recharge your smartphone than to only “deep charge” when the phone is completely dead. The latter is recommended to be done only the first few times after purchasing a new device.

Lithium-ion batteries, which Apple and Samsung use in their smartphones, feel much better in a saturated state, so they should be completely drained only from time to time.

Interesting things on the web

Can I use it while charging? mobile phone? The question is quite relevant. Technology does not stand still, and our smartphones are becoming more and more functional. High-speed Internet, social networks, instant messengers and many other interesting and exciting things appear. It is difficult to tear yourself away from the phone screen, but sometimes you need to do this, if only for the sake of your own safety and the safety of the device in working order.

Can I use my phone while charging?

Modern devices are quite complex from a technical point of view. An increase in functionality causes additional energy consumption, which leads to an increase in battery capacity by phone manufacturers. At the same time, the devices themselves are becoming smaller, the size of smartphone parts, various microcircuits, boards, processors and antennas are decreasing.

However, the smaller size only increases the heat generated by mobile devices and the batteries heat up. By the way, during charging the battery heats up even without user intervention, even in So, is it possible to use the phone while charging? Obviously, at least it is not advisable to do this.

Dangerous smartphones

The cases described below are quite rare, but they did occur. Smartphones very rarely catch fire, and do so on their own, without user intervention. Most often, such cases occurred during a time when it is especially dangerous to charge them using counterfeit ones. This harms not only the battery, but can also kill the smartphone user.

As for the mobile device, the power controller will begin to fail if the charger voltage differs from the “native” charger. Because of this, current may begin to flow into a fully charged battery, which at best will simply affect its service life. However, this may result in a fire, explosion, or melting of the battery inside the smartphone. The likelihood of such situations increases sharply if there is an invisible manufacturing defect. mobile device. As a rule, manufacturers think through and insure against any eventuality, but it is impossible to prevent everything.

Is it possible to use the phone while charging if it is fully operational? In any case, it is better to turn it off at the time of use. As described above, smartphones heat up while charging. The same thing happens during work. If the user is talking or, even worse, playing, then heating occurs with even greater force. This destroys both the battery and increases the chance of an accident involving a fire or explosion. You can guess the consequences associated with this for yourself.

Precautionary measures

Can I use my phone while charging? No, it's better not to do this. You should turn off your smartphone or unplug it from the electrical outlet while using your phone. If you see that the battery or body of the device is swollen, it is better to disconnect it and contact service center. Do not neglect precautions: a faulty phone can, at a minimum, stop working at the most necessary moment. You can also count on a replacement device if the warranty period has not yet expired and the breakdown is not your fault.

And how about power bank"ov? Is it possible to use the phone while charging from portable batteries? The situation here is slightly different. The voltage of portable batteries is slightly lower than that supplied to the phone battery from the mains. Based on this, the heating of the smartphone will be less. However, it is better not play and not use the smartphone for a long time while charging from portable batteries.

It is also better not to leave your phone charging unattended, especially at night. Although the manufacturers have thought everything through, it’s better not to take unnecessary risks. A defect in the power controller or battery may not be visible.


Now you know whether you can use your phone while charging or not. Don't neglect precautions: they can prolong the life of your devices. By the way, similar instructions also apply to tablets; their batteries are even more powerful, so don’t put yourself in danger.

Sometimes it can be so difficult to put your smartphone or tablet aside and distract yourself from texting social network that you have to use the device while charging. Can I use my smart phone while charging? This question is asked by visitors to our site in the comments, so we decided to write this note for those who doubt it.

Over time, the capabilities of smart bodies are expanding, and energy consumption is growing along with the advent of new functionality. At the same time, the capacity of the batteries increases; it takes longer to charge them or I use chargers with higher currents. Therefore, using a smartphone or tablet while charging may not be straightforward. Let's look at what this entails and whether some media outlets are deliberately aggravating the situation in order to attract attention to themselves?

What is the danger

The more electronics you can fit into a small plastic or metal case modern smartphone, the greater the capacity of the battery that supplies the phone with energy. This is not always what happens, but there is a tendency for it to happen. The more energy is stored, the more likely the smartphone will heat up when electronic components are actively operating. This is the main danger of using a smartphone while charging the battery. The device may simply overheat, at best it will turn off, at worst it will explode.

Everyone knows the cases of sensational battery explosions on Samsung devices. In 80% of cases this happened during charging from a power source, and only 20% from other reasons, such as bending the case and, as a result, damage to the battery. For Li-ion batteries, mechanical damage can be fatal, causing “self-destruction” of the latter due to the uncontrolled release of energy located inside.

Use high-quality memory

Make it a rule to use high-quality, or even better, original chargers, only they can provide the correct and safe charging current for phones or tablets. A Chinese low-quality power supply may not cause an explosion and destruction of your device, but it can burn microcircuits and the power controller without any problems.

Manufacturers have made it a rule to prevent possible incidents of this nature by limiting at the hardware level the current supplied to the tablet or battery. cell phone. But heating of the case and the entire device can be caused not only by problems with the energy storage device.

You probably noticed that when active use device, for example for games, it heats up noticeably, turning into a small stove. This is due to the heavy load on the central processor, which produces millions of calculations per second. If you charge the gadget at this time, the device will significantly overheat, and you know how this can end.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to use a tablet or smartphone while it is charging is YES, but following some rules.

  • Avoid running too many apps when using your device while the battery is charging
  • It is highly advisable not to play 3D games, as they put a huge load on the processor, which in turn begins to consume a lot of energy, taking away from the battery. The battery begins to heat up along with the microcircuits.
  • Active use mobile internet while filling the battery with energy, it also provokes strong heating in the area of ​​the signal transmitter, which can also lead to problems.

Using a power bank

Replenishing a battery with energy from a power bank is not the same as from a wall outlet. The voltage in such things is significantly lower than that of a standard power adapter, so in this case, the risks of explosion or damage to the battery are minimized. In this case, you can use the tablet while charging without any special consequences for it, but it is worth considering that filling with energy will occur very slowly and slowly, if at all. It is possible that the power consumption of the processor and graphics subsystem will exceed the capacity of the power bank.

It doesn't hurt to be careful

You can use a smartphone while recharging the battery, but with restrictions; we talked about them in more detail a little higher in this article. Now we’ll tell you what should alert you when strange reactions from the tablet appear.

  • The battery is swollen - run to the experts, it needs to be replaced urgently, otherwise larger problems will begin.
  • The case is so hot that it is difficult for your hand to endure - most likely an important microcircuit responsible for controlling energy consumption has failed, this is also the path to repairmen.
  • You can use your phone or tablet while charging, but the battery will take a very long time to charge, especially if you play a 3D game with good graphics.
  • Do not leave the power supply plugged in for long periods of time, such as overnight.

Is it wise to leave the charger in the outlet? If you don't know the answer, then I'll explain. This is not only fraught with increased electricity bills, but also threatens the apartment owner with a fire. No matter how high-quality the charger power adapter is, there is always the possibility of a short circuit due to a voltage drop in the network. The unit may simply stop working, in the best case, and in the worst case, it will also take things adjacent to it with it, causing a strong fire.

Is it possible to leave the phone on charge for a long time, say overnight? I think you understand everything, and you yourself will give the correct answer to the question posed.


Today you learned whether you can use your iPad while it's charging and took note of precautions designed to save you a lot of unnecessary hassle. You can read more about this in the instructions for use that come with your gadget or by watching the video located just below.


So yours smartphone or tablet started showing 1% charge. In particular, some Meizu smartphones are guilty of this, including my Meizu M2 Mini. What to do in this situation? I will tell you using my own situations as an example.

This problem can be either software or hardware. A software problem can be solved, but a hardware problem will be more difficult.

So how did I solve the 1% charge problem?

Method 1. Hardware solution to the problem.

First of all, I charged the smartphone, even if it showed only 1%. I knew that it would take me about two hours to fully charge. Accordingly, he had to stand charging for that long. Turn off your device (this is important) and put your smartphone on charge and let it charge a little.

After two hours, try turning it on. In one of the cases, the correct battery charge was immediately shown to me. Only you know how it will work out for you, but if nothing works out for you, then you should wait until the phone or tablet is discharged to zero again and turns off. Then put it on charge again.

This method will help solve a hardware problem with the battery by calibrating it. But if your battery is already “many years old,” then this method may not help at all. All you have to do is replace the battery with a new one.

Method 2. Software solution to the problem.

The problem with 1% battery charge may also be software. In particular, I rebooted my Meizu smartphone several times so that it began to show the correct battery charge, but only resetting the smartphone to factory settings helped me.

If, after resetting the settings, nothing worked for you, then the battery needs to be replaced. Also, for some users, it happens that the smartphone is charging only half or is gradually charged to a lower value. Again, in Meizu smartphones there is a situation when The smartphone does not charge above 70%. Calibrating the battery will help here, although partially. After some time, the problem returns and a complete battery replacement will be required.

Some users tell me that they have non-removable battery. By the way, if anyone is interested, go read it. So, all smartphones have a removable battery. It’s just screwed to the body and sometimes it’s quite difficult to unscrew it, and at home it’s often impossible. Plus, when disassembled, you will lose the warranty, if any. In such cases, the battery will need to be replaced at a service center.

Let's look at the 5 most common myths about charging your phone and dot the i's.

Myth 1: “The phone cannot be used while charging”

You can use your phone while charging if Charger high-quality – whether it’s a proven one or a mains charger. Of course, this will increase the charging time of the smartphone itself slightly, because... You will immediately use up some of the charge.

Myth 2: “Chargers should only be original”

It is quite safe for the battery to use any, preferably branded, chargers - for example, Samsung can be safely charged network charging HTC. Nothing wrong with that. But, again, we are not talking about cheap market chargers, without certification and proper tests.

Also pay attention to the voltage of the charger (standard 5V) and the input current of the phone - they must match (standard current for phones = 1A). The amperage affects the battery life and charging time of the phone.

This is not an entirely correct judgment. Because Even Apple experts themselves recommend turning off your phone at least for a couple of minutes and at least once a week - and this is good not only for your smartphone, but also for your health.

Therefore, feel free to turn off your smartphone even at night to extend battery life.

Myth 4: “You can’t leave your phone on charge overnight”

Modern phones and portable phone chargers are equipped with overcharging protection systems and auto-shutoff when fully charged.

So you can go to bed peacefully, leaving your phone on charge.

Myth 5: “Charge your phone only after the battery is completely discharged”

Correct solution- radically the opposite.

You should try not to completely discharge your phone - this will extend the battery life.

Today, they have become very popular, which quickly recharge any smartphone without access to an outlet and take up very little space in your pocket or even wallet.

Portable phone chargers can be selected based on capacity – from to , as well as comfort of use, design and your budget.

A high-quality portable phone charger provides 100% protection against sudden battery discharge!

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