Start of operation of egais. current issues. Pavel Chistov How to check whether the FSRAR ID matches the RSA code

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When carrying out the circulation of alcoholic products in wholesale and retail trade, production and import, in accordance with Federal Law 171-FZ, each transaction of receipt, import purchase, shipment, production and retail sales must be reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System.

Typical 1C configurations, such as 1C: Accounting, ed. 3.0, 1C: Trade Management rev. 11 and ed. 10.3 and 1C: Integrated Automation Rev. 1.1 and Rev. 2 contain tools for reflecting wholesale and retail trade transactions in EGAIS. However, they have a number of disadvantages: the inability to reflect operations of production and import of alcoholic products, there is no automatic generation of requests to obtain data on certificates A when processing incoming CTNs, printing of certificates B is available only in UT11.

For the most convenient and fully functional work with EGIAS, we have developed a module for exchange between 1C and EGAIS, which expands the functionality of 1C application solutions, providing maximum opportunities for working with operations of receipt, shipment, production and import of alcoholic products.

Reflection of production and import operations of alcoholic beverages

If you are a manufacturer or importer of alcoholic products, using our module you can send EGAIS documents reflecting the events of the production and import of alcoholic products. To reflect production, we made a document "Production Report", for import - "Import Report"

Convenient workplace for working with EGAIS

We have collected all the functionality for working with EGAIS in one subsystem. All functionality is divided into subgroups, important and frequently used functions are placed in the most visible manner.

Printing all necessary accompanying documents directly from the EGAIS consignment note

The entire package of documents required for the shipment of alcoholic products to the buyer can be printed directly from the EGAIS consignment note. Including scanned copies of certificates A and B.

Convenient work with EGAIS Invoices

  • Filling out certificates B for FIFO
  • Filling out certificates B for product series (only in UT 11)
  • Support for all UTM capabilities (refusal of your own invoice, sending requests for distribution, etc.)
  • Automatic request for data on certificates A when receiving an incoming TTN

Ability to work with production (up to 300 dkl per year) and import

Our module supports sending “Production Report” and “Import Report” documents to UTM.

Qualified technical support

We have been automating the trade and production of alcoholic products since 2012, we have extensive experience in preparing and submitting alcohol declarations and automating exchange with EGAIS. Therefore, we provide high-quality technical support on any issues related to the operation of our module, as well as on any issues related to working with EGAIS.

Module functionality

Working with EGAIS classifiers

  • Loading the classifier of alcoholic beverages from the Unified State Automated Information System and comparison with the nomenclature directory
  • Loading the classification of organizations from the Unified State Automated Information System and comparison with the directory "Counterparties"
  • Sending requests to cancel write-off acts
  • Sending requests to cancel acts of registration
  • Comparison based on the “one to many” principle - one position of the classifier of alcoholic products or EGAIS organizations corresponds to several positions of the nomenclature or counterparties

Working with the remainder of the 1st register

  • Sending acts of registration to the Unified State Automated Information System
  • Sending debit statements to EGAIS
  • Report "Statement of batches of the Unified State Automated Information System" for monitoring the balances and movements of alcoholic products in the context of Certificates A and B
  • Formation of write-off acts based on the documents “Write-off of goods”, “Report on retail sales”, “Sales of goods and services”
  • Accounting for EGAIS balances in a separate accumulation register
  • Monitoring the relevance of EGAIS document statuses when generating a request for balances *PROF*
  • Monitoring the relevance of balance request documents when generating outgoing TTNs *PROF*

Work with purchases, wholesale sales and movements

  • Loading incoming CTN from UTM, creating on their basis the documents “Receipt of goods”, “Return from buyer” and only in the PROF version - the document “Movement of goods”
  • Sending acts of confirmation, refusal and acts of discrepancies according to received technical specifications
  • Creation and sending of outgoing TTN to EGAIS based on the documents “Sale of goods”, “Return of goods to supplier”
  • Filling out certificates A and B in the outgoing TTN lines for EGAIS balances
  • Uploading acts of confirmation, refusal and acts of discrepancies for sent TTNs
  • Sending confirmations and refusals based on received discrepancy reports from customers
  • Sending requests to suppliers for distribution of confirmed incoming TTNs
  • Receiving requests from buyers for the distribution of outgoing TTNs. Sending confirmations and refusals to buyers for outgoing TTN distribution
  • Control of negative balances during the formation of outgoing TTNs *PROF*
  • Filling out Certificates A and B in the lines of the outgoing TTN from the current balances of the Unified State Automated Information System using the FIFO method (according to the first bottling dates from Certificates A and the dates of the TTN from Certificates B) *PROF*
  • Creation of a complete set of printed forms of shipping documents. TORG-12, S/F, UPD, TTN (1-T), Consignment note, Certificates B, scanned copies of Certificates A, Appendix to TTN *PROF*
  • Creation and sending of outgoing TTN to EGAIS based on the documents “Movement of goods”

Work with production and import of up to 300,000 deciliters per year

  • Sending production reports to EGAIS *PROF*
  • Generating production reports based on the documents “Production report for the shift” and “Receipt of goods” *PROF*
  • Sending import reports to EGAIS *PROF*
  • Generating import reports based on the “Customs Customs Declaration for Import” documents *PROF*
  • Sending requests for distribution of production reports to EGAIS *PROF*
  • Sending requests for distribution of import reports to EGAIS *PROF*

Answers to frequently asked questions

Questions about typical situations when working with EGAIS

Question: What is needed to start working with the module?


Question: How to accept a technical specification form from a supplier?


Question: How to send TTN to the buyer?


Question: How to compare items and counterparties?


Question: The buyer mistakenly sent the act to the incoming TTN, what should I do?

Answer: In this case, the buyer needs to send a request for the deed, and you need to confirm it. After this, the TTN will return to the status of the one just transferred to the buyer. ATTENTION! A request for distribution can only be sent once! If the supplier refuses the request for distribution, then the erroneously sent document can no longer be canceled.

Question: It takes a long time to receive a response from EGAIS or an act from the buyer.

Answer: It is necessary to check the status of the TTN in the EGAIS database using the service If the status of the TTN in your 1C information database does not correspond to the status of the TTN in the EGAIS database, then you need to manually adjust the document in the 1C database, the exchange with UTM may have failed (for example, UTM was reinstalled before receiving responses from EGAIS)

Question: We discovered an erroneous TTN that was sent more than 30 days ago. The buyer sends the acceptance certificate, but receives a refusal in response.

Answer: TTN for a period of more than 30 days can be issued only through agreement with the regional office of the FSRAR.

Question: We made the TTN “today’s date” But when sent to EGAIS, does it get rejected?

Answer: The TTN also has the “Date of Shipment” attribute, which cannot be less than the date of the TTN. You should also change the shipping date to "tomorrow". It should also be noted that the date of the TTN and the date of shipment cannot differ by more than 3 days from today’s date.

General questions about licensing and using the module

Question: In the sales files you have two versions: basic and PROF. What is their difference?

Question: We work in 1C-fresh. Is your solution suitable for us?

Answer: Unfortunately, 1C-fresh, due to implementation features, does not support configuration changes, so working with our product in 1C-fresh is impossible. However, the latest version of the platform supports configuration extensions sufficiently to transfer the 1C-EGAIS module to extensions. Therefore, 1C-fresh support is planned in the future. Stay tuned!

Question: How to receive module updates?

Answer: Module updates are available in your personal account. You will receive a link and data for authorization in your personal account after purchasing the module.

Question: We forgot the password for our personal account. How can I access updates in this case?

Answer: To recover the password from your personal account on the authorization page, you must click on the “Recover Password” link and indicate the email associated with the order. A link to reset your password will be sent to your email address.

Question: I have the basic version of 1C. Which version of the EGAIS module should I choose?

Answer: Basic versions do not support configuration changes, so only the basic version of the 1C-EGAIS module will suit you.

Question: Is the code of the 1C-EGAIS module open?

Answer: Yes, the module code is almost completely open, with the exception of licensing modules.

Question: Our company produces beer up to 300,000 dl per year. Is your solution suitable for us?

Answer: Yes, you need the PROF version of our module, and your 1C configuration must also be the PROF version.

Question: How do I install the module after purchase? And what to do after installation? Where can I download the instructions?

Answer: The price of the module includes a maximum of 3 months of technical support, which includes installation, configuration and initial training in working with the module. We also recorded video instructions on YouTube:

Version comparison table

Functional option name PROF version Basic version
Requests to EGAIS for downloading a classifier of alcoholic products
Requests to EGAIS to download the EGAIS organization classifier
Comparison of the classifier of alcoholic products and the reference book "Nomenclature"
Comparison of the EGAIS organization classifier and the "Counterparties" directory
Loading balances from EGAIS
The act of balancing
Act of debiting from the balance sheet
Creation of outgoing TTNs based on sales documents or returns to the supplier
Creation of outgoing TTNs based on data from goods movement documents
Accounting for EGAIS balances in a separate accumulation register
Sending production reports to EGAIS
Sending import reports from EGAIS

Technical support and updates

  • Technical support is provided using remote support tools TeamViewer 8. If necessary, the program is provided to the user.The cost of purchasing processing includes preferential technical support for a period of 3 months from the date of purchase. Further support is provided on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the tariff plan selected by the user, see below.
  • Tariff plan "BASIC". Designed for users who need regular updates, as well as prompt correction of critical errors in the runtime mode of the product in the developer's area of ​​responsibility.
  • Tariff plan "MAXIMUM". A range of services, including: access to the automatic update system, remote consultation in the area of ​​application of the product (telephone, skype, viber, email), resolution of technical issues arising during the operation of the product, with the exception of issues that are the responsibility of the system administrator of the user’s company .
  • Upon first purchase, the product delivery includes technical support under the “MAXIMUM” tariff plan for a period of 3 months. (90 days) starting from the date of purchase of the product.
  • If modifications are necessary to suit the individual characteristics of the client’s 1C configurations, the cost of the work is 1,400 rubles. at one o'clock. At the discretion of the developer, some part of the cost of improvements may be included in the purchase price through preferential technical support.
  • Program updates are carried out automatically. After the purchase, you will receive an email with information for registering on the update server. The cost of updates is included in all technical support plans.
  • These terms and conditions for the provision of technical support are valid from 05/03/2017. Subscriptions purchased earlier are serviced in accordance with the conditions in force on the date of purchase.


  • The program is licensed for a separate unit (at the checkpoint). Each additional separate division requires the purchase of a separate license.For individual entrepreneurs, the purchase of additional licenses is not required.
  • The program comes as open source. Changes to the program code are allowed, but in this case, at the discretion of the developer, the conditions for providing both preferential and paid technical support may be revised.

Reasons to buy

  • the need to register transactions in EGAIS for all participants in the alcohol market
  • technical support for 1 quarter from the date of the 1st call is included in the price of the product
  • developer experience - more than 3 years of work in the field of automation of declaration of alcohol products turnover
  • support for basic versions i.e. complete absence of changes in standard configurations


  • does not require configuration modifications (for the basic version of the module)
  • works with basic versions of 1C configurations (for the basic version of the module)
  • automatic updates (for the PROF module version, access to updates through the user’s personal account)
  • open source
  • prompt and high-quality technical support

Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you request this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account.

The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase.

The program allows you to register the range of our suppliers in the information base of our company. The reference book is used for this. Supplier nomenclature, in which the partners' nomenclature is stored in the form in which it is registered in the partner's information base. Before using supplier items in the accounting settings, you must select the checkbox Use supplier nomenclature.

The directory contains information about the name and article number of the partner's product range. If the partner’s information base contains information about item groups, then the hierarchy can be reflected in our database. In the directory Supplier nomenclature You can establish a correspondence between the partner’s item items and the item items in our information base. To do this, in the card of a specific position of the partner's nomenclature, from the Nomenclature directory, select the item of the nomenclature that corresponds to the position of the partner's nomenclature. Compliance with the supplier's nomenclature can be established in terms of the characteristics and packaging of our nomenclature.

Information about the partner's nomenclature can be used when filling out the following documents:

  • Registration of supplier prices;
  • Order to supplier;
  • Receipt of goods and services;
  • Power of attorney to receive goods;
  • Return of goods to the supplier.

Goods, when selecting a supplier’s item, a selection form opens in which you can set the following selections:

  • All positions that can be matched with "" Supplier nomenclature compared with our nomenclature for which the supplier’s nomenclature is selected, as well as elements for which compliance with our nomenclature is not indicated;
  • All positions that are matched with "" - I get the directory elements into the selection list Supplier nomenclature compared with our nomenclature for which the supplier’s nomenclature is selected;
  • All positions– I get all the elements of the directory into the selection list Supplier nomenclature.

If the list is set to selection All positions, then the supplier’s item compared with another item is highlighted in gray; supplier item not matched to the item is highlighted in blue. For such elements, a tooltip is displayed at the bottom of the form. The supplier's item matched with the item for which selection is being performed is displayed in the list in a standard font.

In the specified documents when filling out the tabular part Goods, when selecting a supplier’s item (if our item corresponds to it), the field is automatically filled in Nomenclature. Also, when filling out our nomenclature, if one match is found, then the program will fill in the field Supplier nomenclature. If multiple matches are found, then the field Supplier nomenclature will be cleared, and when filled in, you will be able to select the supplier’s item from the found list (see figure below).

When carrying out documents Registration of supplier prices,Order to supplier,Receipt of goods and services,Returning goods to the supplier, as well as when recording a document Power of attorney to receive goods If the supplier's nomenclature is not matched with ours, then the comparison is performed automatically by the program. If you select the checkbox in documents All Actions - Do Not Validate Matched Items, then when filling out the tabular parts, the selection of matched item items will not be carried out, and also when posting and recording, automatic comparison will not be performed.

To quickly go to the supplier's nomenclature in the tabular part of the above documents, you can use the command in the context menu of the tabular part Go to supplier nomenclature. The command opens a list of the supplier's items compared with our items, the line with which is highlighted in the tabular part of the documents.

When changing the supplier in documents, the fields Supplier nomenclature in the tabular part of the documents are cleared.
When holding a document Registration of supplier prices or at the time of recording in the supplier item form, if there is already a matched item for the supplier item, then the user is informed about this and asked whether to record a new supplier item.

Exchange with EGAIS: software requirements, operating features and causes of possible errors

1. To set up exchange with EGAIS, a platform of at least 8.2.18 must be installed.

If the platform is old, then the following errors occur:

http request error

UTM version is not detected

2. How to work with EGAIS in conjunction with DALION + HUB Atol?

Work with EGAIS should be carried out only in DALION. Since, if the original request is sent from HUB Atol, it will not be possible to receive a response in DALION.

3. How to check whether the FSRAR ID matches the RSA code?

To do this, you need to type the IP and port in the browser. The RSA code is listed on the “Certificates” tab.

4. What to do with unprocessed messages in UTM?

All unprocessed messages can be reprocessed through service processing. In the header of the “Exchange with EGAIS” form, follow the link that informs you about the number of unprocessed messages. In the window that opens, click the “Process all unprocessed messages” button.

5. Why can’t I create a request and an error appears when processing the UTM of an incoming message?

The ID in the UTM does not match the ID in the key. Possible causes of the error:

The UTM contains an incorrect ID,

The key is not from your organization,

The key was written incorrectly (with an error).

6. Why don’t I receive messages and responses to requests from EGAIS?

There may be several reasons:

1. There is no connection with UTM. You should do a communication test through the UTM card in DALION using the “Communication Test” button.

2. Your messages are received on another PC.

3. There is no connection between UTM and EGAIS (for example, due to lack of Internet).

7. How can I find out the request XML code?

We go to the “EGAIS UTM” directory, through the navigation panel of the UTM card, open “EGAIS Messages”. Next, look for the desired message and in the message form click “Open message text”.

1. How to download all alcohol producers from EGAIS at once?

EGAIS does not have a command for obtaining alcohol producers - therefore it is impossible to download all producers at once. An alcohol producer can be added to DALION by entering based on the EGAIS organization.

2. How to link certificate B if more than one TTN was found on it?

When you try to confirm/reject/send a discrepancy report according to one of the consignment notes, the program will prompt you to select the invoice ID (you need to check with the supplier). Automatic linking of certificate B to the supplier’s technical specification in such a situation is impossible.

3. Should the number of the downloaded and paper TTN be the same?

Yes, they should.

4. Is it possible to confirm the incoming CTN and create a receipt on its basis if the CTN came from a supplier who does not have an INN specified, or the manufacturer does not have an INN indicated?

In the incoming TTN, the TIN field for the supplier and manufacturer is not required to be filled out. Such a TTN can be confirmed. To correctly create a receipt in DALION based on such a TTN, it is recommended to make a request to EGAIS to download the details of the supplier/manufacturer. After this, the EGAIS counterparty will be automatically matched with the DUM counterparty.

5. How can I re-download a TTN that was mistakenly downloaded to another PC?

In this case, you should contact the supplier and ask him to upload the TTN into the Unified State Automated Information System again, having previously withdrawn the previous one.

6. Is it possible to delete EGAIS data from DALION?

7. Will a quarterly declaration on alcohol be generated correctly if 2 alcohol producers with the same INN and checkpoint were downloaded from the Unified State Automated Information System?

In this case, the declaration will be generated correctly, since the data for two identical manufacturers is combined using the INN + KPP combination.

Comparison of EGAIS nomenclature and DALION nomenclature

1. In what sequence should the excise stamp and the tax code be read when comparing according to the stamp data?

It doesn't matter what to read first. When reading the bar code, the right side from the “Nomenclature” directory is filled in (provided that it contains a product with such a bar code). When reading the excise stamp code - the left part from the EGAIS nomenclature directory (provided that it contains a product with such a stamp).

2. How to compare the nomenclature according to the stamp data, if in the EGAIS nomenclature directory there is no data on the nomenclature with a readable excise stamp?

In this case, only the excise stamp can be linked to the DALION nomenclature. After the nomenclature is downloaded from EGAIS, it will automatically be compared with the DALION nomenclature.

3. Is it possible to update the alcohol details of the DALION nomenclature taking into account the details of the EGAIS nomenclature?

It is possible, but only when compared using brand data. We read the code and excise stamp and press the button “Update item details according to EGAIS nomenclature”.

4. Is it possible to compare two EGAIS nomenclatures with one DALION nomenclature?

It is possible, since alcohol products may have several importers/manufacturers. Since the EGAIS nomenclature card stores information about the importer and manufacturer, the EGAIS will create as many nomenclature cards for the same product as there are different organizations that import/produce it into Russia.

In "1C: Retail 8" there are two main scenarios for synchronizing product data received from EGAIS and nomenclature:

  1. When working with reference data (reference information).
  2. When processing a document, the EGAIS consignment note (incoming).

Preliminary settings for elements of the "Nomenclature" directory

Directory " Types of nomenclature"

In order to account for alcoholic products, it is necessary to create a separate Type of nomenclature.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to section NSI – Nomenclature – Types of nomenclature and press the button Create.
  2. Follow the hyperlink Specify in the form of a directory element Type of nomenclature.
  3. In the window that opens Select item type set radio buttons to value Product And Alcohol (alcohol-containing) products.

Attention! Checkbox Sold by the glass is established only for products sold by the glass, after the packaging has been opened.

Directory " Types of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products"

Directory Types of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products(chapter NSI – EGAIS) contains information in accordance with the classifier from Appendix 4 to the order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 2004 No. BG-3-13/11@ "On introducing additions to the format for submitting tax and accounting reports in electronic form (version 2.00)".

There are two ways to fill out the directory:

Directory "Nomenclature"

In directory elements Nomenclature You should fill in the details:

In the Procedure for a system participant when recording data in EGAIS, published on the FSRAR website (, it is recommended to search for alcoholic products when registering retail sales by reading the EAN barcode scanner.

In order to assign an EAN barcode to a product from its packaging, you must:

The barcode will be automatically recorded in the information register Barcodes. You can go to the created record with the command Barcodes from the directory item form Nomenclature(menu More – Go).

Note. A barcode can be assigned to a directory element Nomenclature at the stage of its creation. To do this you need to go to the directory Nomenclature(section Master data – Nomenclature) and scan the EAN barcode with the scanner. If a directory item is not found, the program will prompt you to create it and automatically assign this barcode.

Loading alcoholic beverages from EGAIS

Information on alcoholic products obtained from EGAIS is stored in the directory (section NSI – EGAIS).

There are three ways to download the directory EGAIS classifier of alcoholic products:

  1. Automatically upon receipt of documents from EGAIS.
  2. According to the TIN of importers and manufacturers.
  3. According to the current warehouse balance using a barcode scanner.
directory "EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products" by TIN of importers and manufacturers

To download alcoholic beverages from EGAIS using the TIN of the importer or manufacturer, you must:

reference book "EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products" using a barcode scanner

The excise stamp code, as prescribed by the FSRAR, contains an encrypted AP code. To enter the warehouse balance you must:

In the workplace Comparison of EGAIS nomenclature tools provided:

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