Red background for the header. Header design for YouTube channel: sizes, templates and good examples. Create and edit a header template

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A cap- This channel face. Users who go to your channel immediately pay attention to the header. The hat should be bright, rich, and at the same time understandable. If the header is bad or absent altogether, then people are likely to show less interest in the channel. Therefore, each channel must have its own unique header.

How to make a header for a youtube channel?

In order to make yourself a header on YouTube, you just need to create a file with a resolution of at least 2560 (width) x 1440 (height). This can be done in a graphic editor - photoshop. Personally, I use this particular program.

After creating the file, you will see a blank white sheet in front of you, which can be filled with various elements, be it pictures or text.

But before you do this, you should know about “ visibility zone” on various devices. On each device (phone, tablet, TV) your header will be displayed differently. And therefore you need to find the zone that will be as adaptive as possible for all devices.

I advise you to stick to this zone (where 1546 x 423 centered):

Below you can download this file (picture) to your computer. After downloading, open it in an editor (in our case, Photoshop) and place it on top of your empty white sheet of paper and make the transparency around 40-50%

In the center (bottom of the photo) you see a white area that needs to be filled with content. It is in the white zone (see photo below) that you need to design your hat. I also added a simple background below:

After all operations, do not forget to delete the template (“visibility zone”) that you applied. Otherwise it will be ugly :)

Your hat should show everything you have There is on your channel.

For example, let's take this one:

Looking at this hat, I understand that the person plays Counter-Strike Go. And the videos on the channel will be about this game.

If you shoot various vlogs, then your face should most likely be on the header. And if you have a channel about cars, then there should actually be cars in the header. Thousands of examples can be given, so I think you get the point.

Does not work? You can turn to a specialist who will make a cool hat, but for money. But that is another story..

Download template for YouTube header:

How to make a banner for YouTube? In this article, I will explain to you how to make a high-quality banner for a YouTube channel and tell you about the three main elements that should be on your channel banner. This will help you increase the number of subscribers. You can also go straight to watching the video.

How to make a banner for YouTube?

The first thing you will need is a template with the dimensions of the YouTube channel banner. I downloaded it from the official YouTube help site. It opens using Adobe Photoshop. The template shows what size the channel banner should be. The minimum banner size must be 2560 by 1440. If the size is smaller, YouTube will not accept such a picture and you will not be able to install it as a banner.

This template shows how the banner will look on different devices. It is very important. The full size of the banner (2560 by 1440 pixels) will only be displayed on TV. Other sizes are for devices such as PCs, laptops, tablets and phones. On mobile devices, part of the banner will be shown 1546 by 423 (in the screenshot). This rectangle will be displayed on all devices.

The remaining parts will, roughly speaking, be eaten. Therefore, if you place some important information in these parts, the audience simply will not see it.

Such a rectangle 1855 by 423 will be displayed on tablets. That is, users who log in from a tablet will see a little more.

This piece of 2560 by 423 will be fully displayed on laptops with full HD resolution.

Therefore, it is very important to place all the information that you want to convey to the viewer in this rectangle.

Yes, it’s small, but that’s what you basically need to use. Additional elements can be installed in other parts.

How to make a banner for YouTube?

In fact, I myself am not a professional in Photoshop. There are a lot of tutorials about this on YouTube. I'm sure you will find them. Basically, it all depends on your imagination. I'll tell you what should be on the banner.

Initially, you select the desired background. Find the tool " moving».

Let's say this is your background. Now you need to add 3 main elements of the YouTube channel banner.

The first element is the message.

What is the video on your channel about? What information will the viewer receive by visiting it?

  • If you have a gaming channel, write the name of the games for which you film let's play.
  • If the channel is educational, then write what you teach. If these are English lessons, then write that: “English training lessons” or “how to learn English yourself.”

And similarly for other types of channels.

Note how the viewer will benefit from watching your videos. This is very important in order to interest the target audience.

Let's look at all the elements using my banner as an example. Here is my main idea for the channel: “Details about promotion on YouTube.” The banner is placed in rectangles that are displayed on all devices. Nothing goes over the edges.

The second element is photography.

This is your channel, so why not put your photo on the banner? On YouTube, subscribers are interested in the person of the channel’s author. Viewers know that on the other side of the video there are people just like themselves. Many people subscribe to you as a person. They like the way you make videos, how you present the material, etc. Therefore, I advise you to put the author’s photo on the banner.

The third element is the schedule.

You must indicate how often videos are posted on the channel. This encourages you to subscribe. If the viewer sees that videos are released frequently, this motivates him to become your subscriber. But keep in mind that if you do not have regularity, there is no opportunity to release videos constantly, then it is better not to deceive and not write about it.

Fourth, bonus element. Call to subscribe.

I make this call in every video I make. And I advise you to do the same in videos and on the channel banner. For me, this call did not fit into the main rectangle, which is displayed on all devices. So I put it in the place that is displayed on the tablets.

These are the 4 elements that should be on your banner. The most important thing is that all these elements fit into an area that is displayed on all devices. In other areas you can install any other elements: graphics, drawings, etc. But the main focus should be on the idea of ​​your channel, photography, regularity of video releases and a call to subscribe. They should be visible on all devices.

One of the important properties for the popularity of your YouTube channel is its high-quality and beautiful design, especially if you want to get to the top of YouTube or have a lot of views, likes and comments. It is very important for memorability and recognition to have an original logo and channel header.

By the way, if you want to quickly promote your video or entire channel, use our video service. You can also make any quantity.

The logo is a small square picture that appears in the background of the header and on the side of your comments. But every visitor who comes to your channel immediately sees a header, and it is desirable that it be stylish. The simplest and easiest option to make a channel original is to find, download and install the ones you like ready-made hats for the channelYouTube. There are many methods, services and websites for this, where there are beautiful hats for every taste. Similar sites can be found through Search by entering a phrase, for example, “ download ready-made hats forYouTube" Let's look at a few examples of how to do this.

First, on the YouTube video hosting itself, enter the phrase “youtube banner template” in the search. The result of the search results will, of course, be videos from the creators, under which they often post a link to download a header or template (usually a psd format for Photoshop), which you can change to suit your needs. You can experiment with the search phrase, but the method works.

Remember, if your drawing skills are not very good, then chasing animation fashion can lead to even worse results. It is unlikely that you will be able to download a ready-made animation that would be suitable specifically for your channel, since they are often tailored to a specific topic. It’s better to make a header for the channel yourself, or even put a simple but stylish picture on the header.

Greetings, my dear readers. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch. Today, video blogs are actively developing, and video content is also incredibly successful. Many bloggers have started their own channels on YouTube and actively record their videos, and I am no exception. Anyone who has not yet subscribed to my channel is welcome to visit, I will be grateful.

If you have already created a channel, then to promote it you need to work on its design and, in addition to adding an avatar, you need to create a high-quality header for the YouTube channel in your corporate style. Look at the link above to see how I set up my account and recommend subscribing.

So, if you decide to work on design, then how and where to start? I started looking on the Internet for freelancers who could help me, but I decided to figure it out myself and it turned out just great. For the cost it would be possible to create such a beautiful hat from 1000 rubles. But if you can do it yourself, then why pay more?

May all freelancers forgive me for leaking a detailed manual, after reading which every beginner will be able to make their own branded banner perfectly FOR FREE. Also at the end of the article I will attach a ready-made channel header template with markings, where you will simply need to scale your image and adjust it to fit. I think even your grandmother can cope with this task during breaks between TV series -))).

If you compare it, of course, with blogging on YouTube or having your own website like mine, then you need to have the knowledge and ability to do something. If, then equipment, if you shoot reviews, then a good camera or camera and be able to process video content. If you run a traditional blog, then be able to optimize it and not do mistakes in its management.

So, where do they even get pictures for channels? Of course, they are collected from several files and processed in Photoshop CS6 or any other version of the program. It all depends on what version you are working in, but the essence does not change. You will receive a ready-made template like I did for the manual.

According to the requirements of YouTube video hosting, we need to upload a header image for the YouTube channel 2560 x 1440 pixels through the personal account of our channel. There is one important note that you need to know about and the point is that your channel will be displayed differently for different devices, from a smartphone, tablet to a desktop PC.

Here is a diagram with frame sizes that are used when creating a logo for various devices.

How to make a header for a Youtube channel in Photoshop

There are several ways to create our banner, including:

  • Go to YouTube and enter a request for header templates for the channel and in the search results you will get a bunch of thumbnails and demos where under the video they always put links to download different types of templates for Photoshop;
  • Order freelancers to draw a design on a paid basis for a considerable cost;
  • It’s easy to download ready-made backgrounds from Yandex and Google images.

After you download the attached files, by clicking on one of the buttons below, you can download the background as a stencil, as well as ready-made header templates for the channel. Now I’ll show you how to work using templates.

Here we just need to open the downloaded template in the program and hide the layers that you don’t need. For example, I remove the text and insert my own. I will also attach several cool fonts that can be installed in your Windows fonts and they will be automatically picked up in Photoshop.

The main thing is to fit the main image with text to the central part of the template using a ready-made template with markings.

After you have worked with the template, we just need to save what we received through the Save for Web tab. The next step is to go to our channel and on the main page select edit and insert our header and that’s all.

When creating your own channel on YouTube for boys or girls to play Minecraft/CS or on any other topic, it doesn’t matter when you create it you will be faced with setting up a template for the main page of the channel on YouTube. The main visual element when designing a channel is a header measuring 2560 x 1440 px. On this page you can download ready-made hats for YouTube 2560 x 1440 in PSD for editing in Photoshop(if necessary). In the archive you will find several ready-made PSD headers for YouTube 2560 x 1440, including an empty one (white background) and an already drawn one (layout).

What should a YouTube header be like?

Header for youtube is the main element of the channel design, try to create or download thematic headers (background, banner) and make it the optimal size of 2560 x 1440 pixels - you can download ready-made YouTube header template in PSD and use it slightly edited in Photoshop. Read about if there is a feature missing in the new design.

A well-designed header influences people, behavioral factors improve - people visiting a well-maintained channel subscribe more and are active, knowing that the YouTuber is engaged in his channel and is conducting professional activities. Without a header, the chances of favor from channel visitors are 0, so to speak, you came in and left. Of course, unless your content is really high quality. In any case, a good (catchy and colorful stylistically matching the content) header for YouTube will make your channel attractive and increase trust from potential subscribers.

Creating a header for YouTube in Photoshop

  1. Don't leave the channel header white or with just one caption
  2. Make a thematic header for the channel and the content posted on it (video)

Don’t forget about the optimal header characteristics that YouTube video hosting requires from the creator:

  1. Recommended image size 2560 by 1440 pixels (px)
  2. The image file size is 4 MB. You can do more, YouTube easily lets you through.
  3. Think over the idea of ​​the channel in advance and only then create and download ready-made headers
  4. If you feel that your strengths and knowledge are not enough, it is better to entrust the creation to professionals

Ready-made header template for YouTube 2560 x 1440 in PSD

Where can I download pictures for hats?

If you can’t draw well, look for the pictures you need in photo stocks (a la image search engines). Remember that YouTube is strict about copyright on everything that is uploaded there. Use images licensed under Creative Commons— a license means that the author of the picture has waived copyright on the picture and you can use it for commercial purposes.
Several photo hosting sites that allow you to choose a picture distribution license
  6. And of course - the functionality of which allows you to use filters to find what you need, with the required license and size

All images are free, download and upload them to your YouTube header template. When searching for images, use filters and set the header size to large. It is good if the exact size and extension (type) of the file is indicated. We specify a PNG size of 2560 by 1440 px and search for the desired keyword, save and open in Photoshop, overlaying it on the finished template.

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