How to remove letter replacement when typing. Why do Microsoft Word eat letters while typing? Disabling replace mode

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This situation is faced by a large number of novice users of the most popular word processor - MS Word. Why beginners? Yes, because if you haven’t heard of insertion and replacement modes, then you can safely classify yourself as one of them.

In this article we will tell you more about the insert and replace mode in Microsoft Word, as well as how to switch these modes and disable them altogether.

Inserting and replacing characters in Word

Erasing, or how to put it correctly, replacing the character in front of the cursor when typing occurs when the replacement mode is activated. This feature is present for the convenience of text editing when you need to replace one piece of text with another. In this case, you do not need to manually erase an unnecessary fragment. When typing new text, the old one will be deleted automatically.

How to disable replace mode in Word?

Let's start with the simplest and most common method. This is the "Insert" key on your keyboard. Just press it once and the replacement mode will be disabled.

Please note that in most cases on laptops this button is located together with another button, for example “Delete”.

Insert together with the Delete key

And in order for it to work as “Insert” when you click on it, you must first hold down the “Fn” key and, without releasing it, press “Insert” once, which can also be signed as “Insrt” or “Ins”.

Fn button on the keyboard

Insert key abbreviation Ins

In general, try pressing first without the “Fn” key, if this does not help, then together with the “Fn” key.

If this does not help in Word, when you type, the letters following the cursor are erased anyway, you need to go to the MS Word settings.

To do this, click “File” -> “Options”.

MS Word Options

In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and uncheck two boxes:

  • Use replace mode;
  • Use the INS key to toggle insert and replace modes.

After that, click “Ok” at the bottom of the window. This will permanently disable the replacement mode, which itself erases the character following the cursor when typing.

Are you familiar with the situation when in MS Word text, located in front of the cursor pointer, does not move to the side as you type new text, but simply disappears, is eaten? Often, this happens after deleting a word or letter and trying to type new text in that place. The situation is quite common, not the most pleasant, but, as a problem, easily solvable.

Surely, you are interested not only in eliminating the problem of Word eating letters one by one, but also in understanding the reason why the program is so hungry. Knowing this will clearly be useful when encountering the problem again, especially considering the fact that it arises not only in Microsoft Word, but also in Excel, as well as in a number of other programs in which you can work with text.

It's all about the enabled replacement mode (not to be confused with autocorrect), which is why Word eats letters. How could you enable this mode? By chance, no other way, since it turns on by pressing a key "INSERT", which on most keyboards is located near the key "BACKSPACE".

Most likely, when you deleted something in the text, you accidentally touched this key. While this mode is active, it will not be possible to write new text in the middle of another text - letters, symbols and spaces will not shift to the right, as is usually the case, but will simply disappear.

How to fix this problem?

All you need to do to disable replace mode is press the key again "INSERT". By the way, in earlier versions Word's replacement mode status is displayed in the bottom line (where document pages, word count, spell check options, and more are indicated).

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than pressing just one key on the keyboard and thereby eliminating such an unpleasant, albeit petty, problem. But on some keyboards the key "INSERT" is absent, which means that in this case it is necessary to act in a different way.

1. Open the menu "File" and go to the section "Options".

2. In the window that opens, select "Additionally".

3. In the section "Editing Options" uncheck the sub-item "Use replace mode", located under the item.

Note: If you are sure that you do not need the replacement mode at all, you can uncheck the main item "Use the INS key to toggle insert and replace modes".

4. Click "OK" to close the settings window. Now you won't be in danger of accidentally turning on the replacement mode.

That's all, now you know why Word eats letters and other symbols, and how to wean it from this “gluttony.” As you can see, solving some problems doesn't require much effort. We wish you productive and trouble-free work in this text editor.

When typing in Word or when trying to put a space between words, it happens that the phrase in front begins to be erased. It seems that the space simply eats up the letters. This problem common and quickly solved. Let's figure out why letters are erased and how this problem can be eliminated.

Why do letters get erased when writing?

Most often, this situation occurs among users who quickly type with ten fingers at once, because it is simply impossible not to miss at least one key. The very key that causes such discomfort with text is the “Insert” button. The location of the insidious button is known - above the “Delete” key. After pressing this key, the replacement mode was probably activated. Therefore, it is not possible to print or make any changes to the text.

Disabling replace mode

If you accidentally hit the “Insert” key, the replacement mode will turn on, which will not allow you to work with the text until you turn it off. No matter what you do, the space will continue to delete subsequent words, as if eating them. Click the “Insert” button again and start typing further. If this method does not work, and the letters are still eaten when printed, then you need to act differently. You should disable the letter replacement mode; we will discuss how to disable this mode below. To do this you need:

Accordingly, after completing the actions, Word will stop replacing the letters in front with others. In further work with text document disappearing or erasing of symbols and letters will no longer bother you.

When typing, users often encounter a situation where they type a letter and the next letter is deleted or symbol. A similar problem can be noticed anywhere: in various text editors, like Word, when writing text in a browser or social network. In this case, you can notice that when you delete the next letter, the cursor highlights it. “Eating” a letter can occur either when typing another letter or symbol, or when inserting a simple space.

In this article we will find out why When typing, the next letter is erased and how to fix it.

Why is the next letter erased when you write?

Why is the next letter deleted when you write a new one? This is mistake? Failure?

In fact, everything is simple, this is not a bug, not a glitch or a failure. The fact is that in the operating room Windows system There is a “replace” function, when activated, the entered text will replace the already written one. The replacement mode is activated using a special button on the keyboard.

The problem occurs when the user accidentally presses this key, activating this mode.

Disabling the "Replacements" mode

Insert– a key on the keyboard to enable or disable the “Replace” mode for the next letter or symbol when typing.

The Insert key is located to the left of the Home button and above the Delete button.

On some keyboards, the override mode button may be labeled “Ins,” short for “Insert.”

If you suddenly encounter a similar situation when, while typing, the next letter is highlighted and deleted, then all you need to do to remove it is to press the Insert button again, which will turn off the “Replace” mode and the letters will stop being eaten.

How to disable autocorrect letters in Word

By the way, in Word you can completely disable the Insert key, then you can be sure that the problem with the following letters being erased in Word when you type will not happen again.

To do this you should:

I hope the article " What to do if, when typing, the cursor selects and deletes the next letter"was useful to you.

Surely, almost everyone has had the experience of “eating” letters in Microsoft Word. If this happens to you, it means that you most likely accidentally pressed the “Insert” key and because of this, the replacement mode was activated, that is, the previous next letter is replaced by the one you typed. In order to fix this, you just need to click on the “Insert” button, after which this mode will turn off. Typically this key is located next to the “Backspace” button.

If it turns out that you do not have the “Insert” key on the keyboard, then you need to remove this function through settings. For this:
1) You need to click the “File” button in Word:

2)After you click on the “File” button, a list of actions will open, or a page where you need to select the “Options” section:

3)Now you have a window called “ Word options" In this window you need to find a button labeled “Advanced”:

4)After clicking you will have additional settings Microsoft Word, here you need to find the “editing options” section, in which you find and then uncheck the checkbox next to “Use replacement mode” in the “Use the INS key to switch insertion and replacement modes.” In the picture below, the number “1” shows the sub-item in which you need to uncheck it.

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