How to hide friends on Facebook: step-by-step instructions. How to hide friends on Facebook, delete and watch them How to close friends on Facebook

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This cannot be done in the mobile application. Therefore, you will need a web version of the social network.

Open the VKontakte website on your computer or mobile device and go to the Settings → Privacy section. In the “My Page” block, select “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” When the list of contacts opens, mark the people you want to hide from others and click “Save Changes.”

You can hide no more than 30 selected friends - this is the “ ” limit.

If you are using the mobile application, go to settings and select “Account Settings” → “Privacy”. Scroll down the page and click "Who can see all your friends?"

In the next menu, select "Only Me" if you want to hide the list from everyone. Or specify a group of people (“Friends”, “Best Friends”, etc.) to hide contacts from everyone except its members. You can create such groups and add people to them on a special page.

If you use the Facebook website, go to settings and select “Privacy” in the left panel. Then click “Edit” next to “Who can see your friends list?” and switch “Shared by everyone” to “Only me” so that no one else can see your contacts.

You can also click "User Settings" and create a custom list of people to hide your friends from only them.

Thus, it allows you to hide the entire contact list. You cannot hide only selected friends.

Don't forget, even if you hide your contacts, your connection with some of them can still be tracked in the lists of mutual friends and on the pages of users with whom you are friends.

Security is one of the main reasons why Facebook has such a cluttered and, in some cases, counterintuitive interface. The user has control over almost every part of his profile. Don't want anyone to see who you're friends with? Then read on.

  1. Add you as a friend
  2. Open your friends list and send “friend” invitations to everyone on this list
  3. Users see that you and the person who sent the request are friends and are likely to confirm their friendship

Well, then you should wait for invitations to events, groups, all kinds of messages with strange links to chat, and the like.

Why encourage such tactics?

We will close access to friends for everyone. To do this you will need to complete the following steps:

A page with a list of friends will appear. Click on the edit button (in the form of a “pencil”) and select the item Edit privacy settings.

In your privacy settings, you can control who can see your friends list. I say “only me”. You can choose any other option if you wish. For example, create a list of close friends and set visibility using this setting only for the selected list.

Today, the social network FaceBook is one of the most popular platforms for online communication. It can be used to promote your own business or exchange information. The network was created by Mark Zuckerberg back in 2004.

But users still often have questions related to using all the features of the social network.

For example, many users do not know how to add, remove and hide friends on FaceBook. As a rule, these are those users who have just begun to master computer technology. Getting to know social networks is a top priority for them. More experienced users probably know a lot more about the Facebook options. But let's talk about everything in order.

How to add friends on FaceBook

Why do they invite users to become friends on FaceBook? Everything is quite simple here. These could be your friends, relatives and loved ones. The social network gives you the opportunity to communicate with them wherever you are. Unlike mobile and cellular communications, this method of communication is absolutely free. You can use several methods to add friends on the FaceBook social network. But the most popular is to use the search bar. You can find it at the top of the page. Here you will need to enter your friend's name. From the list displayed, you need to select the person you are looking for and go to his page. Now all you have to do is click on the “Add as a friend” button and wait for confirmation.

If you look at the list of friends who have already added you in FaceBook, you can probably find many more acquaintances. To do this, you just need to go to the “Friends” section and select any person there. By browsing through his page, you can find many personalities familiar to you.

How to remove friends from FaceBook?

Sometimes situations arise in life when you want to stop communicating with a particular user. This can happen for various reasons, ranging from a simple quarrel to separation. The limit on the number of possible friends on FaceBook is set at 5000. Therefore, you need to know how to delete friends if necessary. By the way, it is worth noting that removing people from your friend list is not the only way out of this situation. In some cases, you can simply hide your friends. But this will be discussed a little later.

To remove a user from your friend list, you need to go to his page and hover your mouse over the “Friends” button. You can find this button in the top block. Select “Remove from friends” from the drop-down list. That's all that needed to be done. This user is no longer your friend. You can also remove all other unwanted users from your friends list.

How to hide friends?

It was previously mentioned that in addition to deleting friends, FaceBook provides the ability to hide friends. Sometimes it is preferable to use this method. Each user can independently decide what actions are best to take in relation to a particular user.
To hide a friend, you need to perform a few fairly simple steps:

— go to your FaceBook profile;
— select the “Friends” section;
— refer to the “Friends List” block in the “Edit privacy settings” item;
— this list is by default available to all users for viewing only. You need to select the “Only me” option and click on the “Done” button.

As a result of these manipulations, outsiders will no longer be able to see your friends list. If you want to make it available again, select "Friends" in the privacy settings editing window.

Facebook provides a lot of space for everyday communication. Here, unlike other resources, a fairly mature audience gathers, among which you can find partners for business development, work colleagues, as well as simply original individuals. If you don’t want to put your social circle on display, and you don’t want everyone to be able to spy on who you keep in touch with, it’s best to hide friends on facebook. To do this:

  1. On the main page of your profile, open the list of all your friends. It's located next to the "Information" item, right under your profile cover.
  2. Scroll down a little and find the pencil icon on the right. Click on it.
  3. Facebook will offer you several options for privacy settings. You can show the list of those you communicate with only to your closest friends, to everyone who is among your friends.

You can also make this display list available only to you. Choose the best option for yourself and save it. About changes to your privacy settings I was able to find out as soon as they go to your page. If you choose the option to leave the list of those with whom you communicate only for your personal viewing, then only a wall with your entries will appear in front of people who visit your profile.

You can also limit access to your communication list to only certain individuals with whom you communicate. By default, such a list on Facebook is called “Limited”. Here you can add all the people with whom your communication is of a business or purely formal nature. To do this, just select the name of the person you want to add to this list and click on the familiar pencil icon opposite him.

How to see hidden friends on Facebook

View hidden friends on Facebook possible thanks to the “Mutual Friends” feature. When you log into the profile of a specific person, your mutual acquaintances are shown in the field at the top. Among them, you can find out information about those whom the user has hidden in his settings.

Information about who a person communicates with can be determined by , left to his posts on the wall, or by comments and tags to pictures. Also, most people who spend time on Facebook do not hide their communication list from their friends. Sometimes, all you need to do to see who someone is connected with is simply sending them a friend request.

How to hide friends on Facebook mobile version

To hide friends on Facebook in mobile version you need to go to your profile. Then, at the bottom of the screen, tap the icon with three horizontal stripes. In front of you you will see a detailed menu of your page. Scroll down and click on "Quick Privacy Settings". The application will take you to an area where you need to select the appropriate audience from the “Who can view my content” item. Just like from your home PC, on your phone you can set up access only for yourself, for your friends, or for everyone.

Select “for yourself only” and information about the list of those with whom you communicate will not be available to most users. In the same section you can , which bores you.

When creating a page on social networks, a person posts personal photos and information. Some people don't want everyone they know to see her. That’s why there are special settings that help classify information or limit access to it. This can be done by using the functions provided by the developers.

Is it difficult to figure out how to hide friends on Facebook? If you read the short instructions, it will become clear that it is very easy to do. In fact, this procedure is carried out with just a few mouse clicks.

How to hide friends?

Figuring out how to hide friends on Facebook is not that difficult. If you don’t want to expose your personal life, you just need to restrict access to your personal page to unauthorized users.

This situation can be resolved in the following way:

  • First you need to go to the page using your own username and password.
  • On the page, select the “Friends” sub-item. A complete list of contacts appears immediately.
  • There is a discreet “Manage” button in the upper right corner. It is located next to the "+" and looks like a pencil. You need to click on it and select “Edit privacy settings.” Here you can configure the privacy of the page.
  • A new window with settings will open. You need to select "Friends List", but there are other functions there that are not related to how to hide photos and friends. There are many possibilities on Facebook, so in this section you need to go to the appropriate item.
  • Then select “Only me” in the menu, then only the owner of the page will view contacts, or define people who can view the page.
  • After completing the settings, you need to click the “Finish” button at the bottom and, thus, all the manipulations made will take effect.

There are other options in the privacy section. This settings item not only reveals the question of how to hide friends on Facebook, but also helps manage subscribers. Here certain people are selected who can read updates and enjoy free access.

How to hide friends in the mobile version?

To hide friends on Facebook mobile version, you first need to go to your personal profile by entering your login information. At the bottom there is a special icon, indicated by three stripes. Click it and the full page menu appears.

Need to find quick privacy clauses. Then the option “Who can view my content” will open. This is where people are selected who may have access to information and personal data. Using the mobile version of the social network, settings are made that help determine who is visiting the page.

How can I view hidden friends?

On Facebook? This is possible using the “Mutual Friends” function. If you go to any user’s page, you will see mutual friends or possible contacts at the top. With their help, all information about a person and his environment is learned.

The communication data of a certain person is recognized by the likes left on his wall or by comments. Many people do not try to classify the information on the page. And in order to find out more about the person you are interested in, you just need to apply for friendship with him.

Hidden Friends

Everyone has a certain environment, and many on social networks refer to best friends, colleagues or relatives. Sometimes you don’t want ordinary acquaintances to know a lot of information. To achieve this, there are functions that allow you to hide information from certain users. They help ensure that only close people see the files on the page. To do this, you need to go to the contacts tab, and groups will immediately become visible into which you can sort your list of friends or close or open access to a specific group.

This setting will help you hide personal photos and files intended for specific people. Securing information is quite simple; there are special functions that help limit access to personal data and block unnecessary guests.

We can only hope that the instructions given will not leave anyone with questions about how to hide friends on Facebook.

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