How to put a password on a flash drive - simple and effective options. How to set a password on a flash drive: software and manual methods A program for setting a password on a flash drive

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The question of how to put a password on a flash drive has become quite relevant in connection with the advent of portable, portable sources of information.

USB drives have firmly entered modern life, replacing floppy disks and rewritable CDs and DVDs. They are distinguished by reliability, durability, the ability to store a sufficiently large volume of a wide variety of information, mobility, and small size. The latter factor may contribute to the loss of a USB drive with subsequent unauthorized use of the information stored on it by third parties.

In this regard, there is a need to protect the flash drive with a password.

How to put a password on a USB flash drive to protect the files stored on it? There are many ways to protect information, here are some of them:

  • Using third-party software to protect portable USB storage.
  • Using built-in and optional software to protect data.
  • Use of specialized secure flash drives.

Let's consider the proposed options in more detail.

Today there is a considerable amount of paid and free software for data protection. Let's focus on free programs.

Rohos Mini Drive - software for setting a password on a flash drive. The developers managed to combine the small size of the program with fairly extensive functionality. The free version allows you to install data protection on flash drives with a capacity of 2 GB, or on partitions specially created by the program up to 2 GB in size. Moreover, you can use the specified software without administrator rights. The program is installed directly onto the flash drive. After creating a protected partition, you can view the encrypted data on any computer by running the Rohos Mini.exe program from the root directory of the USB drive.

To avoid any questions about how to remove a password from a flash drive, let us immediately clarify that it is very important to save the secret code, otherwise it will be almost impossible to restore encrypted data after it is lost. In versions > 1.10 of the Rohos Mini Drive program, it is possible to create a special file - a key, which allows you to open protected data if the PIN code is lost.

Another program for protecting flash drives is USB Safeguard. In terms of functionality and encryption algorithms, it is very similar to Rohos Mini Drive. One of the differences between this software is that the locking and unlocking procedure must be repeated each time you work with files, and you can use a new secret code each time.

Setting a password on USB, in addition to the above methods, can also be done using Anvide Lock Folder. This small-sized free program for setting a password on a flash drive does not require downloading and can be launched from anywhere. The interface is clear: it allows you to install code protection on any folder, not only on external USB drives, but also to protect data on other storage media.

Using built-in and optional software

How to put a password on a flash drive without programs? A flash drive can be protected with a password without the use of third-party software. We highlight three main options:

  1. Protect Microsoft Office documents.
  2. Using the capabilities of archivers.
  3. Using standard Windows tools.

Microsoft Office files can be protected by tools built into the software. A reliable way in this case is to install code protection on the file itself. To do this, select “Save As” from the “File” menu, and in the save dialog box, expand “Tools” and select “General Options.” In the dialog box that appears, you can set a PIN code to protect against unauthorized viewing and editing.

Another way to password protect a flash drive without special software is to use an archiver. Archivers, such as WinRAR, are installed on almost all computers. In the case of the WinRAR archiver, we create a self-extracting, password-protected archive and transfer it to an external USB drive. Then the archive can be transferred in this way from a protected drive to any computer and unpacked with a password. The method is old, but very reliable and proven. The main thing is not to lose the secret code word, since in this case there is no exact answer to the question of how to remove the password from a flash drive.

How to put a password on a flash drive without using third-party software for Windows 7, 8 users? In this case, no additional programs will be needed - they already have the necessary tool integrated into Windows, namely the built-in BitLocker data encryptor.

Using BitLocker, you can get a password-protected USB drive. One of the features of this software is the ability to create a “spare” key in case the secret code is lost. Brief instructions for setting a password on a flash drive using BitLocker:

Connect a USB drive to the PC.

In the “My Computer” folder, hover the cursor over the flash drive, right-click to enter the context menu and select BitLocker there.

In the window that appears, select “Use a password to unlock the flash drive” and enter the password.

Using specialized secure flash drives

The most “radical” option for setting a password on a flash drive is to purchase a specialized USB drive. Currently, portable portable information storage devices with a built-in keyboard are available for sale, with the help of which code protection is installed. A device password-protected in this way is a very reliable storage, the data in which is protected by 256-bit AES encryption. It is almost impossible to extract them without knowing the password. The price of such a USB drive is higher compared to the cost of conventional flash drives.

It should be understood that all methods for protecting portable USB drives and the data on them were clearly not developed so that in the future this protected data could easily be read by any unauthorized third party. Therefore, in order to avoid questions about how to unlock a flash drive if you forgot your password, take responsibility for creating and saving the secret code, since restoring access to information is a difficult matter and not always feasible.

If the information is not only confidential, but also very important, it is better to use several protected flash drives with copies of the necessary files. Rely on yourself first of all, since the programs offered for recovering encrypted files and restoring access are not effective in 99% of cases, it is better not to rely on them.

Thus, how to password-protect a USB flash drive and which method to choose for password protection (use built-in/third-party software, purchase a specialized secure USB drive (flash drive with a code)), everyone must decide for themselves, depending on their capabilities and skills.

Often we have to use removable media to store personal files or valuable information. For these purposes, you can buy a flash drive with a keyboard for a PIN code or a fingerprint scanner. But such a pleasure is not cheap, so it’s easier to resort to software methods for setting a password on a flash drive, which we’ll talk about later.

To set a password on a portable drive, you can use one of the following utilities:

  • Rohos Mini Drive;
  • USB Flash Security;
  • TrueCrypt;
  • Bitlocker.

Perhaps not all options are suitable for your flash drive, so it is better to try a few of them before giving up trying to complete the task.

Method 1: Rohos Mini Drive

This utility is free and easy to use. It will not password protect the entire drive, but only a certain section of it.

To use this program, do this:

By the way, with Rohos Mini Drive you can put a password on a folder and on some applications. The procedure will be exactly the same as described above, but all actions are performed with a separate folder or shortcut.

Method 2: USB Flash Security

This utility will allow you to protect all files on a flash drive with a password in a few clicks. To download the free version, on the official website you need to click the button "Download Free edition".

And to take advantage of the ability of this software to put passwords on flash drives, do the following:

Now you can again dump the files that you previously transferred to your computer onto the USB drive. When you reinsert it, it will again be under a password, and it does not matter whether this program is installed on this computer or not.

Method 3: TrueCrypt

The program is very functional, perhaps it has the largest number of functions among all the software samples presented in our review. If you wish, you can password protect not only a flash drive, but also an entire hard drive. But before doing anything, download it on your computer.

Using the program looks like this:

  1. Launch the program and click the button "Create Volume".
  2. Check “Encrypt non-system partition/disk” and press "Further".
  3. In our case it will be enough to create "Regular Volume". Click "Further".
  4. Select your flash drive and click "Further".
  5. If you select “Create and format an encrypted volume”, then all data on the media will be deleted, but the volume will be created faster. And if you choose "Encrypt partition in place", the data will be saved, but the procedure will take longer. Once you have made your choice, click "Further".
  6. IN "Encryption settings" It's better to leave everything as default and just click "Further". Do it.
  7. Make sure the specified media capacity is correct and press "Further".
  8. Enter and confirm the password you created. Click "Further". We also recommend that you specify a key file that can help restore data if the password is forgotten.
  9. Specify your preferred file system and click "Post".
  10. Confirm the action by clicking the button "Yes" in the next window.
  11. When the procedure is finished, press "Exit".
  12. Your flash drive will look like the one shown in the photo below. This also means that the procedure was completed successfully.
  13. There is no need to touch her. The exception is when encryption is no longer required. To access the created volume, click "Automount" in the main program window.
  14. Enter your password and click "OK".
  15. In the list of hard drives you can now find a new drive, which will be available if you insert a flash drive and run the same automount. When finished using the button, press "Unmount" and you can remove the media.

This method may seem complicated, but experts confidently say that there is nothing more reliable than it.

How to put a password on a USB flash drive? You have probably asked this question more than once if you have a computer and use this device. Carefully study the information that will be shown below in order to apply effective methods to set a password for a flash drive.

Hello, friends! Since the advent of computers, people have used two types of storage devices: floppy disks and DVDs. But gradually they became a thing of the past. This happened due to the fact that only a small amount of information could be recorded on them. There was also another drawback - the shell of these drives quickly lost its functionality, and subsequently it was necessary to buy new storage media.

To avoid such problems, we have developed a new type of storage device - a flash drive. A flash drive is an external device for a computer that can be used to store a large number of different files. This means of storing information is quite convenient and remains effective in operation for a long time. Next, we will move on to answering the question - how to put a password on a USB flash drive.

So, why do you need to set passwords on a flash drive? This is necessary so that your information posted there is always protected. Moreover, if you make money via the Internet, this process is worth doing.

After all, it is best to store passwords and logins remotely from the computer. Namely, on a flash drive. Next, nine ways await you in which you can find out how to put a password on a USB flash drive.

Password protect a flash drive using Winrar

Password protection of the flash drive can be done via Winrar. First, insert your flash drive into your computer. Then, go to where all the hard drives are located. Click once on the flash drive with the right mouse button to select the function of this program from the drop-down menu - add to archive.

Archive management opens, where you need to click on the button to set a password, and then enter it in the specified field. (Picture 1).

Before confirming the save, be sure to write down your passwords so you don't forget them. After clicking OK (twice), the password creation process will begin. Wait a little while the process ends and your flash drive with all the information is transferred to the archive.


Typically, Bitlocker is built into the Windows system. Unless, of course, you have disabled it, it will help you easily corrupt the data on the flash drive. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the flash drive itself. And right-click on it. You will be given the opportunity to select this program. It is displayed in the list, and then after clicking on the program, set any password. As you can see, everything is quite simple here.


This program can protect your flash drive. It can be downloaded from the developers website and installed on your computer. It allows you to encrypt almost all hard drive partitions.

To set a password on a flash drive using this program, open it. A window will open in front of you where a message will be written - drag the files from the explorer. Click on this notification to select the flash drive in the Explorer section. Set a password and your flash drive is encrypted.

I would like to note that this program is paid and is not suitable for every user.

USB Safeguard

Here, setting a password will be a little more difficult for a beginner. Download the installation files for this utility. Then transfer them using the mouse to a flash drive to perform all the necessary operations there.

Run the installer file. Follow the instructions as indicated during the installation process. Until the point where you need to enter the password twice and write a password hint. Then confirm this action and wait a bit. The last step will be to activate the program. Click on the activation item and copy the product code. Next, insert it where you are asked to enter this key. That's it, this is how you set a password on a flash drive.


Download Lockngo online. The installation file itself does not run on the computer, only on removable media. It needs to be moved to a flash drive. And there, you already launch the program itself.

There is no installation, so you write a password and click OK so that all files are blocked. In the same way, you can unlock everything. In the free program, you will not be able to enter passwords. Unless after purchasing the paid version.

Rohos Mini Drive

But this program is absolutely free. You do not need to enter activation keys to activate it. You just need to install and set a password for the flash drive. When it starts, find the control panel to encrypt the USB drive. (Figure 2).

And come up with a password that will protect all data on this storage drive.


This program works in normal mode only in 32-bit versions of the operating system. So, before downloading, do not forget to look at the system requirements of your computer. Setting a password goes like this. Run the program, select the partition where the settings are, and install the flash drive there. Then, set a complex password.

USB Flash Security

How to put a password on a flash drive using this software? When it opens in operating mode, you should already have a flash drive connected to your computer. (Figure 3).

Click Install to set a password for the flash drive.


The action in this program occurs in the same way as in subsequent programs. To set a password, select a flash drive from the list of hard drive partitions, and click on the system function to select change password from the menu. After this, do not forget to save all changes.

If you set any password on a flash drive, be sure to write it down. This is the only condition that will help you subsequently restore full access to the flash drive.

The programs that were selected to create the password can be used to recover it.


In this article, you learned how to put a password on a USB flash drive. This information will be useful to everyone who does not want to lose their personal data. Of course, you can put a password on a flash drive without programs, but this work is for an experienced user. For beginners, I recommend using the above methods, which in any case will help protect important information.

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

P.S. Articles that will help protect information.(,).

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A flash drive is a convenient way to store information. The flash drive stores gigabytes of information: personal photos and videos, work data, useful utilities. But there is one drawback: a flash drive the size of a lighter is easy to lose. To prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands and being used by criminals, it is necessary to ensure the protection of personal data.

Setting access to information using a password

Reliable protection is installed on a USB flash drive in two ways. The first option is to use the built-in Bitlocker program. It is available to users of the Windows 7, 8 operating system. In the Bitlocker application, the developers used a simple interface. The program encrypts information on a logical drive or flash drive. Using Bitlocker, you cannot set a password for an individual folder.

The second method: use third-party programs to protect personal files. There is a lot of such software. A set of program capabilities will help limit access to both the media and a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive.

Protecting a flash drive in Windows

If the personal computer has Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise or Windows 8 editions and higher, then the user has access to the built-in Bitlocker data encryption application. By following simple steps, we will get password-protected access to the data drive.

Step-by-step instructions for protecting information on a flash drive:

  1. We connect the flash drive to the computer.
  2. Open the “My Computer” folder and right-click on the flash drive icon.
  3. Select Bitlocker from the context menu.
  4. In the new window, check the box “Use a password to unlock the flash drive.” We come up with a strong password and enter it in the window provided. Click the “Next” button.
  5. In the next step, Bitlocker offers to create a special key. It will help restore access to information if the user suddenly forgets the password he created. This key is printed on a printer or saved on a local disk. The decision is up to the user.
  6. We choose which part of the drive will be protected. If the data is very important, then it is better to choose the full encryption option.
  7. We wait for the end of encryption of information and click the “Close” button.
  8. Checking the security installation. We take out and reinsert the flash drive. In the “My Computer” folder, a “lock” icon should appear next to the flash drive icon. It means that protection is installed and access to data is only with a password.

This is what a local disk protected by bitlocker looks like

Free data protection programs

Software products are available to users via the Internet. They will help protect personal data. Three popular freeware programs are described below.


The TrueCrypt program ranks first in popularity among users. She's reliable. The complex interface is the main drawback of the program. To understand the intricacies of TrueCrypt, you will have to spend time. The program can encrypt a separate folder on a flash drive or an entire logical drive.

Rohos Mini Drive

The developers of Rohos Mini Drive sought to create a functional application in a small size, and they succeeded. The free version of the program does not require administrator rights, but is not capable of encrypting a flash drive with a capacity larger than 2 Gb. Rohos Mini Drive creates a secret sector up to 2 gigabytes in size (i.e., for example, a 16 GB flash drive is enough for you). To access the information posted there, a password is required. The program uses a strong AES encryption algorithm with a 256-bit key.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – symmetric block encryption algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits). The United States government has adopted it as an encryption standard.


The MyFolder program helps you protect a folder on your local drive or USB drive with a clear menu. To open such a folder, you must enter a password. MyFolder encrypts at high speed, but uses the weak Blowfish algorithm. Also, the program does not work under a 64-bit operating system.

Blowfish is a cryptographic algorithm that implements block symmetric encryption with a variable key length. Developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Setting a password for a separate folder

In some cases, it becomes necessary to set a password for a folder with files on a flash drive. Special programs will help you easily and quickly protect personal information.

One of them is Anvide Lock Folder. The software has the following advantages:

After downloading, Anvide Lock Folder is ready to use. The interface is simple and clear. In the program window, specify a folder on a flash drive or personal computer and press the button with a closed lock icon. Enter the password, and the folder is password-protected. It can be accessed through the program. Anvide Lock Folder itself can be protected with an additional password.

Setting a password on a flash drive without a program

Manufacturers of Flash drives offer the use of hardware information protection. To use data encryption from the manufacturer, you must activate it the first time you use it. A password is set on the flash drive. It must contain letters, numbers and special characters.

USB Flash drive in the form of a keychain from Toshiba in an aluminum case with buttons for entering a password

A password longer than 8 characters is considered good. It should not be forgotten. It is impossible to restore access or change the secret word in 99% of cases. Without a secret word, it will not be possible to format a flash drive.

Ways to restore access to a flash drive

What if you forgot your password? There are hundreds of programs on the Internet that shout about their capabilities, but their effectiveness is questionable. The second option: look for a neighbor hacker who can remove or crack your password. Remember: using special software is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Viruses and malware can get onto your personal computer. Therefore, it is better to come up with a good password that will not be forgotten, or never use a password.

Users often use a storage device in the form of a MicroSD memory card. They are used in mobile phones, tablets and cameras. MicroSD is often protected with a password. It is installed through the menu of the electronic gadget. When you reinsert the memory card into another phone or camera, you will need a password. If you forget it, then it is impossible to restore access to the flash drive without losing data on the MicroSD.

The online store sells a device for resetting a password on a MicroSD memory card

Nowadays, online stores sell devices called unlockers. They cost about $10–20. Using an unlocker, the protection is removed and the memory card is formatted. The data will be lost forever, but the MicroSD will remain at the owner's disposal. If you do not want to buy a device, then contact a specialized service. Unlocking services are offered by companies that repair mobile phones and computers.

Keep personal files locked. This also applies to data recorded on a USB flash drive. It is especially easy to lose a micro SD flash drive due to its small size.

Summarize. Choose security password. Remember the secret word. Having memory problems? Then it’s better not to set a password. There will be considerable pain in restoring access; it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the password yourself without losing data, and the results of using cracking programs are not always positive.

In the modern era of computer technology, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a digital device that does not use flash memory in one form or another. However, most users still associate it with portable storage devices, known as flash drives, which have become so firmly established in our lives. The scope of their application is quite wide. Flash drives are used as portable devices, SWAP memory, they are used to install and restore operating systems, but the main area of ​​application for flash drives remains the storage of personal files. But data written to a flash drive is also accessible as if it were saved to any hard drive. Therefore, to ensure maximum security, it is best to protect the media with a password so that if it is lost, no one will be able to access the user's files.

Today, there are two main methods of protecting data on portable storage devices: hardware And program. Hardware encryption is implemented by integrating a special device into the design of a flash drive that blocks the connection of the drive to a computer in one way or another, for example, a fingerprint scanner can be used to identify the owner. Hardware protection has a high degree of protection, but the flash drives that use it are quite expensive. It only makes sense to buy them in cases where you are going to keep something very secret.

The software method of protection is much more accessible. It is implemented either using the built-in tools of the operating system itself, or using third-party programs, including many free ones. There are three main types of software protection. In the first case, the flash drive is completely encrypted, so that access to it can only be gained by entering a password; in the second case, a special encrypted container is created on the flash drive, which is also accessed using a password; in the third case, only individual files are encrypted on the flash drive. So, let's find out how to password-protect a flash drive and protect the data stored on it.

Windows encryption

This method allows you to set a password on a flash drive without third-party programs. Windows has such a great feature as BitLocker, which allows you to encrypt logical partitions and disks, including removable ones. Right-click on the flash drive and select “Enable BitLocker” from the menu.

In the window that opens, the system will ask you to select a method for unlocking the disk. Choose to use a password.

Click “Next” and specify the encryption area. If the flash drive is new and has a couple of files written on it, it is better to choose to encrypt only the occupied area, this will make things go faster. If the flash drive is full of files or you want to protect all sectors, you can select the “Encrypt entire disk” mode. Just keep in mind that encryption will take longer in this mode.

In Windows 10 1511 and higher, the system will additionally ask you to select one of two encryption modes: optimal for non-removable drives and compatible for portable drives. Since the flash drive is a portable drive, we choose the second one.

Well, almost everything is ready, all that remains is to click the “Start encryption” button.

Once the encryption procedure is complete, remove the flash drive from the port, connect it again and try to open it. As soon as you do this, a window will pop up asking you to enter your password.

Protect your flash drive with VeraCrypt

There is an opinion among users that BitLocker does not provide as effective protection as special third-party programs. If you think so too and want to find another way to put a password on a flash drive, use VeraCrypt– a powerful free program for data encryption in Windows, created on the basis of the defunct TrueCrypt project. First of all, go to the developer’s website, download the program and install it on your computer. By default, VeraCrypt uses English, so after launch we immediately go to the settings ( Settings – Language) and change the interface language to Russian.

Now we connect the flash drive and get down to business. In the VeraCrypt “Tools” menu, select “Volume Creation Wizard”.

In the wizard window you will be asked to select a protection option. If you need to encrypt the flash drive completely, you should select the “Encrypt non-system partition/disk” option. You can also encrypt part of the flash drive by selecting “Create an encrypted file container,” which we will demonstrate now. Select the appropriate item, and then click “Next”.

In the next window, set the switch to the “Regular VeraCrypt volume” position.

Next, in the “Volume Placement” window, specify the path to the container file on the flash drive.

It is clear that we do not have it, but it should be so. We create it on the spot in the Explorer window; you can give the file any name and extension. In our example, the file is called data.db.

We leave the encryption settings at default, then specify the desired container size and come up with a password.

Now, finally, let’s begin formatting and marking the volume, having first read the “IMPORTANT” note and followed all the recommendations indicated in it.

As a result, a file will be created on the flash drive that cannot be read by any program.

To save data to it, it needs to be mounted. To do this, return to the main VeraCrypt window, select any free letter, click “File”, specify the path to the previously created container and click the “Mount” button.

The program will immediately ask for an access password.

After you enter the password and click “OK,” a virtual volume will appear in the “This Computer” section, which is essentially an encrypted area of ​​the file system of your flash drive. You can work with it like any other partition; when the work is completed, all that remains is to unmount it by clicking the button of the same name in the main VeraCrypt window.

You can use a flash drive with an encrypted container only on computers with VeraCrypt installed. If you want to be able to work with the drive on a PC without VeraCrypt, you will need to download the program files to a flash drive using the Portable Disk Setup feature.

Other programs

If encryption using VeraCrypt seems too complicated for you, you can use less sophisticated, but at the same time less reliable programs in terms of security. There are a lot of such applications, but we will give examples of using only two. The first of them is called Rohos Mini Drive. This program for setting a password on a flash drive is simple, convenient, it supports installation directly on a removable disk, which allows you to use it on any computer. The encryption algorithm of the utility uses AES with a 256-bit key. Additionally, Rohos Mini Drive supports encrypting applications and creating disk backups.

The utility is very easy to use. In the main window, select the “Encrypt USB drive” option and indicate the path to it, if suddenly the program does not detect the flash drive itself.

Like VeraCrypt, it creates a protected file container on a flash drive, the parameters of which can be specified in the settings. By default, the container size is 500 MB, if you need more space for secret files, click on the “Disk Options” link and set your size. In the settings, you can also select the file system and letter of the virtual volume.

After that, enter the created password and click “Create disk”.

A mounted volume will appear on the computer, which can be turned on and off through the utility’s context menu in the system tray.

Even simpler than Rohos Mini Drive is a portable utility USB Safeguard. It is distributed in two versions: free with support for flash drives no larger than 4 GB and paid, capable of working with removable drives up to 16 TB in size.

To protect the media with it, copy the executable file of the utility onto it and run it, having first copied all the files on the flash drive to another drive, since USB Safeguard will offer to format the drive. After formatting and restarting, the utility will ask you to create and enter a password, as well as a hint, just in case, if you suddenly forget it. That's all, from now on you will be asked for a password every time you connect a flash drive to your computer.

As you can see, setting a password on a flash drive is not that difficult. It is more difficult to decide on the choice of a protection tool, especially for novice users, who often make mistakes in choosing the appropriate program. Thus, to protect flash drives, you should not use utilities like Anvi Folder Locker, which have the ability to protect with a password, but without using encryption. But programs that use encryption are also not all equally effective. To ensure maximum protection, in addition to passwords and encryption, it is advisable to use key files, and only software products at the VeraCrypt level provide this opportunity.

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