High tech new technologies. Hardware news and interesting things from the world of high-tech. Video: New products in the electronics industry

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The high-tech industry is rapidly developing in the West and around the world. Production, trade and industry require increasingly high-tech solutions; work and leisure are becoming unthinkable without “smart” devices and exact algorithms. Therefore, companies producing hi-tech products are gradually becoming a guiding force in the economy.

New business models, the most progressive economic developments, financial and management solutions are being implemented primarily in this industry. Thanks to this state of affairs, hi-tech production and development is becoming the most progressive business in any country.

This area has the highest salaries and broad career prospects. It is in the development of high technologies that the most ambitious young specialists strive to work.

High-tech development in the new century

The 21st century is a time of global reshaping of national economies. Today, the countries in which the hi-tech industry is most developed are coming to the fore in the world. The export of high technologies seems to be a much more progressive path of development than the export of energy resources that is familiar to our Motherland.

There are many more advantages here: intellectual resources, unlike natural ones, cannot be depleted active use their products, on the contrary, it stimulates their productivity.

Oil and gas will run out very soon if their sales abroad are not limited, but despite the understanding of this fact by economists, politicians and ordinary citizens, the domestic economy continues to sit on the oil needle.

Only active government stimulation of high-tech businesses can solve the problem at its roots.

Russian hi-tech

The Russian hi-tech industry is still very young, but is already known and very respected in the world. At the same time, the level of computerization of the population is depressingly low, high technologies are inaccessible to wide sections of the people, domestic hi-tech products are used mainly in industry, military developments and for export abroad. The most depressing aspect of the evolution of domestic high technology is the so-called brain drain.

Russian helmet virtual reality– Hi-Tech

Young specialists receive high-quality education in Russia, gain experience in our companies, and go to work in Western countries.

In this situation, it is difficult to talk about patriotism - incomparable salaries and working conditions, the much higher value of the employee and the possibility of unlimited exchange of experience and acquisition of new knowledge quite expectedly outweigh ideological considerations.

Hi-tech is coming to the people

Gone are the days when hi-tech developments were the province of scientific laboratories, and their products were used mainly in the development of weapons and tools for internal and external intelligence work. Now even a Russian family with an average income can afford to purchase a number of hi-tech solutions that make life easier and make work and leisure more interesting.

There are, however, also disadvantages of “coming out of the shadows” - complete commercialization and natural privatization of hi-tech business has led to the fact that high-tech developments designed for citizens are forced to survive without government support.

Which, in conditions of powerful competition from abroad and Russians’ distrust of domestic hi-tech, is not an easy task.

However, the young industry is gradually gaining strength, and, according to forecasts of economic analysts, in the near future it will become one of the first places in the world.

Hi-tech is our everything

The term hi-tech covers a very wide range of phenomena. The first thing that comes to mind is computers, and this is quite fair. Namely hardware, on in simple language– computer hardware is an outpost of the high-tech industry. More and more people are buying and upgrading computers, manufacturers software stimulate the release of powerful hardware by creating programs that require significant hardware resources to operate.

Factories for the production of microcircuits and boards are built in Asian countries with cheap resources and personnel, which allows hardware dealers to flexibly regulate prices. Approximately the same situation is developing in the peripheral market computer equipment. And, of course, the production of such hi-tech products as mobile phones is experiencing the most rapid period of growth.

Is there life without technology?

Hi-tech is the basis of Western civilization. A modern person is simply afraid to leave the house without a mobile phone - an eerie feeling of absolute freedom immediately arises due to its unfamiliarity. Without a computer, in turn, it is impossible to live inside the house.

How to find out the weather and current time with date if you don’t have a computer at hand. What to listen to on the subway when your favorite iPod breaks? The sound of wheels and altercations between passengers are not considered options. A person without technology is like a helpless baby who was marooned on a desert island and even deprived of all his toys.

By the way, about children. Now they are exposed to high technologies literally from the cradle, and then do not part with them throughout their lives. On the one hand, devices and gadgets really make life easier and activities more productive. On the other hand, such a significant dependence of humanity on machines can turn into a disaster.

Total technologies

The hi-tech industry covers all layers and classes of the population with its products. Every morning, hundreds of middle managers rush into their offices to sit down at the computer and begin to solve their managerial problems.

At the same time, they themselves and the surrounding office plankton are vigorously communicating on mobile phones about work and leisure, and as soon as the ear, overheated by the heated conversation, is freed from the telephone receiver, the earpiece of an mp3 player is instantly stuck into it.

At this time, housewives are absolutely not inclined to lag behind in communicating with high technologies, quite the contrary. In the era of high-tech, a household without technology is unimaginable, and an advanced epilator, for example, looks like a spare part from a military strategic navigation satellite. Some people like this kind of life, others don’t.

Mobile high-tech is coming

The era of high-tech is steadily advancing on humanity, and its main symbol is mobile phone. A few years ago he acted in this capacity Personal Computer, but the day is not far when mobile phones will compare with them in complexity and functionality.

In essence, a mobile phone and a personal computer are absolutely interchangeable - except, edit electronic documents It's still not very convenient on the phone.

Other functions are already available from your mobile phone:

  • communication;
  • Internet;
  • listening to music;
  • watching films;
  • Reading books.

Another advantage of a mobile phone over a PC is portability. You can take your little electronic friend absolutely everywhere, keeping your finger on the pulse of technology in any situation.

The price advantage can also be considered in the context of this comparison, however, it is temporary.

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Programming in the hi-tech era

Hi-tech is, contrary to popular belief, not only technology, equipment and microcircuits. The world of software and development is also covered by this term.
Programming goes hand in hand with the development of hardware technologies, and, moreover, even stimulates it to progress. A human genius can create a program of any degree of functionality and complexity, up to artificial intelligence, however, such programs require very advanced technology to operate.

In addition to development, hi-tech includes the computer security industry - the more widely a computer is used in business, the more problems can arise if data falls into the wrong hands. Therefore, information security solutions belong to the most advanced areas of development. They cost accordingly, since real professionals, as a rule, want real money for their work.

Hi-tech as a flagship of progress

Hi-tech in the 21st century is developing so rapidly that there is a crisis in science fiction. It is simply impossible to describe invented devices - it always turns out that somewhere in Japan this has already been invented. Even serious analysts find it difficult to predict in exact figures the dynamics of high-tech evolution.

In the era of a globalized economy, it is accelerated by the ability of specialists to be in contact and exchange experiences, and the opportunity to find application for their developments and implementation of projects in any desired country, in addition to the one in which they were born and live, and the availability of other people’s developments for use as a tool, a model and a reason for inspiration.

Hi-tech is exactly the place where the most progressive and far-sighted investors flock, capital is directed and the future itself strives.

Special developments in hi-tech

Hi-tech is now extremely popular, there is a computer in every home, and a mobile phone in every pocket, not to mention the refrigerator and other familiar little things.

However, the main consumer of high-tech developments is not the ordinary citizen. This:

  • army;
  • intelligence services;
  • intelligence service.

Everyone knows the James Bond films with shooting pens and flying cars. As with every artistic exaggeration, there is some truth to this.

British intelligence Mi-8 is known throughout the world as a great connoisseur of high-tech solutions. In many ways, this explains her success.

Spying, listening and recording equipment, code and website hacking programs, means of changing a person’s appearance, electronic security equipment - this is not a complete list of the high-tech arsenal of this organization.

High-tech entertainment

What industry do you think is the most advanced in terms of high-tech? If we leave the army and intelligence agencies aside, we have to admit with amazement that this is the entertainment industry. Hollywood is not just a “dream factory”, but also a place of unrivaled concentration of high technology. The computers on which video special effects are made are more powerful than the machines at NASA.

The entertainment giant is served by a huge internal technical base, and its maintenance is more than paid for by the fees from films shot with the participation of all this equipment. By the way, technology is not only computers on which special effects are “drawn” and complex sound is made, but also cameras, editing equipment, lighting and other equipment that directly “produces the product.”

Heroes of Science and Technology

The high-tech industry is a place where people with big, twisty brains and warm, noble hearts work. Forgetting about peace and sleep, they move progress forward, trying to hasten the coming of the day when all the heavy, boring and uncreative operations will be performed by smart devices for people. And these wonderful characters are already close to their triumph - almost any task can be transferred to a high-tech gadget.

There are debates about whether it is worth inventing artificial intelligence, which will finally liberate human intelligence. Some people are sure that it will be cool, others justifiably say that it’s terribly boring. One way or another, machines are only passive servants of the king of nature, man. With or without intelligence, the main thing is that they remain so.

History of hi-tech

Hi-tech is, as the name implies, the industry of high technology development. It originated in the 20th century, but the exact moment of the beginning of history is difficult to grasp. The roots of the issue go deep into the closed research laboratories of the intelligence services, as well as into private laboratories where lonely geniuses worked.

An industry that fills a number of such important human needs is simply doomed to success. Indeed, today high-tech is in everyone's sight. This branch of the economy is developing both in Western countries and in third world countries, where factories for the production of microcircuits and devices are mainly built.

Russia also strives to keep up with the technological development of the world as a whole. And, in general, it keeps up with him, giving more and more reasons to be proud of his native country.

Japan is the capital of high technology. The world center for the development, production, release and sale of computers and other devices has practically moved there.

They are incredibly affordable at home, so even students go everywhere with iPod headphones in their ears and can afford a very advanced smartphone.

The situation in China is somewhat different: the ideology of the ruling party is not too inclined to allow citizens to indulge in luxury, so equipment at minimal prices is sent mainly for export. China, unlike Japan, is more of a manufacturing country than a development country. However, even here the creative genius of high-tech specialists does not die.

New center of world technologies

India deserves special attention as the eastern capital of high-tech. Extremely low level life and belonging to third world countries are amazingly combined with the intellectual potential of its inhabitants. Indicative is the fact that about a quarter of programmers working in Microsoft, came from India.

Despite the lack of computerization of the population as a class there, Indians are breaking into the forefront of high-tech due to a great desire to start a new life in a rich, developed country. The USA – this country, among other things, conducts hyperactive headhunting in lagging countries. This process brings huge profits to companies - the employees acquired in this way are extremely:

  • hardworking;
  • loyal to the employer;
  • modest in their demands.

A turning point in the history of Russian hi-tech

In the USA, personnel from Russia are especially valued - in their native country they have become accustomed to working in extremely unpresentable conditions, and having received a separate office and a free apartment in America, they find no reason to return. However, now this situation is changing.

The state and people realized that high-tech is the most progressive direction in industry. Russia is famous in the world for its devices for fine measurements and other specific, non-everyday tasks. This is exactly the niche that our country can occupy while others are improving

  • computers;
  • Cell phones;
  • entertainment gadgets.

Hi-tech and communications

Previously, everyone strongly associated high-tech with computers. Now they come to the fore communication technologies. Communication and interaction are the basis of the modern digital economy of Western countries, so the best minds go into the production of communication equipment, communication technologies and improving networks.

This does not mean that people do not need computers - they need services such as:

  • computer telephony;
  • video conferencing;
  • system integration and other network solutions.

Leading equipment manufacturers are beginning to switch to communications - Comptek, Cisco Systems and even Fujitsu have long been famous in the world for their products.

High-quality communication technology immeasurably facilitates the work of a company, from a small start-up to a large corporation. That is why its price is quite high.

Computer era hi-tech

Is there life without a computer? Fewer and fewer young people today are inclined to answer this question in the affirmative.

We have become so familiar with high technologies that without them we don’t feel human. Without a computer, a standard middle manager feels in an information vacuum. Moreover, sometimes a person does not even know what to do when his favorite gadget is not at hand - a computer, laptop, smartphone, or at least a mobile phone.

Perhaps these are alarming symptoms, but most likely they are simply the growing pains of civilization. Humanity has caught up with new toys, but someday this period will be replaced by satiety with high-tech. In the meantime, when fundamentally new technology appears every day, and the old one is rapidly falling in price, this glorious time is still far away.

Technology is man's best friend

Hi-tech is:

  • high tech;
  • enormous speeds;
  • processing large amounts of data;
  • continuous improvement of the interface.

In other words, hi-tech is evolution in its modern manifestation. This industry concentrates the smartest people, the most competent managers, new technologies of organization and management. It feeds with its developments such industries as:

  • astronautics;
  • medicine;
  • ecology;
  • safety;
  • communications;
  • education;
  • agro-industry;
  • weapons, and many others.

And in everyday life, people encounter high technologies every day. At work - computer, in the car - on-board computer, Houses - Appliances, while walking and on the road - a mobile phone for constant communication.

Video: New products in the electronics industry

At a past event electric quad bike.Dubbed the Cyberquad, Musk confirmed on Twitter that the two-person vehicle will be available (at least initially) as an option for Cybertruck buyers.

The ATV follows the angular design of a pickup truck and at the presentation easily drove into the back of the Cybertruck along a folding ramp (including due to the car’s adjustable air suspension). At the same time, while loaded on the Cybertruck, the all-terrain vehicle can be connected to the on-board electrical network of the pickup truck to recharge the batteries directly during transportation.

There's still no word on the Cyberquad's capabilities or potential cost, but early owners of the upcoming pickup truck will receive the angular, zero-emissions all-terrain vehicle included with their purchase.

In several other tweets, Musk indicated that there would be a pickup truck variant with solar battery, capable of generating enough energy to travel 15 miles a day. He also commented, noting that the earlier throws had not damaged the window, and eventually posted a time-lapse video of lead designer Franz von Holzhausen's previous attempt, in which the metal ball throw did not damage the glass.

Tim Cook met with Mr. Trump more than once during his presidency. He sat on one of the administration's business advisory councils in 2017 and was one of the few who remained after Elon Musk and Travis Kalanick left. Tim Cook is also a member of the Office of the President's Workforce Policy Advisory Council and has participated in several White House meetings related to that council.

"He's the one who calls me, Mr. Trump noted in August when asked about his relationship with Tim Cook. — That's why he's a great leader, because he calls me and others don't. Others avoid it and hire very expensive consultants, and Tim Cook calls Donald Trump directly.". Also after dinner with the head of Apple, President

Shopping addiction should be considered a mental disorder, according to experts from the Hannover Medical School in Germany. Scientists did not find a connection between shopping addiction and the gender, age or level of education of patients - representatives of different social groups were equally susceptible to the disorder.

19.11.2019, 08:10

Aluminum oxide glass: you can forget about splinters

A team of scientists from the University of Tampere in Finland has created thin films of glassy aluminum oxide that can be stretched, compressed and bent without cracking at room temperature. These properties make it possible to create non-fragile glass, but the technology for producing large-scale products from this material does not yet exist.

15.11.2019, 08:05

13.11.2019, 08:05

Will RoboBee replace real bees?

Scientists from Harvard University reported that a robot bee made its first independent flight. A robot called RoboBee has been in development for about a decade, and only now has it been able to take off without using an external power source - all previous developments were connected to a separate battery using a thin cable.

12.11.2019, 07:55

Robots of the future: clumsiness will not hurt them

Researchers from Disney Research, led by Günter Niemeyer, found out what a robot's movements should be when interacting with a person. During the experiments, the robot and the volunteer passed a plastic ring to each other, and after that the person rated the warmth of his attitude towards the robot, as well as the discomfort from the interaction in different modes of operation of the robot.

29.10.2019, 08:10

The cooling effect will be provided by spirals

A group of scientists from Brazil, China and the United States demonstrated a prototype refrigerator that uses a mechanism that is fundamentally different from the one on which all modern cooling devices are based. Instead of a compressor that compresses freon, it uses elastic spirals made of metal, polyethylene or even rubber.

28.10.2019, 08:03

22.10.2019, 08:18

"Smart" eRosary rosary reacts to the cross

The official Vatican together with GadgeTek Inc. Released eRosary “smart” rosaries, designed to attract young Catholics who are interested in modern technology. This is a bracelet assembled from ten agate and hematite beads, as well as a metal cross in which an electronic filling is hidden. The device works in tandem with a smartphone, for which a special Click to Pray application has been developed.

18.10.2019, 09:31

Before robots human brain we are still very far away

Every second popular science publication reported that “a mouse brain was able to live for a month outside the skull,” and some even talked about “revival of the brain.” Reality, as usual, is very different from journalistic fantasies.

14.10.2019, 09:39

Apple's augmented reality glasses: maybe by the fifth generation everything will work out

Ming-Chi Kuo, an analyst who has been publishing correct predictions regarding upcoming Apple technology models for several years, said that the company will launch production of augmented reality glasses at the end of this year. The presentation of the device is scheduled for the second quarter of 2020. Even if the leak from Kuo were the only one, this information would be worth believing, but recently additional information: mention of Apple's augmented reality headset found in program code iOS 13.

11.10.2019, 06:25

The future of flying cars lies with Chinese saucers

At the China Helicopter Exposition held in China, a “flying saucer” was presented. Of course, it has nothing to do with aliens. This aircraft is called the Super Great White Shark, and, according to the manufacturer, thanks to its disc-shaped shape, it will be able to reach speeds of up to 650 kilometers per hour.

08.10.2019, 20:22

From “Nobel Prize” to “Ig Nobel Prize”

There are many controversies surrounding the Nobel Prize, and every year they flare up with new strength: either they gave it to the unworthy, or they didn’t give it to the worthy... But if you remember the history of the award, it becomes clear that the committee rarely makes mistakes. Among the laureates are people who have truly made a huge contribution to the development of humanity. In addition to criticism of the Nobel Prize, there is even an actual parody of it - we are talking about the Ig Nobel Prize.

07.10.2019, 06:15

Do we want to touch on-screen keyboard?

Apple has patented an on-screen keyboard that you can feel. According to the patent, using new technology It will be possible to imitate not only the resistance characteristic of the keys being pressed, but also the texture of their surface.

04.10.2019, 06:42

7 days without recharging: about a bright electric future

Scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago have developed a working prototype of an innovative lithium-carbon dioxide battery. The main advantage of the new type of battery over existing lithium-ion batteries is energy density.

03.10.2019, 06:51

Birth of the SOS signal

On October 3, 1906, an international distress signal known as "SOS" was approved. Distress signals existed before, but they were transmitted using semaphore flags, lights or even bells. It is clear that it is impossible to send such a signal over a long distance. Radio waves are capable of delivering a signal at the speed of light to the other end of the Earth.

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