How to exit full screen mode on a laptop. How to exit full screen mode in chrome: problems.

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Since each program has its own differences in interface, it may not be obvious to users what to do to perform a particular function. Below we will talk about the most popular problems with logging out. full screen mode.

How to exit full screen mode in Firefox

Most often, you end up in full-screen browser mode by accident. Having encountered an unusual display, users rush to return to the familiar, without having tried all the advantages of an undeservedly ignored function. It is noteworthy that Firefox supports full-screen mode on any device, from miniature netbooks to huge HD displays, allowing you to use all the functionality of the device to the maximum. If you don’t have enough of the usual toolbar, just move the cursor to the edge of the window and the menu items will appear.

  • to return to familiar look, go to “Settings” on the right top corner browser and click on the “Full Screen” button inside (clicking again will return full screen mode);
  • An alternative way to exit is to press the F11 button on the keyboard (for laptops it can be Fn+F11, if there is a compact type of button arrangement).

How to exit full screen mode in Google Chrome

A popular browser from Google that has proven itself among Windows users, may spontaneously go into full screen mode on Ubuntu OC. This causes a lot of inconvenience to PC owners and requires additional clarification. So, in order to “wean” Chrome from opening in full screen mode (it will also work on Windows), we will perform the following sequence of actions:

  • launch the Chrome browser;
  • if the window expands to full screen, switch to another monitor;
  • on the latter we launch another copy of the browser;
  • we return to the first monitor and close the first copy by right-clicking on the bottom panel with the list of open windows;
  • we go to the next monitor, with a “double” of Chrome, which should launch in a regular window (or we switch it to windowed mode through the settings\buttons in the upper right corner);
  • close the windowed copy, launch Chrome again - the problem should disappear, the browser remembers the last windowed launch and restores it in each new session.

How to exit full screen mode in games?

Switching to windowed mode can make a gamer's life easier in many ways. This makes it easier to interact with others at the same time running programs. In windowed mode, games require less PC resources, some stop displaying a “dark screen”, “slow down” or create other problems. Switching the game to windowed mode is as easy as shelling pears - usually this feature is turned on and off in the options by simply checking the checkbox. If the developers, for various reasons, did not provide this opportunity, for Windows there are universal key combinations that put any program into windowed mode. Try pressing Esc, F11, or Alt+Enter one at a time to determine which buttons work with specific software.

Despite the fact that only two browsers were discussed in the article, all other programs function in a completely similar way. To switch to windowed mode and back from any program, use the specified hotkey combinations or carefully examine the program settings to find the desired option.

Not everyone knows how to run the game in windowed mode, but most users have come up with a similar idea. Sometimes due to the inconvenience of switching between other programs, since minimizing one game every time to look in another place does not always have a positive effect on the nerves of the player. Sometimes due to the lack of opportunity in a particular game to take a screenshot using PrtScrn and Paint, because some people only copy black windows instead of a full image. Sometimes due to the small screen resolution provided by the game, which is why you have to look at an imperfectly clear image, provided that your monitor is much larger. Sometimes because of other, more compelling reasons. In any case, from the article you will learn how to run the game in windowed mode, for whatever purpose you need this knowledge.

Method 1: Keyboard shortcut

The first thing you can try is to press Alt+Enter at the same time. This is not only the easiest way, but also the most effective, since this is how we can switch most games to the mode we need. If you get tired of it, just press the above-mentioned key combination again and the full screen mode will return and you can continue the game as before.

This method is convenient and easy, for which it is appreciated by everyone who knows it. Another thing is that not all games support such a command. In this case, you can also try pressing other keys that are similar to “Alt+Enter”: F11 or Ctrl+F.

Method 2: Shortcut Properties

This method is the most unreliable, since it simply does not work with many games (at least modern ones). However, you still need to know the “how”. You can also launch the game in windowed mode by adding a certain inscription to the game shortcut, which in most cases is located on the desktop. Most often "-window" works. When this doesn't work, you can try inserting the "-w" or "-win" command.

So, where and how to enter. We go to the desktop and right-click on the shortcut of the desired game to go to “properties”. There we see a highlighted line called “object”, which shows the location of the game itself and adds “exe” at the end. This is where we need to register our commands. At the very end you put an extra space, after which you add “-window” (without quotes, of course). Then click “OK” and open the game in windowed mode, if this really worked.

Method 3: Settings

Since the windowed mode in games is of interest to many users, the creators notice this, and therefore strive to make the conditions for their clients as comfortable as possible. In this case, you do not have to press keys or change the properties of the shortcut. Sometimes it’s enough just to go into the game settings and rummage through them in search of interesting things.

So, most often the screen settings are located in the “graphics” or “video” sections. It is there that you can see the words “Full screen”, “In a window”, “Windowed mode”, etc. with a checkbox that can be checked or removed. Sometimes you need to restart the game for new settings to take effect, take this into account and try to change settings not at the moment when you have an important unsaved mission at stake.

Some games offer you to select windowed/fullscreen mode immediately when starting the game. However, if you asked the question “how to run the game in windowed mode,” then it’s unlikely that your toy offers you this.


That's it, now you know how to make a windowed game mode, and you can try to apply the information received in practice. However, I would like to remind you that some games “eat” more when launched in this mode, i.e. full-fledged requires less power. If you understand that your computer cannot handle windowed mode, it is better not to take risks. However, not all games react this way, but only some, so you simply must try it. Remember how to run the game in windowed mode, because this may come in handy later even if you are not an avid gamer.

Those who have been working with the Google Chrome browser for a long time have probably noticed more than once that the system sometimes functions in a rather incomprehensible way. Chrome can take a long and tedious time to ask the user for permission to activate full-screen mode on absolutely any site (especially on YouTube, where a similar message appears when watching every video). Well, we can’t even talk about other Internet resources.

How to remove full screen mode in the Google Chrome browser

The setting responsible for display resolution in full screen mode is written into memory by the program separately for each resource. An incredibly huge amount of time must pass before this type messages will stop bothering the user with endless notifications that ask you to confirm your own action.

Thus, in order to completely stop further occurrences of a request of this kind, you will have to type the following value in the address line:

chrome: // settings / content Exceptions # fullscreen

Or you can do this: go to the settings menu, then go to the personal data section, go to Fullscreen or Full Screen, and then go to the section responsible for controlling the exception system.

A small window will appear in front of you, where each individual exception for full screen mode is registered. In order for the web browser to consider almost every site visited by the user as being on the exclusion list, you will need to edit absolutely any line located in the list. All you need to do is left-click on the host:

This screenshot shows the only allowed host - YouTube. You'll have to edit that one.

Instead of an address name that looks something like this:

[ * ] www. youtube. com

You can only enter the value:

After that, click on the button to complete the process and save the entered data. The entry that was being edited will instantly disappear, which means that Chrome will no longer prompt for all actions that are associated with activating full-screen mode.

But, alas, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the message that provides the user with information that a certain site will activate full screen mode upon startup. However, a message of this kind is not at all the same as the annoying inscriptions “normal operation mode” and “allow action”.

Problems with full screen mode in the Google Chrome browser

There are cases when a user is unable to watch a video on the popular YouTube service in full screen mode. Decide this problem There are several available ways:

  • To get started, we recommend that you review all Additional materials, as well as browser extensions. You need to make sure that those add-ons or extensions that are already installed in the browser system do not prohibit turning on and viewing video material in full screen mode. If necessary, you will have to change the settings of the appropriate type.
  • You can also restart Google Chrome or your device. If the full screen mode refuses to be activated, you can restart the Chrome browser or the device itself. It may also be that your browser does not support full screen mode.

And today in this short article I will tell you how to exit full-screen mode in the browser?!

How to exit full screen mode in the browser easily?

In fact, it is no coincidence that I brought up this topic. It just happened yesterday that I basically pressed something on the keyboard in combination with the touchpad. And as a result, my Chrome browser went into full screen mode. After that, to be honest, I made several attempts to return everything back, so to speak, to its original form. But, alas, nothing worked out for me!

Fortunately, more than one browser is installed on the computer; we managed to find a solution on the Internet. But of course, it is not a lifesaver for everyone. Perhaps it will suit you.

So, to exit full screen mode, you just need to press the F11 key on your computer. Hope this helps you! At least it helped me!!! If this does not give you the desired result, try pressing the Esc key.

After doing this, the problem should be resolved and you will be back to your favorite browser! Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. Of course, the article turned out to be short, but you will immediately understand what you need to do to exit full-screen mode! Good luck!

Best regards, Maxim Obukhov!!!

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