Template for creating a newspaper. Publisher: your own designer and layout designer. How to prepare school publications: newsletters, newspapers, notes, etc. on the computer? Create newspaper columns for part of a document using the Columns icon

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I bring to your attention practical recommendations on how to design various elements of a newspaper in various ways. This methodological manual, based on the experience of creating the newspaper “My College,” presents in detail the stages of creating a newspaper for an educational institution.
The benefit includes: content, introduction, steps required when creating a newspaper for an educational institution, examples of the design of a newspaper title, detailed practical recommendations for issue design, list of used literature.
The presentation of the material in the manual is accompanied by a large number of illustrations and is presented in accessible language.
Relevance of the topic is associated with the need to use publications in the educational process that reflect the activities of the educational institution.
Goal of the work: promote the formation of a general understanding of working with the Microsoft Publisher application and the use of graphic editors for the design of printed publications.
- involve PC users in interactive activities;
- develop the cognitive and creative activity of PC users;
- maintain and develop the interest of PC users in working with publications;
- develop imagination, memory, logical thinking;
- instill interest in information reflecting the life of the educational institution;
- improve the information culture of PC users;
- cultivate perseverance, innovative thinking, and the ability to make decisions.
The newspaper remains the simplest and most accessible publication, and therefore many educational institutions begin their publishing activities with the newspaper, then mastering more complex forms. And since creating a press center in an educational institution is a complex process, assistance is needed in realizing the opportunity for its manifestation. This methodological guide helps to develop a general understanding of working with the Microsoft Publisher application and the use of graphic editors for the design of printed publications.
The newspaper of Chasha College has been published since April 2005. Based on many years of experience in publishing, we can share our recommendations for organizing the editorial activities of an educational institution. First of all, I would like to draw attention to the technical component of the project of creating a newspaper: there is no need to purchase complex software and a powerful computer, there is no need to enter into printing agreements with printing houses, there is no need to create a complex structure of the editorial board. The newspaper consists of two sheets of A4 format and a volume of 8 pages, each page is in A5 format. The newspaper is typed in Microsoft Publisher; for this program to work, there is no need to install additional applications; everything runs on the Windows operating system platform of any version and is printed on a regular office printer. There is a person responsible for publishing the newspaper, an information technology teacher who fully controls the process of creating the newspaper and is responsible for the timely printing of the next issue. The editorial board includes students of the educational institution and members of the journalistic circle. The newspaper is aimed mainly at college students, teachers and staff of the educational institution. We have found the optimal combination of information materials related to the conduct of educational and educational activities, and information from the history of the educational institution, copyright and other materials. The attractiveness of the newspaper is also facilitated by the fact that students see in it a reflection of all cultural events in the life of an educational institution. Our newspaper has become a reflection of the life of Chasha College.
This manual reveals the intricacies of working in the Microsoft Publisher program, shows how to create a newspaper template in this program, how you can set up a printer to print an issue, offers practical recommendations for creating a newspaper design, designing a newspaper title, highlighting headings, pre-processing photographs and layout rubrics The excessive detail in the presentation of the material is explained by the desire to convey information to a wide range of users.
This manual is recommended for members of the teaching staff of educational institutions interested in creating an original newspaper, as well as students ready to create their own printed publication.
Over the many years of publication of the newspaper, the appearance of the headline and design changed several times. The policy of the student newspaper “My College” remained unchanged: a minimum of negativity, our publications are only creative in nature. The main idea of ​​the newspaper: “Everything passes, but if you want to turn around, leave behind a good memory.”
Microsoft Office Publisher (formerly Microsoft Publisher) is a desktop publishing system developed by Microsoft Corporation. This is an entry-level application that differs from Microsoft Office Word in that its emphasis is on designing page layouts rather than designing and proofreading text. Microsoft Publisher is proprietary software included in the Microsoft Office suite. The name of the program comes from the word “publisher”, that is, a program designed to produce a variety of publications. Office Publisher includes new and improved tools to help you effectively create, customize, and reuse a variety of customized marketing materials.
The Microsoft Publisher program has been allowing the Chashin College newspaper to be published for many years. Using its intuitive interface, you can easily master this difficult task - a journalistic reflection of student life. But if we are talking about a school newspaper, then there is no difference. So, if you need a newspaper layout for an educational institution, you can use our experience. The most important thing in this matter is the desire to leave your mark on the history of the educational institution.

The complete Microsoft Office suite includes Microsoft Publisher. The 2007 version makes it very convenient to save files in PDF format, which was not the case in previous versions. But in general, this program has not changed as dramatically as in the case of Microsoft Word.
You will only need to make the initial layout of the newspaper once; then you can only format the newspaper, deleting old material and inserting new articles in this place, without forgetting to rename the file itself and the numbering of the issue.
Let's start by launching the program in any way known to you. After activating the program shortcut, the initial program window appears.

From the variety of layouts offered, select “Quick Publishing”. This action was done once nine years ago and has not changed since then.

Among the templates, “Colored Ribbon” was chosen; this template has a minimum of elements.

The template shown is for one sheet only. We produce an 8-sheet newspaper, so you will have to add more by clicking on one. Select “Add Page” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that appears, mark the required number of pages by checking “After current”

Seven pages appear, but they are scattered, which is very inconvenient for editing, and therefore for printing the issue. Click on any of the pages and select “View on two pages”

As a result, the pages will be connected in pairs, which means you can already begin the procedure for creating a number.

For convenience, you need to close the “Publication Formatting” window

In this mode, it is convenient to view the publication; to edit the text, press the F9 key, which will allow you to zoom in on the publication.

Before you start typing, you need to save the publication on your computer.

This is done in the standard way: “Save as”, select the desired folder. If in the future you publish several issues, you should first put the year in the file name, then the month and the name of the newspaper.

If your computer has a printer installed, you should configure printing. For nine years we used the same printer to print all issues. I suspect that the described settings may not be suitable for another printer; an individual approach is needed in each case. In any case, select “Print Settings”
In the window that appears, change the size to A3, the orientation to landscape.

These settings allow you to change the print settings, you must select “Booklet, top fold. This parameter appears fourth and works with scrolling.

For the Canon LBP 3200 printer, the printer properties window looks like this; for other models there should not be any significant differences in the parameters.

If you click on the "Print" button, the options should appear as follows. Thanks to these settings, we will be able to print a newspaper issue on two A4 sheets; when folded in half, they will represent a single issue. For a monthly review this is quite enough. There are a lot of events going on: various events, competitions, etc. So we count one page for each event. The convenience of the Microsoft Publisher program is that it allows you to print numbers without going to the printing house.
As examples of the design of the name of the newspaper, we will give examples from later design solutions. In any of the projects, the following parameters remained unchanged: the name itself, the coat of arms of the newspaper (not to be confused with the coat of arms of the college), type of publication, year and month of publication. In the latest versions, text about the initial publication has been added.
Anyone who has not solved the problem of monthly publication of a student newspaper cannot imagine the complexity of the process. If a newspaper is published monthly, at least for a year, then the person responsible for the publication can be proud of his work.

Our newspaper was published for the seventieth time in April 2013. This means that information about these years spent by students in college has been preserved. The paper version of the newspaper is much more useful than online publications. There is a greater chance of being read many years later. We periodically remind our readers of this. All newspaper design is done using graphic editors. Adobe Photoshop CS or other versions are excellent for solving any issues related to this.

If you have passed the stage of choosing a newspaper name and found a wonderful phrase (it is generally accepted that the most optimal newspaper name consists of two words), you are ready to design this name in your unique style. I suggest doing this in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Write the selected name in the slide that opens.

To enhance the visual effect, we will break the inscription in different fonts. In this case, we used the compilation “Beautiful Russian fonts v1.2”.

To make the name of the newspaper stand out, you need to choose a background for it. To do this, we create another slide in the presentation, on which we will set a certain background.

Next, both slides must be saved as a picture in JPEG format, for which you need to select “Other formats” when saving, and select the desired format in the window that opens.

A window will definitely appear asking you to specify how many slides to save. If you select "All slides", they will be saved in a separate folder. Specify the exact save location.

For further work on the title design, you will need Adobe Photoshop CS. We launch this graphic editor and open in it a picture with the name of the newspaper. This picture was saved without any background, which is needed for further editing.

Using the “Magic Wand” tool, we will select an area outside the text. Don’t forget about the spaces inside the letters (select while holding down the “Shift” key). After that, we invert the selection, we only need the text.

Now copy the selected area and paste it into a previously opened image with a background. So that the inscription is not ordinary, we will use a simple method: we will make two layers with the name of the newspaper, layer by layer we will remove unnecessary words with an eraser. Let's display words at different levels. Next, we flatten the layers and select a certain area and copy the selection.

The result should be a field with a name; on both sides of the name we will place the coat of arms of the newspaper and the name of the printed publication with the date of issue.

An important component of the design of any newspaper is the presence of its emblem; we will talk about the coat of arms. We'll tell you how to make a coat of arms, as they say, from scratch.

You need to take a suitable picture, determine where to place the text, remove the free field using an eraser and apply text to it. Rounded text looks good.

After completing the development of the base of the coat of arms, we will combine the images. You need to select a second image, preferably with translucent elements. The main image should be cut out using appropriate tools.

After the images are combined, we make adjustments and save the image in the required format. The resulting image is ready to use.

In the same editor we combine the coat of arms and the name of the newspaper.

Paste the resulting image into the document.

Speaking about newspaper design, it is necessary to decide on a single style that distinguishes this publication from all similar ones, making the newspaper recognizable and unique.

You need to start with the name, and you need to work with original fonts. In the title we indicate the name of the publication and the date of publication of the issue. You can place a photograph that symbolizes the educational institution and the motto of the newspaper.

We highlight the names of the categories in a single style using AutoShapes.

For the AutoShape, let’s create a fill that matches the background of the name and adjust its dimensions. Next, we will apply an inscription to the autoshape corresponding to the name of the category.

When designing the following pages, you need to add a title corresponding to the article and a serial number. Page numbers are convenient to use when printing numbers, for the correct solution of duplex printing. We use central pages for large articles. When selecting a design, you should take into account the fact that in a color image the inscriptions are seen differently than in monochrome printing. All inscriptions are made as contrasting as possible. You should not get carried away with frequent design changes; the reader should get used to the image of the newspaper; if necessary, the entire design should be changed.
The placement of photographs is very important for a newspaper. All photographic materials, given the small format of the publication, should be as informative as possible. It is better to give up photography altogether than to post a small image. Ideally, the picture should be at least a third of the sheet. Using the built-in functions of the editor, we will crop and flip the image if necessary.

In the free space we place the inscription for the text. The scale of the newspaper does not allow text to be placed in columns, which greatly facilitates the work of preparing the issue for printing. When combining photographs, you should use the change in the order of image overlay.

The editor himself must determine the ratio of text and pictures, but in any case he must be guided by a simple rule: the newspaper is made for the reader, who expects the issue to be as informative as possible.
You can get acquainted with the archival material of the Chasha College newspaper “My College” using the link published below.
1. Kiselev, S.V. Computer operator: a textbook for beginners. prof. education / S. V. Kiselev. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006.
2. Grishin, V.N. Information technologies in professional activities:
Textbook. Grishin, V.N., Panfilova E.E. - M: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2005.
3. Intel "Training for the Future": textbook. manual. - 4th ed., revised - M.: Publishing and trading house "Russian Edition", 2004
4. Rimmer, V.N. Basics of journalistic skills: educational and methodological manual / V.N. Rimmer - Volgograd, 1997.
5. Roshchina, E.I. Making a school newspaper: methodological recommendations / E.N. Roshchina - Orel, 2004. School newspaper. Materials


This article will teach you how to create newspapers using Microsoft Word. Create an idea of ​​what your newspaper will look like, then bring it to life in Word on your Windows or Mac computer.


Part 1 Project

  1. 1 Look through several different newspapers. Consider the relative position of the basic elements of a newspaper to understand the principles of layout and placement on paper:
    • Materials- the main content, which accounts for the bulk of the text.
    • Images- Illustrations and photographs are also important elements of the newspaper. They separate large blocks of text and add context to the stories.
    • Headings- the first thing the reader pays attention to when deciding to read or not read the material.
  2. 2 Consider the dimensions of the printer. If you do not have an industrial-scale printer, then the matter will be limited to the paper size of 210 by 297 millimeters, which most printers support.
    • This size matches the default page size setting for Word on most computers.
  3. 3 Think about your page layout in advance. Before you open Word and begin formatting, you should have a general idea of ​​the layout of your future newspaper. Take a few sheets of scratch paper and sketch out a few options.
    • Consider the design of different pages. The front page will be significantly different from the rest of the newspaper pages, just as the sections should be stylistically different from each other.
    • Draw a few lines to figure out the filling. If there are too many columns, the text will be very compressed, and not enough columns will make the page disjointed.
    • Try different placements of blocks of text on your draft page. Place the image within the text, above or below the story material.
    • Choose an appropriate location for the title. It should grab the reader's attention, but a headline that is too large will distract from the text.

Part 2 Implementation

  1. 1 Open Microsoft Word. Double-click the Word icon, which looks like a white "W" on a blue background.
  2. 2 Click Create. The white rectangle is located at the top left of the screen. This will open a new document.
    • Skip this step on Mac computers.
  3. 3 Indicate the name of the newspaper. Print the name of the newspaper or your desired headline on the page.
  4. 4 Start on a new line. Press the ⌅ Enter button in the document to go to a new line.
    • This step will allow you to add columns, but at the same time leave the name of the newspaper as is.
  5. 5 Click Page Layout. This tab is located on the blue ribbon at the top of the Word window. This will open a toolbar in the ribbon. Page layout.
  6. 6 Click Columns. This item is on the left side of the panel Page layout. A drop-down menu will appear on the screen.
  7. 7 Click More Columns…. This item is at the bottom of the list Columns. A window with additional options will appear.
  8. 8 Select the number of columns. For example, click Two at the top of the window to divide your newspaper into two columns.
    • You can also specify a number in the "Number of Columns" field by selecting the required number.
  9. 9 Select the "Apply" drop-down menu. The field is located in the lower left part of the window.
  10. 10 Select Until end of document. Select this item from the drop-down menu to apply the number of columns to the entire document except the header.
  11. 11 Click OK. After this, the Word document will be divided into the selected number of columns.
  12. 12 Add text content. Start with the title, then press the ⌅ Enter button and type the section. When you get to the end, leave a couple of blank lines and then enter the next heading and type the next section.
    • As you enter text, the columns will be filled from left to right.
  13. 13 Insert photos. Click where you want to insert the photo in the newspaper, then click tab Insert, then Drawing, select an image and click Insert in the lower right corner of the window.
    • The photo can be reduced or enlarged by dragging the corner of the image.
    • Click on a photo, then select a tab Format, Further Text wrapping, then choose a wrap option to wrap the text around the image.
  14. 14 Center the newspaper title. Click tab home, highlight the title text, and then click the Align Center icon, which looks like centered horizontal lines in the Paragraph block.
  15. 15 Change the newspaper format. The program allows you to add many different details before saving, but the most commonly changed parameters are:
    • Font and text size- select the part of the text that you want to change, then click on the downward arrow to the right of the current font in the "Font" block of the tab home. Now select the new font and font size from the numeric drop-down list next to the font.
    • Bold title style- highlight the title you want to change, then press AND in the "Font" block to make the text bold. You can also press the buttons H or TO to choose whether to underline or italicize text.
  16. 16 Save the newspaper. Press ^ Ctrl + S (Windows) or ⌘ Command + S (Mac) to save the newspaper, then select a folder to save, enter a name and click Save. Your newspaper is ready!
  • Choose a comfortable newspaper font like Arial Narrow. If you want your craft to really look like a real newspaper, then find out what fonts newspaper people use most often. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about fonts for newspapers at different times.


  • Select "Black and White" printing to avoid wasting excess ink in the printer.

    Open Microsoft Word. Double-click the Word icon, which looks like a white "W" on a blue background.

  1. Click Create.

    The white rectangle is located at the top left of the screen. This will open a new document.

    • Skip this step on Mac computers.

  2. Indicate the name of the newspaper. Print the name of the newspaper or your desired headline on the page.

  3. Start on a new line.

    Click the button

    in the document to go to a new line.

    • This step will allow you to add columns, but at the same time leave the name of the newspaper as is.

  4. Click Page Layout. This tab is located on the blue ribbon at the top of the Word window. This will open a toolbar in the ribbon. Page layout.

  5. Click Columns. This item is on the left side of the panel Page layout. A drop-down menu will appear on the screen.

  6. Click More Columns…. This item is at the bottom of the list Columns. A window with additional options will appear.

  7. Select the number of columns.

    For example, click

    Two at the top of the window to divide your newspaper into two columns.

    • You can also specify a number in the “Number of Columns” field by selecting the required number.

  8. Select the Apply drop-down menu. The field is located in the lower left part of the window.

  9. Select Until end of document. Select this item from the drop-down menu to apply the number of columns to the entire document except the header.

  10. Click OK. After this, the Word document will be divided into the selected number of columns.

  11. Add text content.

    Start with the title, then click the button

    and print the section. When you get to the end, leave a couple of blank lines and then enter the next heading and type the next section.

    • As you enter text, the columns will be filled from left to right.

  12. Insert photos.

    Click where you want to insert the photo in the newspaper, then click tab

    Insert, then

    Drawing, select an image and click

    Insert in the lower right corner of the window.

    • The photo can be reduced or enlarged by dragging the corner of the image.
    • Click on a photo, then select a tab Format, Further Text wrapping, then choose a wrap option to wrap the text around the image.

  13. Center the newspaper title. Click tab home, highlight the title text, and then click the Align Center icon of centered horizontal lines in the Paragraph block.

  14. Change the newspaper format.

    The program allows you to add many different details before saving, but the most commonly changed parameters are:

    • Font and text size- select the part of the text that you want to change, then click the downward arrow to the right of the current font in the “Font” block of the tab home. Now select the new font and font size from the numeric drop-down list next to the font.
    • Bold title style- highlight the title you want to change, then press AND in the Font block to make the text bold. You can also press the buttons H or TO to choose whether to underline or italicize text.

  15. Save the newspaper. Press the keyboard shortcut ^ Ctrl+S (Windows) or ⌘ Command+S (Mac) to save the newspaper, then select a folder to save, enter a name and click Save. Your newspaper is ready!

Creating a newspaper or newsletter is rewarding and rewarding. With its help, you can tell your family the latest news or tell employees about new events in the life of the company, or even show, say, students what journalism is! The Microsoft Word editor makes it possible to create newspapers and newsletters without any problems, which we will actually tell you about now.

Method 1 of 3: Newspaper Design
Take some newspapers.

Get inspired by what you see on newsstands. Look and think what is successful and what is not so good. Watch and learn how to position headings and images to attract the reader. Try to understand how all these basic elements of a newspaper interact.

  • Stories are the essence of the newspaper, most of the text.
  • Images are also important because they break up walls of text and provide context for stories. Captions that explain the meaning of the images are also important.
  • Headings are the first thing the reader will see. It is the headlines that help readers understand whether they will buy the newspaper or not.
  • Sidebars - These provide additional information about the topic of the story.

Before starting work, you need to think over a template. Exactly. It's a good idea to have a sketch of what the newspaper should look like in your head or in your drafts before you even open your word processor.

Draw different pages. The first page is significantly different from the rest, and different sections may have slightly different styles. Draw the lines to see how the columns affect the look of the page. Too many columns - the text seems too crowded. Too few columns - everything seems somehow blocky, angular... Arrange text blocks differently. Place text around images, place an image below or above the text, in general - see for yourself. Experiment with the position of the headings. Headings, as you remember, should attract readers' attention, but not distract them.

Decide on the page size. In America, for example, the standard format is 37x55 centimeters. Yes, you can do something different in a text editor - but will you print such sheets on a home printer?

Refer to the newsletter format. So, just two columns and a standard A4 sheet. The fold of newspaper sheets still affects the design. A regular newspaper is folded in half horizontally to keep important content on the top half of the front page.

Collect all your articles in suitable formats. If you're into design, you'll likely have articles from a variety of authors. Make sure that you can work with the format of these articles so that there are no problems later.

Method 2 of 3: Making a Newspaper
Create a new document in a text editor.

Once Word is open, you can either simply create a new document or create one from a template.

  • Templates: Template menu, Newsletter section. There you can choose from a variety of templates created by Microsoft. These templates often include instructions on how to change the text and images. Templates are an option for those who are in a hurry and want to make a newspaper as quickly as possible.
  • Those who want to do everything themselves can choose to simply create a new document.

Change the page size. If you have chosen a newsletter format, you can leave the default dimensions. If you want a full-scale newspaper, you will have to change a few things:

Open the Page Layout > Page Setup tab. There, click on the arrow at the bottom right. In the window that appears, open the Paper tab, and select Custom Size from the drop-down menu. Set the width to 15, height to 22. Ignore the program warning that the document has gone beyond the print margins. If you don't print at home, this is not a problem. Without a widescreen monitor, viewing a page will now be difficult.

Create a title. Double-click the document header section that is located above the top border. Open the Header & Footer Design tab. There you can insert dates, page numbers and change the position of headings.

As a rule, a different headline is placed on the first page of the newspaper. The name and dates are quite appropriate here. To set a different title for the first page, go to Design > Options > Different First Page. You can change the font and style of the title in the same way as you can change the font and style of regular text. You can draw the title in a graphics editor and simply paste it into Word as an image. Method 3 of 3: Filling with Content

Word can automatically create columns to format the content you add. However, you have several options here. To access column creation, go to the Page Layout > Page Setup > Columns tab.

  • Set the number of columns you want to see.
  • By clicking on More Columns you will have access to creating custom columns. Place the cursor where you want to make a change to the column, go to More Columns > This point forward and click Apply to. Everything above the cursor will not change, everything below will change.
  • It will be useful to take into account how the article will look with a given column length. Believe me, working on speaker parameters is a difficult moment.

IPictures. Through the Insert tab, open the folder with pictures, select the ones you need and insert them. The text editor will insert the image where the cursor is. Then the Format tab will open.

You can move the image and change its size with the mouse. You can change the way the text wraps the image using the Arrange > Text Wrapping menu. To freely move the image around the page, click on the Position button in the Arrange menu. Select any option in the With Text Wrapping section. This will unlock the image and allow you to move it wherever you want.

Captions for pictures. In Word, you can add a caption to any image inserted into your document. Everything is simple here - right click on the image, Insert Caption option. In the window that opens, you will need to enter the signature text itself.

Checking the Exclude Label field will prevent the editor from printing a general label before your signature. You can change the font and style of your signature in the same way as you can change the fonts and styles of all other texts.

Side stripes. You can add them (and more) using the Insert > Text Box menu. The text editor will offer several styles to choose from, although you can always draw your own by selecting the Draw Text Box option from the bottom of the menu.

Text fields can be moved and enlarged/reduced.

Font and style. So, you have the contents of the newspaper. Why not play with styles now? You understand, the more convenient it is to read the newspaper, the better! Good font choice is much more important than you might think!

Experiment with headlines until you find the best combination of size and look. Make sure the newspaper is consistent in appearance. Yes, the templates may change slightly from section to section, but the general aspects (font, font size, etc.) should remain the same.

Decide on your colors. Traditional newspapers use color sparingly for both dramatic effect and for economic reasons. Color printing is significantly more expensive than black-and-white printing. Decide what elements of your paper, if any, necessitate the use of color.

However, if you distribute the newspaper in digital format, do not deny yourself anything, but also know when to stop.

Two-sided printing. To make everything look like a real newspaper, you need to print on both sides of the sheet! here you need to go into the printer settings and check if it can do this.

Final edit. At the final editing stage, you should find all the errors and typos that managed to hide from you until this very moment. And in general - find and fix all problems. Check everything, because the quality of your publication will directly depend on how well you check everything!

  • To make your newspaper look completely newspaper-like, choose one of those fonts that are often used in popular newspapers. Finding such fonts on thematic websites will not be a problem.
  • Newspaper style templates are good. Some sites even offer everyone the opportunity to download templates for text editors, with which you can create newspapers... or something very similar to them. Using these templates can save you a lot of time.

Every schoolchild can type simple text in Word, but sometimes it is necessary to divide the text into columns . You may need to create a school newspaper or want to publish your own booklets or flyers. It doesn't matter what exactly. The important thing is that this is done very easily and quickly in Word 2010. We have already learned how to create a brochure.

Now let's try to create text in several columns or, as they are also called in newspaper columns.

How to split text into columns

Select the entire text (or part of the document) that you need to divide into columns and click on the menu - Page layout- on the button – Speakers-, and select the required number of columns. For example, I chose three columns.

Here's what I got.

As you understand, in this way you can create any number of columns available to the program. Everything is done fully automatically. You can also place charts, tables, and graphic objects here. Try and improve.

Dividing into columns occurs in the same way.

Good luck! Was with you - Lyudmila

When you launch Publisher, a window with a task pane opens. Here you can open an existing publication or create a new one by selecting the appropriate one sample.

In our article: click on the image to enlarge.

Many publications are based on ready-made templates: some of the templates are already loaded into the program - this Built-in, but many interesting options can be downloaded via the Internet - Featured(downloaded from the official website Office.com).

After this you can start working. Select category Built-in to create, for example, a newsletter for a school theater club, select the appropriate category " Bulletins» for a more detailed view.

Once you select a template, you can edit it to create your own post.

In order for the pages of the publication to be located side by side, like a book, you need to select the option “ 2 pages" To have a publication that contains individual pages (it looks like a stack of papers stapled together), select " One page».

Business information is contacts (address, telephone, etc.).

You can change the color and font schemes.

The newsletter will open in Publisher. Earlier versions of this editor are slightly different from the 2013 version, especially at the top of the window. In Publisher-2013, instead of a toolbar and menu, there is ribbon. Let's open one of the tabs to select the required action. Their names will tell you where the usual commands are located. Let's look at several commands on each tab to get better acquainted with the organization of the interface.

Tab home contains the most frequently used commands: Insert, Copy and commands for working with fonts. This tab contains commands for adding text boxes, tables, shapes, and pictures.

If you need to insert something, you need to go to the tab Insert. For example, open Parts of a page to add a sidebar or catchy quote. You can add page numbers or headers and footers.

Tab Page Layout will help you change the template. It will be best if you do this before starting work on the publication itself. In this tab you can change the color scheme. By hovering your mouse over the proposed options, you can see what the result will be when choosing one or another scheme. You can first evaluate the result of using a different font scheme. Changes to the color or font scheme apply to the entire publication.

To check spelling you need to switch to the tab Review.

To show and hide borders, guides or coordinate bars, use the commands in the tab View.

Quick Access Toolbar. You can add commands to it that are used most often. For example, to add a command to the panel Spelling, you need to open the tab Review, right-click on the command and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. The button appeared on the panel. There is another way to add the necessary buttons. You need to click on the arrow. If the panel that opens does not contain the command you need, select Other commands.

Depending on the user's actions, additional tabs appear on the ribbon. For example, let’s enter the name “Theater Club” into the newsletter. More appeared two tabs with commands for working with inscriptions and drawing tools.

Clicking outside the publication removes these tabs when they are not needed.

If you click this small arrow, additional commands will appear that are designed for design, working with fonts and paragraphs.

We looked at the Publisher interface and got acquainted with some of its capabilities. Many of them should be familiar to users from working with Word or PowerPoint. In addition, the program’s interface is quite understandable, which means that you can now start creating newsletters and newspapers for your class and school.

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