Smiley plugin qip smiles. Smileys in comments for a WordPress blog Smileys plugin

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Greetings, dear friends, subscribers and readers of my blog. In this article I will teach you how to do it using two simple plugins Qip smiles and Wp-smiley. The first plugin was created by the well-known Zhuk, who also created the social bookmarking program "".

He made it for his friend, whose requirements were such that not a single emoticon plugin met his requirements. And then Zhuk simply made his own plugin, which, in my opinion, has remained the most popular, since it uses beautiful, animated emoticons from the familiar QIP (ICQ) to all of us.

Well, the second plugin, which also knew how to make emoticons in comments, was quite old, one might say one of the very first that was made for . But there’s nothing wrong with that; on the contrary, it has one good convenience, unlike the Qip smiles plugin.

In general, some people think: why are they needed on the blog, would life be bad without them? In my opinion, emoticons are a unique invention that can convey the feelings of the interlocutor, which cannot be conveyed in writing. They reflect almost all emotions and moods, which in turn helps to understand the other person better. In addition to all this, emoticons convey their zest, liveliness, playfulness, etc.

So, let's get started, otherwise I've probably already tired you with my chatter ^_^.

Installation and configuration of the Qip smiles plugin.

Here we just download the Qip smiles plugin from Zhuchka. Then we go to “appearance”, “editor”, “comments” (comments.php) and scroll down to the very end, and look at the very bottom for the name in Russian of your button for sending a comment.

Now we need to put this code right after the place where we have written the shape of the button in my case, as I already wrote “send”.

All plugins work! You don't need to configure anything else.

We put emoticons in the comments using the Wp-smiley plugin.

Initially, any blog already has emoticons for comments, but they look straight out of the last century, so to speak, so we will replace them with beautiful gothic emoticons. First, go to “appearance”, “writing” and check the box next to “convert emoticons into pictures”. Then download the plugin, load it, activate it.

Now we need to change the regular emoticons to gothic ones. To do this, first download gothic emoticons. Then open the program, enter your details and connect, go to the httpdocs folder (or public_html, www, domains,) => wp-includes => images, and delete the smilies folder.

Now we take the smilies folder from the downloaded archive and upload it to the images folder, that is, to the same place from where we deleted the old smiles. We are all happy that we have these smiley faces.

If they are not there, go to the comments (comments.php), as with the Qip smiles plugin, and paste this code under the comments form. Everything is the same as with the Qip smiles plugin, just change the code.

Ok, remember I mentioned that the Wp-smiley plugin has a convenient feature compared to Qip smiles. So, the fact is that emoticons from the Qip smiles plugin must be inserted into the article, manually entering the emoticon code each time, this is quite inconvenient to be honest. But with the Wp-smiley plugin, when you write your article, a black smiley icon will appear when you click on it, which you can immediately select the smiley you like from the entire list without remembering what code each of them has.

Also, if you don’t like black emoticons, you can download emoticons from Vkontakte. The installation is the same as with black emoticons.

By the way, if you change the emoticons in the Wp-smiley plugin, never again, otherwise the black emoticons will disappear, and those old emoticons will take their place again. That's all, good luck (I seem to have re-optimized it for the word emoticons -_- ).

Generally speaking, emoticons are a pretty good way to express your emotions, be it a post or a comment on a post. But are emoticons necessary on a blog? After all, the main task of a website is to contain the necessary information, and they, in fact, do not contain any information. However, do not forget that the website first of all adapts to the user. That is why many factors are taken into account when building a website. Judging by the logic, emoticons are some kind of “convenience” for users.

Let's look at all the advantages of using emoticons in the comments:
1. It’s no secret that search engines take into account the behavioral factors of visitors, one of which is the duration of stay on the site. Emoticons will allow you to briefly delay the visitor, namely their selection when commenting.
2.Most people are used to expressing their emotions every day using emoticons. They surround us everywhere: in SMS, on social networks, on forums and so on. Thus, emoticons in comments will become a kind of convenience for users, which is also a small plus.
3. As many may have noticed, articles and comments with emoticons look more pleasant and are even more readily read than without them. Considering, of course, that they are appropriate and not superfluous.

Smileys without a plugin on WordPress

In fact, Wodpress initially has emoticons, but they look somehow unattractive and dull. For those who are comfortable with this, you can use standard WordPress emoticons.

It is necessary to enable the conversion of emoticons into pictures, namely: open Conskol -> Options -> Writing and check the box “ Convert emoticons to pictures».

Displaying emoticons in comments

Now you need to add them to the comment form so that users can use them when writing comments. To do this, you need to insert the function below into the comment form, which is located in the comments.php file. The javascript script is responsible for inserting emoticons into the comment text field. And the php function displays emoticons in the comment form.

function addsmile($smile)( document.getElementById(‘comment’).value=document.getElementById(‘comment’).value+’ ‘+$smile+’ ‘; )

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