What is Guitar pro? Also available for download

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Hurray comrades, hurray! Finally, the long-awaited update has happened in the world of guitar software! Less than 7 years have passed since the companyArobas Musichas released the next version of its legendary product, namely .

For those who are not in the know, the Guitar Pro program is the world market leader among sheet music and tablature editors. But especially in this release, its functionality as a simulator has become even more powerful in all respects. Now this is no longer just an editor with many useful functions, but a serious personal trainer. But we'll talk about this a little lower.

WITH Guitar Pro 7 fulfills its purpose in life for a number of musical instruments, including: guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, drums and many others.

And now about the main thing...

What's new in this release?

New interface

The interface has become even more modern and more user-friendly. The toolbar contains the software's main functions, and the inspector makes it easy to select song and track settings.

Performance and ease of use

Improved software launch and file loading. Scrolling and zooming are now smoother. The installation/update process has also been improved.

A high resolution

The software is compatible with high definition screens (Retina and HD) and touch screens.

Quality of score design

The music sheet mechanism was completely rewritten by programmers for an even more realistic, professional display of the score.

New notation elements

The recording now includes a peak scrape and a slap dead note. In standard recording, the writing of bends has been improved, as well as the management of conflicts between various elements of the score.

Tablature for all tracks

In addition to fretted instruments such as guitars, standard notation is automatically transferred to tablature on all tracks, including piano, vocals, or drums.

Connect your guitar to Guitar Pro 7

Connect your guitar to an external sound card connected to Guitar Pro 7 and apply the effects that were modeled for any track in this file.

Polyphonic tuner

Simply hit all the strings at once to check their tuning in one go.

New instrument banks

Many sounds were added, including dobro, flamenco, manush and 7-string nylon guitars, electric sitar, fretless bass, jazz double bass, accordions, mellotron, harmonicas, bagpipes, new synthesizers and drum machines.

Stereophonic sounds

You can choose between mono and stereo for all acoustic instruments, and also add automatic assimilation for percussion instruments.

Simplified sound setup

Select and customize your sound from over 1,000 presets, combining a soundscape and effects chain.

MIDI/RSE mixing

Guitar Pro 7 allows you to mix tracks that use MIDI tones with others that use RSE tones in any single file.

Virtual fretboard and keyboard

The virtual instrument windows (guitar, bass, banjo and piano) are resizable.

File locking

You can lock any file to prevent accidental changes. You can also add an access password to it to prevent it from being opened or edited without permission.

New audio export formats

MP3, FLAC and Ogg formats have appeared when exporting RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) tracks. It is also possible to export each track separately in one operation.

MIDI and MusicXML formats

Import and export in MIDI and MusicXML formats have been improved for better compatibility between Guitar Pro and other music programs.

To sum it up...

The new version of Guitar Pro takes into account many user suggestions. The display of musical scores has become more professional, MIDI and MusicXML import/export has been improved, audio export formats have been added, and drum editing using tablature numbers has returned.

The usability of the software has been completely redesigned and modernized to support creativity and make it easier to fine-tune your sound. The program is now smoother, faster and compatible with high resolution screens.

Finally, playing a song with Guitar Pro has become more enjoyable and easier thanks to its new linear audio feature.


Friends, there is great news! You can download the full version of Guitar Pro 7 and use it for 30 days absolutely free.

After the trial period, the program is deactivated automatically and if you wish, you can purchase it for just 75$ .

And such a desire cannot but arise, believe me 🙂

Tablatures (aka tabs)- This is a convenient recording of guitar parts. It is much more convenient than classical musical notation. There are 5 lines on the musical notation and you need to think about where on the guitar this note is taken. Tabs are devoid of this drawback. Everything is simple here: 6 lines indicate 6 strings. The top line is the highest sounding string (the thinnest). Bottom ruler - the bottom string (the thickest). The number on the ruler is the number of the fret that needs to be pressed on this string. If the number is 0, we play an open string.
For example, if tablature like this

then play it like this:
on the first string we play the 5th fret, then the open string, then the 5th fret again, etc.
This is the world famous hit "A grasshopper sat in the grass." :)
To practice reading tablature The best thing is to learn it.
Down below tabs dashes are drawn. These are the durations of the notes. We will talk about this in more detail in the following lessons, but for now, so that you understand what we are talking about:
Below each note is a vertical stick. This doesn't interest us. The horizontal lines are much more interesting. If there are none (only a vertical stick), it is a fourth note, i.e. it is a quarter of a beat long. If there is only one horizontal line, it is an eighth note, i.e. half as long as the fourth (remember the math). If there are two dashes (for example, as in bar 5) - this is the 16th note - it is half as long as the eighth note.

For example, let's read bar 5. The first two notes are eighth notes long. Those. We already have 2 eighths.
Next come 2 sixteenth notes and 1 eighth note. Total 2 more eighths.
Then again 2 eighths.
Then again 2 sixteenth notes and 1 eighth note, which gives 2 eighth notes.
In total we have 8 eighths, because a whole beat. Pure mathematics and no fraud.
But that’s not about that now.

For reading tablature need to install the program Guitar Pro version no lower than 5.
Earlier versions Guitar Pro will not allow viewing tabs, written in the fifth version, and there are already a lot of them circulating on the Internet.

How to use Guitar Pro- look at the video, it takes a long time to explain in text.

For download tablature I recommend the following sites:

If you don’t find what you need on these sites, then just go to Yandex, or the search engine you are used to using, and write “group song_name gp”. Gp means Guitar Pro.

The most important thing: do not try to play note for note, as in the downloaded tabakh. They are written by mere mortals and posted on the Internet, so you should not take them tablature as the ultimate truth. Sometimes I find such nonsense that it is not clear what song is being analyzed in them.
Use tabs as a hearing aid. Listen to the original. Many times. Only then download tablature.
Again, don't worry too much about choosing the song exactly like the original. Sometimes you can play much simpler without losing quality.

We will talk in more detail about musical notation and the duration of notes in the following lessons, but for now, master the basic principle of reading tabs: the number on a string = the fret that needs to be pressed on this string. And dig deeper into the program Guitar Pro. In the following lessons everything tabs will be in this program.

From the link below you can download free Russian version of Guitar pro 6. Guitar Pro 6 is a professional audio editor for guitar musical instruments, offering great functionality and great ease of use.

The program is popular not only among experienced musicians, but also among beginners who are just starting to learn to play the guitar.

You can view the full list of software and software for guitarists

Also available for download:

Additional resources for Guitar Pro 6

Activating Guitar Pro 6

Keygen is used as a crack activator for Guitar Pro 6; you can download the Guitar Pro 6 activator in the section below.


Guitar Pro 6 no sound, how to turn on the sound?

Question: Why is there no sound in Guitar Pro 6?

Answer: Connect soundbanks for Guitar Pro 6, for correct operation it is necessary that sound banks for Guitar Pro 6 are connected.

After installing the sound banks for Guitar Pro 6, don't forget to restart your computer!

Question: What is the program? Guitar Pro?

Answer: Guitar Pro- very multifunctional, convenient and easy to use tablature MIDI-editor, necessary for all musicians, and most of all for guitarists. A huge number of musical instruments with a number of strings from 4 to 7 are supported. The program allows you to change the tuning and drum tracks. Clear reproduction of many electric guitar sound effects. The ability to see the score in musical notation, as well as in detail on a graphic image of the guitar neck and piano keyboard. Excellent tools that make the program worth checking out: chord generator and scale library (excellent tutorials), transposer, metronome, speed trainer and digital guitar tuner. Ability to export/import to MIDI and ASCII (text) formats. And finally, hundreds of thousands of GP collections of your favorite compositions around the world! Official website of the program: www.guitar-pro.com. The current version is 5.1, but this article is dedicated to the valuable fourth version of the program, which has a number of elements that were seriously transformed in the fifth generation. Question: What was the last version of Guitar Pro for the fourth generation?

Answer: 4.1. Unfortunately, the demo version is no longer available on the official website. Question: Where can I get the full version?

Answer: or . Question: How can I turn off the melody that plays when the program starts?

Answer: Click F7 and framed" Music at startup" select item " No". Question: I don't know English! Where can I download the crack?

Answer: It is included in the program. Menu " Options" -> "Language" -> "Russian". Question: Not everything has been translated. Where can I get the full translation?

Answer: Incomplete translation is present in early versions of Guitar Pro 4. Version 4.1.0 includes the most complete translation possible (some mixer parameter names are not translated for convenience), but is somewhat inaccurate. Corrected by the author F.A.Q. The language file can be downloaded. Installation is carried out in the gpl folder, located in the directory with the program. Question: How to Russify a certificate?

Answer: It's in English, and there's nothing you can do about it. I hope this F.A.Q. will resolve all necessary issues. Question: Are there any program manuals that are more comprehensive than the existing help?

Answer: There is an official manual in pdf format in English, this is a ready-to-print analogue of the help included with Guitar Pro. You can download it. Question: What is the file format? Guitar Pro?

Answer: It is essentially the same as the SMF MIDI-1 format, with some simplifications. Using specific commands similar to MIDI messages, notes of various durations, dynamics, effects are recorded for multiple tracks and instruments. To layer complex effects, each track uses two MIDI-0 streams (except for the drum track, for which channel 10 is always reserved). Accordingly, compositions in the Guitar Pro format are small - from a few to a maximum of 150 kilobytes - and are compressed very well by archivers (still, the most commonly used characters in the files have ASCII codes 00h and 01h). Guitar Pro file formats of different generations are not compatible with each other, and differ in extensions: versions 1.x and 2.x - ".gtp", version 3.x - ".gp3" and, finally, version 4.x - ".gp4 ". Question: Where can I download multiple Guitar Pro format files?

Answer: We have on . Question: I have Guitar Pro 4, but some files with the ".gp4" extension cannot be opened! The program signals that a new version is needed!

Answer: The fact is that the creators of Guitar Pro made a slight change to their format, and files created in the program version 4.0.6 and later are not recognized by earlier versions (4.0.3 and earlier). There is only one way out: download the current latest version. Question: Guitar Pro doesn't want to play! The runner jumps along the notes, but there is no sound! However, MIDI files play fine on the computer!

Answer: Go to the menu "Options" -> "MIDI Settings". Select the correct device for the first port. For simple integrated audio cards, this is usually Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth. Select the General MIDI instrument set. Question: I’m not happy with the sound of Guitar Pro; it doesn’t sound like real instruments at all! Is there anything that can be done about this?

Answer: If you have a simple integrated sound solution based on the AC"97 codec, without any hardware implementation of MIDI synthesis (usually in this case the Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth software synthesizer is used), then the sound in Guitar Pro really leaves much to be desired. You may certainly be interested in software Wavetable synthesizers from the giants of the music industry, who were at the origins of the MIDI standard - Roland and Yamaha (they can be found on our website in the useful programs section).In fact, these are powerful solutions for supporting GS and XG synthesis, with convenient control panels and many settings, as well as built-in players. In our case, only the Wavetable set of sounds for the aging General MIDI standard is in demand, but believe me, the result justifies the effort spent on downloading this or that synthesizer (from 6 to 15 MB). Which one to choose? In terms of the sound of GM instruments, I can recommend a product from Roland - VSC-88Pro 3.2. After completely installing any synthesizer (a reboot will be required), in the Guitar Pro menu "Options" -> "MIDI Settings" you need to select it as the first port device ( e.g. Roland VSC). In the case of a synthesizer from Roland, you will need to change its settings: "Control Panel" -> "VSC Settings Window", in the "Perfomance" tab, set polyphony and volume to maximum, and limit the response ("Response") to no more than 100 ms (specific The minimum value for normal sound depends on the performance of the computer). Question: How can I tune my guitar using Guitar Pro? How to do it?

Answer: If you have an electric guitar or acoustics with a magnetic pickup (as a last resort - with a piezo sensor), you can use the built-in tuner - menu " Assistants" -> "Guitar tuner(Digital Guitar Tuner)". Connect your guitar to the line input (middle input on the audio card), select this device for recording (menu " Options" -> Windows volume control-> menu " Properties" -> "Record", OK-> the checkbox should be opposite Line In). Launch the tuner. Select a string to tune, pluck it and watch the needle deflect. Arrow in the right position - loosen, in the left - tighten. It should be installed in the central position. Do not try to tune your guitar with a tuner through a microphone - the latter gives a too weak and noisy signal. You can also tune your guitar by ear. To do this, create a new empty composition Ctrl-N, select the appropriate instrument for the track by clicking on the instrument name, 24 - synthetic strings, 25 - metal strings and click F6. Select the guitar tuning option you need, then select the speaker icons to get the open string sound of each of them. Question: I don't understand sheet music! Why do I need this stave?

Answer: It can be disabled. Menu " View" -> "Staff(Standard Notation)". Question: Instead of notes, some strange icons are drawn, like the letter B. What should I do?

Answer: This problem will appear if you have copied someone else's program directly or reinstalled the system. The fact is that when Guitar Pro is installed, it writes its own GPro.ttf font file into the Windows font folder, which is used to display notes, pauses and some other service symbols. To solve the problem, just install Guitar Pro again. Question: What standard of tablature does Guitar Pro use?

Answer: More complete than the generally accepted one - pauses, note durations are indicated, all possible effects, size, tempo are displayed. The only thing that cannot be seen on the tablature line is the key. However, the number of characters on the key can be set and seen by turning on the staff. Question: Well, how do you actually write tablature?

Answer: Very simple, and in different ways. On the tablature line you can see a yellow rectangle - the cursor. Directly below it, on the staff (if it is turned on), is a gray rectangle. The yellow color of the cursor means that this input mode is active (tablature or musical notation). Switching between modes is done using the Tab key. Using the arrow keys, the cursor can be moved up/down along strings or rulers and left/right along beats and bars. In tablature mode, notes are entered using the number keys (0 to 30), which represent the scale. In staff mode, use the Enter key. Almost all operations with notes are performed using keys. You can also enter notes using the mouse - to do this, you need to click the left or right button on a certain fret and string of the guitar neck, or on a certain piano key. The left button enters a note, the right button enters and moves on to the next one. Question: How to change the size and key (signs on the key)?

Answer: In the "Tact" menu they are next to each other: key signature and size. Also, to change the size, you can double-click the left mouse button on its designation at the beginning of the tablature. Double-clicking the key at the beginning of the staff changes the key. It is worth noting that in Guitar Pro you can select exactly the mode inclination (major/minor), and not just the key signs - this information is not displayed anywhere else. Question: What is the difference between beats and notes, and their durations in Guitar Pro?

Answer: The duration of a beat is responsible for the duration of all notes played at that moment on one instrument (a group of notes vertically on a tablature or stave, usually a chord). And although the size is always counted in beats, the duration of selected notes can be changed separately. This is done for cases of formal polyphony on one instrument (for example, a fancy bass line under a constant arpeggio on the same guitar). As an example, consider the composition Romance (Jeux interdits) from the set of files included with Guitar Pro (Demo Files folder). Question: What can you do with notes and beats?

Answer: Change durations (from whole to sixty-fourths, you can use dots, triplets, pentoli, etc.), dynamics (from piano pianissimo to forte fortissimo), combine with leagues, apply various effects and apply various notations. Question: How to pause?

Answer: Key R, or menu " Note" -> "Pause". Question: How to bind notes?

Answer: Notes are linked using a key L, and the second note is not displayed on the tablature. To lye across multiple notes, it is necessary to produce sounds under the lye on strings other than the lyed notes. Ligation of a group of notes written in a beat (column of notes) is carried out by a combination Ctrl-L. Question: What kind of ornamentation, articulation (guitar techniques and effects) can be used in Guitar Pro?

The most diverse! All the effects that can be achieved using MIDI are also available in Guitar Pro (via the " menu Note" And " Effects", as well as on toolbars). The rest can be designated by tablature and notation standards, as well as separately. Here is the complete list:
Walking up the strings Ctrl-U or down Ctrl-D. This is an imitation of combat - several notes written in one beat (in one column) are actually played by successive notes of short duration. These durations can be set manually.
Muted note (X). Imitated by a very short and slightly quieter sound of the open string on which it is located.
Short grace note (G). You can set the duration, dynamics of the grace note, as well as the method of transition to the main note (unfortunately, the latter is a decorative function; the methods are no different by ear).
Harmonics, harmonics. There are five types of them available: natural (available at 4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 19 frets, the overtone is imitated by the corresponding tone), artificial (with an offset of 5, 7, 12 frets, imitated similarly), tapping, mediator ( only for an offset of 12 frets, simulated similarly) and, finally, a semi-harmonic (12 frets, simulated by simultaneously sounding the main tone and an octave, twice as high in height).
Legato, hammer on/pull off (H). These two effects are only indicated, but not simulated in any way (alas, these are MIDI limitations).
Suspender, bend (B). Deviations from a quarter tone to three tones are acceptable. Using a graph in quarter-tone steps, you can create any lift option, or choose from the five most common ones by default. Simulated reliably.
Tremolo lever, tremolo bar. Imitation of the tremolo mechanism of an electric guitar. Deviations from a semitone to six tones in both directions are allowed. Simulated reliably.
Slide (S). A choice of regular legato, sliding followed by sound production, and four types of arbitrary sliding (“it’s unclear where from above/bottom” and “it’s unclear where it’s up/down”). Simulated reliably.
Left hand vibrato (V). Obvious effect. Simulated by slight pitch deviations in both directions.
Wide vibrato, wide vibrato. It has a greater amplitude than usual, and, please note, it affects all notes indicated in the beat (the entire column). Basically, this is the effect of the tremolo mechanism of an electric guitar.
Trill, trill. You can select the pitch of the second note and the duration of the repetitions.
Tremolo, tremolo picking. The repetition duration is selected.
Mute, palm mute (P). It is imitated extremely simply - by radically reducing the duration to a sixteenth note.
Staccato, staccato. It is implemented in the same way as muting.
Tapping, tapping. This is just a designation and is not imitated in any way.
Slap and pop. Also just notations. To obtain similar sounds, you need to use instruments numbered 36 and 37.
Gain, fade in (F). Changing the volume from zero to the value set during the playing of the note in the selected beat (column of notes).
In addition to these, the following methods of pure dynamics are also possible:
Ghost Note (O). The dynamics change to mezzo piano.
Accent, accentuated note. The dynamics change to forte fortissimo.
Long-sounding note (I). The note sounds longer, and the longer, the shorter the initial duration
(up to three times magnification). Used for arpeggios. Displayed as an ellipsis when the "Show leave sound" mode is enabled F11.
Question: Why are these fingerings (left/right hand fingering) and pickstroke up/down needed?

Answer: To illustrate correct playing, for each beat you can indicate which fingers produce a particular sound, which fingers press the strings on the frets, and in which direction the attack goes (usually for a pick). The fingers of the right hand are traditionally designated: T- big, I- index, M- average, A- nameless, O- little finger (rarely). The fingers of the left hand are numbered from the index, with the same designation T for the thumb. Fingers must be added sequentially - from the first string to the sixth, from top to bottom. Question: Why do we need the functions of alteration by semitone (up/down one semitone) and these “raise/lower” functions?

Answer: The first two operate only in the staff mode (there you cannot otherwise enter a note that goes beyond the key), the second - only in the tablature mode (they change the string on which the sound is played, for example, from the 7th fret of the fourth string to the 12th fret). 1st fret of the 5th string or 2nd fret of the 3rd string in standard tuning). Question: How to do decay, slow down/accelerate, emulate a distortion pedal?

Answer: Using the Change Audio Settings tool F10 for each specific share. The following changes are allowed: instrument (to simulate turning on a distortion pedal, you can, for example, change instrument from 27 to 30), volume, balance, tempo, as well as chorus, reverb, phaser and tremolo. For each modification (except for the instrument, of course), it is indicated how long it takes to occur (immediately or smoothly, up to 16 beats) and whether it applies to all tracks at once. Question: How to add another track?

Answer: Using a keyboard shortcut Shift-Ctrl-Insert or in the menu " Track" -> "Add". You will be asked to select the type of track and the position for insertion relative to other tracks. There are only two different types of tracks - instrument and drums. When creating a drum track, a window with an assistant will open - a list of correspondences of digital and MIDI designations to various percussion sounds will be shown. Checkbox "Use electronic sounds / Use electric sounds" only affects the selection of the snare and bass drum sounds on the staff. If the checkbox is checked, Electric Snare (40) and Acoustic Bass Drum (35, it has a more artificial sound, despite the name) are used respectively If not - Acoustic Snare (38) and Bass Drum 1 (36). Question: What are the properties of a track (what are Cho, Rev, Pha and Tre)?

Answer: First you need to set the properties of the tool; this window is displayed every time you add a new one (you can call it separately with the F6 key). The name will be displayed in the mixer (list of tracks), and a schematic part of the instrument in the overall composition scheme will be drawn in the selected color. If the instrument is a guitar, you should select the number of strings, then the tuning of the instrument. You can select a tuning from a list of ready-made ones, or create your own by varying the sounds of each string in the appropriate frame. The single arrows on the far right are responsible for changing the sounds of all strings at once. The number of frets has a purely decorative value; installing a capo increases the tuning by the corresponding number of semitones. Emulation of 12 strings is carried out by duplicating the sound of each string - unison for the first two, for the rest through an octave. The specific thing about the 5th string banjo is that it starts at the 6th fret on the fingerboard. Other track properties are determined in the mixer. This is, in fact, the MIDI instrument used - the default value is 24 (classical guitar), the instrument can be changed by left-clicking on its name. Volume and balance also vary among the main ones. Other settings - Cho (Chorus), Rev (Reverb), Pha (Phaser, Phaser) and Tre (Tremolo) - are initially collapsed and open by clicking on their designation. These are specific MIDI settings; with the simplest devices (usually built-in audio cards) they will not have any effect. You can also turn it off during playback or, conversely, select several tracks for exclusive listening using the two buttons to the left of the name of each of them. Question: Why, when choosing an instrument for one track, does it change for two or three at once? The same thing with volume, balance and other settings - the tracks seem to interlock, what should I do?

Answer: It's all about the natural limitations of MIDI on the number of simultaneously sounding channels for different tracks. These concepts should be separated. Tracks are separate musical parts, different in musical composition, and there can be no more than 128 of them in Guitar Pro. Channels are various sets of settings for timbre (instrument), volume, balance, chorus, reverb and other things. Their maximum number according to MIDI specifications is more than modest - 16, and nothing can be done about it. By default, Guitar Pro allocates two channels for one track at once - this is only necessary for the correct reproduction of some techniques and effects associated with the simultaneous sound of simple and high-pitched notes (sliding, lifting). The tenth channel is reserved for drums. The correspondence of tracks to channels can be found in the mixer (list of tracks) - columns Ch1 and Ch2. Thus, in a composition with one percussion track, the ninth added track is forced to use one sixteenth channel, and all subsequent ones are “linked” together with it. There are two solutions to this: either define a single MIDI channel for some tracks, if they do not plan to use complex melismas associated with pulling notes, or use several MIDI synthesizers (for example, software) assigned to different ports in the menu " Options" -> "MIDI Settings". In the latter case, you need to change the port in the corresponding column Port for some of the tracks on their list. Question: How to change the clef from treble to bass?

Answer: Manually - no way. The program automatically determines which key to use according to the tuning of the instrument for each of the tracks. Question: What are reprises and how to use them?

Answer: These are standard notations for musical notation and are used to repeat individual parts of a piece. Affects all tracks at once. Select the start bar of the repeat and use "Open Reprise (Repeat)" there. Similarly, close the reprise in the last measure of the repeat section, and you will be asked to select the number of repeats (for example, three repeats - the melodic phrase will be played four times). Let's look at the "Alternate endings" function using a complex example. Let's say you need to repeat a four-bar melodic phrase the same number of times, but the last two times you need to play the last bar a little differently (for example, a more intense drum part). To do this, you need to write out the original four measures, then another measure, a modified fourth. In the first measure of the phrase you open the reprise, in the fourth you close it indicating a triple repetition - as usual. Then you use “Alternate Endings” on the fourth measure of the phrase (1 to 2) and reversed (3 to 4), in which, among other things, you also set the sign that closes the reprise. All things! Question: What are bookmarks and how to use them?

Answer: A tool that facilitates perception of the general scheme of a work and facilitates navigation through it. Bookmarks are set in measures that begin a new semantic part of the composition - for example, it is useful to set the bookmarks “Introduction”, “1st verse”, “Chorus” and others. To add a bookmark or edit an existing one, select the menu " Bookmarks" -> "Insert" Shift-Insert. Specify the name of the bookmark and the color of the inscription in the composition scheme. The transition from one measure to another containing bookmarks is carried out using the Shift-Right and Shift-Left key combinations. In the menu you can go to any bookmark and see their list. Question: How to play a song (change the tempo)?

Answer: All these settings are available in the Sound menu and the corresponding toolbar. Start/stop playback from the current position using the Space key. It is also possible to play from the beginning, from the current bookmark or one current measure. You can loop playback (for the last two cases, playback will go either between two bookmarks, or within one measure). You can turn on the metronome (it counts fourth notes) and countdown (before the start of the composition, an empty measure is played with the metronome). Tempo traditionally refers to the number of beats (fourth notes) per minute. For a quick assessment, you can apply modifying coefficients (inscription x 0.50 on the panel) - with one click you can change the tempo from four times slowing down to two times speeding up. Question: How do I add lyrics to a song?

Answer: Go to song information (F5). If the composition you have typed does not have a vocal track, then you can simply leave the text in “Notes”. If there is, then it is better to use the standard option to add text. Go to the " tab Lyrics". Select the track in which the vocal part is scored and indicate which measure it begins with. Enter the lyrics of the song, separating the words into syllables using dashes. Spaces, of course, are also considered syllable separations to avoid this (for example, in the case single-letter prepositions), use the "+" sign. Each syllable will correspond to one beat of Guitar Pro (pauses are not taken into account), the text will be written under the track. Square brackets can contain any service information. Example: "Why is it so in + Ross-si-i..." Question: What settings does a guitar fretboard/piano keyboard have?

Answer: First of all, this is the setting for displaying notes (Show... Show...). You can show the notes played in the current beat and their addition: notes played in the entire measure; the notes indicated in the last established chord diagram; notes played on the current and next beats; notes of the selected scale (with the names of notes, intervals or steps displayed). In all cases, the notes played on the current beat are highlighted. The next setting is responsible for writing the actual names of the notes - some people find it more convenient to simply display the fingering, without extra letters. Next, you can change the background image of the neck - electric guitar, acoustic pop guitar, classical or simple scheme with equal fret spacing. The "Gammas" button opens the Scales Library. Question: How to use the Scale Library?

Answer: Very simple! Choose one of twelve basic tones and a scale from the general list. Guitar Pro also offers to determine in which fret the composition is played - to do this, select several measures of the work (one melodic phrase is enough) and press the search button. The resulting list of scales is sorted in ascending order of the number of off-modular notes (indicated in parentheses). Question: How to use the Chord Generator?

Answer: It's quite difficult to describe the Chord Generator, given the huge number of ways to construct chords... Let's start with the simplest one. To begin, select a chord primo - one of the twelve in the list on the far right. In the following list, you can choose from different triads (major - M, minor - m, augmented - aug), delayed triads and 7th chords, as well as fifth chords. The fifth itself is altered in the corresponding list (/5-, /5+) - this way you can select a diminished triad. The following list covers more complex nonn chords (9), undecim chords (11) and third decim chords (13). In the last two, you need to skip steps in order to be able to play a chord on the guitar. The "add" checkbox simply means adding a complex degree (for example, there are no seventh and ninth degrees in the add11 chord). The list below with plus and minus is responsible for the alteration of the highest level. The remaining lists (/9-, /9+ and /11-, /11+) allow you to alter the corresponding levels. After composing a chord, the lower window displays ways to place it on the fretboard - simple in complexity, medium or all, depending on the choice. You can play a chord in inversion or select a specific bass note. The large diagram actually depicts the chord fingering. By the way, a chord can be built on it too - by clicking on different strings and frets (as well as at the top of the diagram, which means open or unplayed strings). The number on the left means the fret of the first line of the diagram; it can be changed by moving the slider. Clicking on the small icon with the image of a speaker allows you to turn off or turn on the voicing of the constructed chord. Below is a list of chord steps (formally by thirds) - some of them can be skipped. Even lower is the name of the selected chord; it is this that will be displayed in the tablature - you can change it if you are not satisfied with the Guitar Pro writing method. On the right in the list are the various names of the constructed chord (from the point of view of harmony, in tonality these are completely different chords - they are equal only enharmonically). The "Played" list displays chords whose diagrams are present in the tablature. The "Top" list reflects the chords whose diagrams will be listed at the very beginning when printing the tablature. The "Library" window allows you to maintain your own list of chords with any names (this is hardly necessary - the chord generator allows you to create any chord). Question: Why is the Am/C chord called Am in the oscillator?

Answer: This is a matter of notation. Am/C is a quartersex chord, third inversion. In Guitar Pro, a bass other than the main one is not marked by default if it is part of a chord. This can be changed by enabling the checkbox in the "Chord recognition" item of the general settings (F7). Question: What is the "Auto finger placement" function for?

Answer: It allows you to scatter sounds across the strings and frets for selected measures so that they are most convenient to play with your left hand. It works both for good and for harm - he likes to use open strings, even if the whole part is played, for example, around the 10th fret. Question: How do I use the Long Note Selector, Muted String Selector, and Dynamic Shade Selector tools?

Answer: They are very similar and easy to use - choose in which measures and for which strings to make changes to the properties of long-sounding notes, palm mutes or dynamic shades. Used for parts played entirely in arpeggios, with muting or variable dynamics (volume). Question: How to use the speed trainer?

Answer: To begin, select the section you want to practice (beats). Then indicate at what tempo to start the game and at what tempo to end (pace). Finally, choose how many beats per minute the tempo will increase with each repetition (this, together with the previous one, determines the number of repetitions). Question: How to do ASCII export and import?

Answer: Export displays tablature in the window in text format in a monospace font. The number of horizontal characters can be changed above, after which you need to update the window with the corresponding button. Along with the tablature, the items “Title”, “Author”, “Instructions” from the information about the composition are displayed, as well as the name of the exported track. The text can be selectively copied and pasted into any file, or saved entirely using the "Export" button. Import is similar to export with the opposite meaning of the buttons. You can choose which notes are played in the imported song or specify the distance between quarter notes (the default is four horizontal positions). Question: How to perform accurate MIDI import?

Answer: Definitely need to take advantage of integrated import. I will describe all the necessary steps:
Create a new composition (Ctrl-N);
Select the menu "File" -> "Import" -> "MIDI", then the desired file to go to the main import window;
Perform a quick import. There is no need to check the “2 channels per track” checkbox;
Try listening (no need to exit the import window). If the main instruments are playing out of tune, try juggling with the quantization options: “Round chord positions” and “Round note values”. The first indicates from what short duration the notes are combined into a group and played simultaneously. The second indicates with what multiplicity (resolution) note durations are rounded. Then perform a quick import again;
Find the track with instrument number 0 (Acoustic Grand Piano). You may notice that the track is completely out of tune - for example, it constantly plays the note F-sharp or G-sharp of a large octave (the second or fourth fret of the sixth string). In fact, it's a drum track that was imported incorrectly in a quick way. If it has a name, remember it, delete the track, and create a separate Guitar Pro drum track. Mark the remembered name in the list of MIDI tracks. If there are no names, you will have to look for drums by listening to each of the tracks. You can be guided by the track number, but this does not always work - tracks containing only Meta Events according to MIDI specifications (for example, lyrics in karaoke files) are not imported by Guitar Pro for obvious reasons, but they are listed in the list. It often happens that drums in MIDI are recorded in several (up to four) tracks - check them all. Manually import the selected track (or several tracks) into the newly created one; Now you need to find the bass track. Typically these are tools numbered 32-39. As you can see, the line in the scheme of the piece is almost empty - naturally, the bass part does not fit into the usual tuning of the guitar. Change the tuning to bass (for reliability, it is better to choose a five- or even six-string bass guitar for the width of the register). Find and select a MIDI bass track from the list and import it manually;
It may be necessary to perform a similar operation for an instrument with a very high register. Here you can use the "Transpose an octave lower" function.
That's about all you can get out of Guitar Pro's MIDI import tool. Question: What is "Browse Files" and how to use it?

Answer: This very convenient function is available through the "File" -> "Browse..." menu, as well as using the Ctrl-B keyboard shortcut. The left window displays a list of your disks and folders, and the right window displays a list of files found in the selected Guitar Pro folder. Below is some information about the selected file - the name of the work, its author, a commentary on it (all this is available in the "Composition Information" properties), as well as the number of measures and instruments ("Git" - any instruments of the middle and high registers, "B " - basses, instruments of low registers, "Ud" - drums). Clicking on the door icon at the top left closes the file browser window, the next button rescans the current folder, the green icon allows you to immediately listen to the selected song. In the list nearby, you can choose what will happen when listening - transition to the next one after the selected number of measures or at the end of the composition, or nothing (“Do not jump”).

Hotkeys used in Guitar Pro.


Enter Add a note (in staff mode) +/- Reduce/increase beat duration by half +/- Reduce/increase note duration by half * or. Beat with a dot * or Note with a dot R Pause / Triplet (beat) / Triplet (note) L League (note) L League (group of notes) C Copy a group of notes to the end of a measure Insert Insert a beat (as a pause) Delete Delete a note Delete Delete share Up down Move note to next/previous string +/- Up/down semitones X Cut bars C Copy bars V Insert measures Insert Add a measure Insert Add track Delete Delete track Insert Add/edit bookmark F5 Song information F6 Track (instrument) properties F10 Changing sound settings


H Legato, hammer on/pull off S Sliding with sound production, slide B Pull up, bend A Chord generator T Text above tablature V Vibrato F Gain (fade in) X Muted note I Leave it sounding G Grace note O Ghost note P Mute, palm mute U/D Passing along the strings from above/bottom


Enter Next note (tablature mode) Home/End First/last beat of measure Left/Right Previous/next measure Home/End First/last measure Up down Previous/next track Up down First/last track Left/Right Previous/next bookmark Page Down/Page Up Scroll forward/backward


Space Start/stop playback F9 Speed ​​Trainer


N New composition O Open composition B Browse files S Save composition P Seal F1 Reference F7 Settings F8 Check time signatures F11 Hide/show the "Keep Sound" property F12 Hide/show note dynamics

This article is dedicated to those who do not use the Guitar Pro program and do not know what it is and how it differs from PDF.

Guitar Pro is by far the most popular program among guitarists. It is very simple and easy to use, weighs little and does not burden the computer. In it you can write music with notes and tabs, listen to what you wrote at a slow or fast tempo, save it in MIDI, PDF, PNG formats, edit it, create several tracks with different musical instruments, turn on a metronome, etc.

This is what the program interface looks like:

ABOUT Main features:

  • Recording musical works for guitar, bass guitar, banjo, as well as for many other instruments and ensembles in the form of tablature or musical notation (when typing tablature, a line with musical notation corresponding to the tablature is created and vice versa);
  • Creation of parts for wind, strings, keyboard musical instruments;
  • Creation of parts for drum kit and percussion;
  • Adding lyrics and linking them to the notes of tracks with vocals;
  • Built-in guitar chord builder and identifier;
  • Export created scores to MIDI, ASCII, MusicXML, WAV, PNG, PDF, GP5 and GPX (in Guitar Pro 6), printing;
  • Import from MIDI, ASCII, MusicXML, Power Tab (.ptb), TablEdit (.tef)
  • A virtual guitar fretboard, piano keyboard, and drum panel that displays the notes currently being played. With their help you can also create and edit parts of the corresponding instrument;
  • Built-in metronome, guitar tuner, track transpose tool;
  • A large number of instruments for displaying typical guitar playing techniques in notes and a choice of options for their scoring;
  • Starting with version 5, the program introduced RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) technology, which allows you to bring the guitar sound closer to the real one, and apply various effects (guitar “gadgets”, the “wah-wah” effect, etc.) in real time.
  • Supports formats of previous versions of the program - gtp, gp3, gp4, and gp5 (for versions 5.X and 6.0).

And this is her jingle :)

I’ll add one last thing on my own behalf: the program is really very convenient and useful for a guitarist, you can write notes very quickly in it, and I wrote almost all my melodies in it. But Guitar Pro 5 has a lot of gaps in terms of musical literacy. Therefore, recently I switched to version 6, which added a lot of things necessary for writing music correctly, for example: fingering, barre, accidentals on each stan, as well as a larger and more beautiful font compared to Gp5.

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