Setting up Wordpress immediately after installing the engine. How to properly configure WordPress after installation on hosting How to properly configure WordPress after installation

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First WordPress Settings are done immediately after installing the script. In the first settings, we set the name and description of the blog, associate the blog with the desired time zone, determine the display and reading of articles, and deal with users and blog comments. But first things first.

The first WordPress settings are made in the admin panel

The console itself is, in fact, another site that has its own menu (on the left of the page with vertical placement) and customizable modules in the central part. In the site directory, the site’s administrative panel “lies” in the wp-admin folder.

I’ll say right away that the modules of the central part can be removed and supplemented. This is done in the sliding panel at the top of the page, which slides out when you click the “Screen settings” button. Here you see the name of the console modules, which can be removed or added to the console by managing the checkboxes of the modules.

Console menu

The vertical menu of the console contains all the WordPress settings tabs. I won’t list them, you can read them yourself. In this article I will focus on the Settings tab.

Before describing the Settings tab, I’ll return to the administrator login. I repeat, you cannot change the administrator login from the console. But there is no need to show it again. For these purposes, WordPress has provided for the user to create a public user alias called Nick. Nick's task is mandatory. These username manipulations need to be done in the console tab Users → Your profile. If on this tab you check the “Top panel” checkbox, then the nickname will be shown to blog guests when viewing it at the top of the site.

WordPress admin settings

The “Settings” menu item includes six tabs, these are the First WordPress settings.

General tab

These are general blog settings. There are a lot of settings items, but they are quite clear. The name of the site and its description will be displayed in the site code in the title tags in the form: Site name | Description of the site .

Two settings require clarification: WordPress Address (URL), Website Address (URL) and New User Role.

The WordPress Address (URL), Site Address (URL) items are needed for settings if you installed the blog in a subfolder of the root directory, and want the blog to open at the address of the root directory. If you don't have a subdirectory, by default, both of these settings include the full address of your domain. We don't change them.

Item Role of the new user. Determines what rights a new subscriber to your blog will have. It works if in the Membership section you have checked the box for “Anyone can register”. If you are not planning a group blog, the new user's role should be Subscriber. The "author" can only write and edit his own articles. The editor can edit all blog articles. The administrator has all rights in the WordPress console.

Writing tab

On the Writing tab, you can customize the default rubric and entry form. That is, if you set the main category: Uncategorized and the main post format: Standard, then any article for which you do not specify your category will be published in the category: Uncategorized. The standard post format is an ordinary blog post.

Reading tab

On the “Reading” tab, you need to set how many article announcements to display on the main page and how many posts to display in the blog feed. Note. That by default it is worth showing the full entry in the RSS feed. I recommend putting announcements.

Discussion tab

The Discussion tab configures comments on blog articles. In the photo I showed how to disable comments on articles. Set other settings according to your attitude towards comments.

Media tab

On the “Media Files” tab, you can set three formats of photos that you will place in articles. In recent versions of WordPress, this setting is not as relevant as it used to be. Now the format of photos in the article can be changed by stretching them with the mouse. I also note that these settings do not apply to the announcement thumbnail if the size of the article announcement thumbnail is specified in the template code.

WordPress is a simple engine designed for beginners and experienced website building “players”. It's easy to understand.

But for the engine to work efficiently, it is important that you have the correct initial WordPress setup after adding it to your hosting.

If you don’t do this, you will have a lot of problems in the future that you don’t know how to solve. And for each problem that arises, you will have to search separately on the Internet in search of a solution. Because so that you don’t suffer in the future, below are instructions for setting up WordPress after installing the site on hosting.

How best to set up WordPress after installing the site on the server

Please note that the engine settings below are just one configuration option. You can customize it your own way, but the materials provided will help you get your bearings.

Profile setup

Immediately after installing the site on hosting, you should go to the “admin panel”, to the profile settings. First, deactivate the visual editor. To do this, click the checkbox next to the “Editor” item. It may be easier for you with a visual editor, but webmasters prefer to see everything as it is - that is, the source code, and not what it gives. In addition, sometimes when switching between a text and a visual editor, a data failure occurs - the placement of tags is confused and your html tags disappear. Sometimes this makes webmasters very angry and disturbs the psyche, since you can write a lot of tags, accidentally switch the editor - and everything will be lost.

In your profile settings, you will choose the color scheme of the admin panel. Next, be sure to enter your first and last name, as well as the nickname that will be displayed. Don't forget to include your email - this is required; as well as a Google Plus account. It’s better to click the checkbox next to the “Top Panel” item - it is responsible for displaying the administrative sidebar at the top, which will simplify your access to WordPress settings. The “Hot Keys” item can also be useful - during editing you can select text in different formats by pressing a certain combination of buttons on the keyboard.

It is recommended that after entering your first and last name, you also write how your nickname will be displayed. This is necessary if you want your name to appear under your articles. Not everyone will need this, but just in case (to confirm authorship), still enter your public nickname. It will be formed from the first and last name - you will need to select it from the drop-down list (Wordpress will generate its own options).

And the last feature of setting up a profile after installing a site on hosting is editing the password. It is important that it be complex - have many characters (preferably 10 or more), consist of large and small letters, as well as numbers.

General settings

This is an important settings item. How you fill it out will determine how your site will be promoted after installing it on the server. Here are the most important parameters you will need to edit:

  • Name of the site. It’s better to determine in advance the direction in which your site will work. If you make a name with keywords, then search robots will better index the pages of the resource. The name of the site will be displayed in a specially designated place, which is determined according to the features of the installed theme. Therefore, after installing the template, do not forget to edit the arrangement of elements.
  • A brief description is another important element for SEO promotion of your site. At this point, you should indicate the most important keywords and explain to users in human-understandable language what your resource is about.
  • WordPress and website address – leave this item untouched, as it is filled in automatically after installing the engine on the server.
  • Time zone – this line is not required. Usually the time zone is selected automatically, but if you are afraid that problems will appear later, you can set it right away.
  • The date and time format is how the time of publication of the material will be displayed. Experience shows that users are accustomed to the standard option, so you don’t have to change it. Sometimes, even after changing this setting, nothing changes - the site still displays its version. This happens if you have a theme installed.
  • The first day of the week - everything is obvious here. In Russia it is Monday, but in the USA it is Sunday.
  • The language of the site is at your discretion.

Post settings

WordPress setup for this category:

  • Emoji conversion is a dubious feature. People have long lost the habit of using special combinations of characters to create emoticons. In addition, not every site supports this feature.
  • Fixing incorrect HTML code – this feature can be left enabled, but you are unlikely to notice it working. WordPress will fix the tags you write after you hit publish - this fix mainly involves closing tags.
  • The main heading is an important point. When you add new posts, they are automatically categorized. If you have not selected a category, then the publication is moved to the main category. Determine the section that will become the main one.
  • The main format of the records – you don’t have to touch this. Leave the standard option.

Reading Settings

These settings are for readers, meaning they determine how your visitors will see the site. Here are the items you can configure:

  • Display on the main page - here we select either the static option (suitable for online stores, company websites and portfolios), or select display of the latest posts (this is suitable for blogs and news portals). Also determine which page will be considered the main page, and on which page posts will be published (if you have not chosen to publish on the main page).
  • Display no more on pages – this item will configure the number of records that the site will display on the main page after selecting it as a dynamic page.
  • RSS – Next, determine the number of entries in RSS feeds. You can leave the default value.
  • For each article, display - it is better to choose to display the announcement. A site with post announcements receives fewer statistical failures, and looks much nicer than a resource where all articles are fully disclosed on the post page.
  • Visibility for search engines - don’t worry, this item will not harm you, even if you check the box to prohibit indexing. The site will still be indexed.

Discussion Settings (sometimes “Comment Settings”)

The most important points in this settings section:

  • Default settings for the article - it is better to disable the first two settings, as they will load the blog, trying to notify other bloggers that you have added a link to their resources.
  • Before comments appear, it is recommended to check the box so that comments are approved manually. Otherwise, your site will turn into a spam dump.
  • Other comment settings - to avoid confusion in discussions about posts, check the box next to tree comments.
  • Send me an email when - it’s better to disable email sending, otherwise you will receive a sea of ​​notifications from the site.

Media settings

There is nothing complicated here - you will need to set standard image sizes to correct the pictures to fit the template parameters. Set the dimensions for the site image thumbnail, medium and large sample. Then, after adding pictures to the article, you can automatically change their size.

The specified settings do not have to be the same as you install them on your website. It is your right to change them, but the given parameters are the most convenient and do not cause problems.

After you have purchased a domain and ordered hosting, it’s time to configure WordPress. The blog cannot be used in its current form. You need to properly configure permalinks, select and install a theme (design), and connect all the necessary plugins.

All these settings are needed to ensure that the blog has a neat appearance both for future visitors and for search robots. Which will have a positive impact on further search engine promotion.

You also need to understand the console menu. The console is also called the “admin panel”. You may have noticed that there are quite a lot of additional settings in the admin panel.

To get to the blog admin area, you need to go to Replace with your domain name.

The main page contains basic information about the entire blog. From this page you can add an article, make basic theme settings, or see the latest comments made on an entry.

2. Updates

In updates you can see the current version of WordPress and whether it requires new updates. As soon as the developers release an update, you will see it in your admin panel.

Don't forget to update if you are asked to do so. This will protect you from hacking attempts by intruders.

3. Records. All entries

In this menu you can see all the recordings made over time. You can also see how many comments each article has received and what category it belongs to.

Hover your mouse over the article and a submenu will appear with which you can edit, go to, or delete the article.

If you didn’t change anything after installing WordPress, then you will already have your first test post. Point it at it and delete it. If you delete an entry by mistake, you can always restore it from the Recycle Bin. If the entries are no longer needed, do not forget to empty the trash.

3.1. Add new

Before you start publishing articles on your blog, you need to make a few very important settings. Make them in paragraphs 8.1 and 11.3. After you have set up permalinks, or as they are also called (CNC), you can start publishing articles.

The title is written at the top. It should not be too long and not too short. Once you enter the title below, a permanent link will appear. It will look like this if you install a special plugin, which is found in paragraph 8.1.

Below you will find tools with which you can format text, add pictures and place active links. If you are familiar with the Word program, then there will be no problems with this.

If this is your first time encountering such an editor, then watch video tutorials on YouTube on how to add an article to a WordPress blog. Once your article has been added and formatted, select or create a category for it. One article per category, remember this!

Upload a thumbnail, this is a small picture for your article. Such pictures support most themes. Once everything is ready, click on “Publish”. Now go to your blog's home page and see what your post looks like.

Working with pictures

When adding photos, try to always include the “Alt” attribute. If you use your photos, this will allow you to attract traffic from search engines from the “pictures” section.

2-3 words about what is shown in the picture itself are enough. If you don’t know what to write, it’s better not to write anything.

The photo can be aligned to the center or edge. If you have a large picture and you want it to open in full size when you click it, then select “link to media file”. If you need to redirect to another site, then use a custom url.

In the size setting you can set the size you want. Remember that the width of the blog itself is rarely more than 1000 pixels wide. I recommend setting it to full.

Make sure that all your photos have a name in Latin letters before uploading to your blog, for example, moy-dom.jpg.

3.2. Categories

This menu is intended for creating categories. For example, you have a blog on culinary recipes. The headings could be:

  • Salads
  • Snacks
  • Beverages

Write your category in the title. In the label, write the name of the same category, but only in Latin letters. You can also write it in Cyrillic, but I recommend doing it as in the example.

Rubrics may have subcategories. For example, “Salads” may include the following subheadings: “Chicken salads”, “Simple salads”, “Salad recipes for the winter”, etc. Subcategories can be created in the “Parent” menu.

Write 2-3 sentences describing your section. State the essence. Be sure to make it unique. This means that you must come up with this description yourself, and not copy it. Once all the fields are filled in, you can click on the “Add new category” button.

3.3. Tags

Tags are needed to make a large website more user-friendly. If you do not plan to create a large portal with many categories and subcategories, then it is better not to use tags.

4. Media files

In this section you will find all the photos that have ever been uploaded to the blog. You can also add a new photo to your library. We practically won’t need this menu, since you can add a photo to your article in section 3.1.

5. Pages

Do not confuse this section with posts! Such pages are needed mainly for information. For example, on my blog there are separate pages about the author and about the blog. You can create a page with your organization's contacts or any other information.

Now you have a test page. Look at it, try to edit it and then delete it.

In this section you will see all the created pages. If you need to create a new one, then simply go to the “Add New” menu and use the editor, as in menu 3.1.


Here you can see all the comments made by your users. Comments can be disabled, approved and edited.

7. Appearance. Themes

By default, WordPress provides 3 themes. Their design is so-so and rarely anyone uses them. You can see all three topics in this menu. There are a large number of sites on the Internet that offer to download free templates.

I recommend installing themes from the official WordPress store. Firstly, they are free, and secondly, they do not contain malicious code or viruses. To install a new template, just click on “Add a new theme”.

You will be taken to a section where you can select the topic that you like. Hover over any template and see what it will look like. You can select a topic by filtering the characteristics you need. Once the selection is made, click on install and activate.

Don't be afraid to put different themes. It is very difficult to find one that you like the first time. You can always delete all unnecessary topics at any time.

Free templates also have their downsides. They are poorly optimized for search engines.

Or you can immediately buy an inexpensive template for your project, which will eliminate all technical errors. Install the theme, customize it once and use it.

If you have any questions about setting up the theme, the Russian-speaking support service will always help you free of charge. I recommend choosing from these three templates.

Also in this section you can always change your password and email.

10. Tools

You can safely skip this section, there is nothing interesting here yet. When adding new plugins, some of them will be located here.

11. Settings. Are common

For some reason the most important menu is at the very end. Before you start publishing articles and creating new pages, you need to make settings.

Write the name of your site. The description should be short and clear. It should contain the entire essence of your niche. You can skip the brief description. If you have something to write, then fill it out. You can write some slogan.

WordPress address and website address. Here you can specify how your blog will be displayed. For example, with or without www. https or http. This is a very important parameter, be sure to fill it out.

If you registered a domain and hosting in my opinion, then you must have a secure https protocol certificate. So, set the settings as in the picture. Select the date and time format that you need. We skip the “writing” menu.

11.1. Reading

11.2. Discussion

In this section you can configure your blacklist. If you see that someone is leaving spam comments for you, you can blacklist them. It is enough to add an IP address, which can be seen in the comments or create your own list of stop words.

For example, if you add the words: www, http://, download, free, then such comments will not undergo automatic moderation. You can safely skip media settings.

11.3. Permalinks

One of the most important WordPress settings is located here. This is the permalink setting. Check the “Custom” box and paste the following template there:


Yandex metrics

To find out how many people visit a blog, you need to install a special counter on it. This counter will show detailed information about the user. I recommend installing Yandex Metrica.

If you do not yet have mail from Yandex, then register it right now, it will take a few minutes.

Once you are inside, click on “Add Counter”.

Next, fill in: the name of the counter and the website address, check the “I accept the condition” checkbox, create a counter. Check the box for web viewer and click save. Below you will see the counter code that needs to be installed.

Copy it and go to the admin area of ​​your blog as shown in the image below.

Find in the right column and click on “Header (header.php)”. Paste the copied code into the free space. It's better to do it where it ends.

Click update file. Return to the list of counters by clicking on “Counters”.

After a few minutes, the counter will update and turn green. If this does not happen, log out of your account and log in again.

Ready! After some time, the counter will record all visitors to your blog. Click on the name and you will be taken to the main menu.

If you want to understand all the capabilities of this tool, then refer to the manual.


If you don’t know what robots.txt is and what it is needed for, you can read it in the Yandex help. In order not to suffer and not compile it yourself, you can simply download it.

Don’t forget to correct your site in the file by replacing and with yours. Also enter http or https. Now you need to upload it to your server in the root folder where your blog is installed.

If you use Beget hosting, which I recommend, then you can download this file as follows. Log in to your hosting and click “File Manager”.

Find the folder with your site and go into it by clicking 2 times. You should see this:

Go to this folder by clicking 2 times. You are now in the root folder of your site. Now click "Upload Files" and "Browse..."

Select the file and click on the "Upload" button. The file has been uploaded to the site.

Now you can check. Enter the following query in the search bar: replace with your site. Also consider the meaning of https or http.

Registering a Domain. Setting up Hosting. Let's install a blog!

Order hosting and buy a domain >>>


Now your blog is completely set up and ready to go. Start filling it with quality articles for people. Start to slowly understand SEO (search engine optimization).

As soon as your blog reaches 500 visitors per day, then buy a unique theme. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments below.

Best regards, Sergey Smirnov.

This is a common question that beginners ask. In this article, I will show you the top 10 most important things you should do immediately after installing WordPress.

1. Change the name, slogan, time zone, and Favicon

The first three steps can be combined into one because you can quickly make these changes in the WordPress admin panel.

To change these, go to settings in the toolbar and select Are common. Change both your site name and tagline to something that relates to your site.

Now scroll down the page to update your time zone. This functionality is important to show the most accurate date on your site, and it also helps with scheduling posts.

Towards the middle of the page you are on (in general settings), you will find the option to install to your zone. You can select a city that is in the same time zone as you live or is set to UTC. To find the correct UTC settings, you can search a site like to make sure you have selected the correct time zone.

Then we update the Favicon. This is a small icon that appears in your browser tab next to the site name that is important to the identity of your site. People often remember Internet resources by this icon.

2. Change the permalink structure

Unfortunately, the default permalink structure is a URL structure that search engines don't like. So it's necessary change it to something else.

We need to go back to Settings, and then select Permanent link from the menu. There you will find several different options for establishing a new structure. The best ones to use are either day and name or and memessages.

Select the one you prefer and then save your changes.

3. Setting reading parameters

You should also configure your reading settings.

Go to the reading option in the menu and decide whether you want your home page to show your latest posts or whether you want to use a static page. Make your selection and then save your changes. You can always change this later, so don't hesitate too much.

4. Removing unused themes

Most WordPress users will install and test several themes before deciding on the one to keep. Instead of leaving these unused themes installed, remove them. Themes, even those that are not used, will need to be updated.

Leaving them in place can create an unnecessary update chore. But not update, there will be a danger to your site security, as it may give hackers a loophole.

Luckily, deleting unwanted topics is not difficult at all. Just look for the menu item called Appearance, and then move on to topics. To delete this topic, you need to hover over it and select topic and information. After this, a window will open and the option to delete the topic will be available there.

5. Install the cache plugin

Why plugin cache? Because it can help speed up your website. Caching helps relieve the load on your server and make your site faster. This is great for SEO and also prevents your site from crashing under load.

I have WP Super Cache installed, which is a great cache plugin for WordPress. Simply install it and enable caching and you're one step closer to a faster site. There are other plugin options.

6. Improve WordPress Security

When it comes to your website, it's probably better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to read the following posts and take action.

7. Install an anti-spam plugin

Nobody likes spam.

Spam comments are a big problem for many WordPress site owners. Not only are they annoying, but they are also bad for SEO. To alleviate the problems, you should install an anti-spam plugin on your website. The most common is Akismet

Akismet – This Automattic plugin is a premium anti-spam plugin that does wonders. If you decide to use it on your site, then activate Akismet and receive an activation code. The free version is limited, but can be upgraded if you pay for it. It’s exactly what I have on my website, and I’m happy with it.

Antispam Bee – This is another great free plugin that helps block annoying spammers. Even though the Akismet plugin does better, this is still a great option.

Either way, make sure you use one of these.

8. Install SEO WordPress Plugin

SEO is an important part of any WordPress website, and not just WordPress. In order for your blog posts to get maximum results, you need to optimize them using an SEO plugin.While these types of plugins won't automatically boost your SEO, they will help you.

The best choice for many is the Platinum SEO Pack. This is an easy to use and configure plugin.

9. Optimization through social sharing

First of all, does it really matter? Yes, absolutely! You don't have to wait for your website to get traffic, optimize it for social networks right away. The best and easiest way to optimize your website for social media is to use a social plugin. But I wouldn't recommend doing this,because unnecessary plugins slow down site speed. It’s better to use the buttons from Yandex.

10. Start backing up regularly

Now that you've spent so much time customizing your WordPress settings, you don't want to lose them, do you? Well, in that case, you should create regular backups. Find out how to do this in the article

So, in All ten steps described above are vital for a WordPress site. Obviously, there are other things that some would like to do by installing WordPress, but these should be at the top of the list.

It is very important to put things in order in time so as not to have to fix it later.

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2014-12-19T14:26:18+00:00 Hope WordPress

Installing WordPress is the first step in creating a website. What do you do after installing WordPress? This is a common question that beginners ask. In this article, I will show you the top 10 most important things you should do immediately after installing WordPress. 1. Change the name, slogan, time zone, and favicon The first three steps can be combined...

Nadezhda Trofimova [email protected] Administrator Blog site

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In this video, we'll look at the optimal WordPress settings that will help you get more traffic, subscribers and comments, save server space and improve the loading time of your pages. By the end of this video, you will have step-by-step instructions on how to get the most out of your WordPress settings to unlock the full potential of your site. We are going to approach the issue very responsibly, so if you are ready, let's get started.


The main settings section in the WordPress control panel " Options>General» contains basic site settings and configuration, such as your site name, short description, and URL. Next is the administrator's email address, to which WordPress automatically sends notifications, for example, a notification about the registration of a new user.

Check whether you want your site to be open for registration, if so, then check the required role, which will be assigned by default to all registered users. For security reasons and to save time, I prefer to disable free registration and add users manually. If free registration is still needed for your project, then I would advise choosing the “Subscriber” option here, because this will allow users to read your blog posts, but they will not be able to create and edit posts themselves.

Next, select your time zone, the format in which the date, time, and day you want the new week to start will be displayed. Once all the necessary changes have been made, save them. The date and time format is especially important for delayed publication of posts; if you have the wrong time zone and time, then your scheduled posts will not be published at all when you want it.


Subsection " Options>Writing» contains settings for creating and editing new entries. For example, in the Formatting section, you can choose the option to display emoji as pictures and correct simple HTML errors.

Select the default category for new posts, which they will be assigned to if nothing else is selected, and the text formatting that will be applied by default. We have already discussed the “Publish” tab and its capabilities in previous video .

Publishing by email

In addition, you can use email to publish new blog entries. To do this, simply fill out all these fields, and in this case, WordPress will automatically check all new messages that come to this address. The subject of the letter containing the new entry is automatically transformed into the title, and the body of the letter into the body of the entry. It is very important that you keep this address secret from others, because... all letters sent to it will be automatically published as your blog entries. In order to make the address of this mailbox more difficult for spammers to calculate, WordPress offers its own options. To be safe, I wouldn't enable email publishing unless you REALLY need it.

Update services

Update services let you notify search engines and other content aggregators that you've published new material. Every time you publish a new article, WordPress automatically notifies search engines and update tracking sites using XML-RPC ping. This helps ensure that new publications on your website are indexed much faster and, as a result, appear faster in search engines. In the case of update services, the principle “the more the better” does not apply, and therefore it makes no sense to “pour” several hundred positions into the list of update services - you will only increase the load on your server. Here is a list of the main update services that make sense to ping:



Speaking about the subsection " Options>Reading“Only a few important details can be noted. For example, here you can select whether you would like your site's home page to display the latest posts, or display a static page instead. In the drop-down list, you can choose which page to consider as your home page, after which you can select another page to display the latest posts of your blog. This feature is quite important if you are using a WordPress site for business, because in this case it is much better to place descriptive text that reflects the direction and information about your business, rather than just your blog posts.

Also in this subsection, you can mark the desired number of entries displayed on one page, as well as how many entries should be displayed in the RSS feed. I would recommend limiting the number of entries to 5-10 so as not to increase loading time. In addition, if you wish, you can check the function that allows you to display entire entries in the RSS feed, or just the announcement. Partial display means displaying a summary or first sentences and linking to the entry to access the full text. Since there are many autoblogs and content aggregator sites online that republish content from RSS feeds, I prefer to display announcements in the RSS feed so that my articles do not appear entirely on other sites. Of course, this won't stop copy-pasters who can copy your content manually, but it will complicate the process of automated content theft by not-so-smart robots.

Finally, you can choose whether you want your site to be visible to search engines such as Yandex, Google, Bing and others. If you want to receive visitors from search engines, then uncheck this box.


We already talked about the “Discussion” subsection in one of the previous videos, so if you want to see the optimal configuration of discussion parameters to minimize spam comments and maximize impact, click on this video.


Now let's move on to the “Media Files” subsection. Every time you upload a large photo to the server, WordPress automatically creates 3 versions of such an image - a thumbnail, standard and large sizes of this file, as well as a full-size image. In the Media section, you can choose the maximum sizes (in pixels) that will be used to create these versions of the files you upload. To save server space, it doesn't make sense to upload high-resolution images of several thousand pixels if the maximum size you plan to use is only 600 pixels. See for yourself - in most cases, the width of the site is 960 pixels, and the width of the area for publishing posts is about 600-640 pixels, the numbers may vary depending on the theme used. But in general, it doesn't make sense to set a width of 1500 pixels for a large version of an image if the maximum width of your site is only 960 pixels. As a last resort, if you need a high-resolution image, there is always a full-size version of the image. Therefore, to save server space and minimize page load time, I recommend using the following sizes:

  • miniature – 150*150
  • average size – 300*300
  • large size – 630*630

Depending on the theme you are using, you may need to adjust the dimensions shown. I would also recommend activating the function of sorting by folders, depending on the month and year of downloading, this will greatly simplify the search for the images you need.


Now let's move on to discussing permalink settings. This topic may seem quite complex, but permalinks simply define the format of the URL or web addresses for your pages and blogs. By default, WordPress uses links with question marks and numbers. This is not very convenient, because... such a page address does not tell the user anything. I prefer to use the post title as the permalink. This address is much more informative for the user and attracts more clicks in search results. Plus, if a keyword from a user’s request is present in the address of your page, then it will be highlighted in bold in the search results, which puts additional emphasis on your page.

Since in most cases the domain name consists of Latin letters, to ensure that the addresses of your pages also use Latin letters by default, install the “Cyr-To-Lat” plugin. It automatically converts Cyrillic characters to Latin ones. Prefix values ​​for categories and tags are usually defined by default, but you can experiment with changing them and then see how changing the values ​​affects the URLs for category and tag archive pages. Typically the prefix for category URLs is “category”, and for tags “tag”, if you wish, in order to shorten the URLs for category and tag URLs, you can replace the default values ​​with your own.

Well, we've looked at the basic WordPress settings that will allow you to optimally configure your blog. If you want to independently optimize your blog for promotion in search engines in 30 minutes, then you can watch this video , I am sure you will like it and will increase the number of visitors from search engines. As updates and changes become available, I will create new training videos, so subscribe to updates.

Good luck with your site!

If you have problems viewing it, you can watch video « WordPress lessons for beginners - first steps after installation (Optimal Settings)" on YouTube.

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